Gehele woning·Particuliere eigenaar

House of Divine Views

Fotogalerie voor House of Divine Views

Terrein van de accommodatie
Uitzicht vanuit accommodatie




3 slaapkamers2 badkamersMax. aantal: 6139.4 m²

Populaire voorzieningen

  • Barbecue
  • Keuken
  • Open haard
    Open haardOpen haard
  • Buitenruimte
  • Gratis wifi
    Gratis wifiGratis wifi
  • Uitzicht op de bergen
    Uitzicht op de bergenUitzicht op de bergen

Ontdek het gebied

  • Populaire locatieWatervallen van Petrohué18 min. rijden
  • Populaire locatieVolcán Osorno31 min. rijden
  • Populaire locatieCentro de Ski y Montaña Volcán Osorno33 min. rijden

Kamers en bedden

3 slaapkamers (max. aantal: 6)

Slaapkamer 1

1 queensize bed

Slaapkamer 2

1 kingsize bed

Slaapkamer 3

2 eenpersoonsbedden

2 badkamers

Badkamer 1

Bad of douche · Toilet

Badkamer 2

Bad of douche · Toilet · Bubbelbad


Vlonder of patio
Veranda of lanai
Speelruimte buiten

Over deze accommodatie

House of Divine Views

In de uitlopers van de Andes en dicht bij de beste buitenactiviteiten in de regio Los Lagos, laat u betoveren door deze door architect ontworpen La Casa de Vistas Divinas, 'The House of Divine Views', een prachtig ingericht huis met drie slaapkamers en twee badkamers met Chileense bossen, kathedraalplafonds en enorme ramen met uitzicht op de panoramische, met sneeuw bedekte vulkanen van de berg Osorno, Puntiaguido en Calbuco. Geen enkele andere vakantiewoning in dit gebied heeft dit prachtige uitzicht! De enige geluiden zijn de vogels, de rivier en de waterval. De muren zijn versierd met originele olieverfschilderijen met kunstenaars uit Argentinië en Chili. Het grootste deel van het meubilair is ontworpen en gemaakt door lokale ambachtslieden.

Dit huis heeft alle moderne gemakken van een Amerikaans huis. Er is de volledig uitgeruste keuken met handgeschilderde Portugese tegels, vaatwasser en alle borden, bestek en kookgerei die nodig zijn om een heerlijke maaltijd te maken van de lokaal beschikbare Chileense producten of een vis (forel of zalm) die je misschien hebt gevangen de nabijgelegen rivieren en meren. Het huis beschikt ook over houtkachel, open haard en elektrische kachels, afgeschermde ramen, overdekte jacuzzi, groot terras met buiten dineren, dvd-speler / stereo-installatie en een aangrenzende quincho "typisch Chileense barbecue paviljoen."

De hoofdslaapkamer, met een kingsize bed van hoge kwaliteit, kijkt uit op de met sneeuw bedekte Volcan Osorno. Er is een grote inloopkast en een eigen badkamer. De twee slaapkamers beneden, die een groot bad delen met een overdekte jacuzzi, zijn voorzien van een tweepersoonsbed en een onderschuifbed met 2 aparte bedden. Het beddengoed is allemaal 100% katoen, hoog draadaantal. De kussens en dekbedden zijn gemaakt van prachtig Chileens dons.

Als u meer bedden nodig heeft, kan de aangrenzende gastenhut drie (3) slapen. U kunt foto's van de cabine op deze site bekijken: www. vrbo. com / 3671908ha

'S Avonds nodigt de grote rivierrot open haard u uit om een fles Chileense wijn te openen terwijl u samenkomt om verhalen over de avonturen van de dag uit te wisselen. Er is internettoegang zodat u vrienden en familie op de hoogte kunt houden van de gebeurtenissen tijdens uw verkenningen rond Ensenada, dat wordt beschouwd als een van de beste ecotoeristische bestemmingen van het Lake District. Avonturen kunnen zijn:
Wandelen in het nabijgelegen Vicente Rosales Nationaal Park, raften op de rivier de Petrohue (de Petrohue-waterval is een van de meest gefotografeerde watervallen ter wereld), Volcan Osorno beklimmen (30 minuten rijden naar de skilift Osorno) of Calbuco (dat is recht uit uw achterdeur), paardrijden, vliegvissen in uw eigen rivier, windsufen op Lake Todos Los Santos, mountainbiken en vogels kijken, canopy-ritten, peddelen een kajak door de Ralun-baai, of canyoning door de kloven van Rio Blanco.

