
7月27日、3990ドル。 Wk PrvtスクリーンプールShort BeachPath Gulf Viewsフリービーチギア

20% Discount on Remaining Summer Weeks Pvt Pool, Complimentary Beach Equipment

7月27日、3990ドル。 Wk PrvtスクリーンプールShort BeachPath Gulf Viewsフリービーチギア の写真ギャラリー





ベッドルーム 4 室バスルーム 4 室定員 10 名259.2 ㎡


  • プール
  • ペット歓迎
  • ビーチビュー
  • ホットタブ
  • バーベキューグリル
  • 洗濯機


5:00 PM


10:00 AM


Saint George Island, Fl
  • 人気の観光スポットSt George Lighthouse車で 16 分
  • 人気の観光スポットセント ジョージ灯台車で 16 分
  • 人気の観光スポットインディアン パス ビーチ車で 53 分
  • 空港タラハシー, フロリダ (TLH-タラハシー国際空港)車で 105 分


客室 & ベッド

ベッドルーム 4 室 (定員 10 名)

ベッドルーム 1

クイーンベッド 1 台

ベッドルーム 2

キングベッド 1 台

ベッドルーム 3

クイーンベッド 1 台

ベッドルーム 4

キングベッド 1 台

ベッドルーム 5

シングルベッド 2 台

バスルーム 4 室

バスルーム 1

タオルあり · トイレ · シャワーのみ · ヘアドライヤー

バスルーム 2

石鹸 · タオルあり · 浴槽またはシャワー · トイレ · シャンプー · ヘアドライヤー

バスルーム 3


バスルーム 4

石鹸 · タオルあり · 浴槽またはシャワー · トイレ · ヘアドライヤー

バスルーム 5

タオルあり · 浴槽またはシャワー · トイレ · ヘアドライヤー




7月27日、3990ドル。 Wk PrvtスクリーンプールShort BeachPath Gulf Viewsフリービーチギア


 軍事、警察および消防署および沿岸警備隊の要員。 サービスしてくれてありがとう!



毎月(4715ドル。 2019年9月、11月、11月、... 2019年12月$ 4185。 ((2020年3月、9月、11月、5280ドル、00:00)
毎月(2020年12月$ 4955.00)


"支払いが行われる前に"あなたが興味を持っているスペシャルや、あなたが持っているかもしれない質問、そしてプールを温めたいかどうかについて私にメールしてください。 (350ドル。 1週間あたり)(追加の週は200ドル)(または30ドル。 追加日あたり)



ビーチや釣り以外にも、ここで探索したりすることはたくさんあります。 だから毎月のイベントについてはApalachicola商工会議所またはFranklin Co FLをオンラインで検索してください。


An Angels Dreamはプライベートで、美しいメキシコ湾の素晴らしい景色を望め、ビーチへの短い専用パスに位置しています。 渋滞なし&「通り過ぎる道がありません」

大きな違いを生むのは小さなことです。 私たちの家には、コーヒーフィルター、ハンドソープ、ペーパータオル、トイレットペーパー、食器洗い機用の石鹸、ゴミ袋など、消耗品のスターター用品が揃っています。

地上階のSummer Kitchenにはフルサイズの冷蔵庫があります。 あなたがそれらすべての冷たい食料品を降ろして、そして必要に応じてそれらを育てるのは簡単です。 手持ちの飲み物のためのまた小さい寮の冷蔵庫。

あなたの便利のために私達はキーレスドアの記入項目が付いている家のカーポートの下にある。 あなたは単に家から6マイルに位置するResort Vacation Propertiesからの電子メールで利用可能なあなたの個人的なドアコードでチェックイン&チェックアウトします... あなたのためのより少ない計画、あなたの休暇を楽しむ時間。

あなたは簡単にあなたの冷たい食料品や飲み物を直接屋外の料理と食事のために上映されたSummer Kitchenの地上階のフルサイズの冷蔵庫/冷凍庫に直接降ろすことができます。


