Koko loma-asunto·Yksityinen majoittaja

Absoluuttinen rannalla sijaitseva mökki yksityisellä suolaisen veden uima-altaalla Savusavu-lahdella

Majoituspaikan Absoluuttinen rannalla sijaitseva mökki yksityisellä suolaisen veden uima-altaalla Savusavu-lahdella valokuvagalleria




Poikkeuksellisen hyvä

1 makuuhuone1 kylpyhuone2 henkilöä111.5 m²

Suositut palvelut/mukavuudet

  • Pyykinpesukone
  • Näkymä rannalle
    Näkymä rannalleNäkymä rannalle
  • Uima-allas
  • Grilli
  • Keittiö
  • Ilmastointi


4:00 PM


11:00 AM

Tutustu alueeseen

  • Suosittu kohdeVuadomo Waterfall5 min ajomatka
  • Suosittu kohdeCopra Shed Marina (venesatama)12 min ajomatka
  • Suosittu kohdeKokoMana Cocoa & Chocolate16 min ajomatka

Oleellisimmat arvostelut

Huoneet ja sängyt

1 makuuhuone (2 vuodepaikkaa)

Makuuhuone 1

1 suuri parisänky

1 kylpyhuone

Kylpyhuone 1

Kylpyamme tai suihku · WC

Kylpyhuone 2



Terassi tai patio
Kuisti tai lanai

Tietoja majoituspaikasta

Absoluuttinen rannalla sijaitseva mökki yksityisellä suolaisen veden uima-altaalla Savusavu-lahdella

Sijainti, sijainti, sijainti !! Kuvittele, että rentoudut kauniilla yksinäisellä mailin päässä olevalla rannalla itsellesi! Olemme Absoluuttinen rantahotelli (ei kiireisen, meluisen tien tai mäen yläpuolella.)

Uusi loma-bungalow-mökki, jolla on suuri yksityinen suolaisen veden uima-allas, sijaitsee kauniissa Sekawa Beach Estatessa, pienessä puistomaisessa kiinteistössä, joka on piilotettu puolen mailin päässä päätieltä ja sijoitettu mailin pituisen syrjäisen rannan viereen viehättävän Savusavu -lahden pohjoisrannalla. Fidžin toiseksi suurin ja käytännössä paljastumaton saari Vanua Levu. Ota askel taaksepäin ajassa ja löydä ”piilotetun paratiisin” trooppinen kauneus ja rauha, jota useimmat kävijät eivät koskaan näe!

Herää trooppisten lintujen kuorolle ja lempeille aalloille, jotka huijaavat vain muutaman askeleen bungalow-mökistäsi. Katsele sängystäsi kauniin Savusavu -lahden rauhallisille vesille tai kävele varhain aamulla pitkää jauhemaista pehmeää hiekkarantaa metsästämään mielenkiintoisia kuoria.

Nauti virkistävästä sukeltamisesta suuressa 11 'X 21'-suolavesiallasssasi tai matalissa lämpimissä vesissä edessä Savusavu-lahdella. Kävele rauhallisesti läpi kauniisti maisemoitujen trooppisten puutarhoidemme ja liljalammien läpi ja vakoile Fidžin värikkäimpiä lintuja, kuten Collared Lory, Fiji Parrotfinch ja Fidžin harvinainen Orange Dove. Snorkkeli värikkäissä koralliriutoissa, jotka ovat täynnä trooppisia kaloja aivan merellä Savusavu-lahdella tai kajakkiin läheiselle Nasekawa-joelle, kelluvaan neitsyt viidakon ja pienten kotoperäisten siirtokuntien yli. Loppupäivän voi viettää rentoutumalla suurella verannalla tai rentoutumalla ylisuuri rakastajamme riippumatossa kämmenten alla, kun lempeät tuulet vievät sinut täydelliseen rentoutumiseen. Nauti rentouttavasta hieronnasta, joka annetaan rannan vieressä, vain taustalla ovat vain aaltojen ja lintujen äänet. Ota nukkumaan, lue kirja tai vain katsele pilvien ajelehtimista.

Tee niin paljon tai vähän kuin haluat! Perinteinen fidžilainen "buremme" on täydellinen paikka lopettaa jokainen päivä "onnellisella tunnilla", joka vietetään katsellen vaikuttavaa auringonlaskua, jota ympäröivät pyöreät vulkaaniset huiput, kun Savusavu-valot vilkkuvat lahden poikki ja eteläinen risti nousee selkeässä tähtitaivaassa taivas.

