Koko loma-asunto·Yksityinen majoittaja

Ihana perheen huvila upealla merinäköalalla, oma uima-allas, pelihuone ja wi-fi

Majoituspaikan Ihana perheen huvila upealla merinäköalalla, oma uima-allas, pelihuone ja wi-fi valokuvagalleria




Poikkeuksellisen hyvä

4 makuuhuonetta0+ kylpyhuonetta8 henkilöä160 m²

Suositut palvelut/mukavuudet

  • Poreallas
  • Lemmikkiystävällinen
  • Pyykinpesukone
  • Uima-allas
  • Grilli
  • Keittiö

Tutustu alueeseen

Plaka, Crete
  • Suosittu kohdeAlmyrida Beach12 min kävelymatka
  • Suosittu kohdeKalyvesin ranta13 min ajomatka
  • Suosittu kohdeSudan satama19 min ajomatka
  • LentokenttäHania (CHQ-Ioannis Daskalogiannis)43 min ajomatka

Oleellisimmat arvostelut

Huoneet ja sängyt

4 makuuhuonetta (8 vuodepaikkaa)


1 parisänky


1 yhden hengen sänky


1 futon (125–150 cm leveä)


1 parisänky

1 WC


WC · Vain suihku


Kylpyamme · WC · Vain suihku


Terassi tai patio
Kuisti tai lanai

Tietoja majoituspaikasta

Ihana perheen huvila upealla merinäköalalla, oma uima-allas, pelihuone ja wi-fi

Tämä ihana rinteessä sijaitseva huvila, josta on upeat näkymät merelle päin oleville parvekkeille ja terasseille, on vain 10 minuutin kävelymatkan päässä Almyridan rannalta ja sen vilkkaalta vesiurheilukeskukselta. Tilava sisustus on sisustettu korkeatasoisesti ja nukkuu mukavasti 6/8. Pohjakerroksessa on iso avoin oleskelu- / ruokailutila, josta on terassi, josta on näkymät terassille ja uima-altaalle. Hyvin varustetussa keittiössä on iso jääkaappi, pesukone ja astianpesukone. Alakerran makuuhuoneessa on parivuode ja iso suihkuhuone, wc ja pesuallas. Majoitus yläkerrassa sisältää makuuhuone parivuode ja vierashuone, jossa kaksi erillistä vuodetta. Kylpyhuoneessa on houkutteleva kulma-amme, iso suihku, pesuallas ja wc. Kellarikerros toimii 4. makuuhuoneena, jossa on sohva, joka muunnetaan kahdeksi sänkyä. Siellä on myös pöytätennispöytä, televisio, jossa on satoja kanavia, ja hyvin varustetut kirjahyllyt. Kaikkien ikkunoiden ja lasiovien hyttysverkot tarjoavat suojan hyönteisiltä. Pysäköinti on yksityisellä autolla. Viikoittainen liinavaatteiden vaihto sekä uima-altaan ylläpito sisältyy vuokraan. Autonvuokraus, mukaan lukien nouto lentokentälle, voidaan järjestää pyynnöstä. Ulkogrilli on myös varjostetulla terassilla.


Amanda Aviss

Puhutut kielet

Englanti ja ranska

Suojaa maksusi − varaa aina Vrbossa

Jos joku pyytää sinua tekemään varauksen hänen kauttaan tai maksamaan varauksen suoraan hänelle ennen kuin teet varauksen Vrbossa, ilmoita siitä.



