
家族の楽しみ! 屋上映画ナイト、シェフ、執事、ビーチ、テニス、カヤック、スパ、ゴルフ

8Br, 7Ba, fully staffed Jamaica Villa for rent with Chef and Butler

家族の楽しみ! 屋上映画ナイト、シェフ、執事、ビーチ、テニス、カヤック、スパ、ゴルフの写真ギャラリー





ベッドルーム 8 室バスルーム 7 室以上定員 17 名


  • 洗濯機
  • プール
  • バーベキューグリル
  • キッチン
  • 冷房
  • 乾燥機


Bengal, Discovery Bay
  • ベンガルビーチ
    徒歩 7 分
  • グリーン グロット洞窟
    車で 10 分
  • シルバーサンズ公共ビーチ
    車で 15 分
  • モンテゴ ベイ (MBJ-サー ドナルド サングスター国際空港)
    車で 54 分

客室 & ベッド

ベッドルーム 8 室 (定員 17 名)

ベッドルーム 1

ダブルベッド 2 台

ベッドルーム 2

キングベッド 1 台およびダブルベッド 1 台

ベッドルーム 3

キングベッド 1 台

ベッドルーム 4

キングベッド 1 台およびダブルベッド 1 台

ベッドルーム 5

クイーンベッド 2 台

ベッドルーム 6

キングベッド 1 台

ベッドルーム 7

シングルベッド 2 台

ベッドルーム 8

キングベッド 1 台

バスルーム 7 室、トイレ / 洗面所 4 室

バスルーム 1

トイレ · シャワーのみ

バスルーム 2

トイレ · シャワーのみ

バスルーム 3

トイレ · シャワーのみ

バスルーム 4


バスルーム 5

トイレ · シャワーのみ

バスルーム 6

トイレ · シャワーのみ

バスルーム 7

トイレ · シャワーのみ

バスルーム 8


バスルーム 9

トイレ · シャワーのみ

バスルーム 10


バスルーム 11





家族の楽しみ! 屋上映画ナイト、シェフ、執事、ビーチ、テニス、カヤック、スパ、ゴルフ

* * *ラナウェイベイゴルフクラブでのゴルフの割引グリーンフィーと、プエルトセコビーチクラブへの無料入場料をご利用いただけます!* * *

                               ***このリストのビデオを必ずご覧ください! ! ! ***


家から離れた家以上のもの。 私たちはあなたの休暇を真剣に考えていますので、あなたがすべて到着したときにMais Ouiのヴィラとスタッフが準備ができていると保証されます。 私たちは当初から、5つ星のリゾートやホテルに匹敵するアメニティを提供する環境で、島の活気ある文化を共有したいと考えていましたが、同じクッキーカッターアプローチはありませんでした。 私たちは、ジャマイカのバケーションレンタルとしてMais Ouiを作成しました。ゲストは、美しい島とその人々への優雅で優雅な紹介を提供することに誠実でコミットしているので、ゲストは見事に期待しています。 これがレビューに反映されていることがわかります!

30を超えるジャマイカ人の冒険の中心となる、ビーチに隣接したプライベートなヴィラを想像してください。 8ベッドルームのヴィラを歩くと、地域のアーティストによる地元のアートワーク、ジャマイカの職人が作成した家具、歴史的なリオブエノ港の景色が見られます。 ジャマイカでの休暇の光景、音、おいしい匂いは、滞在の1時間ごとに味わうことができます。


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Mais Oui Tennis and Spa Villaは、ジャマイカ観光局によって完全に認可されています!
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

3つの屋内リビングエリアの1つでゲームナイトを楽しんだり、星空の下のテラスシアターで素晴らしい映画を楽しんだりしてください。 子供、両親、祖父母も同様に、スイミングプールで水しぶきを楽しんでいます。 競争力のある家族の楽しみのために、いくつかのフープを撃ったり、プライベートテニスコートを打つ フーズボール、ピンポン、ビリヤードが待っています!

