Koko loma-asunto·Yksityinen majoittaja

Casa Hinta Rosan aitolla ruoanlaitolla plus siivous!

Majoituspaikan Casa Hinta Rosan aitolla ruoanlaitolla plus siivous! valokuvagalleria




Poikkeuksellisen hyvä

3 makuuhuonetta2 kylpyhuonetta6 henkilöä

Suositut palvelut/mukavuudet

  • Uima-allas
  • Pyykinpesukone
  • Keittiö
  • Ilmastointi
  • Kuivausrumpu
  • Ulkotilat

Tutustu alueeseen

Playa del Carmen, QROO
  • Suosittu kohdePlaya Playacarin ranta2 min kävelymatka
  • Suosittu kohdeQuinta-puistokatu17 min kävelymatka
  • Suosittu kohdePlayacar-golfkeskus4 min ajomatka
  • LentokenttäCancún, Quintana Roo (CUN-Cancúnin kansainvälinen lentoasema)53 min ajomatka

Oleellisimmat arvostelut

Huoneet ja sängyt

3 makuuhuonetta (6 vuodepaikkaa)

Makuuhuone 1

1 parisänky

Makuuhuone 2

1 suuri parisänky

Makuuhuone 3

1 keskisuuri parisänky

2 kylpyhuonetta

Kylpyhuone 1

WC · Vain suihku

Kylpyhuone 2

WC · Vain suihku


Terassi tai patio

Tietoja majoituspaikasta

Casa Hinta Rosan aitolla ruoanlaitolla plus siivous!

Tule ja pilaantu Casa Priceen. Rosa tekee ruokaa ja siivousta päivittäin (paitsi sunnuntaisin), joten sinun ei tarvitse lomallasi! Aitoja meksikolaisia ruokia ja Rosan rakkaus Casa Hintaan tekee lomasta upean! Rosa on osa perhettä, joka auttaa sinua nauttimaan ajasta Casa Pricessä jo yli 20 vuoden ajan! Casa Video - "https: // www. Youtube. Com / katsella?v = 1A84t6IA_E8"

OMINAISUUDET BOSTON GLOBE -MATKASIVALLA 10.4.2005. Sijaitsee Playacarissa, vaihe # 1. Tämä kolme makuuhuonetta, kaksi kylpyhuonetta (ei huoneistoa) on näkymä merelle ja Cozumelin saarelle olohuoneesta, ruokasalista, keittiöstä ja makuuhuoneesta. Jos etsit parasta paikkaa rannalle ja 5. kadulle, olet löytänyt sen; mukava, puhdas ja värikäs huvila edulliseen hintaan. Talo sijaitsee vain 30 metrin päässä kauniista valkoisista rannoista ja vain lyhyen kävelymatkan päässä (10–15 min) Playa del Carmenin 5. kadulle, jossa on ravintoloita, kauppoja ja yöelämää.

Nauti kahvista, tuoreesta puristetusta appelsiinimehusta ja aamiaisesta, jonka Rosa valmistaa sinulle ruokasalissa tai patiolla (pyynnöstä). Sinulta on henkeäsalpaava näkymä kumpaankin suuntaan. Yläkerran terassilta katolle on portaita katolle niille, jotka pitävät koko päivän aurinkoa tai tähtiä katselemasta! Alemmalla tasolla on iso sisäänkäynti, kaksi makuuhuonetta ja yksi kylpyamme. Talo on sisustettu kirkkailla saaren väreillä aitalla meksikolaisella taiteella!

Talonhoitajamme Rosa tulee lomallesi iloksi joka päivä paitsi sunnuntaina (ilman lisäkustannuksia sinulle). Hän tekee kaiken siivouksen mukaan lukien sänkyjen tekemisen, kylpyhuoneiden raikastamisen ja kodinpesujen tekemisen. Jos sinulla on henkilökohtaista pyykkiä, kysy vain! Niille teistä, jotka eivät halua viettää lomaasi ruoanlaittoon tai mennä jokaiseen ateriaan, Rosa valmistaa aamiaisen ja lounaan - hän auttaa jopa ostamaan ruokaa. Niille teistä, jotka haluavat nukkua tai haluavat yksityisyyttäsi, kerro vain Rosalle, niin hän antaa sinulle yksityisyyttä.

