Koko loma-asunto·Yksityinen majoittaja

LasTunas - Telchac Puerto. Rannalla, jossa on oma uima-allas.

Majoituspaikan LasTunas - Telchac Puerto. Rannalla, jossa on oma uima-allas. valokuvagalleria

Yksityinen keittiö
Yksityinen keittiö
Yksityinen keittiö



Poikkeuksellisen hyvä

3 makuuhuonetta2 kylpyhuonetta6 henkilöä

Suositut palvelut/mukavuudet

  • Näkymä rannalle
    Näkymä rannalleNäkymä rannalle
  • Pyykinpesukone
  • Uima-allas
  • Grilli
  • Keittiö
  • Ilmastointi


2:00 PM


11:00 AM

Tutustu alueeseen

Telchac Puerto, Yucatan
  • Suosittu kohdeTelchac Puerton puisto4 min ajomatka
  • Suosittu kohdeTelchac Puerton majakka4 min ajomatka
  • Suosittu kohdeTelchac Puerton kaupungintalo4 min ajomatka
  • LentokenttäMerida, Yucatan (MID-Manuel Crescencio Rejonin kansainvälinen lentokenttä)89 min ajomatka

Huoneet ja sängyt

3 makuuhuonetta (6 vuodepaikkaa)

Makuuhuone 1

2 keskisuurta parisänkyä

Makuuhuone 2

1 suuri parisänky

Makuuhuone 3

2 parisänkyä

2 kylpyhuonetta

Kylpyhuone 1

WC · Vain suihku

Kylpyhuone 2

WC · Vain suihku


Terassi tai patio
Kuisti tai lanai
Erillinen ruokailualue

Tietoja majoituspaikasta

LasTunas - Telchac Puerto. Rannalla, jossa on oma uima-allas.

Las Tunas on viihtyisä koti, jonka omistaa johtava matkailijan opas Yucatanin "Yucatan Tänään". Tarkista sivusto.

HUOMAUTUS: Ei käytettävissä heinä-, elokuu- ja viikkoa ennen pääsiäistä ja sen jälkeen.

* Las Tunas kotiin noin 300 kookospuun keskellä ja istuu suuren, tilavan rannan edessä sijaitsevassa kiinteistössä Meksikonlahdella.
* Istumme erilleen muista koteista - meillä ei ole seinästä seinään naapureita. Rannalta on upeat näkymät uima-altaalle, dyyniin ja Meksikonlahdelle.
* Tämä ei ole kova vuokra-asunto, tämä on kotimme, jossa on mukavat sohvat, tuolit ja sängyt!

* Makuuhuone: kaksi queen-vuodetta, kattotuuletin, AC
* 2. makuuhuone: kaksi erillistä vuodetta, kattotuuletin, AC
* Kolmas makuuhuone: yksi king-size-vuode, kattotuuletin, AC

Täysin varustettu iso keittiö merinäköalalla.

Sisätilojen olohuone ja ruokailutila sekä terassi-lounge ja ruokailutilat.

Telchac Puerto tunnetaan olevan pieni, hidas ja hiljainen, missä sinä
paikalliset asukkaat ovat erittäin ystävällisiä. Olette niin pieni kylä, sinä
tuntevat olonsa kotoisaksi nopeasti, tutustuvat myymälän pitäjiin ja sinuun.

Rannat ovat leveitä, hiekkaisia ja erinomaisia kävelyä varten. Ne eivät ole
täynnä kalastusaluksia, muita turisteja, rikkoa vesikepit
joka kaksikymmentä jalkaa ja seinät-seinät talot kuten Chicxulub ja
Progreso. Telchac Puerto on ihmisille, jotka etsivät paikkaa
enemmän yksityisiä ja uncrowded.

Uinti on hyvä ympäri vuoden. Vesi on turvallinen, puhdasta Persianlahden vettä
ilman kiviä, virtauksia tai vuorovesiä. Se on hyvin uimariystävällinen.

