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BENTLEY VILLA Fantastisk utsikt / uendelig basseng / kino / treningsstudio / foss / øy / bemannet

Bildegalleri av BENTLEY VILLA Fantastisk utsikt / uendelig basseng / kino / treningsstudio / foss / øy / bemannet





7 soverom8+ badPlass til 18 personer520.3 m²

Populære fasiliteter

  • Boblebad
  • Grill
  • Basseng
  • Frokost tilgjengelig
    Frokost tilgjengeligFrokost tilgjengelig
  • Vaskemaskin
  • Treningsstudio


3:00 PM


12:00 PM

Utforsk området

Puerto Plata, Puerto Plata
  • Populært stedCofresi-stranden8 min gange
  • Populært stedOcean World Adventure Park11 min gange
  • Populært stedPuerto Plata taubane7 min kjøring
  • FlyplassSantiago (STI-Cibao internasjonale flyplass)88 min kjøring

Rom og senger

7 soverom (plass til 18 personer)

Soverom 1

1 kingsize-seng

Soverom 2

2 queensize-senger

Soverom 3

2 queensize-senger

Soverom 4

1 queensize-seng

Soverom 5

1 kingsize-seng

Soverom 6

1 kingsize-seng

Soverom 7

1 queensize-seng

8 bad, 1 gjestetoalett

Bad 1

Toalett · Kun dusj

Bad 2

Bidé · Toalett · Kun dusj

Bad 3

Toalett · Kun dusj

Bad 4

Toalett · Kun dusj

Bad 5

Toalett · Kun dusj

Bad 6

Toalett · Kun dusj

Bad 7

Bidé · Toalett · Kun dusj

Bad 8


Bad 9

Toalett · Kun dusj

Andre områder

Flatt tak eller terrasse
Veranda eller lanai

Om dette overnattingsstedet

BENTLEY VILLA Fantastisk utsikt / uendelig basseng / kino / treningsstudio / foss / øy / bemannet

Bentley villa (kalt av våre gjester som James Bond) er nylig blitt bygget og holder høyeste kvalitet.
Ligger i det ønskelige altos de Cofresi, og har utsikt over Cofresi-strandkomplekset og har vidtrekkende utsikt langs hele nordkysten. Villaen har 7 store soverom, alle med luksuriøst bad (marmor topper), luftkondisjonering, balkong, TV og telefonuttak. Over 45 originale kunstverk. Hoved stue har mesanin gulv med 16ftx 12ft veggmaleri og 3 gange ut dører til store balkonger og badestamp. Spillkomplekset (biljardbord osv.) Har et utstyrt (6 stk) gymsal og egen kino med projektor. Uendelig svømmebasseng (60000 liter) har 2 øyer med bro og bruker alle kommersielle bassenginnredninger. Det oppvarmede boblebadet i hovedetasjen på gulvet har en foss som faller ned til det store hovedbassenget og en sittende grotte. 10 minutter til stranden og verdenshavene. Villa er verdsatt til 1 dollar. 7 mm.
Fullt hushjelp, bassenggutt og kokk inkludert.
Alle soverommene er minst queen size og unikt innredet med sitt eget moderne bad.

Det finnes flere andre uteplasser på eiendommen i tillegg til en observasjonsterrasse på 900 kvadratmeter.

Alle møbler er nye og til høyeste standard med forskjellige malerier bestilt av kjente Dominikanske kunstnere.


Bentley villa er ideell for små grupper eller familier med formell bespisning i spisesalen eller på balkongen.
Vår husholderske og kokk, Julenissen, vil tilberede måltidene dine fra et stort utvalg av internasjonale retter og servere snacks og forfriskninger etter behov.

Alle våre ansatte er diskret og vil gi deg alt privatliv du ønsker, og villaen i motsetning til andre blir ikke oversett av noen så toppløs bading eller midnatt mager dukkert er ikke et problem.
Ved ankomst til villaen vil Carlos gjøre deg kjent med alt og gi deg nøklene.