Talon säännöt

Sisäänkirjautuminen klo 16.00 jälkeen
Uloskirjautuminen ennen klo 10.00


Lapset sallitaan: 0–17-vuotiaat
Open staircases so not good for toddlers


Tapahtumien järjestäminen ei ole sallittua


Lemmikit sallitaan


Tupakointi ei ole sallittu

Tärkeää tietoa

Hyvä tietää

Tätä majoituspaikkaa hallinnoi yksityinen majoittaja (eli taho, joka ei toimi kaupankäynti-, ammatinharjoittamis- tai liiketoimintatarkoituksissa). EU:n kuluttajansuojalaki, mukaan lukien peruutusoikeus, ei koske tätä varausta. Yksityisen majoittajan määrittämä peruutuskäytäntö koskee varaustasi.
Lisähenkilöistä saatetaan veloittaa maksu, joka vaihtelee majoituspaikoittain
Sisäänkirjautumisen yhteydessä saatetaan vaatia virallinen kuvallinen henkilöllisyystodistus sekä pankki- tai luottokortti tai käteisellä maksettava takuumaksu mahdollisten lisämaksujen varalta.
Erityispyyntöjen toteutuminen riippuu saatavuudesta sisäänkirjautumishetkellä, ja niistä saatetaan veloittaa lisämaksuja. Erityispyyntöjen toteutumista ei voida taata.
Juhlien tai ryhmätapahtumien järjestäminen on kielletty majoituspaikassa
Majoittaja ei ole ilmoittanut, onko majoituspaikassa häkävaroitinta. Harkitse kannettavan häkävaroittimen tuomista matkallesi.
Majoittaja ei ole ilmoittanut, onko majoituspaikassa palovaroitinta
Majoituspaikan rekisteröintinumero 1042Κ92003151201


Kansallisten määräysten vuoksi käteismaksut eivät voi ylittää 500 GBP:n suuruista summaa tässä majoituspaikassa. Saat lisätietoja asiasta ottamalla yhteyttä majoituspaikkaan varausvahvistuksessa olevien tietojen avulla.
Autoa suositellaan tähän majoituspaikkaan pääsemiseksi

Tietoja alueesta


Tämä huvila sijaitsee merenrannalla. Sudan satama ja Hanian vanha venetsialainen satama ovat hyviä kohteita, jos etsit aktiviteetteja lomallesi, ja alueen luonnonkauneuteen voi tutustua kohteissa Jeorjiupolin ranta ja Stavroksen uimaranta. Oletko matkalla lasten kanssa? Art of Living Glass Factory ja Kreetan merimuseo ovat vierailun arvoisia. Täällä voit meloa kajakilla ja harrastaa laitesukellusta, tai kokeilla erilaisia ulkoilma-aktiviteetteja, joihin kuuluu muun muassa maastopyöräily ja hevosratsastus nearby.
Plaka, Crete


  • Almyrida Beach - 12 min kävelymatka
  • Kalyvesin ranta - 13 min ajomatka
  • Sudan satama - 19 min ajomatka
  • Loutraki Beach - 48 min ajomatka
  • Marathi Beach - 49 min ajomatka


  • Hania (CHQ-Ioannis Daskalogiannis) – 44 minuutin ajomatka


  • ‪Lagos Taverna - ‬19 min kävelymatka
  • ‪Platia Café Bar - ‬5 min kävelymatka
  • ‪Elena Tavern - ‬7 min ajomatka
  • ‪Costanita - ‬13 min kävelymatka
  • ‪Gavalianos Kafenes - ‬7 min ajomatka

Usein kysytyt kysymykset

Onko Ihana perheen huvila upealla merinäköalalla, oma uima-allas, pelihuone ja wi-fi lemmikkiystävällinen?

Kyllä, lemmikit sallitaan tässä majoituspaikassa.

Mihin aikaan majoituspaikan Ihana perheen huvila upealla merinäköalalla, oma uima-allas, pelihuone ja wi-fi sisäänkirjautuminen on?

Sisäänkirjautuminen alkaa klo 16.00.

Mihin aikaan majoituspaikan Ihana perheen huvila upealla merinäköalalla, oma uima-allas, pelihuone ja wi-fi uloskirjautuminen on?

Uloskirjautuminen tapahtuu klo 10.00.

Missä Ihana perheen huvila upealla merinäköalalla, oma uima-allas, pelihuone ja wi-fi sijaitsee?

Almyrida Beach, Art of Living Glass Factory ja Kera sijaitsevat 3 kilometrin päässä tästä merenrannalla sijaitsevasta perheystävällisestä huvilasta. Koutalasin ranta ja Kalyvesin ranta ovat myös 5 kilometrin päässä.