Tarjoamme kaiken puhdistetun juomaveden. WIFI mukana.


darryl boukedes

Puhutut kielet

Englanti, ranska, saksa ja espanja

Suojaa maksusi − varaa aina Vrbossa

Jos joku pyytää sinua tekemään varauksen hänen kauttaan tai maksamaan varauksen suoraan hänelle ennen kuin teet varauksen Vrbossa, ilmoita siitä.


Ilmainen Wi-Fi

Talon säännöt

Sisäänkirjautuminen klo 15.00 jälkeen
Vuokraajan alaikäraja: 21
Uloskirjautuminen ennen klo 11.00


Lapset sallitaan: 0–17-vuotiaat


Tapahtumien järjestäminen ei ole sallittua


Lemmikkejä ei sallita


Tupakointi ei ole sallittu

Tärkeää tietoa

Hyvä tietää

Tätä majoituspaikkaa hallinnoi yksityinen majoittaja (eli taho, joka ei toimi kaupankäynti-, ammatinharjoittamis- tai liiketoimintatarkoituksissa). EU:n kuluttajansuojalaki, mukaan lukien peruutusoikeus, ei koske tätä varausta. Yksityisen majoittajan määrittämä peruutuskäytäntö koskee varaustasi.
Lisähenkilöistä saatetaan veloittaa maksu, joka vaihtelee majoituspaikoittain
Sisäänkirjautumisen yhteydessä saatetaan vaatia virallinen kuvallinen henkilöllisyystodistus sekä pankki- tai luottokortti tai käteisellä maksettava takuumaksu mahdollisten lisämaksujen varalta.
Erityispyyntöjen toteutuminen riippuu saatavuudesta sisäänkirjautumishetkellä, ja niistä saatetaan veloittaa lisämaksuja. Erityispyyntöjen toteutumista ei voida taata.
Juhlien tai ryhmätapahtumien järjestäminen on kielletty majoituspaikassa
Majoittaja ei ole ilmoittanut, onko majoituspaikassa häkävaroitinta. Harkitse kannettavan häkävaroittimen tuomista matkallesi.
Majoittaja ei ole ilmoittanut, onko majoituspaikassa palovaroitinta
Tämän majoituspaikan turvaominaisuuksiin kuuluu suoratelkilukko


Autoa ei tarvita tähän majoituspaikkaan pääsemiseksi

Tietoja alueesta

Playa del Carmen

Tämä loma-asunto sijaitsee lähellä rantaa kohteessa Playacar. Alueen luonnonkauneuteen voi tutustua kohteissa Playa del Carmenin pääranta ja Mamitasin ranta, ja Xplorin teemapuisto ja Xcaretin ekohuvipuisto ovat suosittuja nähtävyyksiä alueella. Oletko matkalla lasten kanssa? Xaman Han lintula ja Temazcal Natura ovat vierailun arvoisia. Tutustu alueen villieläimiin villieläinten bongaukseen keskittyvillä kävelyretkillä ja lintujen bongausmahdollisuuksien ansiosta.
Playa del Carmen, QROO


  • Playa Playacarin ranta - 2 min kävelymatka
  • Playa del Carmenin lauttaterminaali - 17 min kävelymatka
  • Quinta-puistokatu - 17 min kävelymatka
  • Playacar-golfkeskus - 4 min ajomatka
  • Playa del Carmenin pääranta - 11 min ajomatka


  • Cancún, Quintana Roo (CUN-Cancúnin kansainvälinen lentoasema) – 53 minuutin ajomatka


  • ‪RIU Lupita Resort - ‬7 min ajomatka
  • ‪Starbucks - ‬13 min kävelymatka
  • ‪Pool Bar - ‬17 min kävelymatka
  • ‪Occidental Allegro - ‬9 min kävelymatka
  • ‪La Barra Artesanal - ‬12 min kävelymatka

Usein kysytyt kysymykset

Onko majoituspaikassa Casa Hinta Rosan aitolla ruoanlaitolla plus siivous! uima-allas?

