Casa enteraĀ·Alojamiento particular

VILLA DE LUJO - Premier Partner, Vistas increĆ­bles, 5 * comentarios, sereno y privado

Galerƭa de imƔgenes de VILLA DE LUJO - Premier Partner, Vistas increƭbles, 5 * comentarios, sereno y privado

BotĆ³n de imagen sin clasificar, 3 de 42
Zona de estar




4Ā habitaciones4Ā baƱos8Ā huĆ©spedes418.1 metros cuadrados

Servicios populares

  • BaƱera de hidromasaje
    BaƱera de hidromasajeBaƱera de hidromasaje
  • Piscina
  • Lavadora
  • Gimnasio
  • Parrilla de barbacoa
    Parrilla de barbacoaParrilla de barbacoa
  • Desayuno disponible
    Desayuno disponibleDesayuno disponible

Descubre la zona

Upper Prince's Quarter,, Sint Maarten
  • Punto popularPlaya DawnA 20Ā min a pie
  • Punto popularPlaya Great BayA 7Ā min en coche
  • Punto popularPlaya de Orient BayA 11Ā min en coche
  • AeropuertoPhilipsburg (SXM-A. Internacional Princess Juliana)A 37Ā min en coche

Habitaciones y camas

4Ā habitaciones (capacidad para 8Ā personas)

HabitaciĆ³n 1

1 cama de matrimonio

HabitaciĆ³n 2

1 cama de matrimonio

HabitaciĆ³n 3

1 cama de matrimonio grande

HabitaciĆ³n 4

2 camas individuales

4Ā baƱos

BaƱo 1

WC Ā· Solo ducha

BaƱo 2

WC Ā· Solo ducha

BaƱo 3

WC Ā· Solo ducha

BaƱo 4

WC Ā· Solo ducha

Otros espacios

Terraza o patio
Zona de juegos al aire libre

Acerca de este alojamiento

VILLA DE LUJO - Premier Partner, Vistas increĆ­bles, 5 * comentarios, sereno y privado

Bienvenido a Villa Tamarind, nuestra impresionante y lujosa villa con vistas incomparables del Mar Caribe y Saint Barts. Nuestra casa ofrece vistas asombrosas, privacidad, un jardĆ­n tropical, asĆ­ como excelentes comodidades en un ambiente maravillosamente sereno. Tu escapada al Caribe de tu vida! Junto con nuestro personal, haremos que su experiencia sea inolvidable.

Villa Tamarind es una hermosa villa con 4.500 pies cuadrados de espacio habitable en un impresionante entorno privado y ofrece una vida espaciosa y de concepto abierto. Nuestros huƩspedes nunca podrƔn disfrutar de las magnƭficas vistas, la tranquilidad y la privacidad de nuestra propiedad. Esto es lo que hace que nuestro hogar sea tan especial.

Villa Tamarind ofrece un espacio de vida generoso que permite a los amigos y familiares pasar tiempo de calidad juntos y crear recuerdos fantĆ”sticos, a la vez que permite la privacidad y el tiempo de soledad cuando se desea. Ā”Lo mejor de ambos mundos!

Nuestra propiedad ofrece una gran sala de estar, amplia y luminosa, con 3 ventiladores de techo, grandes puertas corredizas de vidrio que se abren a la terraza y la piscina, asĆ­ como muebles modernos y hechos a medida, que incluyen un generoso y magnĆ­fico sofĆ” cama. . Hay un Smart TV, que estĆ” conectado a Netflix: perfecto para una divertida noche de cine o simplemente para ver tus programas favoritos. Wi-Fi se proporciona en toda la Villa.

TambiĆ©n hemos equipado nuestra casa con un altavoz Bluetooth JBL Xtreme, asĆ­ como un Amazon Echo, para que pueda reproducir sus canciones favoritas. Villa Tamarind tambiĆ©n tiene una excelente selecciĆ³n de libros, que nos complace compartir con usted, incluido un buen nĆŗmero de libros de cocina, Ā”que esperamos que le inspiren!

Nuestra villa de lujo ofrece cuatro habitaciones y baƱos grandes con aire acondicionado, cada uno con grandes duchas independientes. Tres suites cuentan con vista al mar con grandes puertas corredizas de vidrio, que se abren a una terraza sombreada, con vista a la piscina. El cuarto dormitorio, ofrece vistas a nuestro tranquilo jardĆ­n tropical. Tres de las suites estĆ”n equipadas con colchones de bambĆŗ de espuma de memoria. Una de las suites ofrece privacidad adicional, con acceso desde la cubierta y su propia terraza privada. Suministramos ropa de cama de lujo, toallas, toallas de playa, secadores de pelo, asĆ­ como tambiĆ©n un jabĆ³n para manos / champĆŗ 3 en 1 / champĆŗ.