Dagtochten kunnen een bezoek zijn aan Chiloe Island, de inheemse ambachtenmarkt Angelmo, boetieks en grote winkelcentra in Puerto Montt, de historische steden Fruitillar en Puerto Octay, de spa in Puyehue en het Alerce Andino National Park. Het casino en de verscheidenheid aan uitstekende restaurants in Puerto Varas (vooral La Cucina D'Alessandro, met authentieke Italiaanse gerechten) zorgt voor een leuke avondervaring. Nog dichterbij, op slechts 15 minuten van het huis, kunt u dineren in het vijfsterrenrestaurant Latitude 42 in de Yan Kee Way Lodge in Ensenada of in het restaurant Hotel Petrohue aan de oevers van Lake Todos Los Santos.

Nachtelijke excursies naar Bariloche en Villa La Angostura net over de grens in de Andes van Argentinië zijn gemakkelijk te regelen. Ensenada is instapplaats voor de beroemde Andes-meercruise van Chili naar Argentinië.

Of misschien wilt u gewoon ontspannen op het terras in een Adirondack-stoel met een goed boek, terwijl u kijkt naar een inheemse Chileense havik die sierlijk boven zweeft, of een dutje doet in de hangmat onder de Ulmo-bomen. De haviken bezoeken de tuin bij zonsopgang en zonsondergang op zoek naar af en toe een restje vlees. Als je geluk hebt zoals velen, kun je een glimp opvangen van de zelden geziene Pudu, het schattige inheemse dwerghert van Patagonië. De omringende tuin en tuinen zijn ontworpen en geplant volgens de specificaties van de eigenaar en bevatten veel mooie bomen en bloemen die het genot zijn van de lokale soorten kolibries.
Het huis ligt in het midden van een oud Valdiviaans regenwoud maar binnen een natuurlijke open plek die een spectaculair uitzicht op de omliggende vulkanen biedt. Laat de majesteit van de vulkanen je verleiden tot een sublieme en spirituele ontspanning. Het huis heeft gaskachels, elektrische kachels, een houtkachel en een enorme open haard, die allemaal bijdragen aan een warme en ontspannen sfeer.
Kijk na een kleurrijke zonsondergang naar de hele Melkweg, het Zuiderkruis en andere sterrenbeelden van het zuidelijk halfrond. De afwezigheid van lichtvervuiling zorgt voor een optimale weergave naar het centrum van de Melkweg.

Als uw feest groter is dan het aantal dat het huis comfortabel kan slapen (7 plus de optie van een extra futon), kunt u het pension (casita / hut) ook op hetzelfde terrein reserveren met hetzelfde ongelooflijke uitzicht. De cabine heeft een queensize bed, een volledige kombuiskeuken, een badkamer met douche, een kleine woonkamer met een eettafel en een groot dek. Het wordt verwarmd door een open haard. Het is comfortabel en mooi ingericht.

Uw comfortabele, magische, Chileense vakantiewoning is slechts een klik verwijderd.

Sleutelwoorden: huis


Marian Hughes

Gesproken talen

Engels en Spaans

Beveilig je betaling door altijd te boeken op Vrbo

Als iemand je vraagt om via hen te boeken of ze rechtstreeks te betalen voordat je boekt opVrbo, meld dat dan.


Gratis wifi
Uitzicht op het gebergte
Open haard


Je kunt inchecken vanaf 16.00 uur
Minimumleeftijd om te mogen huren: 25 jaar
Je kunt uitchecken tot 11.00 uur


Kinderen toegestaan: van 0-17 jaar


Geen evenementen toegestaan


Geen huisdieren toegestaan


Roken is niet toegestaan
Please conserve water as much as possible.

Belangrijke informatie


De volgende kosten dienen bij de accommodatie te worden betaald:

  • Het is mogelijk dat je de volgende toeslagen dient te betalen bij de accommodatie: de nationale btw (19%). Niet-inwoners die betalen met een buitenlandse kaart of bankoverschrijving en die een geldig paspoort en toeristenvisum hebben, zijn mogelijk vrijgesteld van de btw (19%).

We hebben alle kosten inbegrepen die de accommodatie aan ons heeft doorgegeven.