水着、日焼け止め、ビーチタオル、そしてビーチサンダル! 多くのお客様はまた、特定の時期に便利な昆虫忌避剤を用意しています。



島の中心部には2つのシーフードトレーラーがあります。 DougはWest Gulf Beachに、DailはEast Gulf Beachに...
ガソリンスタンドには、Piggly Wigglyマーケット、肉、シーフード、野菜、食料品などがあります。

Island Groceryには、良い肉市場/野菜と様々なバーベキューや燻製肉があり、通常午後5時頃に準備ができています。

天使の夢は美しいセントジョージ島のプランテーションの中に6 km(4マイル)のところにあり、専用のビーチ沿いにあり、通りを横切ることなくビーチまで徒歩3分以内です。


車輪の上のアイスチェスト:Big Wheel Beach / Fishing Cart、10のビーチチェアと傘(カーポートの階段の下)

Beach Bocce Ball&Corn tossグリルゲーム用のゲームと追加のプロパンガスもカーポート階段の下で利用できます。

*私たちは聖に参加します 追加の2つのコミュニティプール、2つのテニスコート、2つのピクルスボールコート、プランテーションクラブハウス&フィットネスセンター、自然遊歩道、ボブサイクスカットへのアクセスなどを含む、ジョージプランテーションのアメニティプログラム


プールは上映され、プライベート、12 x 33で、有料で温められます。 (10月 - 5月の$ 350)追加日$ 30。 プールにはマッサージのジェット席と夜間照明があります。

ガスまたは炭のグリルで調理してから、プールに隣接した広い屋外の上映ルームで食事をします。 飲み物をつかむのが簡単な便利なフルサイズの冷蔵庫/冷凍庫と寮の大きさの冷蔵庫。 ダイニングテーブル、予備の椅子、ソファ、バー、ミキサー、シーリングファン。


リビングルームには55インチのRokuテレビがあります。 多くのスポーツチャンネル、HBO、上映時間、TMC、NetFlix、Pandora、Hulu、Amazon、外出先でのHBOを備えた衛星放送のDirecTVはすべてあなたの個人アカウントで利用できます... 多くのTV APPS:衛星放送DirecTV、BlueRay DVDプレーヤー。

すべてのベッドルームに新しいピロートップマットレスが付いています。 すべてのベッドはあなたの到着のために作られます。 各ベッドにタオルと石鹸。 予備のタオルはハウスキーピングで無料で利用できます。




 大きな屋根付きのポーチがあります。 43インチRokuTV / LCD電話:コーヒーメーカー&Kurig、ダブルシンク付きホールバスルーム、壁掛け乾燥機;独立したトイレ、浴槽、シャワー。



キッチンには、シェフやパン屋さんのための便利な小型家電製品や道具がたくさんあります。 ランドリールーム、ゲスト用バスルーム、シャワー。

リビングルームには、2つの大きなソファ、2つの快適なリクライニングチェア、55インチLCD ROKUスマートテレビ、衛星放送テレビがあります。





両方のマスターキングベッドルームに、新しいユーロトップマットレス、43インチRokuテレビがあります。 プライベートプールと素晴らしい景色を見渡すことができます。


4つの寝室すべてに新しいユーロトップSpring Airマットレスがあります...
43インチLCD / HD Roku TV、BlueRayプレーヤー、電話、コーヒーメーカー、またはKeurigsなど、すべてオープンに。

「できるだけ早くお知らせください」 ... 「どんなものでも私たちの注意が必要です。 Resort Vacation Properties Maintenanceには、迅速な対応が可能です。 一部のメンテナンスは、ターン日(土曜日)に処理できますが、すべてではありません... その緊急のリゾートはそれに応じて対応するでしょうが緊急でないなら彼らは修理を予定するために事前に知る必要があります...