想像してみてください。現地スタッフがジャマイカのおもてなしを提供するすべてのガイドです。 料理のスリルから、快適で安全な観光スポットの見晴らしまで、人里離れた場所で! レンタカーについて強調したり、地図やGPSを手探りしてジャマイカの最高の場所を体験する必要はありません!

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
注意してください-利用可能な場合、クリスマスウィークは12月19日から26日であり、新年の週は12月27日から1月3日までです。 日付には多少の柔軟性がありますが、これらは1週間で、満室の予約のみです。
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
結婚式は満室のみで予約され、最低レンタル料金は4泊です。 Mai Ouiは、結婚式の会場としてのみ機能します。 イベント開催料は、イベントごとに1500米ドルからです。 ウェディングプランナーサービスやイベントのベンダーは提供していません。
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


「ジャマイカでの家族での休暇に大きな期待を抱いていました。そして、Mauis Ouiのスタッフは全員に会っただけでなく、想像以上に彼らを超えました。 私の家族をあなたの家族のように扱ってくれてありがとう。 ここでの経験は、私がいつも大切にしているものです。」

-J W.、ラウンドロック、テキサス。 ソース:ヴィラゲストブック


Darrell and Sherry







チェックイン : 15:00 以降
代表者の最低年齢 : 21 歳
チェックアウト : 11:00 より前


子供の利用可 : 0 ~ 17 歳


イベント可 : 家族の集まり、誕生日パーティー、ウエディング







場合により、チェックイン時に政府発行の写真付き身分証明書と付随費用精算のためのクレジットカード / デビットカードのご提示、または現金でのデポジットのお支払いが必要です
敷地内でパーティーおよびイベントの開催が可能です (家族の集まり、誕生日パーティー、ウエディングを含む・最大参加人数 : 30 名)




リオ ブエノ

このヴィラは、リオ ブエノの湖畔に位置しています。Maima Seville Great House & Heritage Parkとチュッカエコアドベンチャーアウトポストアットグッドホープは地域の人気スポット。地域の自然美を堪能するなら、ベンガルビーチやプエルト セコ ビーチがおすすめです。
Bengal, Discovery Bay


  • ベンガルビーチ - 徒歩 7 分
  • プエルト セコ ビーチ パーク - 車で 6 分
  • プエルト セコ ビーチ - 車で 6 分
  • グリーン グロット洞窟 - 車で 10 分
  • シルバーサンズ公共ビーチ - 車で 15 分


  • サー ドナルド サングスター国際空港 (MBJ) から車で 54 分


  • ‪Ultimate Jerk Centre & Rest Stop - ‬車で 10 分
  • ‪Coconut Tree Restaurant & Bar - ‬車で 8 分
  • ‪Crisnic Bar & Grill - ‬車で 7 分
  • ‪Kiki Rouge Restuarant and Bar - ‬車で 11 分
  • ‪Cosmopolitan Piano Bar-Braco Beach Resort - ‬車で 5 分


家族の楽しみ! 屋上映画ナイト、シェフ、執事、ビーチ、テニス、カヤック、スパ、ゴルフにプールはありますか ?


家族の楽しみ! 屋上映画ナイト、シェフ、執事、ビーチ、テニス、カヤック、スパ、ゴルフはペットと宿泊できますか ?


家族の楽しみ! 屋上映画ナイト、シェフ、執事、ビーチ、テニス、カヤック、スパ、ゴルフのチェックインは何時ですか ?

チェックイン開始は 15:00 です。

家族の楽しみ! 屋上映画ナイト、シェフ、執事、ビーチ、テニス、カヤック、スパ、ゴルフのチェックアウトは何時ですか ?

チェックアウトは 11:00 です。

家族の楽しみ! 屋上映画ナイト、シェフ、執事、ビーチ、テニス、カヤック、スパ、ゴルフはどこにありますか ?