Den berømte nordkyststranden i Cofresi ligger mindre enn 10 minutters gange unna, og har over 1 kilometer med gyllen sand i tillegg til utmerket snorkling. Man kan leie jet-ski, kanoer og fisketurer er tilgjengelig. Det deles også av to internasjonale resorts i verdensklasse, hvis fasiliteter inkludert restauranter, internett og butikker er tilgjengelige for villaen vår.

Ved siden av stranden ligger den berømte marine økoparken, verdenshav som absolutt er verdt et dagsbesøk, og blant mange andre attraksjoner kan man bokstavelig talt tilbringe en times svømming med temte delfiner. Ocean world er i ferd med å fullføre et nytt restaurantkompleks med kasino og diskotek og har en båthavn som vil kunne plassere opptil 100 yachter

Det finnes hele rekke andre aktiviteter i området, inkludert noen av Karibias beste golfanlegg innen 15 minutter unna. Taubanen i Puerto Plata gir deg spektakulær utsikt, og hvis du ønsker det, kan du besøke Ambar-museet i byen, hvor du også kan kjøpe rav og Larimar-smykker, i tillegg til verdensberømte sigarer og lokale malerier i de nærliggende butikkene.

Alt på mindre enn en halv times kjøretur ligger strendene i Costambar, Long beach, Maimon, Playa Dorada og Sosua. For nattelivet er Puerto Plata og områdene uten sidestykke, og har mange diskoteker, nattklubber og kasinoer.