Poikkeuksellisen hyvä

Arvostelut näytetään kronologisessa järjestyksessä, ja ne on moderoitu. Arvostelut on tarkistettu, ellei toisin ilmoiteta.
LisätietojaAvautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Arvosana 10 - Loistava. 30 kautta 35 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 8 - Hyvä. 4 kautta 35 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 6 - OK. 1 kautta 35 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 4 - Huono. 0 kautta 35 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 2 - Hirveä. 0 kautta 35 arvostelua" "










Listauksen paikkansapitävyys


10/10 Loistava

Ellen M.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Great location and host
We had a very nice stay in Plaka. The house was spacious and clean and had everything we needed. The pool was fantastic and the view over Souda Bay was exceptional. The beach is a 10-15 minute walk downhill (which means it is a pretty steep climb going home). However, the road is not made for pedestrians. We recommend having a small car to get around. There are two supermarkets and a few restaurants within walking distance - about five minutes from the house.
Yöpyi 7 yötä heinäkuussa 2024

10/10 Loistava

Ian C.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Lovely villa with superb views
Had a wonderful stay at this lovely villa. We all enjoyed sitting on the covered terrace with superb views across the bay and up to the mountains. Check out Elpis in Plaka (just a short walk) and the beach front at Almyrida.
Yöpyi 7 yötä kesäkuussa 2024

10/10 Loistava

Emma D.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Superb villa with stunning views
The villa exceeded our expectations. It is spacious, comfortable, well equipped and the most amazing views of Souda bay. The village of Plaka has a few amazing restaurants and the beach at Almyrida is great especially for younger children.
Yöpyi 14 yötä elokuussa 2023

8/10 Hyvä

Ron B.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Long time coming
Booked in 2019 arrived Sept 22 due to Covid. Villa very well positioned for amazing sunsets and vista across Souda Bay .Short stroll into village to lovley Taverna's well stocked small supermarkets. Good location to explore west of the Island if you can leave beaches of Almyrida and Kalives for a few hours
Yöpyi 10 yötä syyskuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

laurence d.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
magnifique maison
la maison est conforme à la description voire mieux les pièces sont spacieuses, propres, bien aménagées les différents niveaux et terrasses permettent d'avoir de l'intimité et de la tranquillité même avec deux familles presentes . La piscine est top
Yöpyi 7 yötä elokuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

Jo C.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Wonderful villa and location.
A lovely comfortable villa in a really nice Greek village- lots of choices of places to eat within a few minutes walk and even more choice in Almyrida. The pool area is great and the view is beautiful. Loads to do nearby if you want to such as water sports, boat hire and the water park nearby is great. The only minor issue is that I knew it didn’t have air con when I booked it but as the weather was particularly hot and humid on some days the fans weren’t really enough. We would definitely come again as there is still so much more we would like to explore.
Yöpyi 7 yötä heinäkuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

Maro K.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Lovely villa
We love western Crete and have stayed in Almyrida a few times. Decided on Plaka this time as villa looked so nice and it was.. Had good communication with owner before and after booking. Villa is spacious and comfortable. All facilities you need for holiday stay. Especially great views of sunset over Almyrida. Hope to visit again soon :)
Yöpyi 7 yötä heinäkuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

Josephine T.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Our best vacation
An amazing house with an amazing view. Wonderful pool and terrace area. A very good host who continuously gave us detailed information, including detailed directions to the house and information about the house and was quick to respond to even the smallest things before and during the stay. We hope to come back soon
Yöpyi 7 yötä heinäkuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

dave m.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Absolutely brilliant
Thank you very much Amanda for letting us stay. The views from the balcony were amazing the villa had everything we needed. The pool was used a lot and was great fun. The boy loved having his own cave ( downstairs room). I could not find a loose railing on any of the balconies. Would highly recommend this lovely villa to anyone, we had a fantastic time.
Yöpyi 14 yötä elokuussa 2020

10/10 Loistava

Tarkistettu asiakas

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Myself and 3 friends have just got home from an amazing stay in Crete. The villa was very clean and well presented upon arrival and the balcony views out into the bay were stunning. If only we could have stayed for longer as there is so much to do on the island. A brilliant trip from start to finish. Thank you Mandy 😊
Yöpyi 7 yötä elokuussa 2020