Kanssamme pysyminen tarjoaa sinulle harvinaisen tilaisuuden tavata henkilökohtaisesti ystävälliset fidžiläiset kyläläiset, jotka usein tulevat rannalle kalastamaan päivittäistä saaliitaan. Se on todella ikimuistoinen nähtävyys katsomassa ryhmää naisia, jotka kalaavat suurilla verkoillaan tai kelluvat bambu ”bilibili” -lautalla, aivan kuten heidän esivanhempansa ovat tehneet satojen vuosien ajan. Naiset näyttävät mielellään, kuinka ne kutoa korin, hatun tai tuulettimen kämmenkuoresta.

Nauti rauhasta ja hiljaisuudesta! Bungalowmökki on kaupungin vallassa, joten ei ole jatkuvaa generaattorihölynpölyä. Meillä on kuitenkin generaattori varmuuskopio, jos virta sammuu hetkeksi.

Jos ideasi täydellisestä lomasta on "viihdyttää toisiamme" eikä "viihdyttää", rentouttava Tropic Splendorin rannalla sijaitseva mökki on ihanteellinen paikka nauttia Fidži-lomastasi!

Meillä on täydet lisenssit Fiji-hotellien lisensointilautakunnassa sekä Fidži-saarten hotelli- ja matkailuyhdistyksen ja Savusavu-turismiliiton jäsenillä.

Palvelut: Kaunis rannalla sijaitseva mökki, jossa on 600 neliöjalkaa sisätilaa ja 600 neliöjalkaa tilava veranta on täysin omavarainen. Kiillotetut natiivi kovapuulattiat ja luonnonpuun sisustus on sisustettu paikallisten käsityöläisten tekemillä aidoilla natiivi-fidilaisilla käsityöillä.
** Mukana mukava king-size-vuode, laadukkaat liinavaatteet ja kaakeloitu kylpyhuone hiustenkuivaajalla, lämmitetty pyyheteline ja suihku.

** Täysikokoinen gourmet-keittiö, jossa kaikki modernit laitteet, kuten kahvinkeitin, tehosekoitin, riisikeitin, leivänpaahdin, mikroaaltouuni ja astianpesukone. Sekä Fiji 240 vac / 50 Hz: n että US 110 vac / 50 Hz pistorasiat jokaisessa huoneessa.

** Aulassa on mukavat huonekalut sekä väritelevisio, DVD-soitin ja radio.

** Langaton internet

** Laaja lukukirjasto, monia lautapelejä ja pulmia.

** Ilmastointi sekä suojatut ikkunat ja kattotuulettimet tarjoavat tuoreen ilmanvaihdon kaikkialla.

** Ilmaiset pesulapalvelut saatavilla paikan päällä.

** Ylisuuret 'ystävien' riippumatot rentoutuakseen.

** Ilmainen kuljetus Savusavun lentokentälle ja sieltä.


** Meripeninkulman pitkä jauhemainen pehmeä hiekkaranta lämpimillä vesillä erinomainen uima-, rantayhdistelmä- ja juoksemiseen.

** Merikajakkien ilmainen käyttö

** Maailmanluokan snorklausta, sukellusta ja 4 päivän PADI-sertifiointikursseja on saatavana useiden paikallisten myyjien kautta.

** Kylävierailut, viidakon kävelyretket ja vesiputousretket Fidžian oppaiden kanssa ovat saatavilla pientä maksua vastaan.

** Perinteinen fidžilainen meke-laulu / tanssiohjelma, jota suorittavat läheisen Fidžian kylän lapset, on saatavana pientä lahjoitusta varten.


Avisake and Alessandro

Puhutut kielet

Englanti, ranska, italia ja espanja

Suojaa maksusi − varaa aina Vrbossa

Jos joku pyytää sinua tekemään varauksen hänen kauttaan tai maksamaan varauksen suoraan hänelle ennen kuin teet varauksen Vrbossa, ilmoita siitä.


Ilmainen Wi-Fi

Talon säännöt

Sisäänkirjautuminen klo 16.00 jälkeen
Uloskirjautuminen ennen klo 11.00


Vain aikuisille


Tapahtumien järjestäminen ei ole sallittua


Lemmikkejä ei sallita


Tupakointi sallittu: määrätyillä alueilla
Smoking is allowed out of the cottage.