En av de mest populære aktivitetene er de forskjellige safariturene som vil hente deg rett fra Cofresi og inkluderer turer til regnskogene, rafting og vannfallet i fjellene i nærheten. Det er imidlertid hvis du orker å forlate villa! Vi vil svare på alle henvendelser og gi deg vår egen nettadresse for mer info og bilder. Verdensrommet
Villaen ligger en 25-minutters kjøretur fra Puerto Plata flyplass. Transport kan ordnes for å hente deg mot et pristillegg. Gi meg beskjed når du bestiller. Kostnaden for dette er $ 50 kontanter som skal betales direkte til sjåføren (da lokal lov ikke vil tillate oss å transportere gjester).
BØR jeg leie en bil?
Vi anbefaler en bilutleie, selv om villaen i gangavstand til stranden kan bli veldig varm. En leiebil er også en god ide å kunne utforske området, siden det er mange aktiviteter og steder som kan holde deg opptatt under oppholdet.
Cofresi-stranden ligger i underkant av ti minutters gange, dette er en vei med en liten skråning. Så hvis små barn er i gruppen din, anbefaler jeg å kjøre, spesielt når det er sol og varmt! Det kan leies solsenger på stranden mot et gebyr på ca. 100/150 pesos per solseng (tilsvarer rundt $ 2).
Stranden har noen flotte små restauranter og er veldig fredelig, et perfekt sted for en morgenkaffe, ettermiddagsøl eller et avslappende kveldsmåltid.
ER mat inkludert i leien?
Dessverre inkluderer ikke villautleie et fullt utstyrt kjøleskap. Flere store supermarkeder ligger i sentrum av Puerto Plata, og de tilbyr et stort utvalg av produkter. (Hvis du ønsker en liste over alle lokale supermarkeder, kan jeg sende dette til deg.) Hvis du trenger et måltid ved ankomst, kan vi levere dette mot en ekstra avgift. Ofte vil gjestene våre dra til supermarkedet med Julenissen vår villa manager, da hun vil være personen du ordner måltidene dine med.
Trenger jeg å gjøre alt av matlaging?
Godhet nei! Bestillingen av en kokk er tilgjengelig fra 08.00 til 15.00 hver dag. Det er vanlig å tilberede hovedmåltidet til lunsjtid, hvis du ønsker å spise et varmt måltid om kvelden kan kokken la dette være tilberedt for deg. En meny er utstyrt med en blanding av amerikansk, engelsk og dominikansk mat. Vegetariske krav kan imøtekommes, og hva du spiser avhenger egentlig av hva du kjøper fra det lokale supermarkedet!
Bentley Villa har fantastisk personale som vil gjøre sitt beste for å sikre at du har en avslappende og stressfri ferie. Julenissen er vår villa manager, hun er veldig vennlig, snakker engelsk og er også en god kokk. Hun har nydelig og hardtarbeidende lokalt ansatte som hjelper henne under oppholdet. Carlos er vår altmuligmann på stedet, du vil se ham de fleste dager for å sikre en jevn drift av villaen.
Personalet vårt er veldig profesjonelt og diskret. Rommene blir rengjort hver dag, vaskeriet blir vasket for deg, legg igjen skitne håndklær og klær i kurvene som følger med. Badene er utstyrt med håndklær, vaskekluter, såper, toalettpapir og hårføner om nødvendig.
Vi har WiFi i villaen som er sterkest i første etasje, nærmest ruteren. Vi har også en Bluetooth-høyttaler plassert i hovedområdet, ta gjerne med denne enten du vil ha en boogie i stuen eller bare slappe av ved bassenget.
Alle soverommene har queen- eller king-size-senger, takvifte, aircondition og bad.
Santiago er vår profesjonelle nattevakt som kommer hver kveld og vokter lokalene. Vi har også sikkerhetskameraer foran villaen for ekstra sikkerhet. Det er en safe i hoved soverommet i første etasje hvis du trenger å låse opp verdisaker. Vi ber deg om å låse alle vinduer og dører når du er borte fra villaen og om natten, slik du ville gjort i ditt eget hjem.
Blir barn tillatt?
Barn er alltid velkomne, men som hvor som helst du ferierer, vil de trenge tilsyn! Villaen har en innendørs og utendørs trapp som fører ned til bassengområdet og treningsstudioet, så vær oppmerksom på dette når du bestiller med små barn. Hvis du trenger en barneseng eller barneseng, kan du maile meg på forhånd, så kan jeg ordne dette for deg.
Vi kan dessverre ikke kontrollere været! I motsetning til de andre villaene i Puerto Plata har Bentley treningsstudio, privat kinosal og badestamp. Kinoen har et variert utvalg av filmer og er det perfekte tidspunktet å prøve ut popcornmaskinen! Hvis foosball og / eller biljardbordet ikke liker noe, har vi et utvalg bøker i første etasje i villaen og noen brettspill og puslespill for både barn og voksne. Vi har et massasjebord nede og en fantastisk masseuse Raquel som også gjør de beste manikyrene / pedikyrene. Hun vil komme til villaen for behandlinger uten ekstra kostnad, og avtaler kan gjøres via julenissen for en tid som er praktisk for deg. Vi gjør vårt beste for å sikre at du fremdeles blir underholdt selv om været ikke er perfekt (noe som ikke ofte er ærlig!)
Gjestene er velkomne, og vi har en engangsbetaling på $ 500 for å dekke ubegrensede gjester for hele oppholdet. Dette må betales kontant ved ankomst til julenissen. Vær oppmerksom på at Cofresi er et fredelig område, så vi ber om ditt skjønn og for å sikre at gjestene behandler villaen med respekt som du ville gjort ditt eget hjem. Vi har en streng gjestepolitikk, og vår nattevakt vil ikke tillate noen gjester å komme inn i lokalene hvis denne avgiften ikke er betalt.
Bentley Villa er et ideelt sted for fotoshoots, filming og spesielle begivenheter. Send meg e-post med spørsmål angående dette, da det kan være en ekstra avgift for spesifikke arrangementer som bryllup, etc. (Se bildene for et nylig magasin-fotoshoot i villaen.)
Trenger jeg å forlate en tips?
Vær oppmerksom på at det er vanlig å tipse personalet $ 5 per gjest per dag. Beløpet du tipser er selvfølgelig skjønnsmessig, men husk at personalet jobber ekstra hardt for å sikre deg en perfekt ferie :)
Du har tilgang til hvor som helst i villaen, bortsett fra personalrommet gjennom kjøkkenet.
Samhandling med gjester
Julenissen er utrolig hjelpsom og svarer gjerne på spørsmål du måtte ha og vil være tilgjengelig i løpet av oppholdet.
Andre ting å merke seg
Dagsturer til safari, fosser og øyene er tilgjengelige. Spør julenissen som kan vise deg utflukter-guiden og bestille turen for deg.