6/10 OK

Jennifer B.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen ja sijainti
Lovely villa with view but not suitable for under 3s
We had a lovely stay this July/August at Julanda. The views, especially in the evening, were fantastic and we enjoyed many evenings on the terrace watching the sun set and having dinner. We found the villa fairly easily from the airport even in the dark, the cleanliness of the villa was great, and the villa was stocked with everything we needed for our full stay including, fresh bed linen, towels, full kitchen crockery etc. Unfortunately, the reason we cannot give it 5 stars is for two reasons, the lack of air conditioning and the unsuitability of the villa for our full party. We had a 22 month old in our party and the villa really is not suitable for children of this age. We were constantly on edge having to watch him as the stairs were very dangerous as they are not enclosed so a child could fall off the edge, falling 2-3 metres. There are no pictures of the stairs so we really weren’t expecting this. There are also no child stair gates available. The manager did provide us with some wood to block the stairs off but it made it quite difficult coming up and down the stairs for everybody else. Also the wood for the top 2nd floor rail on the terrace was rotten and one of the pieces is completely loose so the gap was big enough for a child under 5 to easily fall through, so we couldn’t have our youngest child up on that terrace either, as it can only take a second of not watching them for an accident to happen. With regard to the air conditioning, when we originally booked the villa we did not realise it did not have air con. We do think this should be stated in the description. Once we realised it didn’t have air con we read through the reviews and nobody seemed bothered so we thought it would be cool enough. Unfortunately we did not find this to be the case, although each bedroom does have a fan, in the height of summer heat this really is not enough and we found the evenings uncomfortably hot to sleep. Overall, I would definitely recommend this villa to a party with adults or older children but if you are bothered about air con or have young children this villa is not suitable.
Yöpyi 14 yötä heinäkuussa 2020

10/10 Loistava

Andrea G.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Amazing Views
Just returned from a two week stay at this villa and had a fantastic time. The view every morning from the bedroom is stunning and the sunsets were unreal. Great location for restaurants, beaches, and shopping. The owner, Amanda, and Carina who looks after to property were always on hand and very friendly. Would definitely recommend this villa for anyone looking to stay in Crete, and would love to return!
Yöpyi 14 yötä heinäkuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Novella W.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
A Wonderful Week
The villa was wonderful and exceeded our expectations! A perfect location with breathtaking views and so convenient on the outskirts of Plaka village. We loved having the pool and exploring the many beaches and numerous places of interest. So relaxing and perfect!!

10/10 Loistava

Michael J.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Sehr schön
Sehr schönes Haus. Schöner Pool. Tolle Lage. Toller Ausblick. Restaurants und Supermarkt in 5 min zu Fuß erreichbar. Zum Strand sind es ca. 15min zu Fuß. Ein kleiner Kritikpunkt: Das Haus ist eigentlich nur für 6 Personen, ab der 7 Person wird im Keller geschlafen. Im Urlaub zu dem Preis nicht optimal.

10/10 Loistava

Helen R.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Everything we wanted and more!
We’ve just returned from a fantastic stay at Julanda. The property was everything we could ask for, clean, spacious and in a great location for exploring the nearby beaches. The pool was a perfect size for 6 and the rooms were spacious with plenty of storage. The villa stayed cool, despite the high temperatures, and due to its elavated position there was a lovely gentle breeze on the hottest of days. The villa was well equipped with everything you’d expect and some extras too. Including games for the evening and snorkels and inflatables for the beach and pool. Waking up to the views from the balcony made our holiday to Crete even more special. The owner was reachable for any problems and advice and we’d definitely return given the chance! You can walk into Plaka to find a couple of shops and choice of tavernas selling lovely food and although you could walk to the nearest beaches and tavernas in Almyrida, with two young children we chose to drive to avoid the steep walks back up to Plaka. There was plenty of places to park, some lovely shops, including a fantastic bakery, pharmacy, supermarkets and seafronted eateries. We spent most of our mornings here enjoying the rock pools and snorkelling. We also went to Kalves and the beach is bigger and again has everything you could ask for. Would highly reccomend booking this Villa if you are looking for a peaceful holiday with lots of options to see more of Crete. The photos don’t quite do it justice!
Yöpyi 7 yötä toukokuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Tom G.