Nuestra cocina de concepto abierto es luminosa y cuenta con chefs gourmet en mente. Ya sea que desee tomarse las cosas con calma en la cocina mientras estĆ” de vacaciones, o si le encanta la idea de preparar un festĆ­n, encontrarĆ” todo lo que estĆ” buscando, desde cuchillos de cocina hasta una batidora y una licuadora, una rebanada de 4 rebanadas. una tostadora, un lavaplatos, una estufa y un horno de gas de 4 fuegos, muchas ollas y sartenes, asĆ­ como tambiĆ©n vajillas y artĆ­culos para hornear. Incluso proporcionamos una despensa surtida para su conveniencia (aceite, sal, pimienta, especias, azĆŗcar, etc.).
La isla tiene muchos restaurantes excelentes, y nos complacerƔ compartir con ustedes nuestros favoritos y aquellos que consideramos joyas ocultas. Sin embargo, si prefiere quedarse en casa y relajarse, podemos ayudarlo a organizar los servicios del Chef, ya sea para una sola comida o para toda la semana, desde el desayuno hasta la cena. Simplemente hƔganoslo saber!

Villa Tamarind ofrece dos opciones para comer. Hay una mesa de comedor interior, con capacidad para 6, asĆ­ como una mesa de comedor de teca al aire libre cubierta por encima de la cubierta de la piscina, con capacidad para 8.

Villa Tamarind estĆ” equipada con una lavadora y secadora de gran capacidad, que puede utilizar para su comodidad.

Hace casi 20 aƱos, nos enamoramos de las vistas y sabĆ­amos que a nuestros huĆ©spedes tambiĆ©n les encantarĆ­an. Disfrute de la vista y disfrute de los vientos alisios del Caribe mientras se relaja en una de nuestras cĆ³modas tumbonas o se baƱa en nuestra generosa piscina.
Fuera de las habitaciones con vistas al mar, asƭ como de la sala de estar, el techo se extiende, proporcionando hermosas terrazas con sombra, con vistas a la piscina. El diseƱo de la Villa estƔ diseƱado para aprovechar al mƔximo la fantƔstica vista del Mar Caribe, la Bahƭa de Guana y Saint Barts, asƭ como la brisa marina que proporciona enfriamiento natural.
Para muchos de nuestros huĆ©spedes, las vacaciones riman con la cocina al aire libre! Villa Tamarind estĆ” equipada con una barbacoa de carbĆ³n Weber, asĆ­ como un horno de pizza de leƱa hecho a la medida. Si te sientes como un piazzaiolo, esta es tu oportunidad y estaremos encantados de proporcionarte algo de leƱa para que funcione.

Nuestra propiedad estĆ” ubicada en la exclusiva colina de Tamarind, en una hermosa colina con vista a las aguas cristalinas del Mar Caribe y Saint Barts. Tamarind Hill es una comunidad cerrada segura y protegida, con seguridad 24/7.

Nuestra casa no solo es ideal para una estancia sĆŗper relajante, sino que tambiĆ©n estĆ” cerca de lo mejor que la isla tiene para ofrecer, situada a solo unos minutos de la frontera. AquĆ­ hay algunas distancias para darle una idea de cuĆ”n central es nuestra villa: Philipsburg 10 minutos; Orient Playa a 15 minutos; Grand Case 20 minutos; Simpson Bay 25 minutos.

Tamarind Hill tiene su propia playa casi privada, llamada Gibbs Bay, a la que se puede acceder a pie o en auto, sin salir de la comunidad. Es una hermosa playa salvaje (sin instalaciones), que en aguas tranquilas es un buen lugar para bucear, con el arrecife casi llegando a la costa. Sin embargo, Sint Maarten tiene tantas playas que vale la pena visitar, Ā”37 de ellas! La ubicaciĆ³n de Villa Tamarind tambiĆ©n le permite realizar magnĆ­ficos paseos por la maƱana en todo el complejo y hasta Guana Bay y mĆ”s adelante si lo desea.

--Servicios -
En Villa Tamarind, nuestro objetivo es asegurarnos de que tenga una experiencia inolvidable, que sabemos que comienza mucho antes de que llegue. Te ayudaremos a planificar una estancia increĆ­ble.

Nuestro encantador y experimentado administrador de propiedades vive cerca de Villa Tamarind. Ella lo ayudarƔ a tener las vacaciones de su vida, comenzando con una visita gratuita a su agencia de alquiler de autos, lo que le permitirƔ una llegada completamente libre de estrƩs. Luego lo acompaƱarƔ a la Villa y lo ayudarƔ a familiarizarse con nuestra casa y sus comodidades. Ella estƔ muy bien informada sobre la isla y estarƔ mƔs que feliz de responder cualquiera de sus preguntas o hacer recomendaciones personalizadas.

Si desea comenzar a disfrutar de sus vacaciones en el momento en que aterriza, le recomendamos que realice un aprovisionamiento previo y que guarde sus alimentos seleccionados. Ā”QuĆ© agradable llegar y abrir una cerveza frĆ­a!

Nuestra fantƔstica ama de llaves prepararƔ la Villa para su llegada y tambiƩn vendrƔ a la casa, una vez por semana, para refrescarla.

Nuestra piscina se limpia profesionalmente dos veces por semana.

Sint Maarten se suele explorar mejor con un automĆ³vil y todas las playas ofrecen fĆ”cil estacionamiento. Sin embargo, si prefiere no conducir, podemos recomendar un conductor fantĆ”stico que ofrece servicio VIP 24/7 a un precio razonable.

