Casa entera·Alojamiento particular

Tranquilidad pura: un hermoso lugar para relajarse y explorar el campo

Galería de imágenes de Tranquilidad pura: un hermoso lugar para relajarse y explorar el campo

Zona de estar




2 habitaciones1 baño o más4 huéspedes150 metros cuadrados

Servicios populares

  • Gimnasio
  • Piscina
  • Lavadora
  • Parrilla de barbacoa
    Parrilla de barbacoaParrilla de barbacoa
  • Cocina
  • Aire acondicionado
    Aire acondicionadoAire acondicionado

Descubre la zona

St Sebastien, Dordogne
  • Punto popularGolf d'AubeterreA 17 min en coche
  • Punto popularOficina de turismo de Aubeterre-sur-DronneA 22 min en coche
  • Punto popularChateau de La MercerieA 24 min en coche
  • AeropuertoBergerac (EGC-Bergerac - Perigord - Dordogne)A 90 min en coche

Comentarios más relevantes

Habitaciones y camas

2 habitaciones (capacidad para 4 personas)


2 camas individuales


1 cama de matrimonio


1 futón doble

1 baño y 1 lavabo


Solo ducha


Bañera o ducha · WC



Otros espacios

Terraza o patio
Porche o patio hawaiano

Acerca de este alojamiento

Tranquilidad pura: un hermoso lugar para relajarse y explorar el campo

Nuestra casa de campo en la cima de la colina, para su uso exclusivo y privado, se encuentra en una pequeña aldea ubicada en lo alto entre campos y bosques, con maravillosas vistas y un "gran" cielo. Ha sido cuidadosamente restaurado, ofreciendo un interior atractivo y generosamente equipado, preparado por los propietarios estadounidenses.

El gran balcón cubierto y amueblado es un lugar de extraordinaria relajación.
La piscina tiene una terraza y maravillosas vistas.

Somos muy populares entre las parejas que desean un hogar privado para relajarse, después de ocupadas celebraciones de matrimonio y / o vida laboral.

Hay escaleras hasta las habitaciones y escaleras en la parte trasera de la casa desde la puerta de la cocina hasta el estacionamiento y el área exterior.

Los bebés son bienvenidos, sin embargo, no proporcionamos ningún equipo para bebés.

Los grandes pueblos más cercanos son St. Severin y Verteillac. El campo de los alrededores está lleno de historia y ofrece muchas instalaciones de ocio, como piragüismo maravilloso en el río Dronne, tenis y equitación. Se recomienda pasear por caminos rurales, con fantásticas vistas; También se proporcionan dos bicicletas de buena calidad.

Descripción de la propiedad:
El exterior de la casa de campo La Croix refleja su larga historia, mezclándose bien con los otros pocos edificios en la aldea. El gran patio está protegido por el antiguo granero, el jardín se abre a las maravillosas vistas, la piscina y su terraza.
La casa está en tres pisos.

Ultimo piso:
La habitación doble, habitación doble y baño independiente totalmente equipado. Esta es una conversión del antiguo granero y hay algunos techos bajos y puertas.

Nivel medio:
El salón grande, muy ligero y bien proporcionado tiene una ventana y tres puertas acristaladas, la puerta de entrada al carril, la puerta de atrás a un rellano con escaleras al patio y las puertas a la gran sala de balcón. Una unidad de aire acondicionado se ha instalado profesionalmente en esta área.

La cocina tiene una isla de trabajo con tabla de cortar de madera maciza, nevera y lavavajillas. Las ollas, sartenes, procesadores de alimentos, cuchillos y utensilios son en su mayoría importados de Estados Unidos y de muy buena calidad y reflejan el hecho de que a los propietarios estadounidenses les encanta comprar los excelentes productos locales y cocinar.
La cocina tiene 5 quemadores y una parrilla eléctrica insertada en el horno de gas.

La mesa tiene capacidad para 6 personas o puede comer en el balcón amueblado protegido, o en la antigua mesa de piedra en el patio, o debajo del viejo nogal.