Kyllä, tässä majoituspaikassa on uima-allas.

Onko Casa Hinta Rosan aitolla ruoanlaitolla plus siivous! lemmikkiystävällinen?

Ei, tämä majoituspaikka ei salli lemmikkejä.

Mihin aikaan majoituspaikan Casa Hinta Rosan aitolla ruoanlaitolla plus siivous! sisäänkirjautuminen on?

Sisäänkirjautuminen alkaa klo 15.00.

Mihin aikaan majoituspaikan Casa Hinta Rosan aitolla ruoanlaitolla plus siivous! uloskirjautuminen on?

Uloskirjautuminen tapahtuu klo 11.00.

Missä Casa Hinta Rosan aitolla ruoanlaitolla plus siivous! sijaitsee?

Playa Playacarin ranta, Quinta-puistokatu ja Playa del Carmenin pääranta sijaitsevat 2 kilometrin päässä tästä merenrannalla sijaitsevasta perheystävällisestä loma-asunnosta. Xaman Han lintula ja Mayan Ruins of Playacar ovat myös 10 minuutin kävelymatkan päässä.



Poikkeuksellisen hyvä

Arvostelut näytetään kronologisessa järjestyksessä, ja ne on moderoitu. Arvostelut on tarkistettu, ellei toisin ilmoiteta.
LisätietojaAvautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Arvosana 10 - Loistava. 52 kautta 59 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 8 - Hyvä. 5 kautta 59 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 6 - OK. 1 kautta 59 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 4 - Huono. 0 kautta 59 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 2 - Hirveä. 1 kautta 59 arvostelua" "










Listauksen paikkansapitävyys


10/10 Loistava

Nicole G.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Our 2nd stay, just as good as the 1st time!
This was our second stay at Casa Price, and we love it here! To be able to find a property this close to the beach, with a pool, in a gated community for this price is unbeatable. And to top it off having Rosa there to cook and clean is priceless. Not many properties come with this luxury, and it is so nice to have that while on vacation. We actually got to meet her daughter, and she was just as helpful as her mom. The beach is a quick one minute walk from the house and it is never crowded because it is in the gated community. The pool is a good size and it is around 5 feet deep throughout the entire pool except for the steps to get in. My favorite place to read is at sunset on the loungers outside the primary bedroom (just make sure you use bug spray). There is a bookshelf full of books in case you forget to bring one. There is only one TV in the living room, so getting your family to decide on what to watch is probably the hardest thing you will do here. Our second stay was just as good as the first time, and we hope to be back for a third!
Yöpyi 4 yötä huhtikuussa 2024

8/10 Hyvä

jana p.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
1 block from the beach
The location is very close to the beach so major plus, a nice walk to playa (15-20mins) which we did daily. Met Rosa the next morning she was very nice, then her daughter Laura was there after that due to Rosa’s injury. Laura was very nice as well. The reason why I rent houses is for privacy. Unfortunately you’ll see Rosa or Laura every morning until 3. You can decline her cooking but no matter what she will come every day except for her one day off for cleaning. We do our own dishes and keep a clean house daily but she still came everyday. If I wanted room service I would stay at a hotel. So that was frustrating to not have full privacy. Laura did make some dishes which were very good. We mentioned what we would like and she went to the grocery store which was greatly appreciated since I wouldn’t have known what went in the dishes. Then when she returned I paid her for the groceries and taxi. So that was very convenient. I’ll give you a heads up that shuttle drivers from the airport do not know where to go. So just say Playa Car fase 1 then at the security gate a guard will lead your shuttle to the house. Very secure area which is a plus for sure. The neighbor you might have issues with. My 2 nieces from college surprised me with 4 days to go. Sure wasn’t expecting that but after letting Darryl know, well he didn’t believe I didn’t know, but at the end of the conversation he allowed them to stay. I just had to send him an additional $200. Nice place just not for us
Yöpyi 14 yötä maaliskuussa 2024