Hemos recopilado un "Libro de bienvenida" completo, que contiene informaciĆ³n muy valiosa sobre nuestra Villa y la isla, que incluye recomendaciones sobre playas, restaurantes, excursiones y mĆ”s.

Para nuestros huĆ©spedes que viajan con niƱos menores de 3 aƱos, ofrecemos una cuna de viaje Phil y Ted, que se instalarĆ” antes de su llegada y se colocarĆ” en el dormitorio de su elecciĆ³n. Para nuestros huĆ©spedes mĆ”s pequeƱos, ofrecemos una selecciĆ³n de libros para niƱos, asĆ­ como algunos juguetes, que nuestro administrador de propiedades estarĆ” encantado de colocar en una de las habitaciones a pedido.

Villa Tamarind es realmente una Villa excepcional para su escapada al Caribe y esperamos darle la bienvenida.

No dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros para obtener mĆ”s informaciĆ³n o con cualquier solicitud especial.

Esperamos que su estancia sea inolvidable!

Gestor del alojamiento



NeerlandƩs, inglƩs, francƩs, espaƱol

Protege tus pagos: reserva siempre en Vrbo

Si te piden que reserves fuera de nuestra plataforma o que pagues directamente antes de reservar en Vrbo, comunĆ­canoslo.


BaƱera de hidromasaje
Wifi gratis

Normas del alojamiento

Hora de comienzo del registro de entrada: 16:00
Edad mĆ­nima para alquilar: 25
Hora lĆ­mite del registro de salida: 10:00


Se admiten niƱos a partir de cualquier edad


No se permiten eventos


No se admiten mascotas


No se permite fumar
No smoking inside the house. Only outside.
No additional guests: only those guests included in the rental agreement are permitted to enter the property.
No parties, no outside visitors, no overnight guests without previous approval
You will be required to sign a contract (same terms as on VRBO) and return it electronically within 24 hours for your reservation to be confirmed

InformaciĆ³n importante

Otros detalles

Este alojamiento estĆ” gestionado por un propietario particular (es decir, una parte que no actĆŗa dentro de su mercado, negocio o profesiĆ³n). No se aplicarĆ” la legislaciĆ³n de protecciĆ³n de consumidores de la UE a tu reserva, incluido el derecho de desistimiento. La polĆ­tica de cancelaciĆ³n establecida por el propietario particular cubrirĆ” tu reserva.
Puede aplicarse un recargo por cada persona adicional, segĆŗn la polĆ­tica del alojamiento.
A tu llegada, pueden pedirte un documento de identidad oficial con foto y una tarjeta de crĆ©dito o dĆ©bito, o un depĆ³sito en efectivo, para cubrir los gastos imprevistos.
No se garantizan las solicitudes especiales, que estƔn sujetas a disponibilidad en el momento de la llegada y pueden suponer un recargo adicional.
EstĆ” terminantemente prohibido celebrar fiestas u otros eventos en grupo en las instalaciones.
El propietario ha indicado que el alojamiento cuenta con un detector de monĆ³xido de carbono.
El propietario no ha indicado si el alojamiento cuenta con un detector de humo.
Entre los elementos de seguridad de este alojamiento, se incluyen los siguientes: extintor y botiquĆ­n de primeros auxilios.

InformaciĆ³n adicional

Se recomienda acceder a este alojamiento en coche.

InformaciĆ³n sobre la zona

Oyster Pond

esta villa se encuentra en el barrio Tamarind Hill Estates de Oyster Pond, cerca de la playa. Si quieres sumergirte en la belleza natural de la regiĆ³n, acĆ©rcate a Playa de Orient Bay o a Maho Beach. Descubre todas las actividades acuĆ”ticas que podrĆ”s hacer en la zona, como paseos en moto de agua o kayak; ademĆ”s, tendrĆ”s ocasiĆ³n de disfrutar de la naturaleza al aire libre con opciones tan variadas como la equitaciĆ³n o el senderismo.
Upper Prince's Quarter,, Sint Maarten

QuƩ hay en los alrededores

  • Playa Dawn - A 20Ā min a pie
  • Sint Maarten Park - A 6Ā min en coche
  • Playa Great Bay - A 7Ā min en coche
  • Playa de Orient Bay - A 11Ā min en coche
  • BahĆ­a Orient - A 12Ā min en coche

CĆ³mo moverse por la zona

  • Grand Case (SFG-L'Esperance): a 20Ā min en coche


  • ā€ŖThe Greenhouse Restaurant - ā€¬A 7Ā min en coche
  • ā€ŖBlue Bitch Bar - ā€¬A 7Ā min en coche
  • ā€ŖNĆ¼ Love - ā€¬A 7Ā min en coche
  • ā€ŖFoo Ho - ā€¬A 7Ā min en coche
  • ā€ŖDirty sanchez bar - ā€¬A 7Ā min en coche

Preguntas frecuentes

ĀæEn VILLA DE LUJO - Premier Partner, Vistas increĆ­bles, 5 * comentarios, sereno y privado hay piscina?