Meillä on kattotuuletin koko kotimme ja AC makuuhuoneissa lisämaksusta.

Merida on kansainvälinen lentokenttä, jolla on suorat lennot
mistä Houston, Miami, Dallas / Ft. Worth ja Mexico City. Se voi olla halvempaa lentää
Cancun, vuokraa auto siellä ja aja yli - noin neljä tuntia.

Auton tekeminen tekee vierailustasi paljon nautittavampaa.


Judy Abbott Mier y Teran

Puhutut kielet

Englanti ja espanja

Suojaa maksusi − varaa aina Vrbossa

Jos joku pyytää sinua tekemään varauksen hänen kauttaan tai maksamaan varauksen suoraan hänelle ennen kuin teet varauksen Vrbossa, ilmoita siitä.


Ilmainen Wi-Fi

Talon säännöt

Sisäänkirjautuminen klo 14.00 jälkeen
Vuokraajan alaikäraja: 30
Uloskirjautuminen ennen klo 11.00


Lapset sallitaan: 0–17-vuotiaat


Tapahtumien järjestäminen ei ole sallittua


Lemmikkejä ei sallita


Tupakointi sallittu: määrätyillä alueilla

Tärkeää tietoa

Hyvä tietää

Tätä majoituspaikkaa hallinnoi yksityinen majoittaja (eli taho, joka ei toimi kaupankäynti-, ammatinharjoittamis- tai liiketoimintatarkoituksissa). EU:n kuluttajansuojalaki, mukaan lukien peruutusoikeus, ei koske tätä varausta. Yksityisen majoittajan määrittämä peruutuskäytäntö koskee varaustasi.
Lisähenkilöistä saatetaan veloittaa maksu, joka vaihtelee majoituspaikoittain
Sisäänkirjautumisen yhteydessä saatetaan vaatia virallinen kuvallinen henkilöllisyystodistus sekä pankki- tai luottokortti tai käteisellä maksettava takuumaksu mahdollisten lisämaksujen varalta.
Erityispyyntöjen toteutuminen riippuu saatavuudesta sisäänkirjautumishetkellä, ja niistä saatetaan veloittaa lisämaksuja. Erityispyyntöjen toteutumista ei voida taata.
Juhlien tai ryhmätapahtumien järjestäminen on kielletty majoituspaikassa
Majoittaja ei ole ilmoittanut, onko majoituspaikassa häkävaroitinta. Harkitse kannettavan häkävaroittimen tuomista matkallesi.
Majoittaja ei ole ilmoittanut, onko majoituspaikassa palovaroitinta


Tarvitset auton päästäksesi tähän majoituspaikkaan

Tietoja alueesta


Tämä loma-asunto sijaitsee rannalla. Telchac Puerton majakka ja Xcambó ovat mielenkiintoisia paikallisia maamerkkejä, ja jos haluat tutustua alueen luontoon, lisää Telchac Puerton puisto ja Sayachaltun Ecological Reserve listallesi. Tutustu alueen vesiaktiviteetteihin, joihin kuuluu kalastus ja uinti, tai ulkoilma-aktiviteetteihin, joihin kuuluu ekokiertomatkat.
Telchac Puerto, Yucatan


  • Telchac Puerton puisto - 4 min ajomatka
  • Telchac Puerton majakka - 4 min ajomatka
  • Telchac Puerton kaupungintalo - 4 min ajomatka
  • Telchac Puerto Pier - 4 min ajomatka
  • Playa Uaymitun - 24 min ajomatka


  • ‪Restaurante el Angelito - ‬3 min ajomatka
  • ‪Restaurante Sea Friend - ‬4 min ajomatka
  • ‪Dulcería Israel - ‬4 min ajomatka
  • ‪Sayachaltun - ‬8 min ajomatka
  • ‪Restaurante Villa del Mar - ‬4 min ajomatka

Usein kysytyt kysymykset

Onko majoituspaikassa LasTunas - Telchac Puerto. Rannalla, jossa on oma uima-allas. uima-allas?