10/10 Loistava

David L.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Close to beach, quiet.
Great spot.
Yöpyi 7 yötä maaliskuussa 2024

6/10 OK

Dawnb W.

Hyvää: Sijainti
Very Disappointed
We have rented a total of six homes in Playacar Phase One, since 2019 and Casa Price comes in last. There were only two of us and when we arrived it was pitch black out. Not one light on anywhere. We used our phone flashlight to open the lockbox and stumbled around to try and find lights. After looking around the house, we realized the Kitchen was on the second floor. and the only access to the pool was going downstairs and out the main door. Once the host receives full payment, you will receive a brochure. The brochure contains all the rules, wifi ect.. and a list of what Rosa can make, but no ingredients/shopping list. We did not want to spend time grocery shopping. and we don't eat breakfast. We are clean people, so we did not use Rosa and asked for our privacy. This saved us the "strongly suggested" tip of 15 percent of the total rental cost. This is not the reason we didn't use her, we just discussed it after. BIG ONE, We only had hot water one day. The lack of attention to resolve this was unacceptable. The host should have made calls on our behalf and kept us updated. I was on vacation. If I wanted to take care of a hot water problem or go grocery shopping, I would have stayed home. The Casa needs some attention and updating. You can only defer things for so long. It is at the very end of Phase One, a long walk to the gate. This is why we rated this property last.
Yöpyi 6 yötä helmikuussa 2024

10/10 Loistava

Chris S.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Great Stay at the Beach
We had a really nice time at Casa Price. A quiet, relaxing place 1 block from the beach. I've stayed at "beachfront" hotels that were farther from the beach than this. It was immaculately clean and Rosa made our stay fantastic. One tip: Google's GPS was about half a block off for us. The house was little to the south of where it showed up on Google. We would happily stay here again.
Yöpyi 8 yötä joulukuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Brandee F.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Casa Price wa a great stay
The house was exactly as pictured.We enjoyed our 5 days at Casa Price before going to Cozumel and staying for another 4 days. It accomodated 5 comfortably. There are electric AC units in every room and they worked very well. The roof top terrace had amazing sunrise views. Rosa was vey sweet and helpful. Her Guacamole was delicious. She made is breakfast a couple times and it was yummy. The only downfall about the house was the water never got very warm so be prepared for cold showers. The beach is a 1 min walk and the house has a few beach chairs and coolers you can use. The Reef club next door is a 3 minute walk its a cool beach club you can go over there and partake on all day drinks , beach chairs and the breakfast and lunch buffett for $50 per person. But get there before 9am if you want more than 2 beach chairs as they go fast. The neighborhood is beautiful and quiet. Security gaurds are patrolling constantly and are very friendly and helpful. The ruins in the neighborhood are a 5-7 min walk and worth going to see. 5th ave is a quick 15 min walk. The taxi stand sits right outside the gates to go into the comunity so if you want a taxi you can flag down one of the Security guards and ask for one and they will have one sent in for you if you dont want to walk all the way to the gate. I highly recommend dinner at Alux pronounced (Alush) its a little pricy but very worth it as its inside a cave and gorgeous inside. Trujillos is also another amazing restaurant to visit.
Yöpyi 5 yötä joulukuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Ruby G.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Beautiful clean house
Staying at this house was an absolute delight! Rosa is absolutely amazing, she cooks delicious breakfast for us and made our stay wonderful. The house had all the amenities we could ask for. The location was perfect, with easy access to local attractions and great restaurants within walking distance. We couldn't have asked for a better experience, and we'll definitely be booking this place again on our next visit!
Yöpyi 7 yötä elokuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Karen B., Maine