SĆ­, este alojamiento cuenta con una piscina al aire libre.

ĀæEn VILLA DE LUJO - Premier Partner, Vistas increĆ­bles, 5 * comentarios, sereno y privado se aceptan mascotas?

No, este alojamiento no admite mascotas.

ĀæA quĆ© hora se realiza la entrada en VILLA DE LUJO - Premier Partner, Vistas increĆ­bles, 5 * comentarios, sereno y privado?

Hora de inicio del registro de entrada: 16:00.

ĀæA quĆ© hora se realiza la salida en VILLA DE LUJO - Premier Partner, Vistas increĆ­bles, 5 * comentarios, sereno y privado?

La salida se realiza a las 10:00.

ĀæDĆ³nde se encuentra VILLA DE LUJO - Premier Partner, Vistas increĆ­bles, 5 * comentarios, sereno y privado?

Esta villa de la zona de Tamarind Hill Estates se sitĆŗa a menos de 2 kilĆ³metros de Oyster Bay Marina, Playa de Gibbs Bay y Playa Dawn. Playa de Guana Bay y Guana Bay tambiĆ©n estĆ”n a menos de 2 kilĆ³metros.




Los comentarios se muestran en orden cronolĆ³gico, estĆ”n sujetos a un proceso de moderaciĆ³n y se han verificado a menos que se indique lo contrario.
Leer mƔsSe abre en una ventana nueva
36 comentarios de un total de 39 con una puntuaciĆ³n de 10 - Excelente" "
3 comentarios de un total de 39 con una puntuaciĆ³n de 8 - Bueno" "
0 comentarios de un total de 39 con una puntuaciĆ³n de 6 - Normal" "
0 comentarios de un total de 39 con una puntuaciĆ³n de 4 - Mediocre" "
0 comentarios de un total de 39 con una puntuaciĆ³n de 2 - Horrible" "










PrecisiĆ³n del anuncio


10/10 Excelente

James L.

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicaciĆ³n, ubicaciĆ³n y precisiĆ³n del anuncio
The week AFTER sailing
Totally enjoyed our stay. An electric kettle and a propane barbecue would be a welcome addition, and there needs to be some way to lock the separate bedroom suite.
Se alojĆ³ 6 noches en febrero de 2024

10/10 Excelente

Mike G.

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicaciĆ³n, ubicaciĆ³n y precisiĆ³n del anuncio
Amazing Stay!
The VRBO photos do not truly encapsulate the beauty of these views! Property, grounds, and host (Vincent) were amazing. Food on this island is incredible. Highly recommend staying at Villa Tamarind.
Se alojĆ³ 7 noches en octubre de 2023

10/10 Excelente

Tracy C.

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicaciĆ³n, ubicaciĆ³n y precisiĆ³n del anuncio
A very special family vacation
We had a fantastic time. We are 2 families with 3 young adult kids, ages 18,20 and 21. There was plenty of space and absolutely gorgeous views from the house We would love to stay there again.
Se alojĆ³ 6 noches en diciembre de 2022

10/10 Excelente

Bruce and Zeljka N., Stouffville, Ontario, Canada

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicaciĆ³n, ubicaciĆ³n y precisiĆ³n del anuncio
Holiday in paradise
We had a fantastic stay at Villa Tamarind and Vincent was always available for recommendations or assistance if needed. We had two wonderful weeks with incredible weather and views. This location has sun from sunrise to just before sunset and we ate dinner outside on the terrace almost every night. It is breezy but we loved that as otherwise could have been too hot :). Beds, pillows and amenities were all amazing (although could use an extra blanket for those that like the weight)! The dryer broke and Vincent had it replaced within 1 day with a new one. Had a wonderful time and we hope to come again in the future.
Se alojĆ³ 14 noches en diciembre de 2022

10/10 Excelente

James N.

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicaciĆ³n, ubicaciĆ³n y precisiĆ³n del anuncio
Great property. Would recommend.
Se alojĆ³ 6 noches en noviembre de 2022

10/10 Excelente

Peggy P., USA East Boothbay, Maine

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicaciĆ³n, ubicaciĆ³n y precisiĆ³n del anuncio
Villa Tamarind
What a perfect Villa for views, rest and relaxation - always a refreshing breeze and perfect temperatures!! The spacious Villa accommodated our group of 6 with room to spare. All the individuals we encountered - Vincent, Rose, Sunita, Alix were most helpful. Although we did not meet Celine, she was my primary communicator before our arrival - promote and informative. Be prepared for hillside roads, but they lead to great adventures. A grand time for all - most appreciated!! Peggy
Se alojĆ³ 10 noches en marzo de 2022

8/10 Bueno

Bill J.