Kyllä, tässä majoituspaikassa on uima-allas.

Onko LasTunas - Telchac Puerto. Rannalla, jossa on oma uima-allas. lemmikkiystävällinen?

Ei, tämä majoituspaikka ei salli lemmikkejä.

Mihin aikaan majoituspaikan LasTunas - Telchac Puerto. Rannalla, jossa on oma uima-allas. sisäänkirjautuminen on?

Sisäänkirjautuminen alkaa klo 14.00.

Mihin aikaan majoituspaikan LasTunas - Telchac Puerto. Rannalla, jossa on oma uima-allas. uloskirjautuminen on?

Uloskirjautuminen tapahtuu klo 11.00.

Missä LasTunas - Telchac Puerto. Rannalla, jossa on oma uima-allas. sijaitsee?

Telchac Puerton majakka, Telchac Puerto Pier ja Telchac Puerton puisto ovat 5 kilometrin päässä tästä rannalla sijaitsevasta loma-asunnosta. Sayachaltun Ecological Reserve ja Telchac Puerton kaupungintalo ovat myös 5 kilometrin päässä.



Poikkeuksellisen hyvä

Arvostelut näytetään kronologisessa järjestyksessä, ja ne on moderoitu. Arvostelut on tarkistettu, ellei toisin ilmoiteta.
LisätietojaAvautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Arvosana 10 - Loistava. 26 kautta 26 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 8 - Hyvä. 0 kautta 26 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 6 - OK. 0 kautta 26 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 4 - Huono. 0 kautta 26 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 2 - Hirveä. 0 kautta 26 arvostelua" "










Listauksen paikkansapitävyys


10/10 Loistava

Fred d.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Great Property
This is an amazing location and property.It has it all and you will find Judy the property owner and the property manager Franciso wonderful people to deal with. We enjoyed our stay and would highly recommended booking some time at Los Tunas if you want to get away from the tourist crowds. Lots to see and do if you don't mind traveling an hour or two by car( cenotes,Mayan temples, Flamingos etc.).
Yöpyi 12 yötä helmikuussa 2024

10/10 Loistava

christopher m.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Las Tunas over the New Year
We've visited the Yucatan from the USA several times and Las Tunas is our favorite stay so far. The house itself is very spacious and well maintained. The most amazing feature is the outdoor space which is very thoughtfully designed and exquisitely maintained. Several different lounging areas in which to seek shade or sun as desired and enjoy the birds. The beach is fabulous. We visited in high season but saw very few people and almost no power craft in the water - very peaceful. It feels like you could walk along the beach forever - the beach walk to Telchac Puerto was quite doable for us. Wish we had more time to explore the area. Angelito's restaurant is a must. The onsite caretaker is an added bonus and if we stayed longer would have taken more advantage of his knowledge of the area. For us, Xcambo ruins were much more enjoyable than Tulum. The mangrove boat tour at Manglar de san Cristano wasn't spectacular but worth the short drive and small cost. Pig Beach near Progreso was touristy as expected but worth a short visit. There were conflicting internet reports of when the pigs would be let out. We were there Jan 5 2023 and they were let out 11:00 am sharp for 30 minutes. The only chance of interacting with the pigs was buying some feed for 20 pesos. If you are looking for a vacation oriented towards amenities and staff fluent in English, I don't recommend the area. If you are comfortable enjoying friendly, small town Mexico - this is an awesome property!
Yöpyi 6 yötä joulukuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Jose Luis F., Monterrey, Mexico