Algemene info

Deze accommodatie wordt beheerd door een particuliere eigenaar (een partij die niet handelt vanuit zijn/haar vakgebied, bedrijf of beroep). De consumentenwetgeving van de EU, met inbegrip van het herroepingsrecht, is niet van toepassing op je boeking. Je boeking wordt wel gedekt door het annuleringsbeleid van de particuliere eigenaar.
Afhankelijk van het accommodatiebeleid kan voor extra personen een toeslag in rekening worden gebracht.
Bij het inchecken dien je mogelijk een erkend identiteitsbewijs met foto en een creditcard, pinpas of borgsom in contanten te verstrekken voor incidentele kosten.
Speciale verzoeken worden onder voorbehoud van beschikbaarheid bij het inchecken ingewilligd. Hiervoor kunnen extra kosten in rekening worden gebracht. Speciale verzoeken kunnen niet worden gegarandeerd.
Feesten of groepsevenementen ter plaatse zijn ten strengste verboden.
De eigenaar heeft niet aangegeven of er een koolmonoxidemelder aanwezig is in de accommodatie. Breng eventueel zelf een draagbare melder mee.
De eigenaar heeft niet aangegeven of er een rookmelder aanwezig is in de accommodatie.
De accommodatie beschikt over de volgende veiligheidsvoorzieningen: een brandblusser en een veiligheidsslot

Overige info

Je hebt een auto nodig om van en naar deze accommodatie te reizen.

Over deze buurt

Puerto Varas

Je kunt dit vakantiehuis in een landelijke omgeving vinden in de bergen in Puerto Varas. Heb je zin in een actieve uitstap? Neem dan een kijkje bij Centro de Ski y Montaña Volcán Osorno en Playa de Venado. Wie liever in alle rust van het natuurschoon in de omgeving geniet, is bij Watervallen van Petrohué en Vicente Perez Rosales Nationaal Park aan het juiste adres. Bekijk de wilde dieren in de omgeving tijdens activiteiten als een wildexcursie en vogelspotten.

In de buurt

  • Lago Llanquihue - 12 min. rijden
  • Watervallen van Petrohué - 18 min. rijden
  • Volcán Osorno - 31 min. rijden
  • Centro de Ski y Montaña Volcán Osorno - 33 min. rijden
  • Puerto Varas Plaza de Armas - 62 min. rijden

Lokaal vervoer

  • Puerto Montt (PMC-Tepual) - 121 min. rijden


  • ‪Restaurant Bordelago Donde el Español - ‬12 min. rijden
  • ‪Yan Kee Way Lodge - ‬13 min. rijden
  • ‪Don Salmon - ‬11 min. rijden
  • ‪El Condor - ‬15 min. rijden
  • ‪Restaurant Ranchito - ‬12 min. rijden

Veelgestelde vragen

Zijn huisdieren welkom bij House of Divine Views?

Nee, huisdieren zijn bij deze accommodatie niet toegestaan.

Hoe laat kan ik inchecken bij House of Divine Views?

Je kunt vanaf 16.00 uur inchecken.

Tot hoe laat kan ik bij House of Divine Views uitchecken?

Je dient uiterlijk om 11.00 uur uit te checken.

Waar ligt House of Divine Views?

Dit gezinsvriendelijke vakantiehuis ligt in de bergen, binnen 15 km afstand van Lago Llanquihue, Green Lagoon en Watervallen van Petrohué. Ook Lago Todos los Santos en Vicente Perez Rosales Nationaal Park liggen binnen 20 km afstand.




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Accuraatheid advertentie


10/10 – Uitstekend

Liz R.

Positief: Netheid, inchecken, communicatie, locatie en accuraatheid advertentie
This house was everything we hoped for and more. Very comfortable and fully equipped. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay. We loved how remote and peaceful this property was. Marian and Matt were great hosts, very communicative and helpful. We hope to return.
7 nachten verbleven in december 2023

10/10 – Uitstekend

Geverifieerde reiziger

Positief: Netheid, inchecken, communicatie, locatie en accuraatheid advertentie
Chilean Vacation
We had a fantastic five day stay at House of Divine Views. The property was wonderful and as depicted. Fully equipped and very comfortable. Matt and Marian were excellent hosts and were available for all our questions. The property is a little more secluded than we expected, but once there, loved the privacy within a gated community of large vacation lots. The location was perfect for day trips exploring the southern Chilean Lake District.
6 nachten verbleven in november 2022

10/10 – Uitstekend

Jordana K.