Tärkeää tietoa

Hyvä tietää

Tätä majoituspaikkaa hallinnoi yksityinen majoittaja (eli taho, joka ei toimi kaupankäynti-, ammatinharjoittamis- tai liiketoimintatarkoituksissa). EU:n kuluttajansuojalaki, mukaan lukien peruutusoikeus, ei koske tätä varausta. Yksityisen majoittajan määrittämä peruutuskäytäntö koskee varaustasi.
Lisähenkilöistä saatetaan veloittaa maksu, joka vaihtelee majoituspaikoittain
Sisäänkirjautumisen yhteydessä saatetaan vaatia virallinen kuvallinen henkilöllisyystodistus sekä pankki- tai luottokortti tai käteisellä maksettava takuumaksu mahdollisten lisämaksujen varalta.
Erityispyyntöjen toteutuminen riippuu saatavuudesta sisäänkirjautumishetkellä, ja niistä saatetaan veloittaa lisämaksuja. Erityispyyntöjen toteutumista ei voida taata.
Juhlien tai ryhmätapahtumien järjestäminen on kielletty majoituspaikassa
Majoittaja ei ole ilmoittanut, onko majoituspaikassa häkävaroitinta. Harkitse kannettavan häkävaroittimen tuomista matkallesi.
Majoittaja ei ole ilmoittanut, onko majoituspaikassa palovaroitinta
Tämän majoituspaikan turvaominaisuuksiin kuuluu palosammutin


Autoa ei tarvita tähän majoituspaikkaan pääsemiseksi

Tietoja alueesta


Tämä mökki sijaitsee rannalla. Vuadomo Waterfall ja Waisali Rainforest Reserve ovat hyviä kohteita alueen luonnosta kiinnostuneille, ja alueen mielenkiintoisiin kohteisiin kuuluvat KokoMana Cocoa & Chocolate ja Flora Tropica Botanical Gardens. Tutustu alueen villieläimiin villieläinten bongaukseen keskittyvillä kävelyretkillä ja lintujen bongausmahdollisuuksien ansiosta.


  • Vuadomo Waterfall - 5 min ajomatka
  • Savusavun maanviljelijöiden markkinat - 11 min ajomatka
  • Copra Shed Marina (venesatama) - 12 min ajomatka
  • KokoMana Cocoa & Chocolate - 16 min ajomatka
  • Flora Tropica Botanical Gardens - 17 min ajomatka


  • Savusavu (SVU) – 14 minuutin ajomatka


  • ‪All Decked Out - ‬11 min ajomatka
  • ‪Surf N Turf - ‬11 min ajomatka
  • ‪Savusavu Wok - ‬12 min ajomatka
  • ‪Taste Of Hidden Paradise - ‬12 min ajomatka
  • ‪Savusavu Chinese Restaurant - ‬12 min ajomatka

Usein kysytyt kysymykset

Onko majoituspaikassa Absoluuttinen rannalla sijaitseva mökki yksityisellä suolaisen veden uima-altaalla Savusavu-lahdella uima-allas?

Kyllä, tässä majoituspaikassa on uima-allas.

Onko Absoluuttinen rannalla sijaitseva mökki yksityisellä suolaisen veden uima-altaalla Savusavu-lahdella lemmikkiystävällinen?

Ei, tämä majoituspaikka ei salli lemmikkejä.

Mihin aikaan majoituspaikan Absoluuttinen rannalla sijaitseva mökki yksityisellä suolaisen veden uima-altaalla Savusavu-lahdella sisäänkirjautuminen on?

Sisäänkirjautuminen alkaa klo 16.00.

Mihin aikaan majoituspaikan Absoluuttinen rannalla sijaitseva mökki yksityisellä suolaisen veden uima-altaalla Savusavu-lahdella uloskirjautuminen on?

Uloskirjautuminen tapahtuu klo 11.00.

Missä Absoluuttinen rannalla sijaitseva mökki yksityisellä suolaisen veden uima-altaalla Savusavu-lahdella sijaitsee?

Vuadomo Waterfall, Copra Shed Marina (venesatama) ja Savusavun maanviljelijöiden markkinat sijaitsevat 15 kilometrin päässä tästä rannan tuntumassa olevasta mökistä. KokoMana Cocoa & Chocolate ja Flora Tropica Botanical Gardens ovat myös 20 kilometrin päässä.



Poikkeuksellisen hyvä

Arvostelut näytetään kronologisessa järjestyksessä, ja ne on moderoitu. Arvostelut on tarkistettu, ellei toisin ilmoiteta.
LisätietojaAvautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Arvosana 10 - Loistava. 60 kautta 60 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 8 - Hyvä. 0 kautta 60 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 6 - OK. 0 kautta 60 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 4 - Huono. 0 kautta 60 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 2 - Hirveä. 0 kautta 60 arvostelua" "






