Welcome to Vrbo

Get to know Vrbo, where families and friends travel better together.

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  • Helping you travel better together

    When you stay in a holiday home you enjoy all the comforts of home during your getaway – full kitchens, a laundry, pools, gardens and more. You also get more for less with more space, more privacy, more amenities and ultimately more value.

  • Vrbo is part of Expedia Group

    Vrbo is part of Expedia Group and has grown into a global holiday home community of travellers and homeowners since its launch in 1995. Discover unique properties to share with your family and friends in 190 countries around the world.

  • We believe in connection

    The world needs togetherness now more than ever. People are increasingly forced to choose work over life, screen time over family time. We could all use more connection with the people we love. That's why we believe in helping families and friends travel together.

A better way to plan with your family and friends

Trip Boards help you plan the perfect trip together with no email chains or multiple group chats required! Click the ❤️ to save homes. Share them with your family and friends and vote to find a place everyone will love.

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Your holiday is safe with us

From booking to staying, the whole process is easy and enjoyable. You can also rely on our commitment to you by having access to secure payments, outstanding customer service, 24/7 support, and our Book with Confidence Guarantee.