リオ ブエノのファミリー向けのこのヴィラは、湖畔に位置し、ベンガルビーチから 0.6 km、プエルト セコ ビーチおよびプエルト セコ ビーチ パークから 10 km 圏内です。グリーン グロット洞窟およびDornoch Riverheadも 10 km 圏内です。




評価 10 - 28 件の口コミ中 28 件が非常に良い" "
評価 8 - 28 件の口コミ中 0 件が良い" "
評価 6 - 28 件の口コミ中 0 件が普通" "
評価 4 - 28 件の口コミ中 0 件が不満" "
評価 2 - 28 件の口コミ中 0 件が非常に不満" "












10/10 (非常に良い)

Rajanna K.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
We had a group of 16, and had an amazing stay!! The property was beautiful, the location was quiet and nice, and the staff was responsive and hospitable! Would highly recommend for a big group of all ages!
2024 年 3 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Brooke M.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Best Birthday Celebration
We stayed at Mai’s Oui with a group of friends to celebrate my husband‘s 40th birthday. The hosts were so amazing leading up to the trip, helping me plan every detail of the weekend. And then, when we arrived at the house, we were all blown away with how attentive the staff was. Everything was absolutely amazing! the house was a perfect size and layout for the 8 couples in our group. The chef did a fabulous job preparing all of our meals. The butler was phenomenal at making sure everything was taken care of. The night of my husband’s birthday the staff went above and beyond my expectations planning an elegant dinner in the garden area. Our group got a lot of use out of the pool area, tennis court, and pickleball court. The hosts also helped set up massages on property for us. We couldn’t have asked for a better stay at Mais oui! I highly recommend this house and the exceptional staff/service!
2024 年 1 月に 3 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Tracey C.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Our time at Mais Oui
The property is beautiful. Better than the pictures show. Johnson and his staff were excellent at taking care of all our needs amd wants. Chef CC's meals were always delicious. We all looked forward to see what she would prepare next.
2023 年 2 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Shanda B.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
This was by far the most amazing trip we have taken. From the moment we checked-in, Johnson, our Butler made us feel utterly special. This was a family trip with 16 of us, age ranging from 80 to 12. We had some picky eaters and some adventurous ones, along with a vegetarian. CeCe (our chef) and Johnson made sure there was something to eat for everyone. We were able to have dinner not only in the dining room, but on the lawn, second story veranda and the gazebo. We pretty much left our meal planning in their hands and let me tell you, they did not disappoint! The villa was spotless from day one. We barley had to lift a finger, maybe just to eat! There were so many activities, from playing pool, playing in the pool, soaking in the hot tub, foos ball, tennis, table tennis and basketball. We headed down to the small beach about 2 minutes walk with the kayaks and paddle boards. We also enjoyed their giant chess board on the second level deck, along with a large connect four. We very much enjoyed our down time as well, from browsing through their library of books, just relaxing in the egg chairs, and watching a movie in the outdoor theater. We were hooked up with Senior, from TripleS tours and he made sure all of our off property activities were not only booked, but made sure we arrived on time and safe. Darrell and Sherry put us in touch with a yacht cruise that was also spectacular! We were celebrating a very special 20th birthday and many were surprised with a fire dancer. Amazing! Nothing I can say will really do justice to the time we spent in Jamaica! I can't reccomend Mais Oui enough! Go!! you won't be disappointed. Just remember, leave the hustle and bustle behind... they are on "island time"
2022 年 12 月に 8 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Deidra H.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Birthday celebration
Darrell & Sherri went above and beyond my expectations for our trip and my celebration. The staff was attentive to our every need. They didn’t let us lift a hand. The food was amazing. The butler, who we interacted with the most had everyone fighting to take him home. The house was extremely clean, the beds were comfortable and everyone commented on the softness of the sheets. I will definitely go back to Mais Oui. Thank you all so very much for making this trip amazing for us all.
2022 年 10 月に 4 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Brian J.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Great Service
This Property has a World Class butler Mr. Johnson and staff.
2022 年 6 月に 5 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Novel A.、Miramar

