Koko loma-asunto

Cayman Sands: Eristäytynyt rantahuvila, jossa on uima-allas Atrium & Guest Cottage

Majoituspaikan Cayman Sands: Eristäytynyt rantahuvila, jossa on uima-allas Atrium & Guest Cottage valokuvagalleria

Yksityinen keittiö



Poikkeuksellisen hyvä

5 makuuhuonetta5 kylpyhuonetta14 henkilöä371.6 m²

Suositut palvelut/mukavuudet

  • Pyykinpesukone
  • Kuntosali
  • Uima-allas
  • Keittiö
  • Ilmastointi
  • Kuivausrumpu


3:00 PM


10:00 AM

Tutustu alueeseen

Grand Cayman, North Side
  • Suosittu kohdeBarefoot Beach4 min ajomatka
  • Suosittu kohdeKuningatar Elizabeth II:n kasvitieteellinen puisto8 min ajomatka
  • Suosittu kohdeGrand Cayman Blow Holes (suihkuaukot)11 min ajomatka
  • LentokenttäGeorge Town (GCM-Owen Robertsin kansainvälinen lentokenttä)37 min ajomatka

Huoneet ja sängyt

5 makuuhuonetta (14 vuodepaikkaa)

Makuuhuone 1

2 yhden hengen sänkyä

Makuuhuone 2

1 keskisuuri parisänky

Makuuhuone 3

2 kerrossänkyä (74–100 cm leveää)

Makuuhuone 4

1 suuri parisänky

Makuuhuone 5

1 keskisuuri parisänky

5 kylpyhuonetta

Kylpyhuone 1

Kylpyhuone 2

Kylpyamme tai suihku · WC

Kylpyhuone 3

Kylpyamme tai suihku · WC

Kylpyhuone 4

WC · Vain suihku

Kylpyhuone 5

WC · Vain suihku


Terassi tai patio
Kuisti tai lanai

Tietoja majoituspaikasta

Cayman Sands: Eristäytynyt rantahuvila, jossa on uima-allas Atrium & Guest Cottage

Cayman Sands on Oceanfront huvila Old Man Bayn pohjoisrannikolla. Tämä suosittu huvila on yksi vain 2-3 kodista, jotka tarjoavat rannalla sukellusta kuuluisalta Caymanin muurilta. Avoimen, yhden kerroksen suunnittelun ansiosta Cayman Sands tarjoaa asiakkailleen intiimisen kokemuksen yli 4000 neliömetrin asuintilasta sekä yhden makuuhuoneen vierasmökin.

Päärakennuksessa on 4 makuuhuoneen sviittiä (kuningas, kuningatar, 2 erillistä vuodetta ja 4 kerrossänkyä), joissa on oma kylpyamme, joka on kokonaan uusittu ja uusittu. Osapuolille, joissa on enemmän kuin 4 aikuista, 2 erillistä vuodetta voidaan muuttaa pyynnöstä kuninkaaksi. Molemmissa merenranta-sviiteissä on ranskalaiset ovet, jotka avautuvat turvatarkastusaltaalle ja aurinkoterassille. Cayman Sands oli suunnitellusti suunniteltu avautumaan viileisiin talvimaisiin, kun ilmastointi ei ole tarpeen.

Merenranta-makean veden allas on suojattu seulotulla atriumilla, joka pitää paikalliset villieläimet ja hyönteiset lahden pilaantumiselta. Valinnainen allaslämmitys on saatavilla talvikuukausina lisämaksusta. Uima-altaassa on sisustettu sohva ja ruokapöytä, joka sopii erinomaisesti illallis cocktaileille tai ulkona.

Suuren hiekkarannan näkymästä on kaksi talon siivet, merenranta-huvimaja ja kaksi riippumatot, jotka sopivat pitkään iltapäivään rentoutumalla kirjan kanssa tai vain nauttivat näkymistä.

Oceanfront holvattu suuri huone tulvii Villa luonnonvaloa ja upeat näkymät kautta 30 jalkaa liukulasiovi ovet. ��skettäin uusittu keittiö tarjoaa kaikki modernit laitteet, joita voit odottaa, sekä astiat, astiat ja ruokailuvälineet. Olohuoneessa on seinälle asennettu taulutelevisio, pehmeät sohvat ja vuodesohva vain pienille lapsille.