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Absolutely wonderful villa but having Rosa there was beyond perfect!!! Loved it!
Mexico is wonderful. The location was perfect.
Yöpyi 7 yötä huhtikuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Doug P.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Casa Price
Great location. Everything is close. Well organized space. Great pool. Rosa is the best!
Yöpyi 7 yötä maaliskuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Rosenna H.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Rare Gem
Quiet and safe location. Very close to beach. Clean and inviting home lovingly tended by Rosa nearly every day. Delicious breakfasts and lunches made by Rosa too! She is the best.
Yöpyi 7 yötä helmikuussa 2023

8/10 Hyvä

Andrea P.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Excellent beach vacation spot!
We were a group of 4 adults and 2 kids. The showstopper here is the beach. The house is a 1 minute walk from the beach. The beach was beautiful, clean, sandy, nice sloped entry to the water and not too wavy. You could walk out for quite a distance and it was only waist-deep. Great for kids. If you want to go to 5th Ave and the main tourist area, it’s about a 20 minute walk. If you’re not into walking, there are plenty of taxis available. We like to walk so it didn’t bother us. There are a couple of resorts nearby. Music and party noise definitely carries over from there or maybe from surrounding houses at night. But generally by about midnight it was quiet. We had a nice time at the house. The housekeeper, Rosa, was very nice and available to help with whatever we needed. We were pretty self sufficient and only had her cook a couple of breakfasts for us, but they were delicious. We shopped for our own food and she prepared it. The wifi was good. There is AC in each room if needed (we didn’t need it because there’s a good breeze.) The house is not a luxury home by any extent but it has what you need to have a good vacation at a good price point. Beach gear, towels, a serviceable kitchen…. What more do you want? The main bedroom is upstairs and has a lovely walk-out to the balcony. The two smaller bedrooms are downstairs on the ground with a small washroom between. Though the washroom was kept extremely clean thanks to Rosa’s hard work, it is a bit dingy and poorly lit. The pool, outdoor shower, and outdoor lounging space was a great bonus. We would take a quick plunge in the pool to cool off after walking home from dinner in the evening. All in all, it was a good spot for us.
Yöpyi 7 yötä joulukuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

Maria F.

Hyvää: Siisteys, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Rosa was the icing on the cake.
Despite some bad weather conditions and having to stay at home more than what we had planned we had a wonderful vacation !! This was due to the great floor plan of the property with an upstairs and a downstairs allowing for privacy for whom ever needed it. In addition the house was comfortable and well equipped. It also has a wonderful swimming pool and outdoor space which we used more than we had planned since the local beach was not at its best due to the storms. Notwithstanding all of this, Rosa was the best surprise and who made this trip so special and enjoyable. Her cooking was so delicious that we looked forward to it each day and when we did go out we would be often disappointed because as we would say to each other “Rosa’s cooking is better”. She was very helpful assisting us with securing taxis and finding everything. She is a lovely person and we enjoyed her company. Mostly because of her, we want to return next year.
Yöpyi 7 yötä kesäkuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

Ashley S.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Great property
Everything was just as listed. We had a wonderful time at Casa Price. Rosa was amazing.
Yöpyi 3 yötä toukokuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

Justin B., Toronto

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Spent 2 weeks at Casa Price. Having Rosa to cook, clean and help out w general advice was such a treat! Although the casa is a bit small it offers a great layout w a big pool by Mexico standards and decent outdoor. It is located just far enough away from the "action" to feel quiet but close enough to bike (we rented bikes which was the right call) to anywhere within Playa Del Carmen. Highly recommended!
Yöpyi 9 yötä helmikuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