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Place and experience was phenomenal.
Had a splendid time at the villa. Pictures does not do justice to the place . The place was very clean , well kept. The hospitality from the butler, chef, housekeeping, caretaker was on point. The bed and pillows were so comfortable. The rooms were comfortable. The chef is amazing. Food prepared and presented were sooo good. Taste was sooo good and flavorful. Everything requested were done and timely. Service was with a smile. I observed team work. I was there with family and friends for birthday celebration and everyone had a blast.. overall great experience. Would definitely come back , doing a couples weekend. Thanks again staff for your generosity. Blessings Place was sooo relaxing. Owner pre- arrival was soo accommodating. Oh the driver - Senior very punctual and accommodating.
2022 年 2 月に 5 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Roderick K.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Better than the Pictures !!
Our family group of 8 adults found Mais Oui Villa to be everything we were hoping for. Luxurious and well thought out house, friendly, professional and accommodating staff and an incredible amount of activities, games and facilities to enjoy without leaving the property. The nearby beach club was outstanding and our group really enjoyed their time there. We would definitely return and recommend this as a fantastic choice for a wide range of people. Thanks again to the staff at Mais Oui
2020 年 2 月に 8 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Christine C.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Wonderful Mais Oui
Had a great experience, the villa is beautiful like a grand home in the Caribbean but what made is perfection was the staff, Dillon, Chef Perry, Pat, Mac, Natesha and Brent. Also if you are the get off the property type, highly recommended allowing Senior with Triple S tours to plan your activities. We all loved this trip!
2020 年 2 月に 4 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

norma b.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
ANNUAL Jamaica trip
This is my 12th time me and my husband been to Jamaica. This was the best experience we've had. The staff was wonderful and attentive. The food was 5 star. We didn't have to leave the property because it has everything. Definitely will be returning
2020 年 1 月に 4 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Bill M.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Great experience at Mais Oui Villa
Fantastic property, perfect for our family vacation. Lots of options for activities onsite or just relax and read a book. The staff at Mais Oui are INCREDIBLE. They certainly made our stay a memorable one. Chef Perry created his magic in the kitchen and all our meals were outstanding. Dillon and Mack went above and beyond to make our stay the perfect holiday. The amazing staff make this villa experience exceptional. The only downside is the tennis courts need some repair, but we played around that and the villa is close to the road to Ocho Rios so sometimes the traffic was loud, but again, we got over that. Senior, the gentleman who provides the transfers as part of the villa experience was great. We used him a couple of days for excursion and he is a wealth of information about Jamaica and very proud of his country. He recommended The Blue Hole as an outing for us which was way better than Dunn's River Falls! All in all, a fantastic experience and would recommend the Mais Oui villa without hesitation to anyone!

10/10 (非常に良い)