Vierasmökissä on queen-mestari-sviitti, jossa on minikeittiö, turvatarkastus kuisti ja toisen kerroksen parveke. Vierasmökkiä ei ole koskaan vuokrattu erikseen etuyhteydettömille asiakkaille loman aikana - se on siellä, jos tarvitset sitä.

Pienet määräpaikkahäät olivat tervetulleita.

* Huomautus: Silver Thatch-kajakkeja on saatavilla alennettuun vuokraan. Allekirjoitettu luopuminen ja 5 päivän vähimmäisvaatimus 6. ja 7. päivän ilmaiseksi: 39 dollaria päivässä kajakissa (195 dollaria viikossa / kukin). Mukana on myös lapat.

^ ^^ HUOMAUTUS: HomeAway / VRBO näyttää tällä hetkellä virheellisiä maksu- ja peruutusehtoja huviloiden vahvistussähköpostissa. Koska HA / VRBO työskentelee näiden ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi, maksu- ja peruutusehdot on esitetty alla. ^^^

*** Talletus- ja maksuaikataulu ***
- Jos varaus tehdään 60 päivää ennen saapumista, 50% talletus (vain vuokrasta) johtuu varauksen vahvistamisesta. Jäljelle jäävä 50% saldo ja verot ja maksut johtuvat 60 päivää ennen saapumista.

- 60 päivän kuluessa saapumisen yhteydessä koko saldo on maksettava vahvistaaksesi varauksesi.

- Jos peruutus tapahtuu 60 päivän ulkopuolella, puolet 50%: n talletuksesta palautetaan miinus 2. 50% luottokortin käsittelymaksu. Avataan sitten päivämäärät kalenterissa. Mahdolliset korvattavat päivämäärät palautetaan täysin luottokortin käsittelymaksuineen. Jos emme jätä varauksia uudelleen, jäljellä oleva talletus menetet����n.

- Jos peruutus tapahtuu 60 päivän kuluessa saapumisesta, kaikki verot ja vahingonkorvaukset palautetaan välittömästi. Avataan sitten päivämäärät kalenterissa. Kaikki päivämäärät, jotka voidaan korvata uudella varauksella, palautetaan sinulle vähennettynä luottokortin käsittelymaksulla. Mikäli päivämäärää ei vuokrata, jäljellä oleva erä menetetään, mutta vieras saa hyvityksen 50%: sta vuokrasta, joka on menetetty samanlaisen saman majoituksen yhteydessä samassa huvilassa 13 kuukauden kuluessa.

Suosittelemme ostamaan CSA-matkavakuutusta odottamattomien peruutusten, hätätilanteiden tai matkaviiveiden korvaamiseksi.

*** Arvostele tiedot ***
- 13% CI: n hallituksen käyttöasteista vero lisätään kaikkiin hintoihin
- 10% palvelumaksu lisätään kaikkiin hintoihin
- Omistaja vaatii 1000 dollarin palautettavan siivous- ja vahingonkorvauksen

*** Varausohjeet ***
- Vähintään 5 yön majoittuminen
- 7 yön vähimm��is yöpyminen ja täysi käyttöaste kiitospäivän, joulun ja uudenvuoden viikolla
- Vähintään 25 vuotta tai vanhempi vuokrata huvila ja pitää asua kotona koko oleskelun ajan

*** Silver Thatch Guest Services ***
Silver Thatch -jäsenet
- Keskitetty saaren Guest Services & Welcome Center
- Silver Thatchin kuntokeskuksen rajoittamaton käyttö (18+ vuotta)
- Business Center Access: tietokoneet, tulostin, skanneri ja & Fedex / DHL-tarvikkeet
- Henkilökohtainen Silver Thatch Guest -alennuskortti
- 100 dollaria alennusta kohti Silver Thatch -myrkkyä / snorkkeliä
- Ilmaisten snorkkulaitteiden käyttö
- Jacques Scott Wine & Spirits ennakkoon ja pidä sisäänkirjautumisen yhteydessä
- Viittaus suosituimpiin myyjiin, asiakaspalvelupalvelu