El gran sofá de cuero y la silla de cuero adyacente fomentan la relajación, leer uno de los muchos libros en rústica proporcionados o mirar la televisión, que tiene canales en inglés gratuitos. También hay wifi.

El final del salón se abre al gran balcón amueblado, donde las comidas también se pueden tomar en la mesa o sentarse en el cómodo sofá futón. La vista desde aquí es magnífica.

Nivel del patio (cueva):
Un gran cuarto de servicio con lavadoras y secadoras, fregadero grande, segunda nevera-congelador y acceso directo al patio, a través de puertas tipo granero. Espacio de almacenamiento para las dos bicicletas de buena calidad.

El patio:
Estacionamiento sombreado debajo del balcón.
Una ducha y un aseo separados a los que se accede directamente desde el patio. Hay una mesa de piedra y barbacoa de gas.
Hay varias sombrillas, cojines, sillas y tumbonas para que pueda organizar como lo desee y más sombra bajo el hermoso nogal.

Más abajo en el jardín, pasando el granero, la piscina y la terraza ofrecen la oportunidad de darse un baño refrescante y tomar el sol y disfrutar de la vista.

Póngase en contacto con nosotros si necesita más información y extractos del libro de la casa. Puede enviar un correo electrónico o un teléfono y haremos los arreglos para devolverle la llamada a nuestro cargo. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionarle una casa limpia, luminosa y hermosa para sus vacaciones más importantes y le pedimos que cuide y respete esta hermosa casa antigua.

Algunos extractos del libro de visitas, que estarán disponibles para que los lea en su totalidad en la casa:

‘¡Gracias por compartir su santuario del estrés del mundo del trabajo diario! Es encantador, cómodo, interesante y tranquilo ". B y D.

‘La casa ha sido fantástica, con un entorno tan maravilloso y excelentes utensilios de cocina. Estoy seguro de que volveremos. Esta es sin duda la mejor casa en la que nos hemos alojado en Francia ". H y C.

"Es una hermosa casa, cuidadosamente equipada en un lugar impresionante, con vistas para morirse". P y C y bebé.

‘Gracias por hacer nuestra semana tan maravillosa. El lugar es precioso y en un campo tan glorioso. La vista desde el balcón es muy especial y hemos disfrutado de terminar los días simplemente mirando el cielo y sus cambios ". J y J.

"Lo más destacado fue ayer, cuando estábamos en la piscina y las golondrinas se precipitaron a tomar una copa y de repente un ciervo pasó corriendo". A y A.

Gestor del alojamiento

Helen Griffith


Inglés, francés

Protege tus pagos: reserva siempre en Vrbo

Si te piden que reserves fuera de nuestra plataforma o que pagues directamente antes de reservar en Vrbo, comunícanoslo.


Wifi gratis
Aire acondicionado

Normas del alojamiento

Hora de comienzo del registro de entrada: 16:30
Edad mínima para alquilar: 25
Hora límite del registro de salida: 09:00


Se admiten niños a partir de cualquier edad
Lots of stairs


No se permiten eventos


No se admiten mascotas


No se permite fumar

Información importante

Otros detalles

Este alojamiento está gestionado por un propietario particular (es decir, una parte que no actúa dentro de su mercado, negocio o profesión). No se aplicará la legislación de protección de consumidores de la UE a tu reserva, incluido el derecho de desistimiento. La política de cancelación establecida por el propietario particular cubrirá tu reserva.
Puede aplicarse un recargo por cada persona adicional, según la política del alojamiento.
A tu llegada, pueden pedirte un documento de identidad oficial con foto y una tarjeta de crédito o débito, o un depósito en efectivo, para cubrir los gastos imprevistos.
No se garantizan las solicitudes especiales, que están sujetas a disponibilidad en el momento de la llegada y pueden suponer un recargo adicional.
Está terminantemente prohibido celebrar fiestas u otros eventos en grupo en las instalaciones.
El propietario no ha indicado si el alojamiento cuenta con un detector de monóxido de carbono, puede que te interese llevar uno portátil para el viaje.
El propietario ha indicado que el alojamiento cuenta con un detector de humo.
Entre los elementos de seguridad de este alojamiento, se incluyen los siguientes: extintor y botiquín de primeros auxilios.