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicaciĆ³n, ubicaciĆ³n y precisiĆ³n del anuncio
Villa Tamarind Review
This was a good property. It was beautiful and convenient to good dining. The layout of the villa is a bit awkward with too many levels of steps between the main common area and the bedrooms. The kitchen has a layout that is difficult to navigate although the appliances are top notch. The pool is great but be careful walking on the wet surfaces on the pool decking as it is extremely slippery. The sitting area on the side is comfortable but sometimes is a bit hot. The front sitting area is nice and breezy but the furniture is not as comfortable. Overall it is a good property. With a few tweaks it could be great.
Se alojĆ³ 14 noches en julio de 2021

10/10 Excelente

Peggy P., USA East Boothbay, Maine

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicaciĆ³n, ubicaciĆ³n y precisiĆ³n del anuncio
Trip canceled due to Covid-19!
Unable to check N/A as we were unable to enjoy this vacation as Covid-19 arrived. Celine has been very accommodating and flexible and was willing to transfer our reservation to March 2021. Looking forward to another try!! Peggy
Se alojĆ³ 10 noches en marzo de 2020

10/10 Excelente

Jennifer L., Toronto, Canada

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicaciĆ³n, ubicaciĆ³n y precisiĆ³n del anuncio
Outstanding Family Trip
Our group of 4 adults and 4 kids (ages 8-12) spent an incredible week in St Maarten in mid March. We loved everything about the villa - the view was breathtaking, the indoor and outdoor amenities exceeded all of our expectations. It was quiet, private and we felt extremely safe in the Upper Princeā€™s Quarter neighborhood. We rented a car (which is required given the location is at least 10 mins away from the nearest restaurants/groceries) and quickly adapted to driving the island roads. We have travelled to several Caribbean islands and St Maarten/St Martin is by far the most welcoming, comfortable and safe island that we have visited. Celine and her local property managers were extremely responsive and offered many fantastic suggestions of places to visit/dine on the island. We enjoyed exploring but also enjoyed staying put at the villa to lounge by the pool and explore the local beach. As the COVID-19 crisis started to escalate globally, Celine reached out repeatedly to check in and ensure we were able to get home. We are extremely grateful for her concern and support at this unprecedented time. I would highly recommend this villa and the island of St Maarten to all travelers - gorgeous beaches, delicious food, modern conveniences, lovely people. Thank you for sharing your slice of paradise with us Celine and family!
Se alojĆ³ 7 noches en marzo de 2020

10/10 Excelente

Don V.

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicaciĆ³n, ubicaciĆ³n y precisiĆ³n del anuncio
SPECTACULAR Tamarind Villa in Sint Maarten!!!! Celine is an AMAZING host!!
This was our first time in St Maarten (family of 6). Celine and her villa EXCEEDED our expectations. The house is located in a beautiful, gated community that sits on a small hill. The neighbourhood is very quiet. The gate guards are very friendly. The path to the villa is lined by beautiful flowers and trees, and many beautiful houses. The villa itself is HUGE & GORGEOUS. There are 4 very spacious bedrooms: 1 master BR on one side of the villa; 2 separate BRs on the other side; and 1 separate BR off the side of the villa. Each of the BRs has its own LARGE full bathroom, and each has air conditioning. The living room is huge, and fully equipped for entertainment (TV, netflix, wifi, Alexa sound system). The sectional couch was huge: we could enjoy the whole family sitting together (with each person having their own space). The kitchen and pantry is fully equipped+++. The views from the villa are BREATHTAKING. You can see the sun rise and set. The ocean is calming, with soothing sounds of the distant waves. The infinity pool is spectacular. Just cool enough during the day to be refreshing without being cold, and warmed up in the afternoon by the sun. The deck is equipped with everything you could possibly need: Lounge chairs so that you can bask in the sun at any time; a large dining table in the sun; and another large dining table that is covered. Celine is an AMAZING host. Her team welcomed us at the airport, brought us to the car rental place to get our van, and accompanied us to the villa. In the LARGE walk-in pantry, Celine has a board organized with many of the worthwhile places to visit: Top 5 beaches; Top 5 places for Lunch; Top 5 places for dinner; etc. There is also a homemade book with details on the house and the surrounding areas. And, Celine is VERY responsive by email (she responds almost as soon as you hit "send".... very attentive to whatever questions you may have!). The villa has 2 private parking spots, so no worries if you rent a vehicle. There is also an outdoor "living room" space, next to an elegant old-style oven (and a smoker, and a BBQ). Admittedly, we did not spend very much time there, because we were too enamored with the deck area, with the constant warm, soothing, soft tropical winds blowing, which is very relaxing. The beaches are great. Our favorite was Orient Bay. Grand Case has excellent restaurants. The villa is INCREDIBLE!! Our family LOVED it! Celine is a GREAT host. VERY HAPPY we chose it. RELAXING
Se alojĆ³ 7 noches en febrero de 2020

10/10 Excelente

Ian T.