Paul M.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Awesome Villa in Playa Car
Casa Price was excellent! The location is great and quiet, away from the crowds. The villa is all set up and had everything we needed for an extented work remotely/vacation. Rosa was a pleasure. She made us tamales, that were out of this world. She even helped with my Spanish. We would definitely stay at Casa Price again.
Yöpyi 17 yötä tammikuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

Monty H.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Great area. Awesome housekeeper. Nice accommodations.
This is a wonderful house. The property is in a gained community. Good price. Especially considering Rosa, who makes breakfast and lunch and does laundry. Very cool. Loved this vacation.
Yöpyi 7 yötä kesäkuussa 2021

10/10 Loistava

Nolan M.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, viestiminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
Cant wait to return!
Checkin, parking, the quietness of neighborhood, safety, air conditioning, access to the beach, and of course our chef Rosa! All of it made for a great trip in which we even quickly extended our stay. Beach is about 80 yards walk. House has coolers, beach chairs, umbrella. It was just too easy. The only thing I wish we had was better patio furniture. Overall, really enjoyed our stay and can't wait to return for longer!
Yöpyi 4 yötä joulukuussa 2020

10/10 Loistava

Jannine F.

Hyvää: Siisteys, sisäänkirjautuminen, sijainti ja listauksen paikkansapitävyys
This was our fourth stay at Casa Price and it never disappoints!
We love this house for its simplicity, comfort and proximity to the beach and 5th Avenue. We took 2 new couples with us, their first time, and they couldn’t have enjoyed it more. We adore Rosa, who is truly a gem, almost like family now. Plan on staying again next year!
Yöpyi 11 yötä helmikuussa 2020

10/10 Loistava

Chris F., Washington, DC

Nice family trip
Good time in Playa del Carmen and thanks to owner for being great host. Rosa was excellent as reported by many guests. Thank you for the nice accommodations. Our family enjoyed our stay.
Yöpyi 6 yötä huhtikuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Rachel C.

Beautiful Family Vacation in Playacar
Our whole family loved our relaxing beach vacation!! The house was great: spacious enough for all seven in our family, very clean, well-equipped and is located only one block to the beach. We went daily - even on days when we did tours because it was a great way to end the evening. This was our third trip to this area of Mexico and we chose this specific location based on the closeness to shopping/restaurants of 5th Avenue (it was about 15 minute walk), clean beaches and the quiet neighborhood (where the house was situated). Our planning paid off - the house was everything we hoped for! Rosa is a beautiful and wonderful lady. She is very welcoming and it is clear that she truly loves and takes great pride in being the caretaker of the home. We looked forward to talking with her every morning, learning what we could about local information and things to do, and discussing what delicious meal she would be making. It was soooo nice to come home after a tour/day out to fresh meal and SUPER clean house. I told Rosa she could come back to live with us but she didn't take us up on the offer :) The owner Darryl was also great to deal with. Although we only met through technology - he was very responsive to my questions. We hope to come back again next year!
Yöpyi 7 yötä maaliskuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Jannine F.

A Gem in Playa
This is our third time at Casa Price. We stayed here in 2014 and 2015, 6 adults. This time my husband and I took our 2 grown sons, one girlfriend and one neice. They just loved it! The house is just so comfortable. Rosa is the true gem!! Both boys are fluent in spanish although Rosa is very capable with the English language. She came to the grocery store with us and shopped for all the ingredients for the breakfasts and lunches we requested. Her meals are fabulous, Rosa is always extremely accomodating and just so, so sweet. The proximity to the beach is fabulous, nice to be able to jump up to the house for whatever one might need. My husband and I actually discussed staying at Casa Price for 4 to 6 weeks in the winter months when he retires in 5 years. We love Fifth Avenue and all the restaurant choices, one better than the next. The Playacar gaited community is beautiful and very safe, nice for a morning walk. My only issue is with the pillows on the beds. They could be a lot softer. Other than that, I have nothing but rave reviews for this property. Thank you Rosa and Darryl for a wonderful 10 days. We will be back!
Yöpyi 10 yötä helmikuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Jana A.