Positief: Netheid, inchecken, communicatie, locatie en accuraatheid advertentie
Do yourself a favor and book this house
I can't say enough about this incredible house and the kindness of the hosts. My husband and I have rented homes in dozens of countries and this was definitely one of, if not the most special place we've ever stayed. The hosts were incredibly kind, even updating their Wifi package for us on a days notice so we could work from their home (great connection!). The property is in an incredibly beautiful location, with mountain views from the bed and stunning yard, as well as being a quick drive to incredible hikes, beaches and lakes. We were so comfortable and it was definitely the most well-stocked house in our entire three month stay in Chile. Stay here if you can!!
5 nachten verbleven in februari 2022

10/10 – Uitstekend

Tracy G.

Positief: Netheid, inchecken, communicatie, locatie en accuraatheid advertentie
Perfect Lake District Home Away from Home
We spent three wonderful weeks at the House of Divine Views and loved every minute of it. If we were to build our next house, we’d use this one as the starting blueprint. The master bedroom was amazing. Spacious, architecturally stimulating, full of light from corner to corner, and with a desk and work area that is hard to surpass. The master bedroom, living room, dining room and patio all have magnificent view of Mount Osorno. The wrap around patio provides plenty of space for even large groups. The open space allows you to enjoy the surrounding wilderness without feeling closed in or being deprived of light by the tall, beautiful trees that surround the home. The kitchen is spacious and fully stocked with pretty much any tool you could ask for. Plenty of pots, pans, plates, glasses, silverware, etc. The quincho (outdoor cooking hut with woodburning grill) was fantastic. I made more than a third of our dinners out there, grilling over an open fire, and they all came out great…flavorful and perfectly done. It takes a lot of attention to what you’re grilling, given that it’s an open flame, but it’s worth it. And the location of the home, secluded down a dirt road but centrally located in the Lake District, meant that we had short drives to such wonderful treats as river rafting down the Petrohue River, enjoying the views of Petrohue falls, and hiking in the various national parks that surround the home. But we also relished our days of kicking back in the lounges and Adirondack chairs and enjoying the quiet and stillness of the space. Visits from local falcons and Caracara were an added thrill. We will be back.
7 nachten verbleven in januari 2022

10/10 – Uitstekend

Philippe v.

lovely house
the name is perfectly adapted - great house to stay and to start visiting the area - nice barbecue area & terrasse very sunny
4 nachten verbleven in februari 2019

10/10 – Uitstekend

Lynda & Dennis C., San Diego, CA

House of Devine Views- soooo true
Lovely home tucker deep in the woods, very private, secluded and peaceful . Just what you would expect from Ensenada/Patagonia. Most of the time we were there it rained but it didn't stop us from exploring. Finally on day 4 the clouds broke and the amazing view of the volcano appeared. The views from the backyard and master bedroom of the volcano are incredible. On a clear day the night sky looks like diamonds twinkling. Loved this place! House was neat, clean, cozy and very comfortable. All amenities that you need. Wifi worked well. Wood burning stove and electric heaters kept house warm - large fireplace was under construction but it didn't matter. No TV which we loved - off the grid!! Beds were cozy and warm with great down comforters on them. Definitely need a car to get around!! When you arrive at the front gate entrance, it is a bit of a ride on a dirt road (well maintained) till you reach the house. Got a bit lost heading from Airport in Puerto Montt but figured it out. Directions with pictures from owner were helpful to know we were on the right track. Owners were very responsive and checked in many times to make sure our stay was going well. Very nice people! I would definitely recommend this home if you are staying in this area. It is about 35-40 minutes to Puerto Varas. Only minutes away from the Osorno Volcano park entrance. Some hiking available, beautiful location, very relaxing and great place to share with family and friends.
4 nachten verbleven in maart 2019

10/10 – Uitstekend


What a wonderful and relaxing stay in a stunning and peaceful location!
My wife and 3 children had the pleasure of staying at the House of Divine Views for almost a full week. It was part of our 1-year around the world travels, and we feel so lucky to have been able to experience the comfort of the home, the hospitality of Marian and Matt, and the adventure that the surrounding area has to offer. We had some stunning views of Volcan Osorno from our upstairs bedroom window, and especially during the mornings (sunrise) and evenings (sunset). The house was fully equipped, fully functional, and very comfortable. We cooked most of our meals at home, including using the backyard bbq one night. We would highly recommend the stay for anyone that is looking for an off the beaten track (but not too far) getaway.
5 nachten verbleven in december 2018