Información adicional

De acuerdo con la normativa nacional, no se aceptan pagos en efectivo que superen los 1000 GBP. Para obtener más información, ponte en contacto con el alojamiento a través de los datos que figuran en la confirmación de la reserva.
Para acceder a este alojamiento, es necesario un coche.

Información sobre la zona


esta casa de vacaciones se encuentra en Bouteilles-Saint-Sébastien, en un entorno rural. Chateau de La Mercerie y Moulin de la Veyssière son etapas fundamentales para los aficionados a la cultura en esta región, donde también puedes acercarte a lugares emblemáticos como Iglesia monolítica de Saint-Jean y Castillo de Mareuil. Tendrás la oportunidad de disfrutar del agua realizando actividades como pesca o natación, pero también podrás vivir grandes aventuras practicando el ciclismo o la equitación en las inmediaciones.
St Sebastien, Dordogne

Qué hay en los alrededores

  • Golf d'Aubeterre - A 17 min en coche
  • Oficina de turismo de Ribérac - A 21 min en coche
  • Oficina de turismo de Aubeterre-sur-Dronne - A 22 min en coche
  • Chateau de La Mercerie - A 24 min en coche
  • Abadía de Brantome - A 43 min en coche

Cómo moverse por la zona

  • Estación de tren de Montmoreau: 21 min en coche


  • ‪Aux Petits Oignons - ‬A 16 min en coche
  • ‪Le Clin d'Oeil - ‬A 15 min en coche
  • ‪Chez Hannah - ‬A 15 min en coche
  • ‪La Cloche - ‬A 16 min en coche
  • ‪Le Calice - ‬A 11 min en coche

Preguntas frecuentes

¿En Tranquilidad pura: un hermoso lugar para relajarse y explorar el campo hay piscina?

Sí, este alojamiento cuenta con una piscina al aire libre.

¿En Tranquilidad pura: un hermoso lugar para relajarse y explorar el campo se aceptan mascotas?

No, este alojamiento no admite mascotas.

¿A qué hora se realiza la entrada en Tranquilidad pura: un hermoso lugar para relajarse y explorar el campo?

Hora de inicio del registro de entrada: 16:30.

¿A qué hora se realiza la salida en Tranquilidad pura: un hermoso lugar para relajarse y explorar el campo?

La salida se realiza a las 09:00.

¿Dónde se encuentra Tranquilidad pura: un hermoso lugar para relajarse y explorar el campo?

En una zona rural, esta casa de vacaciones se encuentra a 3 km de La Lizonne y a menos de 15 kilómetros de Jardins du Coq y Plage De Petit-Bersac. Parque natural regional Périgord Limousin y Chateau de La Mercerie también están a menos de 20 kilómetros.




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22 comentarios de un total de 30 con una puntuación de 10 - Excelente" "
7 comentarios de un total de 30 con una puntuación de 8 - Bueno" "
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0 comentarios de un total de 30 con una puntuación de 4 - Mediocre" "
0 comentarios de un total de 30 con una puntuación de 2 - Horrible" "










Precisión del anuncio


10/10 Excelente

Kate N.

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Beautiful property with stunning views
This is a real gem of a find. Beautiful property with everything you could possibly need to enjoy your stay. The garden and pool are wonderful and the views are just gorgeous. We enjoyed really enjoyed the absolute quiet of the area.... intereupted only by the sound of our daughters having fun in the pool. There are some lovely nearby towns and villages to visit and lots of lovely local food to be eaten. Really lovely holiday. Would recommend!
Se alojó 7 noches en agosto de 2023

10/10 Excelente

James M.