- Päivittäisen saapumisen vieraspalvelujen seuranta
- Ilmainen varhainen sisäänkirjautuminen, jos ei ole lähtöpäivää samana päivänä
- Gilchrist & Soamesin kylpytuotteet
- Päivittäistavaroiden ja juomien varastointi etukäteen (sovelletaan toimitusmaksua)
- Järjestä kokkeja, kokkeja, lastenhoitopalveluja ja perhe-valokuvausta
- 1500 dollaria onnettomuuden varalta
- Ilmainen pakkaus-n-näytelmiä, istuimia ja vauvaportteja
- Muita kajakkeja, jotka ovat saatavilla alennettuun vuokraan *

* Allekirjoitettu luopuminen ja 5 päiv��n vähimmäisvaatimus 6. ja 7. päivänä ilmaiseksi, lapat mukaan lukien: 39 dollaria päivässä kajakissa (195 dollaria viikossa / kukin).


Grand Cayman Villas & Condos

Puhutut kielet


Suojaa maksusi − varaa aina Vrbossa

Jos joku pyytää sinua tekemään varauksen hänen kauttaan tai maksamaan varauksen suoraan hänelle ennen kuin teet varauksen Vrbossa, ilmoita siitä.



Talon säännöt

Sisäänkirjautuminen klo 15.00 jälkeen
Vuokraajan alaikäraja: 25
Uloskirjautuminen ennen klo 10.00


Lapset sallitaan: 0–17-vuotiaat


Tapahtumien järjestäminen ei ole sallittua


Lemmikkejä ei sallita


Tupakointi ei ole sallittu
Our hospitality team will follow up after booking for your contact info & email address.
All guests must check-in at our Silver Thatch Welcome Center at 846 Frank Sound Road. Directions will be emailed to you 2 weeks prior to arrival.
A signed Rental Agreement is required after booking. Click on the Rental Agreement link below for details and our full cancellation policy.

Tärkeää tietoa

Hyvä tietää

Tätä majoituspaikkaa hallinnoi majoitusyritys. Se tarjoaa majoitusta kaupankäynti-, ammatinharjoittamis- tai liiketoimintatarkoituksissa.
Lisähenkilöistä saatetaan veloittaa maksu, joka vaihtelee majoituspaikoittain
Sisäänkirjautumisen yhteydessä saatetaan vaatia virallinen kuvallinen henkilöllisyystodistus sekä pankki- tai luottokortti tai käteisellä maksettava takuumaksu mahdollisten lisämaksujen varalta.
Erityispyyntöjen toteutuminen riippuu saatavuudesta sisäänkirjautumishetkellä, ja niistä saatetaan veloittaa lisämaksuja. Erityispyyntöjen toteutumista ei voida taata.
Juhlien tai ryhmätapahtumien järjestäminen on kielletty majoituspaikassa
Majoittaja ei ole ilmoittanut, onko majoituspaikassa häkävaroitinta. Harkitse kannettavan häkävaroittimen tuomista matkallesi.
Majoittaja on ilmoittanut, että majoituspaikassa on palovaroitin


Autoa suositellaan tähän majoituspaikkaan pääsemiseksi

Tietoja alueesta

North Side

Tämä loma-asunto sijaitsee rannalla. Babylon (sukelluskohde) ja Stingray City ovat hyviä kohteita, jos kaipaat aktiivisempaa lomaa, ja jos haluat tutustua alueen luontoon, lisää Mastic Trail North Trailhead (reitin alkupiste) ja Mastic Trail South Trailhead, reitin alkupiste listallesi. Täällä voit harrastaa laitesukellusta, snorklata ja ajaa moottoriveneellä, tai osallistua ulkoilma-aktiviteetteihin, joihin kuuluu ekokiertomatkat.
Grand Cayman, North Side


  • Grand Caymanin rannat - 2 min kävelymatka
  • Barefoot Beach - 4 min ajomatka
  • Kuningatar Elizabeth II:n kasvitieteellinen puisto - 8 min ajomatka
  • Grand Cayman Blow Holes (suihkuaukot) - 11 min ajomatka
  • Starfish Beach - 20 min ajomatka


  • George Town (GCM-Owen Robertsin kansainvälinen lentokenttä) – 37 minuutin ajomatka


  • ‪South Coast Bar & Grill - ‬8 min ajomatka
  • ‪The Itallian Kitchen - ‬8 min ajomatka
  • ‪Eastern Star Bar - ‬14 min ajomatka
  • ‪Tukka - ‬12 min ajomatka
  • ‪Over The Edge - ‬20 min kävelymatka

Usein kysytyt kysymykset

Onko majoituspaikassa Cayman Sands: Eristäytynyt rantahuvila, jossa on uima-allas Atrium & Guest Cottage uima-allas?