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Hidden Gem
The only reason I fear placing this review is others will find this piece of heaven and I want it for myself alone!! The house is perfect, and service from both the owner and the property manager was awesome. You will find everything you need to make your stay truly comfortable. We received a welcome meal on our arrival and decided to hire the manager's wife to cook breakfast for us during our stay (which was a magnificent idea). Pool temperature was ideal. One of the best parts of our trip (which have nothing to do with the property itself but with its location) is that we got to experience the birth of tens of turtles while walking on the beach (totally out of the blue) Restaurants, convenience stores, pharmacy, all close by (2 mile radius)
Yöpyi 3 yötä syyskuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Michelle C.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Great beach house on the shore
Spacious and comfortable with very comfortable beds. It's a dreamy location as you are steps from the gulf where the water is perfect for swimming. The host was super helpful before and during our stay, and the onsite caretaker is great, too. A delicious lentil stew is provided your first night, and that was very welcome after many restaurant meals in Merida.
Yöpyi 5 yötä joulukuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

James M.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Quiet getaway
We stayed for 5 weeks, it was a very quiet vacation. At our stay we saw the neighbours a total of 4 times. Judy our host was easy to communicate with helped us get a dish setup for some Olympic watching.also gave us good contacts for groceries and restaurants. The village was very friendly. We enjoyed our stay and would recommend.
Yöpyi 35 yötä tammikuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava


Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Absolutely perfect!
From being greeted by Gaby, caretaker of property, who made us a delicious lentil stew upon arrival to the leisurely beach strolls to the comfortable beds, this property is fantastic. Judy, owner of the property, was in touch before, during and after our stay. And, she is a wealth of information. We have rented many properties in the U.S. and the Caribbean, but this was the saddest to leave. For certain, we will return!
Yöpyi 5 yötä maaliskuussa 2020

10/10 Loistava

Stef H., laval, Canada

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
A lovely month in Telchac beach home
We had a wonderful stay in Las Tunas. Judy is a fantastic host who answered all our inquiries for the months leading up to our stay and was also available to help us while we were there when needed. The house is large, comfortable and well laid out. The best part is the outdoor living area which we enjoyed everyday. The outdoor seating area has couches, the large dining table, bbq and the yard full of hammocks with a pool. Although the house is on the beach, there are trees and shrubs that keep the house private from the people walking by on the beach. The kitchen is also large and has all the items you may need to cook and entertain. Being there in the winter means there are not many people around so it’s very quiet. The small village of Telchac is a couple of minutes away and has many convenient stores, fruit and vegetable market, bakery, fresh fish market, and limited restaurants (for the winter season). Overall, we enjoyed our stay very much. The couple that lives on the large property, in their own house, were always there to help us when needed. Thank you, Judy, for a wonderful month away from our cold Canadian winter!! We thoroughly enjoyed our stay and highly recommend you and your lovely home to anyone.
Yöpyi 30 yötä tammikuussa 2020

10/10 Loistava

Sarah Hanes P.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Exceeded expectations
My family and I had a great time at Las Tunas. The spacious house and property exceeded all of our expectations. After several busy days exploring the Yucatán it was such a treat walking into Judy’s inviting beach house. We were all pleasantly surprised. The pictures don’t do it justice. We just wanted to spend our days relaxing at the house. The home and backyard have everything we needed to enjoy ourselves. The pool was perfect for our family and the yard/ back patio make the perfect space to lounge. We have young children and Judy was very accommodating and easy to communicate with. She even directed us to the nearest doctor when our baby got sick. To top it off the little town of Telchac is very quaint. We went into town everyday for groceries and exploring. The people were all very friendly and our 4-yr-old had a blast playing at the playground in the town square with the local children every evening. The is a great home for all.

10/10 Loistava

Christine H.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Home Away from Home
This beachside property is wonderful. Judy has thought of everything with care and attention to detail - it has all the amenities one needs and having an onsite caretaker to ask questions of is invaluable. This is a home, not just a rental - and as such it is warm and inviting. And the location allows you to feel away from it all, yet, still close enough to do day trips for exploration. We would 100% rent here again. Can't say enough!