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Tranquil stay
We had a fantastic stay at the property. It is very well equipped and beautifully furnished. It is in a very quiet location and the pool has incredible views across the countryside. It is in short driving distance of a small town that has a well stocked spar, bank, boulangerie and a couple of restaurants. We would highly recommend and definitely stay again.
Se alojó 7 noches en julio de 2023

10/10 Excelente

Lucien O.

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
The Photos don't do this place justice!
This is our first time booking something on vrbo so didn't really know what to expect but it was a very good experience. When we were arrived at the house at La Croix it was just perfect for what we wanted after a busy week at eurocamp. The photos do not do this place a justice at all, it is very spacious with a lot of charm and nice little extra like the ping-pong table that my son and I loved. The place is very well equipped for everything you need and it's not too far to the spar or a Boulangerie. The beds are very comfortable and the air con in the house was very welcome when it was hot. The open air eating area was lovely for breakfast but where this place really shines is the pool area surrounded by the sunflowers which bloomed during our stay. This made for a perfect birthday for my wife which was during our stay at la croix. Helen and her husband were both very nice and welcoming to us. Also when staying at this house make sure you give a wave to Madame Thomas who lives next door who will give you a massive smile and wave as you pass. The place is very rural and not effected by noise or light pollution which is great when a storm rolls in! We would definitely stay here again and I have already recommended it to friends. Thank you to all for a great stay. From the O'Leary family.
Se alojó 7 noches en julio de 2023

10/10 Excelente

Günter U.

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Vacation in the Dordogne
We found a dreamlike house in this quiet place and felt very comfortable there. It is a very lovingly furnished domicile, where it is wonderful to relax. The charming surrounding villages also invite to be visited. So, unfortunately, the week went by much too quickly.
Se alojó 6 noches en julio de 2022

10/10 Excelente

James W.

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Another brilliant stay at the hugely relaxing La Croix.
My partner and I stayed for a second time at La Croix. It is such an ideal property if you're looking for peace, quiet, and really impressive sunsets. The house was clean and tidy again and Helen was responsive and so helpful in the check in/check out process. The days were full of sun by the pool and the evenings were full of local Bordeaux wine - we will definitely be back!
Se alojó 7 noches en julio de 2022

10/10 Excelente

Phillip E.

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Fantastic property
This is a lovely property. Helen the host helped with any question before and during our stay. The kitchen is well equipped with nice equipment and crockery. Certainly better than the usual rental kitchen. The location is very rural with hardly any passing traffic in the day. The pool is a great sun trap and gets the sun all day until the sun goes down. The views are just awesome and the photos on the site don’t do the these or the property justice really. There is a shooting and archery outfit a few km away which is fun for a few hours and local Boulangeries make great pastries and breads, but go in the morning or the good stuff will have gone! There is lots of leisure equipment also like table tennis, bbq, darts, bikes and boules ready to use in the property. We had a lovely relaxing week and really do recommend this place if you want a scenic, quiet piece of France to escape to.
Se alojó 7 noches en julio de 2022

10/10 Excelente

Barnaby V.

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Great remote relaxing stay
Lovely property at the top of a hill in a very quiet area. The views are as good as they look in the pics. Very clean and great set up with everything you need, incliding some nice surprises like things for the pool and boule ready for you. The main living space is great and the kitchen is very well set up with everything you need for cooking (which is rare in rentals like this). The quirks of the property are highlighted in the description - it's got low ceilings upstairs, and the shower is underneath the main lviing area. Location is isolated but only 10 mins drive to bakery/grocery/restaurants. Overall we rate this place really highly and would stay again.
Se alojó 7 noches en agosto de 2021

10/10 Excelente

Ulrieke D.

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Top verblijf.
Heel mooi huis met prachtig verzicht. We komen zeker nog eens terug.
Se alojó 11 noches en agosto de 2021

8/10 Bueno

Wing San V.