Klayscie B.、Ypsilanti

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Spoiled Beyond Our Imagination!!
This is our 8th Annual Thanksgiving Vacation...and I can't say enough about the owner Darrell who was very helpful in answering all my questions, setting me up with a photographer and Senior our transportation & guide!! Upon arrival, we were greeted with a cold towel and refreshing cocktails. The house was spotless with turndown service daily. Mack and our Chef coordinated meals that were very tasty. Dillion our house concierge did not miss a moment of checking in on everyone, making drinks, he even drove both my mothers' to the beach who weren't ready when we left. The staff was very welcoming and accommodating but they were not in our way at all. I highly recommend Senior for transportation - he provided extensive knowledge about the island, excursions, and he even grabbed dessert during our travels to the various excursions. I felt as if we became family during our stay! This was my 4th time in Jamaica and by far the best time ever. I am still receiving calls from my family expressing what a wonderful time everyone had. I would highly recommend this property, staff and Senior. Thank you all at Mais Oui !!! Browning Family 2019
2019 年 11 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Krystin H.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
In a word...Amazing!!
The property was just as described....simply beautiful!! The staff, which we now consider family, went above and beyond to make our time in JAI awesome!! Darrell and the team created a 5-star Resort experience!!
2019 年 8 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Roseadra D.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Like Woah
So I have to thank the Owner and staff for a wonderful stay at Mais Oui Villa. I went in preparation for my wedding and had a rehearsal dinner there. It was a great stay, the place was clean and and well taken care of. My guests were impressed with the space and how helpful the Staff was. Dillon, Julie, and Mack along with the CHEF P, who put his foot in the food, were amazing along with all the other staff. My rehearsal dinner went great and even the staff tried to help alleviate my stress at times a a stress out bride. The driver Senior was also understanding and helpful that entire week as well. I would definitely stay again with a large party. The only sad part was the location which was 40 mins to an hour from Ocho Rios which seemed to have everything. It got expensive to travel to and from places but if you just want to enjoy jamaica on a paradise and stay in with a group or family this would be ideal. I wish i could pick it up and put it near ocho rios because it was way better than other villas i saw there. Overall a great experience with a very professional team of people to make us feel welcome to Jamaica. I was sad to leave and even disappointed when i went to a resort for our honeymoon and it could not compete with Mais oui. Thanks again for making it a special stay!
2019 年 7 月に 5 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Dolores C.、Columbus, USA

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
A Slice of Heaven!
Mais Oui was stunning! I definitely recommend this for your stay. Communication and planning with Darrell was really smooth. From the moment we arrived to the day we left, our stay was great! The Villa is impressive. Large enough for a family of 12 (9 adults & 3 kids) to spread out but also intimate enough for each of the couples to have their own private moments. There were so many things to enjoy within the Villa grounds... From the swimming pool ( the kids headquarters!) to the basketball/ tennis court, foosball, ping pong, pool table, and wonderful spa area in the garden of the grounds.. it literally had everything we needed. The pictures don’t do it just and the views from the top lounge area, take your breath away. The staff.... so professional and super nice!! the attention to detail and service was impeccable. Our family was truly extended in Jamaica by such beautiful souls. From the moment we walked in the Villa, beautiful people greeted us and made us feel so welcomed, cared for, and comfortable. Dillion rules! We couldn’t wait to see what Perry cooked (Everything was delicious) or where Makeeva would take us to for meals. Everything was so thoughtful and well planned out. Ms Audrey & Ms Pett.. there are no words!!! You ladies are wonderful!! This was the first trip with just my sisters, their families and my mother and what a wonderful trip!! Thanks Mais Oui
2019 年 7 月に 5 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Kimberly H.

20th wedding anniversary - treated like royalty!!!
Staff greeted us with smiles & cool towels. That set the stage for our trip. The villa was clean and welcoming. Audrey started the tour and introduced each couple to their sleeping quarters. The sleeping rooms are close to each other but yet super private. I wish I could articulate how fabulous the service and cuisine was. Dillon and Fernando made sure we never wanted for anything. The Chef surprised us with tasteful cuisine daily. The spa services, probably should be scheduled that near the end of your trip. It was fabulous!!!?We loved the Mais Oui experience!!
2019 年 4 月に 5 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Carl & Felecia F.、Tallahassee

The Villa is beautiful and the staff was amazing. Dillion, Fernando and Audrey made sure we were comfortable and Chef Gavin and Perry amazed us at every meal. Ms Pet was a pleasure the entire staff was extremely attentive and made sure that our special day was memorable. We encourage anyone that can to choose this villa you want be sorry. Best vacation ever.
2019 年 2 月に 5 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Allison G.

is 6 stars an option?
Mais Oui was absolutely incredible. Immaculate gardens, safe, secure, private property, amazing made-to-order food, friendly, considerate, in-house staff, very clean, large private pool. The staff took great care to make sure that we felt welcomed, safe, entertained, and comfortable, even accompanying us on off-site excursions. The complimentary beach club just up the road was a lot of fun and also safe, secure, and entertaining. We hope to be back soon. Family friendly (we brought a baby).