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicaciĆ³n, ubicaciĆ³n y precisiĆ³n del anuncio
Simply Amazing!
We loved Villa Tamarind for our 10 day vacation! The most amazing views we have ever experienced on any vacation...EVER! 3 of the 4 bedrooms open up to the pool deck which gazed out to St. Barths, and mountainous views of St. Maarten and itā€™s coastline. The pool itself was the perfect refreshing escape from the warm temps we had and the perfect depth for our 3 children, 8, 6, and 3 to enjoy. The rooms each had their own AC units except the main living area, which could be warm at times, but had plenty of ceiling fans to circulate the air. One of the units failed and needed to be replaced, which was done immediately and without annoyance, which is a testament to Celine, Bogdon, and Marko, our property management team. They made us feel welcome from the minute we stepped off our plane to the very last day! They offered a Caribbean BBQ for an additional cost, that was well worth the evening off of cooking for everyone. The array of grills and the wood fire pizza oven made for some exceptional dinners that my friends and I were able to prepare from local seafood and produce that was purchased from a couple of the grocery stores 15-25 minutes away. Our children loved walking around in the evenings as we prepared our dinners, to take in the many hermit crabs and small lizards that scurry around at that time. There were only a couple minor discrepancies from the listing that we found once we arrived and had time to explore from our villa. There is a small beach that can be traveled to that is near the villa. But none within walking distance for people with kids and beach accessories, or for people not wanting to walk for more than 45 minutes to a rocky beach. Itā€™s best to just drive 20-30 minutes to Oyster, Orient Beach, or Mullet Bay where you will find amazing beaches, water sports, and restaurants. Things are fairly pricey, and expect to pay for beach chairs and umbrellas that fetch a cost on average of $30 for 2 chairs and an umbrella. Overall, we didnā€™t mind the driving to different beach locations as we were able to see the amazing sights, local towns, and what St. Maarten had to offer. We were amazed by the wonderful accommodations and would recommend this tranquil villa to anyone looking for the most amazing and stunning views on the island! Thanks again to Celine, Bogdon, and Marko for a truly blessed experience for our family and friends!
Se alojĆ³ 9 noches en febrero de 2020

10/10 Excelente

Alexandra M.

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicaciĆ³n, ubicaciĆ³n y precisiĆ³n del anuncio
Feb 2020 family vacation
Villa Tamarind was great. The house was accurately depicted and we enjoyed that each bedroom had itā€™s own bathroom. The separate suite off the pool area was helpful for our friend traveling with us didnā€™t mind being away from our kids who woke up so early each morning! House was very well stocked and Celine had fantastic communication throughout the rental process and while we were there. We were greeted at the airport by one of Celineā€™s staff who was very friendly and escorted us to car rental place and then to the house so we wouldnt get lost. We had placed an order for food with a delivery service Celine recommended which made arriving to the house easy as we had snacks and things to prepare a first dinner and breakfast. The supermarkets on the island are great and convenient so donā€™t spend too much on the delivery service - prices are better at the supermarket directly. When we arrived Celine had provided some welcome beers and rum which was a welcome touch! The view is lovely and renting a car is crucial so you can navigate to the different beaches on the island. Celineā€™s recommendations were spot on. The key for us was finding beaches that didnā€™t have the cruise ship folks and we definitely found them. Note that the French side isnā€™t shy about going topless and some (typically older folks) nude on the beach. But that added to the local flavor. Food on the island is expensive but very tasty. Great beach side restaurants. Laid back atmosphere everywhere we went. Villa Tamarind is well located with access to any point you wish to visit on the island. Usually we reached the beaches within 30-45 minutes depending on traffic any way we drove.
Se alojĆ³ 7 noches en febrero de 2020

10/10 Excelente

Marvin R.

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicaciĆ³n, ubicaciĆ³n y precisiĆ³n del anuncio
Most Wonderful Family Vacation
We were there as a couple and then with our adult children and spouses. It was perfect in all respects. The welcome and package and people were outstanding. Alix did a wonderful Caribbean BBQ the first night that set the scene for every night of in home dinners and wonderful experiments with the wood fired oven! Perfectly appointed kitchen with everything you need for serving and entertaining. Cleanliness of property and amenities were over the top. The view is second to none. Perfect for four couples with and privacy and great communal space. Home owner was very attentive and very interested in our enjoyment of the villa. Security is superior with a guard and entrance gate. We rented a car but taxis are available. Owner helped us when we had a problem with our car. Outside Dining areas are not to be missed. We would lift this property and take it anywhere.! Hated to leave!
Se alojĆ³ 10 noches en enero de 2020

10/10 Excelente

Andrea S., NYC

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicaciĆ³n, ubicaciĆ³n y precisiĆ³n del anuncio
Amazing stay!
We had an amazing time at Celine's villa. Excellent communication pre booking and throughout the entire trip. She's well versed in the island and gave us plenty of tips and recommendations in addition to offering options for extra villa services such as grocery stocking / personal chef. Her and her team took great care of us including meeting us at the airport as well as keeping us updated on where to avoid during the protests on the French side. We had some minor issues that had to be addressed and she sent her maintenance team right away. It's great to see a host that is so involved and cares about the experience of their guests! The villa itself is clean and better than as pictured. We felt very safe as it's located in a gated community with 24/7 guard. Gorgeous views...we were able to catch sunrise and you can see all the way to St. Barts. We loved spending our days lounging outdoors, swimming in the pool, using the spin bike,..the house really has everything - outdoor fridge for easy access to drinks, board games, netflix, etc.! Lovely breezes outdoors, screened windows, wifi throughout, ample lighting...AC worked well in the bedrooms. Nice touches such as welcome gift/beverages. We really found no need to be out and about much as the villa was such a wonderful escape for us. For those that enjoy cooking you will truly appreciate how well equipped the kitchen is. We made our grocery runs at Carrefour and made use of the commercial grade dual fuel gas range...stand mixer & scale for baking...blender for smoothies..these were just a few of the kitchen toys on hand. Outdoors you have the charcoal grill and pizza oven..materials supplied for both. A lot of thought and care have been taken to make your stay as relaxing as possible...a mid week cleaning is included as well as plenty of supplies (well stocked pantry, paper supplies and dishwasher tablets etc). We absolutely loved our stay at this villa and the service is top notch! Highly recommend!
Se alojĆ³ 7 noches en diciembre de 2019