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
The day we arrived at the venue right away it looked idyllic and beautiful. The magnificent vue and the silent surroundings. Inside everything is there. All the kitchenware is present even the coffee ;). Outside it looks like an old rural house, but inside its decorated of this time. We also visited the surrounding villages, it’s really worth it. After the visit the pool is great to relax and cool down. With all the corona violence it's nice to recover. This has been a perfect house to recharge our batteries again. We recommend this house and surroundings to everyone and it is definitely worth coming back.
Se alojó 7 noches en julio de 2021

8/10 Bueno

Marijke D.

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
What a view!
Even though the weather was not as usual (no 30°))we enjoyed our stay at La Croix. We enjoyed the pool, the view, the birds, sunflowers, the old lady nextdoor, the covered terrace, walks , badminton, jeu de boules, calmness, ...A place to recommend if you want to relax at the countryside. One small negative point : the house had probably not been rented for a long time so it smelled a bit humid. But at the end of our stay it was already better.
Se alojó 7 noches en julio de 2021

10/10 Excelente

Neil M.

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Rural france recharge
We spent 2 weeks at this great property with all the mod-cons necessary for a break from the busy world. The 1m deep pool was perfect for cooling off and provided great entertainment for our son. The views from the house, garden & pool are as listed and offer great sun set views a night sky star gazing. The covered balcony is a great feature for outside eating or simply sharing a glass of wine while watching the sun set. The area under the walnut tree is great for outside dining while taking some shade from the sun & catching the cooling breeze that runs up towards to property. Helen was very helpful with local suggestions during our stay. She was very focused on providing a comfortable stay. Not to detract from the property, there are 2 areas for consideration: - 1. The low ceilings on the 3rd floor are indeed low, so you must be prepared for a fair bit of crouching, especially those reaching 6ft. - 2. The portable Aircon unit covers the main kitchen/salon area only. Bedrooms are supplied with fans and so light sleepers may be disturbed by fan noise. We had a great time with our 8yr old son and returned home feeling refreshed and recharged. A beautiful property in an equally beautiful rural setting.
Se alojó 14 noches en julio de 2019

8/10 Bueno

tanguy D., BREST

Aspectos positivos: Ubicación
Très bien.
Nous avons passé une excellente semaine. La maison a beaucoup de charme et est très au calme avec une seule voisine vraiment adorable. La piscine a une vue magnifique et la terrasse couverte très pratique. Le seul petit bémol serait peut-être les commerces très éloignés mais l'endroit est idéal pour se reposer. Tanguy.

10/10 Excelente

Joel H.

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Beautiful views in a quiet area of the Dordogne
We had a lovely stay - the house is comfortable and well furnished, and the garden and pool are great. The setting is rural but there are plenty of towns and villages within driving distance. We have two young children and there was plenty to keep them entertained.

8/10 Bueno

Fredrik A.

Aspectos positivos: Llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
Nice charming stay
A warm welcoming arrival at the house in La Croix. A lovely big house and a nice swimming pool with a great view! Many things to visit. Maybe an aircondition upstairs would be more useful than the one downstairs. In general highly recommended!!

10/10 Excelente

James W.

Aspectos positivos: Limpieza, llegada, comunicación, ubicación y precisión del anuncio
A pretty house with a pool in beautiful French countryside
Three of us recently stayed at la Croix and found it to be ideal. We wanted somewhere in the middle of the countryside for a week of doing very little: we got just that. The house itself has a great layout. There's a big kitchen/dining/living room (with an air-con unit) and really nice additional dining/sofa area outside, where we ate every evening. The two bedrooms upstairs are absolutely fine in terms of size but headroom is limited as they're in the eaves. There is one bathroom upstairs. There is also a separate WC and shower on the ground floor level accessible from the outside of the house (from the courtyard). Since the weather was so nice, we spent very little time in-doors. The outdoor space is the real winner. There's a courtyard with a bbq and lawns down to the pool, which overlooks an uninterrupted view of the French countryside. We spent most (almost all) our time on the deck by the pool and had a large amount of rosé whilst watching the sunset. Helen, the liaison between guests and the owners, was so friendly and made everything incredibly easy. The house is set close to some very picturesque villages, to which we took the bikes one day. All in all, it was a fantastic place for what we wanted. The photos do it little justice. We would certainly like to return!
Se alojó 7 noches en junio de 2019

10/10 Excelente

Tony K.