Majoituspaikan kunto ja tilat








Listauksen paikkansapitävyys


10/10 Loistava

Charlene B.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Spectacular Vacation in Fiji!!
We ABSOLUTELY loved our stay at this property. Alex and Avi were incredible hosts who made us feel like part of their family. Getting to know them, and their two sons, Ethan and Axel was fantastic. Alex was so accommodating and helped us with all of our needs. If quiet, relaxation, and privacy are what you are looking for, this is the place for you. The gardens are stunning, and the cottage is very comfortable, and stocked with everything you might need. Walking the beach was a highlight of each day. The sand was so soft and you will rarely see other people. The pool was great as well. The amenities of the property are exceptional. You can be as busy as you want to be, or rest and take it easy. Alex took us on a private snorkel tour that was absolutely amazing. It really was a day that is engraved on our souls. We hope to return one day soon!
Yöpyi 9 yötä heinäkuussa 2024

10/10 Loistava

Susan T.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Total relaxation
Exceeds description on line. Well appointed bure right on the beach with a pool. Host family are so gracious and welcoming
Yöpyi 4 yötä kesäkuussa 2024

10/10 Loistava

Rachel B.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Great time in paradise
Very beautiful well keep property. Alex and Avi are wonderful host and very helpful. This place is a ways a way from Savusavu, but it was nice to get away from busy life and just relax. We love hearing the waves of the ocean and the birds sing. There is also plenty of water activities such as snorkeling, coning and fishing. We would love to come back someday.
Yöpyi 5 yötä kesäkuussa 2024

10/10 Loistava

Scott F.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Fantastic Holiday
Alex and Avi were wonderful hosts, from allowing early check-in to offering trips into the Bay on their boat. I had plenty of space to read and relax in the guesthouse, with Savusavu’s main street an easy 20 minute taxi ride away (they have a driver they use who they can call on your behalf). I had free use of sea kayaks, and I paid Alex to take me on a snorkeling trip near a sand bar. I recommend booking here!
Yöpyi 5 yötä huhtikuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

mike D.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
A little slice of heaven
My husband and I stayed here for 15 days. Alex And avi were absolutely perfect host and a little bonus with their two boys. Everything that was stated on their website was there and more. The property was beautiful, well manicured, ponds and tropical flowers and trees. There’s also kayaks there available for the guests we took a vantage of them we went out, snorkeling and kayaking on the coast. We got massages in the Palapa by an amazing local lady. Alex took us out for a snorkeling trip on his boat to Sand Island. It was so much fun. Definitely recommend it. The pool was a wonderful feature to have. We enjoyed it in the afternoons almost daily. The beaches in front of the property are amazing. We walk them every morning and evening. Lots of shells. We did a dive trip with Alex and he videoed us and sent us a beautiful video of it. We really appreciated it so much. Thank you Rossi family for making us feel so welcome. We will definitely be back. We feel that we left with new friends.
Yöpyi 15 yötä elokuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Kristen H.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Peaceful location
Avi and Akex are great hosts and we enjoyed chatting with them and their lovely boys. We are divers and absolutely fell in love with nimena, natewa, and rainbow reef. We like to cook for ourselves AND HAVE A PEACEFUL Place to return. Tropical Splendor was really beautiful and the evening beach walks with hundreds of bats emerging to forage is splendid. We were unfortunate with the weather as it rained almost everyday except 3 of the 21 days we were there. The drive to diveboats was 30 mins to 1 hour... over really bad roads. For this reason divers be aware, you are not on location. In addition, the internet is terrible, so do not plan to work from vacation if you need internet. In addition, the dishwasher does not work. However the beauty, peacefulness, and responsiveness of avi and alex still earned my 5 stars overall. Be happy and relaxed in this beautiful place. Sit everywhere on the property and have a proper good time!!
Yöpyi 23 yötä heinäkuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Penelope C., Christchurch

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
The property was very clean. Bed was large and very comfortable. Our hosts were great. We hate to be negative but.... Internet was intermittent at best, and we had a business to deal with. This was a daily frustration. We found the property very dark inside and as we read a lot this was a big negative for us. Not a sharp knife to be found which made cooking difficult. Our second week on Savu Savu at another equivalent place was less than half the price and better in many ways. There was no pool but many other extras including excellent internet and laundry and cleaning service available. So although lovely hosts not good value for money.
Yöpyi 7 yötä heinäkuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Michelle B.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Tropical getaway
Nice, fully self contained cottage set a few steps from the beach amongst tropical gardens and Lilly ponds. The area is peacefull, and we enjoyed having the sandy beach virtually to ourselves. We snorkelled down the eastern end amongst coral and fish. The hosts were friendly and welcoming; Alex is involved in coral restoration, and can take guests out to see this and to other outer reef snorkeling sites for a fee. Thanks for a lovely stay. Michelle & Geoff (New Zealand)
Yöpyi 5 yötä kesäkuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava


Hyvää: Siisteys, palvelut/mukavuudet, majoituspaikan kunto ja tilat ja viestiminen
We were celebrating a very special occasion. We wanted a beautiful, unique, memorable vacation to celebrate it. We got one. Thank you Alex & Avi for making your beautiful cottage available to us, and for your hospitality. We simply can't say enough good things about our stay. Want the sound of the waves to lull you to sleep every night? You'll get it here. Want to sit on the huge roofed porch and watch a tropic storm go by? Check. Stargazing on the beach...you got it. It's gorgeous, very quiet, very private, and extremely relaxing. Town is a shortish taxi ride away when you need to go in, but you're in another world at the cottage. If you're looking for something other than the resort experience in Fiji, STAY HERE. You will not be disappointed. I would like to add that if you are at all into birds - even a casual interest - the area around the cottage is outstanding birdwatching. We saw a dozen or more species endemic to Fiji, including the orange dove!

10/10 Loistava

Mike W.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Beautiful getaway we LOVED it!
My wife and I recently had the pleasure of staying at a beautiful beachfront property in Savusavu, and we couldn't have been happier with our experience. From the moment we arrived, we were struck by the peaceful atmosphere and tranquility of the surroundings. The property was nestled in beautifully landscaped gardens that just oozed with tropical charm – it was incredibly relaxing to spend time wandering around and taking in the sights and sounds. Speaking of sounds, we absolutely loved hearing the waves at night. It was such a soothing soundtrack to drift off to sleep to! One of the best things about this property was that we essentially had the beach all to ourselves. We loved spending lazy afternoons lounging on the soft sand and soaking up the sun, all without any crowds or noise to disturb us.The interior of the property was just as impressive as the exterior – everything was clean, well-maintained, and incredibly comfortable. We appreciated the attention to detail in the décor and furnishings, and felt right at home from the moment we unpacked our bags. Of course, no review of this property would be complete without mentioning our wonderful hosts, Alex and Avi. They were warm, welcoming, and eager to make our stay as enjoyable as possible. We felt like we were staying with old friends, rather than strangers! Finally, we have to give a special shout-out to the boat and snorkeling trip to Alex's coral restoration site. It was truly a one-of-a experience.
Yöpyi 10 yötä toukokuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Gabriele B., San Luis Obispo, United States

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Honeymoon in SavuSavu, Fiji
My wife and I had the most amazing, magical, private honeymoon at the cottage of Alex and Avi. The tropical splendor cottage was beautiful, comfortable, and private. We enjoyed going to the local market in town to buy fresh fish and vegetables to bring back to cook at the cottage. The flat is very well decorated, cozy, and has everything you need to enjoy your stay. We really appreciated the A/C unit in the house because the weather in Fiji tends to get very hot and humid. The property and landscaping is very beautiful and well manicured. The beach in front of the cottage is gorgeous and private. My wife and I would walk down the beach for 45 minutes to an hour and not see one person. The internet inside the house is very spotty, so we would take our phones and laptop down to the beach where there is better reception when we needed to check messages, send email, etc. We really wanted a honeymoon where we could go somewhere that was private and spend our time alone together. We have two small children so this was our first real trip alone together. Alex was extremely friendly, helpful, and offered to take us out on his boat and a variety of excursions. He was also very kind and understanding that the two of us for the most part wanted to just hang out alone together. We really fell in love with Savusavu and the Fijian people and culture. We highly recommend the tropical splendor cottage. Alex and Avi are lovely people and have a beautiful family. Thank you!
Yöpyi 10 yötä huhtikuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Tamie B.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Didn’t get to go yet because of travel ban caused by Corona
I love the thought of going to this property as soon as we are able. The hosts have been very kind and good to communicate with, so when we can we will rebook.
Yöpyi 8 yötä maaliskuussa 2020