私たちは喜んでゲスト提案された改善をさせます。 新しいマットレス、予備のタオル、リネン、リクライニングチェア、そして私達の地上レベルの冷蔵庫のように。




あなたの旅行保険の書類や私たちの地元の管理会社を参照してください 事務処理上のリゾートバケーションプロパティキャンセルポリシー詳細。 詳細を電子メールまたは電話でお願いします。

行儀の良い犬は私たちの家、ビーチ、島の多くのレストラン、お店、アパラチコーラで歓迎されています。 (猫はごめんね)

あなたの毛皮のようなペットから私たちの家具、リネン&カーペットを保護してください。 😇



2019年のハイシーズン$ 3910 7泊分(7月4日を除く)

2019ミッドシーズン2955ドル。 7泊
           3 N以上$ 1743 ... エキストラナイト442ドル。

         2395ドル。 7泊
          3 N最小$ 1407 ... エキストラナイト358ドル。

月4715ドル。 10月、11月
月4185ドル。 12月、1月、2月

毎週のプールヒート350ドル。 1日あたり30ドル すべての料金に9%の税金がかかります




Deborah and Isaac Lang






チェックイン : 17:00 以降
代表者の最低年齢 : 25 歳
チェックアウト : 10:00 より前


子供の利用可 : 0 ~ 17 歳
Do Not leave children un-supervised.


Email us for small event considerations.


ペットとの宿泊可 : 犬 (合計 2 匹まで)
Bring Covers for Furniture


Smoke outside and dispose of properly
It takes teams of cleaners, pool & maintenance to repair, clean & sanitize the house. Call maintenance/housekeeping ASAP for repair appointments.
Dogs are allowed but not on our beds or furniture. Please bring your covers, take your dog out regularly and properly clean up and dispose waste.
We have little time to clean & prepare the house for the next guests. Neighbors live year round... Please keep them in mind when you stay.



場合により、チェックイン時に政府発行の写真付き身分証明書と付随費用精算のためのクレジットカード / デビットカードのご提示、または現金でのデポジットのお支払いが必要です
オーナーからの注記事項 : Email us for small event considerations.




セント ジョージ島

セント ジョージ島のこのバケーションホームは、プランテーション地区にあり、田園地域かつビーチの近くに位置しています。St George Lighthouseとセント ジョージ灯台は、地域を代表する観光スポット。また、Downtown Books & PurlやApalachicola Chocalate Companyも人気があります。サファリウォーク、バードウォッチングなどの現地ツアーに参加して、現地の野生動物を見に行きませんか。
Saint George Island, Fl


  • St George Lighthouse - 車で 16 分
  • セント ジョージ灯台 - 車で 16 分
  • Pelican Reef - 車で 29 分
  • Downtown Books & Purl - 車で 32 分
  • インディアン パス ビーチ - 車で 53 分


  • ‪Blue Parrot Ocean Front Cafe - ‬車で 16 分
  • ‪The Beach Pit - ‬車で 16 分
  • ‪Aunt Ebby's Ice Cream - ‬車で 17 分
  • ‪Bj's Pizza & Subs - ‬車で 16 分
  • ‪Paddy's Raw Bar - ‬車で 17 分


7月27日、3990ドル。 Wk PrvtスクリーンプールShort BeachPath Gulf Viewsフリービーチギア にプールはありますか ?


7月27日、3990ドル。 Wk PrvtスクリーンプールShort BeachPath Gulf Viewsフリービーチギア はペットと宿泊できますか ?

はい、この宿泊施設には犬を同伴できます (1 室につき 2 匹まで)。

7月27日、3990ドル。 Wk PrvtスクリーンプールShort BeachPath Gulf Viewsフリービーチギア のチェックインは何時ですか ?

チェックイン開始は 17:00 です。

7月27日、3990ドル。 Wk PrvtスクリーンプールShort BeachPath Gulf Viewsフリービーチギア のチェックアウトは何時ですか ?

チェックアウトは 10:00 です。

7月27日、3990ドル。 Wk PrvtスクリーンプールShort BeachPath Gulf Viewsフリービーチギア はどこにありますか ?