10/10 Loistava

Jim B., New York/ Monterrey, Mexico

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
A Great Gem on the Beach!
This beach home is a gem. This rental feels more like a home than a sterile rental; it's so easy to get into the beach routine here. Judy's home is comfortable and inviting. Overall, the house is as pictured, but the photos don't do it justice, I would say we were pleasantly surprised. The home is bigger and more open than we thought. There is more to it than the photos give. The kitchen is great for prepping, cooking and the eat-in bar area was great for a snack. The kitchen is fully stocked, all you need is your food. Even washing the dishes is enjoyable- you can see the beach from the sink. The dining table and living room area are comfortable. You can seat a lot of people. The wrap around porch is large with a number of different areas to enjoy- tables, chairs, sofas, hammocks. It is a nice large porch- great for entertaining or reading a book. The house could easily and comfortably accommodate six people with lots of space for everyone. Two of the bedrooms are down a hall and the main bedroom is off the side of the living area- so, you can be separate if you would like. The pool is larger than pictured, it has nice easy steps for access as well as a floating area good for putting your feet in or for kids to splash in. We felt very private here-even though it is a beachfront home and you can see the water from almost all angles, it is private. The neighbors are far enough away and the house is set just so so that you can see the water but people along the beach cannot see in. And oh, the beach. We love this area of the Yucatan because it is calm and quiet- the water and the people. Along this stretch of beach, you will not find many people at all- literally. The surf is very calm and you can walk out in knee or waist-high water for a few hundred yards. Judy was very good about communicating and she was accommodating. She is the type of host I hope others will try to be. The on-sight property manager, Gaby is good to work with, keeps out of the way but is available if you have any questions or issues. Also, her dog, Penelope is the cutest. As our experience with all the other beach rentals, make sure to bring bug repellent because sometimes it is needed. Without doubt, I believe this beach house is a very good value and I will return.
Yöpyi 3 yötä kesäkuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Pierre-Paul G.

Excellent location, welcoming and environment
The owner and the couple in charge of the maintenance were very suitable. The house, the environment and the village are quite super!
Yöpyi 14 yötä helmikuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Justine R.

Wow, breathtaking
A stunning beautiful location in a house that despite thousands of miles from home, felt secure and comfortable. There are many small Mexican villages surrounding so many small shops and bakeries. Peaceful, tranquil and everything needed to revitalise. Driving (despite obsession with speed bumps) is easy as long straight and quiet roads. Highly recommended.
Yöpyi 7 yötä tammikuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Jesse S.

Loved sitting out by the pool under the palm trees listening to the waves crash on the beach!
Everything about our experience was wonderful! Dealing with Judy was a pleasure and the helpful and pleasant caretakers on the property were lovely. If you are looking for a quiet getaway, this is the spot! The town is very sleepy and there isn’t a lot going on, but that is exactly what we wanted. You can walk the beach for hours and not see a soul—a far cry from the beaches in Playa Del Carmen, for example. We loved the serenity. The house is comfortable and stocked with everything you might need, especially the kitchen. Bring your bathing suit and a stack of books and you’re good to go!
Yöpyi 7 yötä tammikuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Cliff C.

Las Tunas is a beautiful
Our stay at Las Tunas was great! We enjoyed the month long stay. The house is cosy. The town is great, good food, friendly people. Would recommend staying at Las Tunas.
Yöpyi 28 yötä marraskuussa 2018