10/10 Loistava

ofa h.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
malo aupito from venice
not possible to write how beautiful (and how fortunate) we were to stay at avi & alex's home. it was beyond incredible... everything everyone writes in their reviews about this home is all true, especially the parts where they cannot speak enough to the tranquility, the peacefulness and the graciousness of the hosts avi & alex. my husband and i have been fortunate to travel many times (since we were little kids) to the south pacific having family and friends spread throughout... now, as adults (early 50's), besides visiting loved ones, we are always searching for a place of our "own" to stay that's more like we knew as kids, not a big resort, more away from the grid, where time moves slower, the pace more peaceful (we live in venice beach) a place more private, and it is SO lovely it makes your heart hurt to leave. this home, this place is our MOST favorite we've ever been to. it's the perfect respite to reset the soul. we hope to return next year for a longer visit & watch some sailing for certain : ) we cannot thank our hosts enough. to avi, alex and master sailer ethan and future sailer axel.. Malo Aupito & thank you !!! (and because i'm OCD and believe in writing a teeny bit on logistics.. just a few notes ... bring a few of your own shopping bags - SO helpful/vital to cut down on local shops, markets and their plastic bag usage, "chico" style is perfect, they're tiny, and whether supermarket, fresh veggies, or even fresh fish you can wash out and they dry so fast. bring a water bottle, avi/alex are genius and have access to Spring Water, they have SAFE BOTTLED spring water, we didn't buy one plastic water bottle during our stay. turkish style beach towels are light/fast dry for off beach/water getaways - the property provides plenty of linens but traditional towels are bulky/heavier to pack on adventure jaunts... i can never get my husband out of the water, wet towels follow him everywhere, so turkish towels are a must!! we hope you have a blast!!)
Yöpyi 4 yötä marraskuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Susan J.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
I’d give Tropical Splendor 6 out of 5 if possible
We have travelled a fair bit of this beautiful planet staying in a combination of short-term rentals and 5 star resorts. I’d choose Tropical Splendor over any of them any day. The tranquility of the estate, the artisan touches imbedded throughout the cottage and owners’ customer service is second to none. A typical day in this nature saturated peaceful refuge started with our morning coffee (French press provided) listening to the songs various birds shared followed by beach walks where we rarely saw another soul. Alex took us snorkelling three times and with his dive experience And local knowledge we were in the safest of hands. He is very involved in coral restoration and we were grateful he happily shared his knowledge. Avi’s endless smile and kind heart is a reprieve from the the business of the world. She is a quick message away for any questions and so happy to assist. On Saturday she welcomed us to join her at the local market to stock up on fresh veggies, lobster and fresh prawns. If you’re a foodie don’t miss out on the market. Back at Trooical Splendor you have everything you need to put together lovely meals to enjoy on the poolside wraparound deck. Following dinner we would head to the beach and soak in the sunsets. The cottage itself is built to a standard to which North Americans are accustomed. The photos quite simply do not do it justice at all. If you’re a bit of a clean weirdo like me just know even the nooks and crannies are clean. (Better than my own home dare I say!). I highly recommend Tropical Splendor. If it possible I’d give it 6 out if 5. In fact I’m Eternally grateful for the opportunity to have stayed here. Thank you Alex and Avi for all you do.
Yöpyi 8 yötä lokakuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Brian L.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Great property
Very nice owners, and a beautiful location.
Yöpyi 4 yötä syyskuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Lisa M.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Stunning, breathtaking views, pics don’t do it justice!
Avi and the kids extended us with a warm Fiji welcome and she was available for anything we needed. My friend and I LOVED THIS PLACE! It truly was a “tropical Splendor”. We swam and played in the waves every morning, paddle boarded, kayaked and walked daily as well. We kayaked up the river and it seemed as untouched as the time of dinosaurs and I half expected to see a brontosaurus grazing at the rivers edge! To top of off, we saw a double rainbow and it ended at the cove point. We kayaked to the spot and literally sat at the end of the rainbow...... this capped off our amazing week. I would highly recommend this house and Avi and Alex (who was out of town until the last 2 days). They , along with the groundskeepers and driver, never left us wanting for anything! The definition of 5 ⭐️!
Yöpyi 7 yötä syyskuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Stella C.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Heaven in Savusavu
The bungalow was absolutely fabulous and so comfortable. It had everything you would need and so much more. The beach, the views, and the grounds were fantastic. There was great communication with Avisake who was so sweet and considerate., Unfortunately power went out one afternoon which included the water but that was just a hitch. Would have loved to stay longer. The photos do not do the place justice. The only drawback is the distance to town but taxis are always available.
Yöpyi 4 yötä elokuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Karen S.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Absolute paradise! Avi and Alex are amazing hosts. Highly recommend!!
This property and its hosts exceeded our expectations in every way. It was the vacation of a lifetime and I would return in a heartbeat. Fiji is an incredible destination, but this VRBO was truly the icing on the cake. Absolutely perfect!
Yöpyi 7 yötä marraskuussa 2018

10/10 Loistava

Brett R.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Simply Paradise!
This is the perfect place to relax, exhale and leave any cares behind. Alex and Avi are the perfect hosts. The property is beautiful. The beach is amazing. We look forward to making another visit soon.
Yöpyi 5 yötä heinäkuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Al Z.