10/10 (非常に良い)

Conni M.

Perfect extended-family vacation spot!
This villa is beautiful and the staff are wonderful and personable. We had an amazing time celebrating our parents 50th wedding anniversary with 4 families. The villa is so spacious that everyone can spread out and do whatever they wish. Highly recommend!

10/10 (非常に良い)


Breath taking!!!
Several words come to mind, peaceful, fun, exciting, happy. The staff treated us like Kings and Queens from day one. But it was so much more then that , it was like we were family. This was our second time here and it’s always felt like our home away from home. On our last night the staff treated us with a air lantern tribute to my sister who passed away 3 years ago from breast cancer. She absolutely loved the villa on our first trip and vowed to come back. We had no idea this was planned. It just goes to show what an amazing staff that Mais Oui has. We will never forget that moment. Thank you sooo much. It was like She was here with us. If there is every a place you’re thinking about staying at this is the one. ❤️❤️
2018 年 6 月に 9 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Naomi H.

Stunning Villa that caters to all ages
I highly recommend this one of a kind villa that caters to all ages. The garden was very soothing and filled with beautiful flowers, plants, and fruits; the garden is labeled so it’s easy to identify the trees, plants, herbs, etc. the Chef utilizes the produce from the garden in the meals as well. The pool table was a hit for my family and the swimming pool was used every day. The staff keeps the villa and grounds extremely clean, decorated with fresh flowers, towel decorations as well. Bar, surround sound music, games for kids and adults, spa, outdoor shower and tub, movie theatre outside, private beach area with kayaks, staff that caters to your every need. There is really no need to leave the villa, they have everything imaginable to cater to ALL! The beds are very comfortable and set up to accommodate large families or single occupants per room. Best Villa in Jamaica!
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Sujeeta B.

Amazing private retreat
First, I'd like to apologize for the delayed review. This trip was a family trip with 8 adults and 8 kids all under 7 years old. The house and the staff exceeded our expectations. Dave picked us all up from the airport (we arrived at different times) and we were all welcome to the house with drinks and fresh towels. Ms. Ruby and the staff planned a dinner for us for the first night and sat with us to plan our meals for the rest of our stay. The food was incredible, the service was amazing, and the house was perfect. The beach, although small, suited our needs with small kids. The only challenging thing for us was the location in terms of access to grocery stores. The staff was able to stretch our food so we had plenty to eat, but not having a car and the distance to the grocery store was not ideal (we could have rented a car but with little kids, we enjoyed the house and the beach instead of touring). We had amazing massages at the house in the little rooms on the beautiful grounds. If you are looking for a quiet, relaxing time in Jamaica that is away from all of the typical hotel traffic, this is the perfect place.
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Beverly J.

An Amazing Vacation!
I am the type of person who is able to find beauty in almost anything and as a result I am generally not easily blown-away or impressed BUT from the first moment of being greeted at the airport, I knew that this was going to be an extraordinary vacation. Upon arrival at the Villa, it was 1st Class, Top Shelf until our departure. The staff was extremely professional, friendly, accommodating and left nothing undone. The chef was AMAZING; the Villa is beautiful, comfortable and offers every amenity you could want; the spa experience was heavenly; the grounds are immaculate; and security was top notch. Truly a "No Worries Mon" vacation. I highly recommend Mais Oui Spa & Villa.
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Dode W.

Best girls weekend retreat ever!
The pictures on the web site does not do the compound justice. It is an over the top amazing home! Immaculately well kept grounds, clean and comfy house, with multiple lounge spaces to relax in. We were 14 guests, ages 22-63, and everyone loved it and wants to go back. Every meal was delicious and fun, and the pool and nearby beaches were lovely. Just the right size. Owner Darrel was professional and responsive to all concerns right away. Just couldn't have been a better host!
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Nina H.