10/10 Loistava

Mimi W., Roseville, MN USA

Beautiful, peaceful family home to get away from it all
We enjoyed our holiday at Las Tunas with our 2 teenage boys. The house was actually more spacious that we thought it was from the photos (usually, we find the opposite to be true). Kitchen was fully stocked - I usually travel with my own kitchen knife, some plastic containers and other basics as some rentals are pretty bare - as Judy mentions, this is a home that is used rather than a full time rental so it has real kitchen amenities It was amazing to grab a beach chair and pull it on to the sand and you can go hours without seeing a single person. Nothing but you and the waves lapping at your feet. The ocean is very shallow and sandy bottom so you can go a long ways out without getting in past your chest. Afternoons spent on the 4 hammocks by the pool or the wonderful patio lazing away - perfect! You will definitely need a car as the only thing within walking distance is Bella Mar, a seaside beach restaurant. Otherwise, Telchac Puerto is about 3 km away with a well stocked grocery store for your basics, morning market for your fruits/veggies and small local restaurants. Or you can head into Progreso (about 40 min away) for a large grocery store and 25 minutes more into Merida where you can get everything you get back home. Miguel and Gaby are the caretakers and they live right on the property which is nice - we had an issue with the gas tank running out on the hot water heater. We just walked over and Miguel had a new gas tank within the 1/2 hour. Another time, I couldn't figure out how to turn on the oven so again, Miguel came and showed me the secret.... Lovely people and it's so nice having them around. Just know that Miguel speaks some English and Gaby probably understands but doesn't speak so it helps for you to know some Spanish to interact with them - although Google translate probably will get you through. The washing machine is not in the house - it's over at Gaby's so you'll need to go and ask to use it or have her do the laundry for you - not a big deal - very reasonable prices - but something to note. A wonderful time and a beautiful home. Having rented homes in Bonaire, Costa Rica, Malta, Paris and Istanbul, Turkey the last couple of years, this was a great rental.
Yöpyi 7 yötä maaliskuussa 2018

10/10 Loistava

Jacquie P., Edmonton

Peace and Tranquility in Telchac
We arrived at this beautiful location for a ten day stay and were greeted by Gaby and Miguel, who helped us get familiar with the property and later brought over some delicious Lentil stew and side dishes. The house is very easy to find and is just a short jaunt to Telchac or Progresso, so you have easy access to all your grocery needs or if you prefer restuarants. The house was very well equipped with your basics such as coffee filters, spices and oil, not to mention tin foil etc for cooking and storage so you don't have to panic when you get there, but can just add to the supplies later for the next guests! The bedrooms and bathrooms were all very clean and comfortable and the front patio and pool area were awesome! Miguel and Gaby are always quick to help with questions or issues (hot water ran out and Miguel fixed it in a Jiff!) or even laundry! Thank you Gaby! you cannot go wrong with this home as Judy, Gaby and Miguel make it perfect! Thanks Judy for letting us stay in your beautiful home and thanks to Gaby and Miguel for the hospitality!!
Yöpyi 10 yötä tammikuussa 2018

10/10 Loistava

Patrick M., Perth Ontario Canada

We loved the house and felt at home immediately with all the personal touches.
We loved passing away the days in the shade of the porch with the northers (winds)keeping us cool. The house is warm and friendly feeling, stocked with everything you need. It has a cozy Beachy vibe. The beach was lovely and deserted, you could walk for miles collecting shells and watching the Pelicans fish. Afternoon margaritas under the palapa next to the pool, what else could you ask for. A most enjoyable stay!
Yöpyi 14 yötä helmikuussa 2018

10/10 Loistava

Midge O.

Paradise at the beach!
We absolutely loved being at Las Tunas. Because it's Judy's home, not just a rental, we felt very much at home. The house is spacious, well-appointed, comfortable, and had everything we needed. The bedrooms are very roomy. A family or couples traveling together would find plenty of space. The yard is exquisite. Yes, the picture is real! My favorite spot was in the hammock under the palapa, next to the very fragrant bushes. The beach itself is not visible from the yard, although you can see the sea. Our visit coincided with a visit from the seaweed scourge (you can't escape it) so we didn't spend much time on the beach. Bring water shoes for swimming, as the beach has a lot of small, sharp shells. Our first night there, Gaby (the caretaker) brought us a pot of delicious chicken vegetable soup, and then I knew I'd died and gone to heaven. We had been craving vegetables. It was so plentiful that the 2 of us had enough for dinner the next night as well. The kitchen is well-stocked for cooking. We only ate out once. Judy is a wonderful host, who answered my emails and questions quickly, and made sure we were comfortable and had everything we needed. And what better source for practical information about what to see and do in the area? I'm already thinking about another visit!
Yöpyi 3 yötä helmikuussa 2018