Amazing, awesome, wonderful week at Tropical Splendor
Our week at Tropical Splendor was a glimpse into the real Fiji in a perfect setting, with outstanding activities and wonderful hosts ,Avi and Alex. We would awake to sunshine streaming in, birds singing, colorful flowers, palms swaying, and waves gently crashing. Bananas, coconuts, and passion fruit were delivered by our hosts and grown in our yard. Kayaking on a mangrove lined River and snorkeling on a nearby reef with Alex were wonderful! A trip to a local tribal village arranged by our hosts was also a highlight. We also enjoyed a traditional lovo feast prepared by Avi and Rosie right in our yard including fish and lobster caught on our morning snorkeling trip. Beach walks on on lovely, secluded sandy beach with spectacular panoramic views are right on your doorstep. We also loved the pool....crystal clear and refreshing. The cottage was super clean with Fijian artifacts and well equipped kitchen.....great wi fi too. Alex and Avi were very helpful in all ways, easy and fun to be with, and always respectful of our privacy. We didn't have a car, but had a great taxi driver, Naren, who was ver much a tour guide and so proud of this area. We enjoyed our trips into Savusavu....nice grocery and places to eat. We highly recommend "Tropical Splendor" as the perfect place for an amazing Fiji experience with wonderful hosts? Al and Carol Ohio, USA
Yöpyi 8 yötä maaliskuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

John & Jolisa D.

Paradise found!
After many inquires and much research my wife and I decided to book this property for our 25th wedding anniversary for 12 nights. I can tell you now that there is nothing that I am going to be able to say or any other review you will read that does this place the justice that it deserves. Upon our arrival to Savusavu airport, Alex met us and took us to town for some groceries and then brought us to his property. We were absolutely blown away at how much more perfect it was than all of the pictures could show and reviews could say. This is 100% beachfront with one of the most beautiful and unspoiled beaches we have ever seen. The house itself is very well stocked and nicely decorated with all of the amenities that you will need for a perfect stay. The pool was a wonderful addition when we weren't spending time on the beach, in the ocean or on the lovers hammock. The property is an absolute wonder and we walked it many times just looking at the different plants, trees and flowers making it seem like you were in a nature park. Alex, Avi and their two boys are 4 of the nicest and most genuine people we have ever met in all of our travels. They were very helpful with any questions we had and very knowledgeable of the Fiji islands and the local customs with many suggestions for us to experience. We went to a local village and met the Chief, then got permission from her to hike up to a waterfall with several members of the village. After the hike we had a Kava ceremony with many members of the village and then spent some time at a local school talking with some teachers and students. I highly recommend doing this to anyone that comes here as it gives you a real taste of the Fijian people and their hospitality. Alex even took us out to do some snorkeling and showed us his coral farm. He also took us on an incredible kayak trip down the river that is close by, then back thru the mangroves to the ocean. Make sure you visit the market in Savusavu for your fresh veggies and seafood, then cross the street for all of your other needs at the stores. If you want to see the real Fiji in an unspoiled and local setting, you have to come here and see if for yourself. If you are unsure about a car, don't worry as they have a taxi driver that they use and he was very nice and excited to tell you anything about his island that you want to know. Please if you use him tell him "John Rambo" says hi! We are already planning our return trip and cannot wait!
Yöpyi 12 yötä syyskuussa 2018

10/10 Loistava

Emily C., Boulder, CO

An amazing opportunity for tranquility!
Just finished 2 weeks at this amazing place! The cottage is lovely, fully appointed, all of the amenities. Ideal for 1-2 people. Great wifi, plenty of books and movies. The grounds are beautiful with a park-like atmosphere filled with tropical plants. Fresh passion fruit, young coconut and bananas show up on your doorstep with regularity. The beach is pristine with only one or two other properties along the shore. If you are looking for a quiet place to get away from it all, this is definitely it! The cottage is about 15 km outside of Savusavu, so you should either rent a car or rely on the local taxis. The family that runs the place is amazing and generous. They would often include me if they were going to town or to the Saturday market. They also arranged trips to the local village for a kava ceremony and prepared a traditional love dinner for my last night. Alex is a dive instructor, so take you out snorkeling/diving on the home reef or arrange for other dive opportunities. This is the real Fiji, make no mistake. If you are in the area, don't miss the opportunity to stay here!
Yöpyi 13 yötä heinäkuussa 2018
Tämä arvostelu lähetettiin ennen vuotta 2018, eikä sitä ole tarkistettu.

10/10 Loistava

Coleen j.