Kyllä, tässä majoituspaikassa on uima-allas.

Onko Cayman Sands: Eristäytynyt rantahuvila, jossa on uima-allas Atrium & Guest Cottage lemmikkiystävällinen?

Ei, tämä majoituspaikka ei salli lemmikkejä.

Mihin aikaan majoituspaikan Cayman Sands: Eristäytynyt rantahuvila, jossa on uima-allas Atrium & Guest Cottage sisäänkirjautuminen on?

Sisäänkirjautuminen alkaa klo 15.00.

Mihin aikaan majoituspaikan Cayman Sands: Eristäytynyt rantahuvila, jossa on uima-allas Atrium & Guest Cottage uloskirjautuminen on?

Uloskirjautuminen tapahtuu klo 10.00.

Missä Cayman Sands: Eristäytynyt rantahuvila, jossa on uima-allas Atrium & Guest Cottage sijaitsee?

Grand Caymanin rannat ja Babylon (sukelluskohde) ovat 10 minuutin kävelymatkan päässä tästä rannalla sijaitsevasta loma-asunnosta. Barefoot Beach ja Mastic Trail North Trailhead (reitin alkupiste) ovat myös 5 kilometrin päässä.



Poikkeuksellisen hyvä

Arvostelut näytetään kronologisessa järjestyksessä, ja ne on moderoitu. Arvostelut on tarkistettu, ellei toisin ilmoiteta.
LisätietojaAvautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Arvosana 10 - Loistava. 40 kautta 44 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 8 - Hyvä. 3 kautta 44 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 6 - OK. 1 kautta 44 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 4 - Huono. 0 kautta 44 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 2 - Hirveä. 0 kautta 44 arvostelua" "










Listauksen paikkansapitävyys


10/10 Loistava

Kaylene J., Cape Cod, MA

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Vacation in paradise at Cayman Sands
Our family of 13 ranging in age from almost 2 - 74 thoroughly enjoyed our stay. This was our first visit to Grand Cayman. Unfortunately, the weather was lousy for most of our week…cloudy and rainy…so the pool came in handy. The skies were cloudy, but we enjoyed walking the beach and collecting conch shells, and we ended days in the pool. Tanya at check in was fantastic. She gave us restaurant recommendations which were excellent. Be sure to try Tim’s, the Falls Steakhouse, Ave on 7 mile beach, and Macabucu Tiki Bar. We did the Dolphin Discovery, Cayman Crystal Caves, swam with turtles at the Turtle Center, did the Bioluminescent Bay tour out of Rum Point, and did the Stingray City with Captain Marvin’s. All were amazing. All in all this was a wonderful Christmas/New Year’s vacation with our family. Highly recommend came in sands. The property is beautiful. My daughter, son-in-law, and their baby really enjoyed having the guesthouse which gave them their own private space. 5 stars!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Yöpyi 7 yötä joulukuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Tarkistettu asiakas

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Huonoa: Viestiminen
Cayman Sands - Old Man Bay
We had a family of 7. Plenty of room! Great location! We were looking for something with less traffic/tourists, and we found everything we wanted here! Great location, and had easy access to the rest of the island! No complaints! 5 star experience throughout our stay!!
Yöpyi 7 yötä toukokuussa 2023

8/10 Hyvä

James R.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Best ever vacation
Completely satisfied! Beautiful beach beautiful house! The kids loved the swimming pool. We all loved the snorkeling experience. Had two or three bad experiences with Sea urchins, But we all learned fast. Would definitely like to come back in the future. Overall everyone was very happy. Plus there were many exciting things to experience on the island. Thank you very much for letting us stay in your beautiful beach house! The Ruders
Yöpyi 7 yötä helmikuussa 2020