10/10 Excelente

Amish P., Jupiter, USA

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicaciĆ³n, ubicaciĆ³n y precisiĆ³n del anuncio
Heaven - best VRBO experience in 6 years
In 6 years and 30+ rentals in 4 countries i (we) have never had such a thoughtful home owner and property manager. We had a party of 7 (4 adults, 9,8 & 5 year olds) and making sure the house is safe, comfortable and well equipped is first priority. The homeowner has created a book (and digital pdf) that details how things in the house work, best restaurant, bars, beaches, excursions etc. we basically had our research done for us. The property manager helped us set up the provisions, managed the delivery and put them away for us. She then met us at the rental car location and escorted us back to the house and showed us around. The home is beautiful main living and kitchen and dining great room. Master to the left, and the the right 1 bedroom with en-suite , 1 full bath and 3rd bedroom. There is another full bed and bath accessible from the outside only which was great to have the adults separated and the kids in the middle rooms. But that patio and pool... the pictures donā€™t do it justice. You can see st Bartā€™s easily and there is a constant breeze which cools the main room of the house. The AC in the bed rooms is cold, separate towels for the beach & showering. She had coolers & umbrellas for us. Fantastic water pressure, never ran out of hot water even though i was last to shower. There are plenty of covered and uncovered outdoor spaces, bbq grill and a wood fired pizza oven which we used several times. We would all go back in a heart beat... the home was wonderful but the service level, attention to detail, pool and house cleaning 2x in 7 days, knowing exactly what spices were there, full sized washer, Dryer and Dishwasher...priceless. And on the very last day the owner made a point to come see us off, not to rush us out but to make sure we liked / didnā€™t have any questions. Since we had a later flight but had all of our bags we wanted a safe / secure place to go that was kid friendly. She threw out several awesome places which we enjoyed. You will not be disappointed Quiet, lush, beautiful, comfortable, great for families or for couples...
Se alojĆ³ 7 noches en junio de 2019

10/10 Excelente

Brandon R., Eugene

Absolutely Amazing!
What an AMAZING Villa! My group of 7 couldnā€™t have picked a better spot to stay! Incredible location, 5 Star views, very clean and the entire staff from the owners, property manager, pool maintenance and maid service were exceptionally nice and helpful! We are so sad to be leaving but will 100% be booking this Villa again in the near future.
Se alojĆ³ 10 noches en marzo de 2019

10/10 Excelente

Fawn P.

Great place to stay.
Had a wonderful week at the house. Sam was so helpful with everything. Check in, check out were easy. The pool was wonderful. We spent hours basking in the sun and watching sail boats go by. Great place.
Se alojĆ³ 7 noches en marzo de 2019

10/10 Excelente

Stephen S., Valparaiso, US

Amazing Villa - Breathtaking Views - Great Owners
We planned a family trip to St. Maarten in early 2018 - from the start the owners were great partners and more than helpful with any questions we had. Our flight arrived a little late and we were so grateful that Sam was there to assist us with groceries and guiding us to the Villa. Even though it was dark when we arrived we were more than impressed - the villa had everything we need plus more. The next morning we finally saw the full beauty of the villa - the views are amazing - breathtaking - and just what you need for relaxation. We were so pleased to have spent our time in this villa. The island is still in recovery mode - while there is significant progress in many areas - there are still signs of the hurricane's fury. Even so - we never had a problem finding places to go, great food or fun little shops - instead we were often asking ourselves - "if it is this amazing now - what was it like before and what will the island be like in a few more months". We can't wait to go back - if you are planning a trip - this villa is one you must consider - especially if you want a pool, lots or room, and great owners/partners. Thanks Vincent and Sam for making our trip so special.
Se alojĆ³ 7 noches en diciembre de 2018

10/10 Excelente

Geralynn W.

We rented the villa for our annual girls trip. The villa was lovely, view was amazing, and it had everything we needed. Celine was so helpful and gave us a lot of great information about the island. We especially loved her dining suggestions. We spent most of the day outside in the pool, enjoying the beautiful view. This house is perfect for a group of 8, would love to come back next year.

10/10 Excelente

Nicole S.