セント ジョージ島にあるファミリー向けのこのバケーションホームは、海沿いにあり、St George Lighthouseから 8.7 km、Pelican Reefおよびセント ジョージ灯台から 20 km 圏内です。Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserveまで 17.8 km です。




評価 10 - 94 件の口コミ中 89 件が非常に良い" "
評価 8 - 94 件の口コミ中 4 件が良い" "
評価 6 - 94 件の口コミ中 0 件が普通" "
評価 4 - 94 件の口コミ中 1 件が不満" "
評価 2 - 94 件の口コミ中 0 件が非常に不満" "












10/10 (非常に良い)

Theresa A.、Springfield,USA

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Anniversary celebration with family
Owners were very responsive to our needs. Pool on property was private and convenient. There was a short walk to the beach. The house covered our needs. It was a wonderful week with our children, their spouses, and our granchildren.
2023 年 7 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

B P.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Great place…
This home was perfect for our family and close to the beach with all the items you would need. The private pool was amazing and the balconies were great. Plenty of room for our large family and would vacation here again.
2023 年 6 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)


良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
An Angels Dream
This house had everything we needed and the host, Deborah and Issac were so friendly and helpful. This was an annual beach girls trip we’ve been doing for 33 years. Any little issue we had, Deborah and Issac took care of immediately. We will visit again and stay at “An Angel’s Dream”!
2023 年 5 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Mendy A.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Great time!
Great home and host! Deb was helpful and gracious. Her home is beautiful. Highly recommend! Thanks Deb! Mendy
2023 年 4 月に 8 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Paula J.、Atlanta

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Best property I’ve stayed at in The Plantation!
I’ve been coming to the Plantation for almost 2 years now while our house is being built. We have rented many houses in order to check on our home’s progress. Deborah and Isaac’s Angel’s Dream is my favorite. My son and his young family came down with me for their Spring Break. The property exceeded our expectations. It’s very well maintained and was squeaky clean. It had everything we needed inside and we were very comfortable. But the best part was outside. The screened pool was heated for us and we spent much time out there with the kids. I was blown away by the multiple outside seating areas where the furniture was well placed, comfortable and seemed to be brand new. There was also a new gas grill that we used almost every night. I have to say that our hosts Deborah and Isaac were so awesome and attentive without being overly present. Great trip! Thank you, Deborah and issac! Hope to see you again soon!
2023 年 4 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Edward B.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Angels Dream vacation
The stay at Angels Dream was Amazing The property & The Island are beautiful
2023 年 3 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Ellen G.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
An Angel's Dream is a Dream Comd true!
I had a wonderful and amazing extended stay here at An Angel's Dream which is located in the gated very private Plantation community. Deborah and Isaac were so accommodating and caring. They were always very responsive and available if I needed anything. They are both very Informative and gave me some great recommendations on where to eat and where to go on SGI, Eastpoint and Apalachicola! We loved the Key Lime Pie and other goodies left to welcome us! There were so many new memories that my family and I were able to make here! The house is quite comfortable and has so many amenities. The house is much bigger than it appears in the pictures and had plenty of room to accommodate all of my guests that came to visit during my stay. The Kitchen is very well stocked and has everything you need and then some! In addition you can actually see the Amazing ocean from the upper level! The owners have outdone themselves to make sure you have everything you need for a very comfortable and enjoyable stay! The house has plenty of seating area inside and out! The upstairs living area has a dining room table that will sit 8 to 10 people very comfortably. My family also enjoyed having breakfast at the breakfast bar. The living room has ample seating as well. The outside porch has enough seating for a good 15 people! There is also great seating outside as well in front of the amazing pool! I could go on and on! Can't wait to come back real soon!
2022 年 12 月に 77 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

James M.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Lovely House
It is a comfortable house steps from a beautiful beach. Very clean and comfortable, and great communication with the owner. It is also a very quiet location. We enjoyed our visit!
2022 年 9 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)