10/10 Loistava

Ed H., Durham, North Carolina USA

Wonderful home to relax and enjoy the beach!
Las Tunas is a great choice if you want to relax in a spacious beach front home, enjoy time with your family and/or friends, and experience small-town Mexico (without being too far from bigger cities). Our family of five had plenty of space - the bedrooms are spacious, kitchen is well-stocked, family room great for lounging, etc. But what really separates Las Tunas from other properties we considered is the gorgeous, huge, tiled, covered patio area. We ate every meal there, read books on the couches or hammock, played games, did our work when needed (yes, great internet connection), and generally enjoyed the cool breeze and view of the palms, pool, and Gulf. And judging from our long beach walks where we could see other properties, I have to say that Las Tunas' grounds are the best! A lot of thought went into the layout of the home and property, and maintenance since then, and it shows. The town of Telchac Puerto is only a few minutes car ride away and definitely worth spending time exploring. There is a cute restaurant only a short walk away along the beach. (The owner loves Barry White's songs!) Judy is a fantastic, knowledgeable, and responsive host. The people Judy has helping her manage the home are super kind and helpful. Judy even arranged at our request to have volleyball poles made so we could play beach volleyball while there! Our week there was exactly what we wanted and more. We did not want to leave and definitely will consider returning for another vacation.
Yöpyi 7 yötä joulukuussa 2017
Tämä arvostelu lähetettiin ennen vuotta 2018, eikä sitä ole tarkistettu.

10/10 Loistava

Mike R.

Wonderful beach house
Great experience, plenty of room, good kitchen, great beach, great energy, lovely family who help with whatever you need on the property, only issue for me was the soft beds because we prefer firmer ones... Judy's place is great, so nice to be in a real home!
Yöpyi 3 yötä joulukuussa 2017
Tämä arvostelu lähetettiin ennen vuotta 2018, eikä sitä ole tarkistettu.

10/10 Loistava

Deborah M.

Great house, beautiful pool, calm sea
Friends and I spent a long weekend at LasTunas. We had a very good time. The beds were comfortable and the house was clean. It is a large house with a lot of open space--both inside and on the covered patio--for socializing. When we were not in the pool or ocean, we were sitting on the patio enjoying the sound of the waves. Very peaceful. We did go into town for lunch--ate at Jorgito's. A small beach front restaurant that serves seafood and very cold beer. Good food for not a lot of money. There's also a sweet shop that we bought sweet bread in the morning and dessert later in the day. We enjoyed the house and the town very much.
Yöpyi 3 yötä lokakuussa 2017
Tämä arvostelu lähetettiin ennen vuotta 2018, eikä sitä ole tarkistettu.

10/10 Loistava

William M.

Wonderful stay!
This is a perfect house for a family getaway -spacious, cosy and comfortable. Great pool and playing areas for the kids, wonderful sunsets and long walking beach. Wifi worked very well !
Yöpyi 2 yötä lokakuussa 2017
Tämä arvostelu lähetettiin ennen vuotta 2018, eikä sitä ole tarkistettu.

10/10 Loistava

Diana H.

'Paradise found'
My husband and I just spent one month at Judy's property.. As she mentions, all one needs to bring are their personal belongings. The home is very well equipped with everything you could possibly need. Beds are extremely comfortable. A true home away from home. During the entire month it was sunny and warm. No rain. The Gulf breezes cooled us on hot days and we only needed to use the air conditioning (optional) for sleepibg the last 2 nights. A good idea to have a rental car - lots to sightsee within driving distance - some closer than others - the same for places to eat and grocery shopping. Despite many things to do and see, we have to say that probably our very favourite thing was sitting on the covered patio on the comfortable sectional furniture and looking at the swaying palms, the interesting birds and feeling the gulf breezes and enjoying our morning coffee and or evening cocktails. Judy was very responsive to any of out requests which were minimal, and they have excellent caretakers adjacent to the property. Thanks for a wonderful, relaxing stay. Dennis and Diana
Yöpyi 28 yötä maaliskuussa 2017
Tämä arvostelu lähetettiin ennen vuotta 2018, eikä sitä ole tarkistettu.