Is this heaven?
Is this heaven? That was the question that our 6 yr old daughter asked our first evening at villa tamarind. We were a family traveling with 3 adults and 2 young children and villa tamarind was perfect for our group. We spent the majority of our time in the outdoor space - with a view like the one at the villa - how could you not? Sunrise and sunsets were stunning. Special thanks to the owners Vincent and Celine for being great hosts. Definitely recommend renting a car.
Se alojĆ³ 8 noches en abril de 2018
Este comentario se enviĆ³ antes de 2018 y no se ha verificado.

10/10 Excelente

Morgan C.

Beautiful villa with amazing view
My family and I just returned from St. Martin and loved staying in Villa Tamarind. The villa was very clean and had many amenities. The kitchen was more than well stocked with kitchen supplies and cooking utensils. We ate outside for all meals and enjoyed the amazing breeze. The view of St. Bart and Guana Bay were fantastic-we were able to get some fantastic sunrise pictures. We had rented a car and explored different beaches each day. If anyone is traveling with small children, La Galion is one of the best beaches for them! We went twice as my 4 year old could run and play in the shallow water. Dawn beach is very close and just as beautiful. We had a memorable stay here and would definitely visit again!
Se alojĆ³ 7 noches en abril de 2017
Este comentario se enviĆ³ antes de 2018 y no se ha verificado.

8/10 Bueno

Andrea C., Tewksbury, MA

A Little Slice of Paradise!
The villa was amazing, beautiful views, nicely equipped, and wonderful communication. We are a group of friends (two couples and three additional friends). Sam, the rental agent, met us at the airport and helped us get to the villa. The villa was set up perfectly for our needs - you walk into the living space (kitchen, dining area, and living room) and immediately have a beautiful ocean view - to the right is the master suite - to the left is a small staircase that leads down to two additional bedrooms and bathrooms (one with a queen bed and one with two twin beds pushed together). If you proceed out the sliding doors towards the pool area, there is an outdoor dining space under a roof. To the left of the pool is another bedroom/bathroom that is accessible by a sliding door in the patio/pool area. Beds were comfortable and plenty of towels. Communication with both the hosts and rental agent was timely and clear. Every question was answered and the one small issue that occurred during our stay was tended to quickly (AC note working in one of the bedrooms). The island itself has amazing beaches and the villa is a bit "off the beaten path," so I would highly recommend renting a car to be able to explore all of the surrounding areas. A couple of things to be aware of when renting a car: The road as you are approaching the villa is a VERY steep hill and the driveway at the villa is also a partially paved hill, wide enough for two cars. Some of the drivers on the island are aggressive and impatient - passing on the left on very narrow roads. Many scooters pass down the middle of lanes (between you and oncoming traffic). Lastly, if you are leaving the villa and heading for the french side of the island, it's better to brave the hills you came in on than try to take the shortcut to Oyster Bay, as that road is quite bumpy and only partially paved. We arrived on a Sunday when all of the major grocery stores were closed - there are some smaller, local shops where you can get essentials, but beware, they are cash only (or so they said, while two credit card machines sat unused on the counter) and will likely charge you in the local currency when all you have is dollars. Be sure to visit either the Fresh Market or Grande Marche for better food shopping options. All in all, we had a fantastic time, loved the villa, and couldn't have asked for better hosts. Thank you to Vincent, Celine, Sam, and the Villa Tamarind Team for a wonderful week!
Se alojĆ³ 7 noches en abril de 2017
Este comentario se enviĆ³ antes de 2018 y no se ha verificado.

10/10 Excelente


quatre couples d'amis en vacances
TrĆØs belle villa, bien situĆ©e. Beaucoup de commoditĆ© , espaces , vues. Merveilleux sĆ©jours.
Se alojĆ³ 6 noches en diciembre de 2016
Este comentario se enviĆ³ antes de 2018 y no se ha verificado.

10/10 Excelente

Brad W.

Beautiful and convenient location. Loved our stay
Wonderful 4 bedroom villa with unbeatable views. Excellent location that was <15 min from the best beach (Orient), best shopping (Phillipsburg), and best restaurants (Grand Case) on the Island.
Se alojĆ³ 7 noches en marzo de 2016
Este comentario se enviĆ³ antes de 2018 y no se ha verificado.

10/10 Excelente

scott b.

Wonderful and Peaceful home
This was our first trip to St. Martin and it was a delight. What a view to wake up to and enjoy for the entire day. We travelled with our five children ranging from 19 years old to 10 years old. This home was the perfect set-up to enjoy the downtime in otherwise hectic schedules. The kitchen is fully stocked with the all appliances you would need to make all of your meals at the house and the local supermarkets did not leave us lacking for anything. The home seemed rather central to all of the activities we wished to do on the island and certainly felt like home as we returned after hours in town. We would surely request this property again for future visits.

Acerca de su propietario/a

Propietario/a: Vincent

Imagen de perfil del propietario o de la propietaria
I own this house since 2001 and love it. This villa is the best place for families, friends, and guests who want to create unforgettable memories in a special setting. The views are endless, it's breathtakingly beautiful. The villa is equipped for amateur cooks, and chef's with a chef's range, a smoker, a pizza oven, and an island BBQ grill.

QuƩ hace que este alojamiento sea especial

Our property is amazingly private and offers truly spectacular views, yet is ideally located and offers easy access to both sides of the island


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