良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
An Angels Dream
We had a wonderful stay. Owners were very gracious and hands on. My only complaint which is not really a “complaint” is that there are a lot of stairs to climb coming in and going out. My husband and I don’t have the best knees so it took its toll.
2022 年 8 月に 7 泊滞在

4/10 (不満)

Daniel H.、Collinsville illinois

良かった点 : 清潔度、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
気になった点 : チェックイン、コミュニケーション
Construction hell
They were building roof n sidind all week every day not 75 yards from house banging and nailing n screw guns n saws if i woulda played music over the noise woula bothered other neighbors ...worst stay ever for so much money!!
2022 年 7 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Deborah P.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Great house & location for family beach trip
We spent a week in SGI at An Angel's Dream with 4 adults, 6 teenagers, and 2 dogs. The house accommodated all of needs well. We enjoyed the extensive outdoor seating areas, second fridge, covered pool, and easy walk to the beach. Deborah was an amazing host who helped us prepare for our trip, made us feel very welcome, and addressed any questions immediately. The house also includes access to the Plantation clubhouse pool, gym and tennis courts, as well as the Village pool. The free gear also came in handy. I highly recommend.
2022 年 7 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)


良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
An Angel's Dream! Best vacation home so far!!!
Our best vacation home thus far!! Love the location! There were so many perks in this rental! The owners were so accommodating and informative!! Our grandchildren didn't want to go back home!! Memories for a lifetime!!!
2022 年 7 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Shanni W.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
SGI 2022
We had a wonderful time during our stay. The home was very clean and had everything we needed for our family for the week. The kitchen was well stocked with all sorts of items to use for cooking if staying in. There was plenty of sitting areas for everyone throughout the house and on the decks/porches. We loved the pool! The walk to the beach wasn’t too far. The gift from the homeowner’s was such a lovely surprise. We talked to them during our stay and they were very nice. We would definitely recommend this home to stay again.
2022 年 6 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Leslie S.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Week on SGI
Great location. Easy access to beach. Pool is a good size and screen makes it usable as the Plantation has quite a few bugs. Home owner was helpful and had a nice welcome gift waiting for us. I suggest a new mattress for the 3rd floor master bedroom otherwise it was a wonderful vacation.
2022 年 6 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Pat S.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
It was truly a dream vacation
The owners have spared no expense in making sure you have everything you need for an enjoyable stay! The home was much bigger in person than what the pictures show. We absolutely loved this home. It was a short walk to the beach with no stairs! Beach gear that they provide was excellent! We also loved the pool. Beautiful home!
2022 年 6 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

larry g.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
perfect family getaway
Best vrbo-equipped kitchen ever! Lots of beach gear. Pickle ball courts a big plus.
2022 年 6 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Edward P.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Family vacation
We had a great trip. The house and pool were awesome. The beach cart and chairs were a huge help. Everyone had a blast. Thank you for sharing your home. We will be back-
2022 年 5 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Misty E.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Beautiful Vacation Spot!
My family has been coming to St George for 18 years. The owners of this home truly make you feel welcome into their home. They have put alot of thought into what you will need for your stay. This is the first home we have stayed in that we did not need to go purchase any pots or pans to cook in during our vacation. We will definitely be booking this home again in the future. The owners are truly a pleasure to work with!
2022 年 5 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Carrie B.、Washington

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Perfect place to UNPLUG
If you are looking for the beach, palm trees and plenty of dolphin viewings then Saint George is for you! The house is incredible. I preferred the location of this house being behind the row of homes that was directly on the beach because having our own private pool was really important since we knew the ocean water wouldn’t be that warm in April. Plenty of space for 2 families with 4 boys. The only thing I’d recommend is shipping yourself wine since there was slim pickings on the island. Food options are pretty limited too - meaning we couldn’t even find hummus at the local piggly wiggly nor could I find the ingredients to make it from scratch. But these are all minor things and nothing to do with this awesome house!
2022 年 4 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Andrea G.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
A little piece of home away from home!
We had a wonderful time at An Angels Dream. We got bikes to ride around the expansive neighborhood. The pool was perfect and the house had everything you needed. The little walk to the beach was quick, just a few hundred yards. The beach was quiet and clean. We caught a few fish as well. Lots of shell collecting along our walks on the beach. Deborah was fantastic and very detailed. The welcome package was a wonderful surprise! We will be back for sure!
2022 年 4 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Glen I.、Andover, VT