10/10 – Uitstekend


Secluded cabin between 2 beautiful volcanoes!
My husband and I and my parents' visit to Chile was greatly enhanced by our stay at this lovely, clean, roomy chalet-style cabin. A picture-perfect view of one volcano is right outside the large window/back deck and another can be seen out of the upstairs master bedroom window. The road to the cabin is secured behind a locked gate attended by a friendly gate keeper, Vicky. In our 5 days there she never once failed to come and unlock or lock the gate for us (even though we were provided a key). We loved the long drive from the gate down the tunnel-like forest road to the cabin. Marian, the owner, provided us with valuable information regarding how to check in (since she does not live there full time), where to buy groceries, maps and recommendations for restaurants. Upon arrival, Gian Carlo and his father met us and showed us around the cabin so that we would know how to use the heaters, fire place and appliances. We also took advantage of the washer and dryer in the garage, internet and cooked a number of meals in the kitchen. We had everything that we needed in this comfortable home to make our stay enjoyable and memorable. Thank you.
5 nachten verbleven in oktober 2018
Deze recensie is ingediend voor 2018 en is niet geverifieerd.

10/10 – Uitstekend

Thomas W., Mount Vernon, ME

"Peaceable Kingdom" Beneath Two Volcanos
The House of Divine Views is a lovingly maintained and comfortable property in the midst of a truly magical forest. What kind of magic? Well, we had heard that the Chilean hawk (peuquito) was reclusive and shy. But two of them dropped by the house every morning and afternoon to be fed, coming within 3 feet of us. There was also a beautiful Southern crested caracara that came by at roughly the same times and was even more social. And an absolutely enormous hare who frolicked on the lawn while the birds ate the chicken and ham we gave them. Never seen anything like it. Obviously the animals of the forest have built up a lot of trust in the owners of the house over many years. We did our best to keep the faith! Walks from the house on roads through the woods are also magical. A dozen different kinds of wild flowers were blooming in the rich, dark volcanic soil. The house itself is very nicely furnished and the kitchen was equipped with everything we needed. We had a good time shopping at nearby fundos and shops for the ingredients in the meals we prepared and consumed in the house. We only ate at restaurants twice. We were staying in springtime when outside temperatures were chilly (especially at night). But the house kept warm from the massive stone fireplace, a wood stove and a gas-fired heater (there are 2 powerful German gas stoves but we only used one). Marian, the owner of the house, as well as her husband,l and the local woman who looks after the house, Claudia, as well as the woman who operates the front gate to what is a secure property (Parque los Volcanes), Vicky, were all very helpful. They ensured that we had an excellent time. We did and are grateful. NB We were a party of 4, a good number for this house. A single traveler or couple might consider staying at Marian's cabin, which sits nearby on the same property. But I can't say if the hawks, the caracara and the hare go there so often!
4 nachten verbleven in oktober 2017
Deze recensie is ingediend voor 2018 en is niet geverifieerd.

10/10 – Uitstekend

Florence H.

Amazing week!
We highly recommend Marian and Matt's home to anyone who is looking forward to a wonderfully peaceful vacation. The house is fully equipped with everything you need and very warm and comfortable. The peace and the views are just "out of this world" ! It is also perfectly located and close to all the fun activities & sight-seeings available around the lakes and volcanoes. Our children 15 and 11 had a blast exploring nature and feeding the wild life (2 hawks and a family of fox - Mom and her 2 babies). We will definitely be back next summer! Thank you Marian & Matt for everything!
Deze recensie is ingediend voor 2018 en is niet geverifieerd.

10/10 – Uitstekend

Bondoux J.

Absolutely First-Rate
A family of three adults, we spent a week in December 2014 in this charming chalet-style house. The description, photographs, specifications, and reviews from other guests are all accurate and don't need repeating here. The place is roomy and very comfortable, everything works and is as uptodate as can be given that it is in a remote Chilean location. The decor is warm and homey, the kitchen more than fully equipped, and the beds very comfortable. The owner was lodging in the nearby cabin during our stay, and acted as an attentive host, including help with a balky lock, operation of the hot tub, and even to laying fires in the stove and fireplace. This not your run-of-the-mill sterile, anonymous, timeshare type of rental. We are completely satisfied with our stay and highly recommend the House of Divine Views. Foxes, hawks and caracaras visit regularly, in pairs, and they are partial to hot dogs - bring a generous supply!
Deze recensie is ingediend voor 2018 en is niet geverifieerd.