Two weeks in Paradise!
We just spent two unforgettable weeks at the Tropic Splendor Cottage. Our hosts, Avi and Alex, were wonderful! They were very responsive before our trip as we were trying to coordinate our visit around a family emergency. They went above and beyond to try to accommodate our situation. Once we arrived they picked us up, took us to town to get some food, showed us their beautiful property, and made sure we were well supplied each day with fresh fruit, and even eggs from their chickens, on occasion! Alex offers scuba diving trips/scuba certification, snorkel trips, if desired. He took us out for a morning on paddle boards and kayaks, as well as, a day visiting a local village which included trying kava with the village chief, touring the village, and hiking up to a nearby beautiful waterfall. The cottage was beautifully decorated with Fiji artifacts and had everything we needed to cook for ourselves most evenings. It was well stocked with plenty of books to read which we appreciated. We spent most of our time enjoying the gorgeous mile long beach, swimming, running, and sunbathing. It is amazing how secluded it is! We rarely saw other tourists. Occasionally we saw the village women fishing with their nets which was fun. There are kayaks to take out and enjoy an early morning trip out along the coast. Beautiful! Since the cottage is a 15 minute drive from the nearest town with restaurants, stores, etc., you either need to rent a car or get a taxi. We opted to get a taxi when needed. Next time we go (and yes, there WILL be a next time) we will rent a car. Taxi fees were FJD 20.00, or $10.00 each way. All the staff who work on the property are so kind and helpful! Saras, who helps clean the cottage, made a fantastic meal of curry chicken with all the fixings for us and even sent us home with the recipe! Our last night there, Avi cooked a wonderful Fijian dinner which was a perfect way to finish our lovely stay. We highly recommend the Tropic Splendor Cottage and hope to return again. What an unforgettable time!
Yöpyi 14 yötä syyskuussa 2017
Tämä arvostelu lähetettiin ennen vuotta 2018, eikä sitä ole tarkistettu.

10/10 Loistava

Dave P.

Simply the best
We thoroughly enjoyed our stay in this beautiful location. Truly a tropical paradise with fantastic gardens and a quiet secluded beach, it was the ideal spot to unwind and enjoy quality time. The owners; Avi and Alessandro were welcoming and helpful yet at the same time ensured that we enjoyed our freedom and privacy in this very special place. We highly recommend this property and look forward to returning to this very special place in future. :- Dave & Sophia
Yöpyi 8 yötä elokuussa 2017
Tämä arvostelu lähetettiin ennen vuotta 2018, eikä sitä ole tarkistettu.

10/10 Loistava

Joanna W.

Wonderful place - plan to return.
The first thing to note is that Jeff and Susan and some of the staff are no longer at Tropic Splendour. That being said the cottage is still as lovely as ever, the gardens are something to be proud of, and the beach still beckons from only a few steps away with its gentle lapping waves and cool breezes. The new owners are a young family who were wonderful hosts and worked hard to make our stay as enjoyable as possible. As we were there for over a month, a traditional 'lovo' was prepared (a fijian specialty where meats, fish and veg are weaved into fresh leaves, placed onto hot coals, covered and left to cook through - absolutely delicious. The beach is soft brown sand, the water inviting, sometimes not clear as the river mouth is about a mile up beach, but out towards the reef is very clear. Still a beautiful place to swim, walk, or take advantage of the water toys available - kayaks, paddle boards, snorkel gear etc. Paddle to the left of the bay and near the shore reefs I saw turtles, schools of fish and lovely blue starfish. Alex can even give you PADI training in the bay,. You might find that you may need a car if you want to get around and explore. Avi and Alex can run you into town when they take their son Ethan to school at 8am, but it is $20 Fijian each way in a cab if they are not available. Its a bit far off the main road to make public transport viable, but it makes for a very relaxing holiday - no road, no traffic, just you and the beach - bliss. Sara came in and cooked one day a week (for a small fee and you supply the ingredients) Absolutely mouth watering - her roti is the best on the island! She also does the house cleaning a couple of times a week and is a pleasure to be with. All in all we loved the place and plan to return. Thanks Avi and Alex (and Ethan and Axel)
Yöpyi 39 yötä kesäkuussa 2017

Tietoa majoittajasta

Majoittaja: Avisake and Alessandro

Majoittajan profiilikuva
We are a young family. I am a Fijian and my husband is from Switzerland. We have two children Ethan and Axel. Before we bought the property we were sailing around Fiji and operating as a charter business. Thanks to the yacht we got to know this beautiful hidden paradise. We will make your stay an enjoyable and a memorable one!

Miksi majoittaja valitsi tämän majoituspaikan

Mikä tekee tästä majoituspaikasta ainutlaatuisen

With its beautiful scenery and secluded beach ideal for swimming and sea kayaking at any tide, Sekawa Beach is the perfect place to enjoy a quiet, peaceful beachfront holiday. Imagine waking up to the chatter of numerous birds first thing in the morning and the gentle waves lapping on the mile long beach perfect for strolling or running. It is truly a delight to meet the friendly Fijian villagers fishing off the beach and be invited back to the village for church or a school visit.


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