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Quiet Retreat
Well located property in a quiet area. Easy walk to the beach. Comes with everything you need. Very responsive owner and management!
2022 年 1 月に 35 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Stephanie O.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Private and Serene
We stayed for a month over December and fell in love with this property and the location. The owner was an expert hostess and checked in on us many times. At first, when you walk in, you are hit with a 1990's vibe, but as you settle in the feeling is absolute home. Somehow it just feels comfortable and easy there. We had everything we needed. The beach is just a very short walk and private. Amazing views, private, very quiet, dog-friendly everywhere - if you wanted to write a book this would be a great place!!!!
2021 年 12 月に 28 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Jon S.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Excellent retreat
An Angel’s Dream is a wonderful place to get away from it all! The house is comfortable and well appointed, and the location is perfect for enjoying Gulf Coast nature!
2021 年 11 月に 7 泊滞在

8/10 (良い)

Jason A.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Perfect for a family get away.
An Angels Dream is nestled away from what seems to be everything especially the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The location of this property and surrounding homes gives you the sense that you are the only one on the Island. The Langs were fantastic hosts and had the details covered and even went above and beyond expectations by providing extra treats for our arrival. Coffee was supplied VIA Keurig brewers seemingly around every corner. The TVs were great and were in every bedroom; the WIFI was speedy and we really had zero troubles streaming to the televisions even in the evening when everyone would streaming to their own TV. The home was clean and organized, we were able to find all utensils and cookware with little or no trouble. The labels made for quick location when gathering or replacing items in the kitchen. The layout is open and very inviting for family game nights or just lounging around reading. The decks outside made for perfect star gazing at night or a nice get away for some fresh air. The decks were well appointed with couches chairs and tables. The pool is also clearly visible from the house and from the decks providing an extra layer of comfort knowing you can keep and eye out if needed. Outside the home was impressive as well. The landscaping was perfect and we were impressed by all of the trees, bushes and brush that were natural either on the short nature trail to the beach or surrounding the property. My 9 yo son had a blast hunting for lizards, he still has lizard fever. Although we have lizards at home the species variety was different and new to him. The pool was clean and organized with plenty of chairs and loungers; no one wanted for a place to sit. The screened in pool was a very nice extra to have and would have definitely been missed had it not been there. The included pool/beach accessories kept us from having to load up all of our gear and add to an almost at capacity minivan. The Langs were almost instant with any requests we had and were available when we needed them. By far the best hosts we have had on any of our vacations. If you are considering this property for your stay to SGI then stop here and reserve this property right now.
2021 年 8 月に 9 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Tara B.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Wonderful owners and beautiful house
For vacationing at St. George Island, I highly recommend An Angel’s Dream! It has everything you need (apart from yourself and beachwear) and the owners are very nice and responsive. Truly felt like a home away from home.
2021 年 8 月に 9 泊滞在


オーナー : Deborah and Isaac Lang

In 1994 we bought our first St George island beach house. As our children grew, we spent our summers, school breaks and every chance we had to be on St. George Island.

St George Island is a jewel in the Gulf waters to explore the great out doors. A place where we could bring our children and dogs without the pressures and noise of over populated beaches or strict regulations.

As our family grew more than three times in size, we knew we needed a lot more room. As good timing would have it we found and bought An Angel's Dream.

The large private pool at An Angel's Dream is where many of our grandchildren have learned to swim. We especially enjoy the heated pool during the Spring and Fall when days are warm but the nights are crisp.

When we want to be on the water so we could kayak, swim or spend the Day on our sail boat. You can rent all sorts of water craft at Journeys and other places. Also available are guided sailing and fishing trips and much more.