10/10 – Uitstekend

Sean L.

Amazing Views in a Secluded Setting!
My girlfriend and I had the pleasure of staying here for 4 days in October, and can not recommend it enough!! While the pics and description online look great, they do not even do it proper justice. The view from the back deck of Volcan Orsono was spectacular....and you get this same view from the very spacious Master Bedroom in the upstairs loft. The house came complete with everything you could possibly want or need for your stay. The kitchen was very well stocked with all items you would need, including an array of spices. We did not use the fireplace but it was stocked with plenty of firewood. The furniture, linens, bedding, towels, etc. were all in immaculate condition, and well cared for. The Wifi worked with no issues and was pretty fast. Getting to the house can be a little tricky given its very secluded location. Marian provided very detailed directions, but there are a few turns that cold be easy to miss, so just pay close attention when driving. It would probably be best to make sure your first drive to the house is done in the daylight as it can be a little tricker in the dark. Marian was extremely attentive and answered all of my numerous questions very quickly and thoroughly. Her directions also included important places such as the grocery store in Puerto Veras which was great. We drove to Puerto Veras and had a great afternoon(there are numerous shops, restaurants, and a nice beach on the lakefront). It was about a 30 minute drive. There were only 2 of us, but the house is definately big enough to accommodate larger groups....and there is also a little cabin adjacent to the house that is just as nice and sleeps 2 more people. All in all, we had an amazing time and would highly recommend The House of Divine Views!!
Deze recensie is ingediend voor 2018 en is niet geverifieerd.

10/10 – Uitstekend

Warren B.

Perfect! Major Wow Factor!
My wife and i joined our daughter, son in law and 3 year old granddaughter for five nights of pure bliss at House of Divine Views. We have traveled the world and this is the most spectacular home we have found. Beautifully furnished with everything one could want, we enjoyed the hot tub, comfy living room, fireplace stocked with plenty of dry wood, the huge back yard and deck and of course the amazing view of Volcan Osorno. The flowers surrounding the home allowed for beautiful bouquets at the dinner table. The kitchen was fully stocked with every appliance, dish, pan and spice we needed to allow us to make delicious meals. The interior furnishings were super comfortable and the interior design was beautiful. The upstairs master bedroom was huge and luxurious. Having a washer-dryer was handy and the wifi worked without a hitch. The location away from town allowed for virtual privacy yet was close enough for access to all of the amazing sites and activities available in the gorgeous Lake District. We took the ski lift up Volcan Osorno for amazing views, made the short drive to Petrohue Falls and Lago Todos de Santos, drove south towards Patagonia for stunning mountain scenery and enjoyed fantastic meals in Puerto Varas. We drove to Chiloe to see the penguins (totally cool) and ate way too much kuchen in Fruitillar! So much to see, not enough time! Our host was a delight to work with. Excellent communication and attention to detail. You simply can't find a more amazing home to stay in to enjoy all this beautiful home and location has to offer. Five nights were not enough! Thank you Marian
Deze recensie is ingediend voor 2018 en is niet geverifieerd.

10/10 – Uitstekend

Dimitry B.

Great views, very private
We stayed at this house in January 2014. We had a group of 4 people, ages 24-26. We rented an SUV (good decision given the quality of roads) and drove from Puerto Montt to Ensenada and to this house around 7pm. It stays light outside till late, so visibility was not an issue. The directions to the house can be tricky as it's not on any maps. The house is about 15min off from any paved roads. Make sure you get detailed directions to the house before your trip. The house itself is great - the views are unbeatable and amazing. There is a private hot tub, outdoor grill, indoor fireplace, large backyard. There are many dishes and the house is well equipped with standard supplies. There is a lot of wildlife near the house, we saw the fox and hawks even though we were away from the home often and were active every day. You can see tons of stars, shooting stars, etc at night. Remember to buy coals if planning to use the outdoor grill (we didn't find any at the house), and lighter fluid wouldn't hurt either. We had a small issue where the house ran out of water for an hour or two on our last morning, but it seems that can happen sometimes and is repaired within half of a day or so. Ours came back on 2 hours later without issue. There seemed to be lots of instructions for locking the house, doors, gate - we didn't end up locking the gate at all and it seemed to be quite private in general, so no complaints there. During your stay you must do the following activities or excursions depending on how much time you have. The top is most important to do, and the bottom is only if you more time. - drive up to volcano Osorno (takes 2-3 hours there and back) - go canyoning through ko-kayak excursions. - go rafting through ko-kayak - go see petrohue falls - go kayaking through ko-kayak - visit puerto varas - visit puerto montt
Deze recensie is ingediend voor 2018 en is niet geverifieerd.