We loved our stay!!! Having Rosa cook and clean was the best EVER!!!! We would come back here hands down!! Oh my heavens, I can't even describe how wonderful it was to have authentic meals every day!!! Great location, so close to the beach! We definitely want to stay here again!!! Owner was very easy to deal with. Loved everything about Casa Price!!! Thanks again!!!
Yöpyi 8 yötä tammikuussa 2018

2/10 Hirveä

Peter O.

No good, do not book
We were excited to go to Playa for a birthday celebration but our rental situation was not good at all. First of all, although we booked weeks in advance, when we got to the property they were not expecting us which cause some confusion and trouble when trying to get into the property. Once we finally got into the place, the housekeeper had time off that week so only was available for half of the time. Additionally, once we were in the property you can tell the owner had not spent much money making the place nice or comfortable. The beds were hard as rocks, the internet didn't work and the kitchen supplies were old and limited. I also hated the fact he didn't accept electronic payments as I had to pay with checks and cash which is inconvenient. After our trip I reached out to the owner explaining the issues and he offered be 1/2 off my next rental, but I told him I had no plans to come back to Playa anytime soon and asked him to refund part of my money...unfortunately he never responded to my request. In the end, if I came back to Playa, I would for sure not rent from this owner again.
Yöpyi 5 yötä helmikuussa 2018

10/10 Loistava

Chip H.

Clean & near the beach
Great time. Very nice place. Taxis easily available @ Fishermen Village. Went to Reef Club for a day. Good time. $53/person. Plan on walking a lot. Took ferry to Cozumel for a day trip. $15/person RT. Went to Playa del Corona. Great place to get away from cruise crowd. Very relaxing. Bring snorkel gear. Good food and drinks @ reasonable prices. Rosa is awsome. There to help with anything. Suggest going to grocery store 1st day to get food and drinks. She makes Great guacamole & enchiladas. Morning is French toast fresh OJ if you buy oranges. Darryl is very easy to work with. Thanks for a great family vacation. 😎😎😎
Tämä arvostelu lähetettiin ennen vuotta 2018, eikä sitä ole tarkistettu.

10/10 Loistava


Better than the pictures indicate!
This wonderfully located home was a pleasant surprise when we arrived. Through the secure gates into the nice neighborhood adjacent to the ocean, the location could not be more ideal. and you can still walk to town via the beach or roadway if desired. Rosa was a big plus, always ready to prepare something tasty. make a list with Rosa on day 1 and take Rosa to the grocery store with you. Her smiling face and warm welcome plus her excellent cooking skills made this vacation a real treat.
Yöpyi 4 yötä marraskuussa 2017

Tietoa majoittajasta

Majoittaja: darryl boukedes

Majoittajan profiilikuva
My mother built this home in 1993 and lived in it for about 7 years before returning to the US to be closer to her grandchildren. The home has stayed in the family and has been rented when family is not there.

Miksi majoittaja valitsi tämän majoituspaikan

Playa Del Carmen was known as a small fishing village in the 90s' and has become a popular place to vacation with all of the conveniences we're used to but still has a quaint feel to it because of the restrictions on big hotels or other high rise buildings. The neighborhood, known as Playacar -fase 1 is the only single family oceanfront neighborhood in Playa del Carmen. A short walk to many shops, restaurants, coffee shops, etc...but once entering the gates of the neighborhood, you are in a quiet, secluded neighborhood. Beach activities are available on the beach including parasailing and jet skiing and skydiving!
The home itself has a very authentic Mexican feel and is comfortable and charming.

Mikä tekee tästä majoituspaikasta ainutlaatuisen

Rosa! You will enjoy her kindness and hospitality. She is truly a gem!


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