At night we often take turns cooking, watch a family movie, swim, play board games or work on a puzzle. We like to sit outside on the top deck to watch the stars, look at the moon or walk the beach and look for turtles coming out to lay their eggs or hatch.

August and September have the most amazing and plentiful shooting star sightings!

We enjoy riding our bikes nearly every day and recently have added more miles of bike paths in the Plantation all the way to the cut. I have no idea the total miles of bike paths on the Island but you can ride all the way to the East End and into the St George Island State Park....

Visit the Lighthouse and Keepers House & Museum & Gift shop. Viewing the island and gulf from the lighthouse is worth the climb! If you are lucky enough buy the Full Moon tickets Limited visitors.

We hope you enjoy staying at our home and the Island as much as we do and please return to visit An Angel's Dream again and again.


The neighborhood is quiet and the house’s close location to the beach. There is no one in your space... And it’s situated on the short direct to the beach path. No streets to cross...

Pelican Beach neighborhood is 6 miles from the lighthouse and center of the island.

After a day at the beach, the swimming pool and comfort of the house is there waiting with open arms.

There's lots of room to nap on many a couch & lounge chairs or glide into the sweet water of the pool.

Remember our Winters are short and the Spring and Fall are long. Warm days and cool nights. Its the perfect time to have the swimming pool heated. ($450. per week)($40. Per Additional days)

We loved the colorful tile and views from the great room and the fact that our family has plenty of room to spread out yet be together... for games, puzzles and a great movie through the large Roku Smart TVs.

We often dine or play games in the large screened summer kitchen in the carport. There is a full size refrigerator to unload your groceries and easy to grab drinks, tables, chairs, couch and a bar.

The Plantation it self is a nature wonderland for those who love to explore the outdoors.

The island has no big chain stores but there are 2 groceries in the Island's central area.

The SGI Plantation beach is unspoiled, clean and is a quiet family beach... The wild life and fishing is simply amazing.

May to November we've had the wonderful experience of witnessing turtles lay their eggs on the beach and watch the hatchings make their way to the water.

Many incredible encounters with dolphins and manatees. In Winter & Spring we've seen pods of Stella Dolphins swimming in the "thousands, " as far as my eyes could see"...

Late Summer and Fall the amazing site of watching Dolphins play with the cannonball jelly fish (no they don't sting) a dolphin food source, high in protein.

SGI is in the migration path of 52 species of birds and many over winter.


Very close to the beach but private and is on the dedicated beach path. The large covered porch is very comfortably furnished. It's easy to take a nap, read a book or dine outdoors.

Our grand kids learned to swim in the pool at An Angel's Dream and its so easy to keep an eye on them from any level of the house.

The house and beach is a great place for our grown children and grandchildren to be free of the rigors from school and or work. They bike most everywhere, freely to explore and take photos of the natural beauty of the Island beach, sunrise and sundown.

This is the place where we can reconnect with the simple life, explore and be in touch with nature and our family... Build sand castles, swim. connect with nature, star gaze, play board games, puzzles and gather in the kitchen...

St George Island Plantation has many miles of bike paths,. From the Cut to nearly the other end of the island... The waters are considered world class salt water fishing... 3 tennis courts, 3 pickleball courts, awesome club house and exercise room . In addition to "our private swimming pool" there are 2 Plantation swimming pools. One at the club house on Magnolia and the other, a lagoon pool and kiddy pool at Park Ave. Map is available both online or at the office on magnolia.

There is so much to do you will want to stay longer just to finish that book you brought or catch those fish for dinner.

Spend a little time in Historic Apalachicola. A lovely turn of the 19 century town. Good restaurants a micro brewery and lots of shopping... Take some time to walk around, have lunch or a cocktail at the Gibson Inn. Great town to view the turn of the century homes and you can even rent bikes or a golf cart.

Let us know what you liked about our house, the island and lovely Apalachicola. So kindly remember to review our house...

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