10/10 Loistava


Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Fantastic place for 11 family member stay. Definitely would do again!
No problems or surprises. Quiet location. Excellent house. Great time. Helpful support when needed
Yöpyi 7 yötä joulukuussa 2019

8/10 Hyvä

Sandy M.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Huonoa: Viestiminen
Almost heaven
The property and house are beautiful and very well equipped. I do wish I had known ahead that one cannot swim in the ocean because of the reef as that was part of the attraction. We were also not prepared for the washed up debris on the beach though I realize it is not totally in your control. It is really shocking ! The property manager was never seen and did not respond to any requests. Had to go above her for help. I wanted some contact from her. All in all we really enjoyed our stay. The house was perfect for our occasion.
Yöpyi 7 yötä marraskuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Erika N.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Summer Vacation - 2 families
Overall it's a great property and given the size of the Cayman's there really is no inconvenient place to be. We were close to the management office for use of gym and booking excursions. We were also convenient to restaurants and the Kaibo Yacht club for diving and snorkeling. The drive across the island to the West side for activities was only 45 minutes so that wasn't bad either. Property was very clean and nice and very comfortable. The AC on one side of the house stopped working our second day, but the owner noticed before the management company and had it fixed the next day. We were very happy with the response. We are already looking into the possibility of returning to this very same location.
Yöpyi 9 yötä heinäkuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Mark V.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Amazing House!!!
Overall, this house was wonderful. If was very spacious and had very nice decor. The house was fully equipped with everything you need. Everything was clean and up to date. Beach is beautiful but a bit rocky getting into the water. Water shoes are a must. We we arrived, one of the A/C units was not working properly and after I called they had someone come out within an hours. These things are going to happen when you are in a house and I was very pleased with their responsiveness. We would definitely stay here again. Wonderful house and very responsive property manager.
Yöpyi 6 yötä kesäkuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Fred C.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Cayman Sands Home
We've stayed in several places in the Carribean and this home was clearly the best all around home we've stayed in. The rocky shore entry was a little difficult, but not much you can do about that. The sandy back yard and beach were super. At mid day there's no shade in the pool area. An umbrella would be a nice addition. The home layout, room size, ammenities, and all were perfect for our family which consisted of 7 adults, 2 teenagers, and a 6 1/2 year old. Would highly recommend the Cayman Sands.
Yöpyi 7 yötä kesäkuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Nancy N., Bayport, MN

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Beautiful property, perfect for large family
Our family of 13 (10 adults, 3 children) had a wonderful vacation while staying in this well appointed, comfortable home. We all had our own bedroom/bathroom giving everyone privacy and personal comfort. The setting is truly incredible!!! We enjoyed the large patio and pool area where we spent a great deal of time. The "tiny house" was also perfect for one of our couples. While staying in this home, we did venture out to Starfish Point, Rum Point, a few local restaurants and we made a day trip to 7-mile beach. There were several areas to snorkel right on and near the property. We all enjoyed every minute of our time in this beautiful home. Highly recommended.
Yöpyi 7 yötä toukokuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Dana M., Blair, NE

Family fun at Cayman Sands
Such a beautiful well appointed home in a great location! Plenty of space. Beach and pool were great for two families with eight children between us. When the waves were calm we could snorkel from the beach using water shoes. There were 2 4-person kayaks for use as well. The house had everything, comfy beds, plenty of towels, even coolers and an ice machine to pack a picnic lunch. Location is good to head north to Rum Point or back across the island to Georgetown and 7 Mile Beach. Lots of restaurants a short drive away. Would definitely stay here again if we get the chance to go back to the Caymans.
Yöpyi 6 yötä huhtikuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Jennifer S.