10/10 – Uitstekend

Wonderful house in beautiful location.
This house truly lives up to its name, it has divine views of Osorno volcano, and is set in its own wooded grounds. The house itself is light, spacious and well appointed with a stunning view from the living rooms and master bedroom, which is open plan with a huge window, cathedral ceiling and timbered beams. Not to be missed nearby are Lago de Todos des Santos, the Petrohue waterfalls and the road to the volcano itself, all in the National Park. We skied, we hiked (Paso Desolation), we visited the coast and fjords past Ralun, we drove around the lake, stopping at Frutillar and the German museum. A four wheel drive vehicle helped with all the exploring! We would highly recommend this property, which is well maintained and stocked with everything you may need, and the local area for its stunning scenery, variety of nearby activities and friendly people. A wonderful stay, and a very helpful and solicitous owner.
Deze recensie is ingediend voor 2018 en is niet geverifieerd.

10/10 – Uitstekend

Happy camper
This is a fine home in a beautiful part of the world. Owner was extremely responsive to some minor issues. Everything was as described, including the visiting wildlife :) I recommend this property to those wanting a very comfortable, upscale accommodation in an otherwise remote location. The hiking in the nearby National Park is GREAT!
Deze recensie is ingediend voor 2018 en is niet geverifieerd.

10/10 – Uitstekend

Georgina T., Spain

Third time back!
We couldn't help ourselves but return for a third stay at the House of Divine Views. It really is such a superb location and beautifully designed house, and by the third time, it felt like coming home. The house is so flexible, we had friends up for one of the nights, and with the cottage added in, you can feel comfortable with either as a couple or with a large group. Marian is a pleasure to deal with, so helpful with any information you might need. I can't add anything else other than to highly recommend this for your Chilean holiday
Deze recensie is ingediend voor 2018 en is niet geverifieerd.

10/10 – Uitstekend

Georgina T., Spain

Sublime views
I'm writing this review in a state of utter relaxation after an unforgettable stay at Vistas Las Divinas. It really is as beautiful as the other reviews say, and the photos do not do it justice. Equipped with everything you could possibly need, super comfortable beds, and so many fantastic activities in the vicinity, that is, if you can manage to tear yourself away from the view! The house is beautifully furnished with personal touches throughout, and was impeccably clean.
Deze recensie is ingediend voor 2018 en is niet geverifieerd.

10/10 – Uitstekend

Margaret H., Alaska

Beyond Expectations
This property was way beyond our expectations. It is simply beautiful. We have rented condos and houses in many parts of the world. This is in the top 3. We especially appreciated the comfort of the bed, and the quality of the furniture etc. Waking up in the morning to a magnificent view of the volcano was so uplifting, one could lie there and meditate on all sorts of things. Two words describe the house and gardens; namely, peace and utter tranquillity. It is truly a magical place, and one we plan to visit again next year, this time for several weeks.
Deze recensie is ingediend voor 2018 en is niet geverifieerd.

10/10 – Uitstekend

Breath-taking views, spectacular area, memories forever!!!
We stayed in the House of Devine views for 5 nights in mid-January and wished we could have doubled (or tripled) the length of our stay! Between all the activities in and around Enseanada and Puerto Varas, with Chiloe only a day-trip away, we kept ourselves very busy and looked forward to returning back to this gorgeous home in the woods each evening, to enjoy BBQ´s meals on the patagonian outdoor grill, gaze in awe at the beautiful Volcan Osorno, soak in the hot tub with some fabulous Chilean wine and take in the spectacular star-filled sky. After living in Chile for 16 months, we appreciate the qualities and comforts of a well-built, well-appointed home... Marion had everything we needed to feel comfortable and thoroughly enjoy our stay! Marion was extremely responsive and helpful with all our inquiries and was a pleasure dealing with. I highly recommend this rental to anyone who wants to enjoy this area and have a truely memorable and peaceful stay. Thank you again Marion!
Deze recensie is ingediend voor 2018 en is niet geverifieerd.