10/10 Loistava

Masha B.

A perfect vacation!
Mexico Las Tunas Review My family of six had a wonderful, peaceful, eight day vacation at Las Tunas over the February school break. We felt very comfortable at the villa, and absolutely loved the private, palm shaded territory leading to the pristine beach. Gaby, the caretaker was very helpful. She cleaned the house every couple of days and helped me with the laundry. The proximity to the city of Merida, the archeological sites and the fairytale cenotes was a great bonus. The nearby village was ideal for the small everyday grocery needs as well as midday meals of fresh seafood. It was a perfect vacation!:)
Tämä arvostelu lähetettiin ennen vuotta 2018, eikä sitä ole tarkistettu.

10/10 Loistava

Simon P., Long Grove, IL, USA

Excellent Stay
Las Tunas is a wonderfully relaxing place to stay. My two boys and I have just returned from a 10 day stay and our first visit to the Yucatan. Telchac Puerto is a quiet spot but perfectly located to visit all the major sites in the Yucatan. The house has everything you need for the perfect vacation, great pool and less than a minute stroll down to the ocean. María Elena and her boys keep everything well maintained and the way the house has been built provides a great cooling breeze from the beach all day and night. If you're looking for a quiet,relaxing, perfect spot you can't go wrong with selecting Las Tunas. Judy, the owner, is really easy to work with and answered every question that we had. She connected us with some of the expats in the area and we had a couple of great evenings in the Casa Del Mar bar. Make sure you pop in to see Briggette and Daren who will make you feel very welcome.

Tietoa majoittajasta

Majoittaja: Judy Abbott Mier y Teran

Majoittajan profiilikuva
I came to Merida as a college sophomore 51 years ago for a three-month Spanish course. I met a local, got married, started a successful business (Yucatan Today - THE tourist guide to the Yucatan), raised a family and am now doing philanthropical work in education in Telchac Puerto. Las Tunas is our beach home, but we can't be there year-round, so we choose to rent it to others who will love and treat it as we do. A beach home that is lived in fares better with the salty atmosphere. Our onsite caretaker makes life at Las Tunas easy and enjoyable. Las Tunas is our home - not a cold rental. We only remove our clothes when we rent, so everything for your comfort is left there - pots and pans, serving dishes, wine glasses, cozy blankets, hammocks galore, coffee grinder.....everything. And, the caretaker will greet you with a warm meal on the day of your arrival. Welcome to Las Tunas.

Miksi majoittaja valitsi tämän majoituspaikan

Las Tunas is our beach home, but we can't be there year round, so we choose to rent it to others who will love and treat it as we do. A beach home that is lived in fares better with the salty atmosphere. Our onsite caretaker makes life at Las Tunas easy and enjoyable. Las Tunas is our home - not a cold rental. We only remove our clothes when we rent, so everything for your comfort is left there - pots and pans, serving dishes, wine glasses, cozy blankets, hammocks galore, coffee grinder.....everything. And, the caretaker will greet you with a warm meal on the day of your arrival. Welcome to Las Tunas.

Mikä tekee tästä majoituspaikasta ainutlaatuisen

Having a hot meal awaiting you on your arrival day is the perfect way to end a travel day and start your vacation. Our onsite caretaker makes life at Las Tunas easy. He sweeps the house four times a week and will help with more housework and cook for an optional fee. We have no wall to wall neighbors so you have privacy. Some say Las Tunas is remote, but at the same time, we are near the village if you need to pick something up.


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