Great time in Grand Cayman
We traveled to Grand Cayman last week and stayed at Cayman Sands. If you are looking for a great house with a pool and secluded beach this house if for you. We traveled with another family of four (8 total) and the house sets up perfectly with two master suites and separate bedroom on each side of the house so we each family really had their own space with family room, kitchen, and pool in the middle. For larger groups the guest house would also give and additional family private space. The house is very well stocked and has everything that you need for cooking, pool, beach, as well as several coolers, snorkel gear, etc. I also wanted to mention that the management company was great to work with for the entire trip. Due to flights over spring break they worked with us to move our stay from Saturday to Sunday. We used the complementary work out room at Silver Thatch quite a few times and also booked charter boats through them. Overall, both family's had a great time and we will certainly return in the future.
Yöpyi 7 yötä maaliskuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava


being from Va Beach and the Outer Banks of NC I have been around a lot of rental properties and I have never seen a property so well supplied. Everything you could want or need on vacation was their from the little things like large coolers, small bag cooler, picnic basket, pool toys, ice maker, ETC,ETC. to large items like kayak's and snorkel gear. Meticulously maintained house and grounds with a superb and accommodating rental agent and property manager. Highly recommended. Will be back
Yöpyi 8 yötä helmikuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Lori A.

We chose the Cayman Sands house for our family of 11 including three under 5 years old. The 2nd week we had a group of 8 adult friends. This house was perfect for both groups. The enclosed pool area was a wonderful gathering space. We also had our yoga teacher conduct morning yoga in there. It also was a great space when the chef set up our beach bbq and after dinner s'mores. When we had questions, the house manager was quite responsive. We loved the restaurants nearby also! We had groceries and liquore delivered as well as some baby equipment. It was an amazing two weeks and we can't wait to return! We will definitely rent this house again! Thanks to Cayman Sands and all the people who had a hand in our fabulous trip.
Yöpyi 13 yötä marraskuussa 2018

10/10 Loistava

chad h.

The property was amazing.
The house was amazing and we enjoyed every minute. The owner was fantastic and made sure that if we needed anything, we were promptly taken care of. Couldn't ask for anything better. Definitely looking forward to coming back again.
Yöpyi 5 yötä marraskuussa 2018

10/10 Loistava

MaryAnn L.

2018 Family Vacation
This house was amazing! Had everything you could possibly need for a wonderful vacation away from home. Kayaks on the beach, life preservers, beach chairs, beach shoes, a hose for getting off the sand, beach towels, great screened-in pool set up. The kitchen had everything you could wish for to prepare meals for our family. They had a washer & dryer & an ice maker! Very considerate hosts. Can't say enough about how nice the house & cottage were. Perfect for our family of 10. Also, we were a little concerned that the location was far from the "action", but this proved to not be the case. Everything was easily reached. Oh, and the rental agency lent us coolers & swim fins for free!
Yöpyi 7 yötä heinäkuussa 2018

10/10 Loistava

Tracy R., Fayetteville, Arkansaa

Cayman Sands
Property was AWESOME! The house was equipped with everything needed for a great time except the people to enjoy. The snorkeling out from the house was phenomenal. I highly recommend this property for a quiet getaway. Very relaxing.
Yöpyi 7 yötä heinäkuussa 2018

6/10 OK

Chris W.

Amazing Home... Less than ideal beach
I can't overstate how nice the residence and amenities were. Great space for our 2 family, 8 person getaway. The furniture and amenities were spot on and perfect for our needs. The beach on the other hand, was not quite what we were expecting. The seaweed was heavy not only on the beach but in the water out several meters. A cleaning crew did arrive on our last day to clean the beach, but the next morning it was covered again. The snorkeling is great 50-100 meters off the shore, but the coral begins right at the water line and makes it difficult for smaller children to fight the waves, through the seaweed and over the rocks to get to water deep enough to swim. Overall, I would say that this is a great place to go for a quiet, relaxing and secluded retreat. Not ideal for young kids wanting to boogie board, build sand castles and swim off the shore.
Yöpyi 7 yötä kesäkuussa 2018

10/10 Loistava

Rodney M., Longmont, CO

This property is fantastic. Well stocked and large rooms. GREAT!
The Andersen, Matson & McWilliams' families just returned from our Cayman vacation. Here are the words everyone used to describe the time we had on Grand Cayman and at the Cayman Sands. AMAZING, AWESOME, SPECTACULAR and the BEST vacation ever. Our party consisted of 12 people ranging from 5-74 and we had more than enough room to spread out and enjoy all this house had to offer. The kitchen was fully stocked with more than enough to accommodate a family of this size. The only thing that would have been a great addition to the kitchen was a slow cooker/crock pot so that you could make your meal in the morning and then play all day and come back to a delicious hot meal ready to eat. Truthfully, this house exceeded our expectation in all ways...it truly was PERFECT! If you have a large family and want to enjoy the peaceful beauty of the North Shore on Grand Cayman then Cayman Sands is the place for you.
Yöpyi 7 yötä tammikuussa 2018
Tämä arvostelu lähetettiin ennen vuotta 2018, eikä sitä ole tarkistettu.