The property was exactly what you would want from a French country cottage - so full of character
The cottage/gite, the location, the views, the contents/equipment just perfect. Yes so the ceilings are a bit low upstairs but we never bumped our heads once. Made good use of pool, boules and kitchen. So much more that we just never had time for. Helen, the lovely property manager, gave us a quick visit to ensure we'd settled in and to reassure us she was available at all times should we need her. So many lovely villages to explore, Brantome, Aubeterre-sur-Dronne - Verteillac, the nearest, was handy for butchers, patisserie and small supermarket as well as a couple of cafe/bars and bank. The 'brocante' held in Verteillac on the first Sunday of the month is well worth a visit. Overall we can't praise the cottage and location enough - desperate to go back.

6/10 Normal

Clare M.

Lovely local area and peaceful setting but inaccurate description of facilities.
Having read the previous reviews we would agree with everything said about the local area. The peace and tranquility offered by the house is second to none. I have scored a 3* when I would have preferred a 2.5*. Two of the main requirements for us when selecting a property was aircon and a walk in shower. Regretfully there was no aircon only a small mobile unit that was not useable as the venting pipe was missing. Being a barn conversion the bedrooms were high with no ventilation and became unbearable in the heat. The walk in shower was a concrete outbuilding too small to dry in. Being isolated drying outside ‘al fresco’ wasn’t an issue so long as it didn’t rain! Being rural we expect spiders etc but this had to be cleaned daily before the ladies would use it. I feel the description is not accurate and appears to offer facilities not present. Maybe small issues but ones that would have led us to a difference venue had the write been accurate.
Se alojó 13 noches en julio de 2018

10/10 Excelente

Janet M.

Beautiful, peaceful, perfect!
We had a wonderful two weeks at this lovely property. Two couples, and we were constantly pleasantly surprised by the facilities. Loved the views, beams, mattresses, sheets, kitchen knives, and so many other things! Great area with so much to see and do. We didn’t do a huge amount though as we were lazing by the pool most of the time! We were very pleased we chose the gîte and intend to return in the future!
Se alojó 14 noches en julio de 2018

10/10 Excelente

Steve A.

A lovely relaxing retreat in the heart of the French countryside
We have just returned from our holiday and spent a week at La Croix. This property can only be described as a beautiful old country house in the heart of the beautiful Charantaise countryside positioned down a country lane in a little hamlet, but standing on its own and totally private. The views are stunning from the garden and the pool has been positioned to maximise the views when you are in it. It is so quite and peaceful and the house itself has been lovingly restored to a high standard ,retaining its traditional charm with exposed stone walls and beams, while at the same time being equipped with everything you would need in a home and for your holiday. Everything has been thought of to make your stay as comfortable as possible. We enjoyed a great holiday in this lovely house in a stunning location and would definitely recommend this property for a quality relaxing break, you would struggle to find a better location.
Se alojó 7 noches en julio de 2018

10/10 Excelente

Vanessa M.

Peaceful isolation in a picture postcard location
We stayed for 10 days here in the middle of a extensive road trip around France and the view never got boaring. If you are looking to escape from the huddle and bustle of life this is the perfect place to stay. The house is really well equipped with everything you will ever need. It feels very french and oozes character. We enjoyed using the BBQ and looking out at the beautiful view every day. The pool was a welcome addition given the really hot weather we experienced. There is everything you need close by in Vertilac including a wonder passiserie and charcuterie. The only negative in the head room up stairs which we both fell victim to in the first very days but it is certainly not a reason not to stay here. We would highly recommend this place.
Se alojó 9 noches en junio de 2018
Este comentario se envió antes de 2018 y no se ha verificado.