This Villa is AMAZING! Usually when I go on vacation after a few days I'm ready to get back home however this Villa is totally a HomeAway! I get very sad when it's time to leave it's so comfortable feels like home with an AMAZING STAFF and awesome amenities. I have referred EVERYBODY I know that's want to go to Jamaica to stay at Mais Oui Villa to experience the pampering and love that the staff give it's just unbelievable they treat you like family and Chef OMG food is delicious!! If you want to be treated like ROYALTY I recommend this Villa. It's totally Movie-Star status!!! I will be back with the family in May 2017!!!!!!!


オーナー : Darrell and Sherry

Mais Oui is loosely pronounced “May we”, as in “May we help you?” The translation from French to English is “But, of course!” And that is the essence of Mais Oui … service along with a deep desire to exceed the expectations of our guests. As self-appointed ambassadors and advocates for preserving and embracing Jamaican culture, we set out to create an experience that was deliberately different from the all-inclusive resorts. No one should come to Jamaica and leave believing that Jamaica is only about sun, sea, and sand or rum, rasta, and reggae. Jamaica is so much more and we delight in sharing this experience with our guests through food, tours, art, the people, and their culture. The Mais Oui story is one of perseverance and resilience. As an independent property that has to compete, not only with large all-inclusive hotels but also gated planned communities with club memberships, we chose to provide a host of amenities that typically would not be available at a private home and to invest in training our staff to deliver service of the highest level. In the process, we created a one-of-a-kind property that is true to our mission to create lifelong memories for people from around the globe through amazing vacation experiences and first-class service, one group at a time. This fuels our vision to be the villa where everyone who comes either returns or sends their best friends. The quality of the home, the trained staff, the numerous amenities, and the concierge services sets Mais Oui apart from other villas and vacation rentals in Jamaica and will take your vacation from good to amazing. We are passionate about Jamaica and our villa and would love the opportunity to host you with the level of service for which we are known.


The secluded one-acre spot provides privacy. Yet, when it's time to venture off property, there are over 30 amazing attractions within under an hour's drive to create an unforgettable experience for guests of all ages. Thanks to Discovery Bay's ideal central location, between Montego Bay and Ocho Rios, your guests don’t have to go too far to enjoy the best things to do in Jamaica … beach-combing, horseback riding, river tubing, river rafting, water sports, exotic gardens, waterfalls, golf, restaurants, historic sites, shopping and more. Even day trips to Negril, Port Antonio, Kingston, or the South Coast are a breeze! Our location is also very historic. Mais Oui overlooks the Rio Bueno Harbour, long thought to be the site when Columbus landed on his first voyage to Jamaica. The remnants of one of the first hotels in Jamaica are visible across the harbor from our roof deck, as is the popular movie location at the Anglican Church and the Baptist Church which played a pivotal role in the abolition of slavery. Mais Oui Villa - the ultimate multi-generational/multi-family villa in Discovery Bay Jamaica


Our uniqueness stems from our commitment to a high quality of service and our focus on up-leveling the guest experience. * Complimentary concierge service: We help you plan your trip from start to finish, from grocery shopping to evening entertainment. Vacation planning couldn't be easier * Fully staffed: Chef, Butler, Housekeepers, Gardener * Top-notch service: Our team, headed by our butler, takes care of your every whim. No chores. All you have to do is relax. * Amenities for all ages - from babies to 100: pool, hot tub, tennis, pickleball, basketball, rooftop movie theater, billiards, kayaks, miniature golf, board games + more * Free beach club membership. Wifi * Wellness: delicious healthy meals, exotic fruits grown on property, exercise room. Amazing optional spa services * Safety conscious: automatic gates, smoke and CO detectors, fire extinguishers Mais Oui Villa - the ultimate multi-generational/multi-family villa in Discovery Bay Jamaica

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