Amazing villa and place to visit
Waking up to the incredible views on our terrace will never be forgotten. The villa was exactly what we were looking for and our 2 year old son was happy nearly all the time! So much to do and see in Crete and the local people and amenities were lovely. Can’t wait to go back ASAP
Yöpyi 7 yötä huhtikuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Diane R.

Perfect holiday - Amanda and Julian were brilliant from start to finish - nothing was too much trouble Plaka is lovely and very friendly and the villa is in a superb location overlooking the ocean and a short walk down to the town The pool is great and the villa has everything you need I cannot recommend enough
Yöpyi 14 yötä elokuussa 2018

8/10 Hyvä

Virginie C., Belgique

Lovely place,amazing view
A very nice place,the view is spectacular,the house is well situated.decks are pleasant.the area is very nice and the beaches of kalyves are wonderful. A lot of good restaurants in almyrida and kalyves. We spent a very good time

10/10 Loistava

Michael B.

Best Villa I have ever stayed in
This is the best villa I have ever stayed in. The pictures do not do the views justice particularly the sunsets over the sea. The villa is large and spacious with everything you could want from a Villa. Outside included a wide range of seating options and shady areas to avoid the sun . The pool was well maintained and very warm. My only slightly criticism of the villa was the location of the BBQ, which is outside the back garden in a small courtyard area. When the views are so great out the front it seems such a shame to avoid all those while cooking. Do not be put off my the lack of A/C, the high ceilings and the bedrooms french doors ensured it didn't get too hot inside even in July. The small village nearby offered a number or places to eat as well as a small locally run bar serving Cretan mezze and a range of local beers.

8/10 Hyvä

Virginie C., Belgique

,vue exceptionnelle, maison agréable,grande piscine
Très bel endroit,vue incroyable,belle maison, grande piscine ,belles plages à proximité,jolis villages culturels aux alentours.bref vacances inoubliables
Yöpyi 12 yötä elokuussa 2018
Tämä arvostelu lähetettiin ennen vuotta 2018, eikä sitä ole tarkistettu.

10/10 Loistava

Malcolm J.

This is a fantastic place to stay, it is a spacious villa in great position. The view of the bay from the terrace is worth the trip alone, sitting on the terrace first thing in the morning with breakfast, or in the evening with a glass of wine is pure pleasure. Plaka is a great little village and it is only a very short walk to discover several bars and restaurants where the food is surprisingly good. It is a good base for walks around the headland and down to the beaches, and handy to reach the main road network if you want to discover more of the Island. A really great place to explore Greek countryside and then relax by the pool before strolling into the village in the evening for a great meal. I will definitely go back to this Villa.
Tämä arvostelu lähetettiin ennen vuotta 2018, eikä sitä ole tarkistettu.

10/10 Loistava

Anthony B.

Ideal holiday villa
My girlfriend and I thoroughly enjoyed our time at the villa. After a quick and easy drive from Chania airport, we were stunned by the breathtaking views overlooking the pool, which get even better from the upstairs bedrooms. A lot of our time was spent relaxing on the sun loungers and swimming in the pool, however we also managed to visit a lot of amazing sites, all within a short drive of the villa. For us the location was ideal as everything we needed was within walking distance, including the local village (less than 5 mins walk) with a good shop and some very nice restaurants/bars. Another 5 minute walk down the hill is a very nice relaxing beach, with plenty of amazing seafront restaurants! The villa was very clean and had everything we needed, including a table tennis table downstairs and a TV with plenty of channels/movies, great for when we needed a break from the hot sun. I am definietly going to visit Julanda again! And hope that others can have as good of a holiday that we did!
Tämä arvostelu lähetettiin ennen vuotta 2018, eikä sitä ole tarkistettu.

10/10 Loistava

Robin K.