10/10 Excelente

Dawn S.

Perfect 'get away from it all' holiday destination!
If you want a holiday that is as far removed as possible from the fast pace of every day life, this has to be it. Equally, if you want to see a 'real' piece of genuine France, this is it. The accommodation is first class and equipped above and beyond what you normally get in a holiday property. It did feel like a home from home. The location is perfect. You can genuinely live like a 'local' and the view (and the changing skies and sunsets) are breathtaking. We really wouldn't hesitate to recommend this property to family and friends and would definitely consider going back for a return stay which is something we rarely choose to do. If anything, the website doesn't do it justice - it's even better than these amazing images show. If you do decide to book La Croix we hope you have just as brilliant a time as we did. The perfect escape from the real world for a fortnight!
Se alojó 14 noches en agosto de 2017
Este comentario se envió antes de 2018 y no se ha verificado.

8/10 Bueno

Steve E.

rural tranquillity
We enjoyed a peaceful stay in a tastefully refurbished farmhouse in this rural location with lovely views over the small octagonal pool. The owners' agent was very responsive, replacing a tired old barbecue the next day! Some lovely local towns to visit and some good walks around the hills under the birdcalls of soaring Marsh Harriers. Sharp knives in the kitchen were a pleasure, and remember to duck when moving around upstairs!
Se alojó 7 noches en agosto de 2017
Este comentario se envió antes de 2018 y no se ha verificado.

10/10 Excelente

Frances V.

Tranquil and relaxing setting
A lovely property in a beautiful location; the pictures do not do it justice. We had a great holiday and really enjoyed the peaceful surroundings. The covered balcony area provided great views and outside dining. The property was clean and very well equipped with everything we required including bikes and table tennis. The ceilings are low upstairs but you get used to ducking. There are loads of lovely towns to visit and we especially enjoyed out trips to Brantome and Aubeterre sur Donne. If we were to go back to this area we would definitely stay here again and a special thanks to Helen for ensuring that we had everything we needed.
Este comentario se envió antes de 2018 y no se ha verificado.

8/10 Bueno

pascal g.

A house with a VIEW
Our stay in the Dordogne was again a very relaxed one. The property was OK, all "modern" facilities were available in a charming setting. The Dordogne is still one of the most beautifull area's in France: the little picturesque villages, the nice wheater, the good food, ... What really made this stay special : the fantastic view !!!
Este comentario se envió antes de 2018 y no se ha verificado.

10/10 Excelente

Dawn R.

Beautiful location exceptional attention to detail
We had a lovely stay.A great place to go if you want total relaxation in a scenic location.A car is essential and there are a lot of narrow lanes so take out the extra car insurance offered at the car rental pick-up. The facilities at the farmhouse were exceptional and the attention to detail was the same. You won't be disappointed.
Se alojó 7 noches en septiembre de 2016

Acerca de su propietario/a

Propietario/a: Helen Griffith

Imagen de perfil del propietario o de la propietaria
David Williams own this charming property. David lives in California, he has recently been bereaved and retired in 2022. The house is looked after for him by Helen Griffith. Helen has looked after the house for them for the last 11 years, and lives locally in the area. She has a wealth of local knowledge, and will do her best to ensure you have a really enjoyable stay.

Por qué escogió este alojamiento

David and his late wife, Bonnie, immediately fell in love with this beautiful property on first viewing it.

Qué hace que este alojamiento sea especial

Big skies with gorgeous views. A very well equipped kitchen. Comfortable beds with lovely linen and towels. A lovely covered balcony with a futon and cushions to relax on, a table for 4 to dine on while enjoying the views and/or the stars. There is a little balcony outside the kitchen door, perfect for a petit dejeuner a deux. Or why not take your apero and go to sit underneath the walnut tree.... Perfect.


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