10/10 Loistava

Elizabeth F., Bentonville, Arkansas

This house was amazing. We had 13 people in our group. The ages ranged from 2-60. We all loved it. Plenty of room for everyone sleeping, eating , visiting and playing games.There is a pool that is screened in and that was a great place to relax. The house has its own private sandy beach. Some enjoyed sitting in the covered cabana area. You do need sturdy sandals or water shoes for there is lots of broken shells and coral. We did the stingray trip, bioluminescent kayak tour and had Lindsay come to the house for a yoga lesson. This part of the island is definitely quieter, but you still have some good restaurant choices as well as a couple of small grocery stores. The kitchen is well stocked so we did make dinner at the house a few times. Our favorite beach was Rum Point. It has free beach chairs, hammocks, an area for ordering food and drink , bathrooms and lots of shade. Our group loves the beach but we don’t last long if there is no shade. We actually got bumped from St. Thomas because of the hurricane, but we were not disappointed at all. We had a great vacation!
Yöpyi 7 yötä joulukuussa 2017
Tämä arvostelu lähetettiin ennen vuotta 2018, eikä sitä ole tarkistettu.

10/10 Loistava

Catherine D.

My parents had a condo on seven mile beach when we were young. This year my parents wanted to return to Grand Cayman. I researched for what seemed months and landed at Cayman Sands. My Dad has a very tough time getting around so it was important to have assistance bars in the bathroom and shower. Cayman Sands even has a dock/boardwalk to get out to the gazebo without having to walk on sand. He sat out there for hours watching the waves come in. It was fantastic to have all 11 of us all under the same roof (we did rent the guesthouse as well). Very clean and recently painted - lots of pool toys and kitchen has every utensil you would ever need! Best mattresses in a rental I have ever experienced as well as top notch linens and bedding. My kids missed school for two weeks to make this trip happen but the internet kept them working on their math facts while out. It was wonderful to be able to get my parents down to Cayman and have a home that they were comfortable in. Thank you to the owners for thinking about disabilities! It was a trip we will not forget and I hope to come back with my children again.
Yöpyi 14 yötä marraskuussa 2017
Tämä arvostelu lähetettiin ennen vuotta 2018, eikä sitä ole tarkistettu.

10/10 Loistava

Chuck V.

Loved Cayman Sands!
We've rented a fair number of houses in the Caribbean, and by far, Cayman Sands was the best. Great pool, awesome beach and the best equipped kitchen we've ever seen in a rental property. Maintenance on beach/ocean-front properties is always a challenge, but the house/property were impeccable. Layout of the house was perfect for our 2 families. Everyone had a great time. We did 3 shore dives from the beach - great reefs (Julie's wall and Babylon). The only thing I would change about the house is that the sheer curtains in the bedrooms let in a LOT of light (if one group stays up and hangs by the pool or in the living area or when the sun rises at 6 am). We hung some of our dark dive towels which helped, but black-out curtains would be a great addition.
Yöpyi 7 yötä elokuussa 2017
Tämä arvostelu lähetettiin ennen vuotta 2018, eikä sitä ole tarkistettu.