A beautiful house in a beautiful setting
We (family of five with teenage kids and granny) spent a wonderful holiday at this property. The house is well equipped and maintained and we spent hours on the patio and in the pool. The games room and well stocked library were also very popular. The views from the house are every bit as good as the pictures suggest. Plaka is a nice little village with two small supermarkets and a pretty village square with several tavernas. You can walk down to Alyrida, where there is a good beach with numerous shops and restaurants. Two of us did a scuba diving course at Omega Divers, which we can warmly recommend. If you go further afield, Crete is simpy beautiful, with lots of great beaches and stunning mountain scenery. The people were all very welcoming and both Chania and Rethymno are well worth a visit. We can also recommend the car hire firm (Auto Club) that the owner put us into contact with. Their rates are much more reasonable than the big firms at the airport and they were very professional to deal with. The garden has the most amazing fruits and vegetables growing in it. Sadly, nothing was ripe when we were there in July, but I am sure that their are lots of great things to try in Autumn. Overall, this is a wonderful family home from home.
Yöpyi 12 yötä heinäkuussa 2017
Tämä arvostelu lähetettiin ennen vuotta 2018, eikä sitä ole tarkistettu.

10/10 Loistava

Amanda A.

Beautiful views, great place to stay
We had a lovely time staying in this clean, well equipped villa that has fabulous views across the water. The pool was most welcome given the heat wave and we loved sitting with a glass or three of beer or retsina on terrace to catch a light breeze and gaze out over the hills and the water. Downstairs the basement games room stayed beautifully cool so the occasional game of table tennis was not out of the question! The villa was a great base for exploring Crete and also had a nice local village for eating out without having to drive. We look forward to returning. Lisa
Yöpyi 7 yötä kesäkuussa 2017
Tämä arvostelu lähetettiin ennen vuotta 2018, eikä sitä ole tarkistettu.

10/10 Loistava

mariantonia o.

Per una settimana abbiamo soggiornato in qst splendida villa in 8 (due famiglie). La casa è molto bella, molto attrezzata (cucina con stoviglie, frigorifero grande, fornello con 4 piastre elettriche). Noi eravamo due famiglie: una era alloggiata al secondo piano dove ci sono due camere e un bagno, una era divisa fra primo piano con una camera e un bagno e semi-interrato dove c'è una specie di taverna con televisore, ping pong ed avevano sistemato due letti (comunque molto grande e confortevole). La casa è molto curata, pulita, una splendida piscina da cui la sera puoi vedere il tramonto. Mangiare sul terrazzo alla sera è incantevole si vede il golfo con le luci e le navi illuminate che passano. Prima di arrivare il proprietario inglese spedisce via mail un sacco di infiormazioni, sulla casa, sui posti vicino da visitare, sui ristoranti e i supermercati consigliati. E in un posto strategico per visitare creta nella parte ovest. non si può non vedere Chania (anche di sera) mezz'ora di strada, Efalonissi (circa due ore), Rethymno (un'oretta), le spiagge di Georgopolis. Il proprietario vive in Inghilterra per cui si paga in sterline. Una casa fantastica davvero da consigliare!!!

Tietoa majoittajasta

Majoittaja: Amanda Aviss

Majoittajan profiilikuva
We love to travel and now that we are fortunate to be retired we fit in lots of trips all over the world but agree that there is nowhere that beats Crete for value and beauty.

Miksi majoittaja valitsi tämän majoituspaikan

We used to have a second home in France but decided to swap it for Crete because the weather is so much better. When we first built in 2002 our kids were still at school and this was the ideal family destination as there is so much to do in the surrounding area. Now they have grown up they still enjoy holidays here and like us never seem to bore of this beautiful part of the world.

Mikä tekee tästä majoituspaikasta ainutlaatuisen

The stand-out benefit of this villa is its location in the most attractive part of Crete. It is a quick drive from Chania so no time wasted on a long transfer from airport to holiday home. It is great to be able to enjoy the beautiful views of the sea and countryside whilst being only a short stroll from all the facilities of Plaka and Almyrida. You can throw away the car keys at night-time and work your way through the many tavernas and cafes in easy reach without having to worry about driving. If you want to go further afield you will be spoilt for choice.


englanti, ranska


He tarjoavat asiakkailleen aina loistavaa palvelua.
Kerro, miten voimme parantaa sivustoammeAnna palautetta