Lakefront rentals you'll never forget

Trade the ocean for the slosh of sweet water. Trade the coastal villa for somewhere wedged into the wooded peaks and pine forests. That's what lakefront rentals are all about. They take you to destinations where you can sail and fish, wild swim and hike the days away. From the glimmering waters of Lake Tahoe to the lake vacation rentals that fringe the Finger Lakes in New York, there are all sorts to consider… Want more ideas? Here is our selection of the best places to visit every month this year.

Waterfront Michigan getaways with Torch Lake rentals


  • Waterfront Michigan getaways with Torch Lake rentals

    US Lakes

    Waterfront Michigan getaways with Torch Lake rentals

    Vacation rentals in Torch Lake, MI, dot the shoreline of this crystal blue body of water in the northwestern corner of lower Michigan. Come here for the wakeboarding and boat rides, or to simply laze around and soak up the sun. Torch Lake rentals will get you close to all that and so much more….

  • Find your perfect Texas vacation rental on the water

    US Lakes

    Find your perfect Texas vacation rental on the water

    While you’d be forgiven for thinking of cowboys, BBQ grills, and steamy temperatures when you hear mention of Texas, you’d be doing the Lone Star State a disservice if you thought its appeal ends there. Texas vacation destinations include the likes of Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio, but it’s the state’s breathtaking countryside and big,…

  • A guide to South Lake Tahoe Vacation Rentals

    US Lakes

    A guide to South Lake Tahoe Vacation Rentals

    Nestled along shores of one of the US’s most beloved destinations, South Lake Tahoe packs a punch with its access to snowy slopes by winter, action-packed water sports by summer, and plenty of pampering and R&R all year long. It’s the perfect spot to settle into South Lake Tahoe vacation rentals for a family getaway…

  • Discover vacation rentals at Smith Mountain Lake

    US Lakes

    Discover vacation rentals at Smith Mountain Lake

    The Old Dominion is no stranger to a shimmering lake, though Smith Mountain Lake is one of the most popular of Virginia’s lakes, for sure. Nestled in the rugged Blue Ridge Mountains and counting 500 miles of shoreline among its highlights, the lake offers many ways to enjoy the water: sailing, houseboating, kayaking, and fishing…

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