10/10 Loistava

Timothy H., Pinehurst

Remote Paradise
Took a family vacation with 11 adults and 3 children ranging in age from 2 to 82 years-old. Wonderful house with pool and private beach. It is located well off the beaten path. If you are looking for activities and night life in the city or on Seven Mile Beach then plan on taking a long drive. The house is located at least 45 minutes from the airport and busy shopping and dining areas. However, this house was perfect for our family. We saw a total of 8 people the entire week. Not 8 people on the beach but from the beach looking in all directions. The enclosed pool and sitting area, the tiled porch deck and the gazebo were wonderful for relaxing and gathering. There were pool toys and ample lounge chairs. There were two booster chairs for the children and a separate ice maker in the laundry room. There were two newer ocean kayaks with seat backs, paddles and life jackets. There was a new charcoal grill available. The pool depth goes from 3 to 6 feet with corner steps and a ledge which runs the length of the shallow end for children. The yard is all sand but the beach is not. Aqua shoes are a MUST. There were 10 pair of aqua shoes at the house ranging from child to adult sizes. The beach is rock, shells and coral. It can be difficult walking out into the surf navigating the rock ledges and coral. But this also provided amazing snorkeling less than 100 yards from the shore. We have chartered snorkeling excursions on other islands that could not match the experiences right off this house's shoreline. The separate cottage was a nice get away for my daughter and son-in-law who have not yet experienced the chaos of raising young children. There was a crib in one of the rooms in lieu of the listed single bed. The sleeper sofa was comfortable but located in the living room. It works much better in the spacious King or Queen rooms. There is one TV in the main house and one TV in the cottage. No TVs are in the bedrooms which was fine with us. There are grocery, water-sport, and liquor stores only 5 miles to the East -- an easy drive (stay on the LEFT side). We rented 2 vans which we used for various day trips to other parts of the island. Check your cell phone service plan. We planned to use the GPS on our phones but only two of us had service. Consider renting a GPS when you rent your vehicle. This is an amazing house in a scenic remote paradise location. It worked perfectly for our family vacation and all were delighted with the experience.
Yöpyi 7 yötä heinäkuussa 2017
Tämä arvostelu lähetettiin ennen vuotta 2018, eikä sitä ole tarkistettu.

10/10 Loistava

Deb D., Dallas, Texas

Best family vacation ever!!!
This house is perfect for a large group. We are a three generation family of 14 people ranging in age from 10 months old to 63 years old. The cottage was very convenient for the baby and parents and the layout of the main house gave everyone privacy plus room for all family time. The living areas allowed plenty of room for all of us to gather, play games, hang out, eat, and have fun together. The covered pool gave us a respite from the sun in the afternoons and away from bugs in the evening. The kitchen is well appointed--we all love to cook--the kitchen had everything and more! Cayman Sands is convenient to everything on the Island. You cannot beat the privacy of this beautiful home, the exquisite view of the ocean, and the beach all to yourself everyday! When we went to 7 mile beach for a day, our 8 year old grandson exclaimed, "When can we go back to our own beach. This place is crowded with too many people!" This side of the island is quiet, calm, easy going, and very limited commercial vendors--which we loved. We stayed for two weeks and can't wait to return to Cayman Sands.
Yöpyi 14 yötä heinäkuussa 2017
Tämä arvostelu lähetettiin ennen vuotta 2018, eikä sitä ole tarkistettu.

10/10 Loistava

Debbie G.

Peaceful Paradise
We had a great stay at Cayman Sands! The house worked perfectly for our two families. The kitchen was nicely stocked for the few nights we ate in, but we also enjoyed the restaurants over on this quiet side of the island - Tukka, Rum Point, Eagle Ray's, the Lighthouse, and Kurt's. We did venture over to Seven Mile Beach for activities on a couple of days but loved that we could retreat to the serenity of Cayman Sands. We enjoyed the beach, snorkeling off the beach, the pool, the gazebo and hammocks! No shortage of things to do right at the house. We also made use of the kayaks and floats. We also enjoyed "local" excursions to the Botanical Gardens, the Mastic Trail, Starfish Point, and Stingray City. Bring sturdy water shoes - Cayman beaches are very rocky and Cayman Sands is no exception. We only experienced very minor issues with a bathroom sink and shower both of which were addressed completely and promptly. We would go back to Cayman Sands without hesitation!
Tämä arvostelu lähetettiin ennen vuotta 2018, eikä sitä ole tarkistettu.

10/10 Loistava

Erin A.

This place was just amazing, everything you could ask for. The only thing I would want added would be a patio umbrella or something to add shade to the pool area or beach area.
Yöpyi 7 yötä huhtikuussa 2017

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