10/10 – Uitstekend

Fabulous Views!
We stayed at La Casa de Vistas Divinas for 6 nights at the end of the Chilean summer and it was unforgettable. The views of the volcanos were the highlight, whether it was waking up to the sunrise, watching the clouds roll across the sky, relaxing on the deck watching the sunset, or seeing the glow of the snow-capped peak in the moonlight. Also enjoying the amazing stars from the hot tub was a close second. The rooms were clean and the kitchen was well stocked, we cooked several meals there and even used the outdoor BBQ. If you spend time outside you will see wildlife such as rabbits and hawks. The location is a bit off the main road so be prepared for a dirty, rocky drive. There are many activities in the area: rafting the Petrohue river with Ko'Kayak, Eco-Adventure at Petrohue Lodge, driving up to the Volcano Osorno ski lodge, day trip to Cochamo and driving around Lake Llanquihue, and many hiking trails including Laguna Verde and Sendaro Solitario. Marian was a terrific host and made sure that every detail was arranged and explained to us so we knew exactly what to expect. We would highly reccommend this house if you like to be out in the forest and really experience nature with the comforts of a nice, safe, relaxing lodge atmosphere. Can't wait to come back someday.
Deze recensie is ingediend voor 2018 en is niet geverifieerd.

10/10 – Uitstekend

Sandra J., Miami, FL

Mountain paradise!!
This house lives up to it's name! Patagonia is magnificent. To come home at the end of a long and tiring day and just sit on the deck of this beautiful home and soak in the stars and the fresh air is an inspiration. Waking to the incredible mountain so close that you feel you can reach out and touch it is awesome. The house itself was totally outfitted at every level. All the comforts of home...and more! Thanks for a wonderful week.
Deze recensie is ingediend voor 2018 en is niet geverifieerd.

10/10 – Uitstekend

Leontina P., Brasil

Just perfect
The house is beautiful, confortable and convenient for all destinations in the area. A touch of ellegant rustic ambience, all modern conveniences (including washing machines and expresso coffe maker). Marian is a superb host, will take care even from abroad. A real home away from home. Not to mention the grand vulcano view and wonderful sunset/sunrises. Highly recommended.
Deze recensie is ingediend voor 2018 en is niet geverifieerd.

10/10 – Uitstekend

Dorothy S., Nanaimo, BC

Divine Views and Great Value
We would like to add our enthusiastic agreement to the reviews of other travellers. Marian's house is actually lived in by her from time to time and therefore has every amenity that you could want. It is secluded, very quiet, and surrounded by wildlife. We loved the hot tub,and Marian was happy to try to accommodate our specific needs. Beautiful stars. Very close to the Osorno Volcano, where you can ride the chair up year round for amazing views and hikes. I biked DOWN the Volcano....awesome experience. Overall, magical. Thanks, Marian!
Deze recensie is ingediend voor 2018 en is niet geverifieerd.

10/10 – Uitstekend

House of Divine Views is ...
House of Divine Views is the perfect place to stay if you would like to explore the Ensenada/Northern Patagonia area of Chile. The house is set against the jaw-dropping view of Volcano Osorno and makes for a magical and peaceful experience. The house itself feels wonderful and has obviously been created with a special touch. My partner and I explored Chiloe Island, Cochamo, Petrohue River, Lake Todos Santos, and Puerto Varas during our stay. Every evening we would return to make a wonderful dinner in the complete kitchen and drink wine under the stars in the hot tub. Waking up to the sunrise with Osorno out the window made us feel like we were dreaming. We LOVED our stay! Thank you Marian for creating such an amazing place for the world to share! Sincerely, Gwendolyn Wyard

Over de eigenaar

Eigenaar: Marian Hughes

Afbeelding van de eigenaar
Born in Long Island but a resident of Hawaii since 1968. On a 1998 trip to South America I fell in love with Southern Chile and bought land in an eco- development with waterfalls and hardwood forests. I built this home in 2001, and have loved vacationing here ever since. You will too!

Waarom de eigenaar deze accommodatie gekozen heeft

The house sits in the middle of a protected Chilean rain forest with spectacular views of Mt. Osorno and Mt. Calbuco. There is a private river close by abounding with trout in season. Very quiet and peaceful. If you are a birder you will be in heaven here.

Wat deze accommodatie uniek maakt

It is peaceful and quiet with great hikes, unique wildlife, and wonderful views of the volcanoes in the day and the galaxy at night. My Swiss manager makes sure everything will be perfect for your stay.


Engels, Spaans