Overnattingsstedets bestyrer

Glen Pearce

Språk som snakkes

Engelsk, spansk

Beskytt betalingen din – alltid bestill på Vrbo

Hvis noen ber deg om å bestille gjennom dem eller betale dem direkte før du bestiller på Vrbo, ber vi om at du rapporterer det.


Air conditioning


Innsjekking etter kl. 15.00
Minimumsalder for å leie: 21
Utsjekking før kl. 12.00


Barn tillatt: fra 0–17 år


Ingen arrangementer tillatt


Ingen kjæledyr tillatt


Røyking tillatt: i anviste områder
No pets allowed.
No house parties. We ask guests to limit noise after 11pm as this is a residential area.
Only guests on the booking will be allowed on the premises. Occasional visitors are permitted and are an additional $40 per visitor, per night/day.

Viktig informasjon

Viktig å vite

Dette overnattingsstedet forvaltes av en privat vert (som ikke har som jobb å tilby overnattingstjenester). EUs forbrukerlovgivning, inkludert retten til å trekke seg fra kjøpet, gjelder derfor ikke for bestillingen din. Det er den private vertens avbestillingsregler som gjelder.
Det kan pålegges avgifter for ekstra personer, og denne avgiften kan variere avhengig av overnattingsstedets egne regler
Legitimasjon med bilde utstedt av offentlig myndighet samt kredittkort, debetkort eller depositum i kontanter kan være påkrevd ved innsjekking, i tilfelle det skulle oppstå uforutsette utgifter
Spesielle forespørsler avhenger av tilgjengelighet ved innsjekking og kan koste ekstra. Spesielle forespørsler kan ikke garanteres oppfylt
Det er ikke tillatt å arrangere fester eller andre arrangementer på stedet
Verten har ikke oppgitt om det finnes noen karbonmonoksidalarm på overnattingsstedet, så det kan være lurt å ta med en selv
Verten har oppgitt at det finnes en røykvarsler på overnattingsstedet
Overnattingsstedet har sikkerhetstiltak som brannslukningsapparat, førstehjelpsskrin og reilelås

Verdt å nevne

Man trenger ikke bil for å komme seg til og fra dette overnattingsstedet

Om området

Puerto Plata

Denne villaen ligger i sentrum og ved vannkanten i Puerto Plata. Cofresi-stranden og Playa Dorada kan friste de fleste med vakre omgivelser, men hvis du er i det litt mer aktive hjørnet, kan du legge turen innom Puerto Plata taubane. Reiser du med barn? Da bør du ikke gå glipp av Independence Park og Rancho Lorilar. Området byr på vannaktiviteter som vannscooterkjøring og fridykking, men du kan også oppleve den flotte naturen gjennom turer til fots eller med sykkel og økoturer.
Puerto Plata, Puerto Plata

Hva som finnes i nærheten

  • Cofresi-stranden - 8 min gange
  • Ocean World Adventure Park - 11 min gange
  • Puerto Plata taubane - 7 min kjøring
  • Puerto Plata strandpromenade - 8 min kjøring
  • Den amerikanske ambassaden i Den dominikanske republikk - 8 min kjøring


  • Puerto Plata (POP-Gregorio Luperon internasjonale flyplass) - 51 min kjøring


  • ‪Café El Cibao - ‬7 min kjøring
  • ‪The Villa Lounge - ‬16 min gange
  • ‪Rodizio - ‬9 min gange
  • ‪Coco Caña Lounge - ‬7 min kjøring
  • ‪El pilon - ‬14 min gange

Ofte stilte spørsmål

Har BENTLEY VILLA Fantastisk utsikt / uendelig basseng / kino / treningsstudio / foss / øy / bemannet basseng?

Ja, dette overnattingsstedet har et utendørsbasseng. Overnattingsstedet har både et evighetsbasseng og et oppvarmet basseng.

Er det tillatt med kjæledyr på BENTLEY VILLA Fantastisk utsikt / uendelig basseng / kino / treningsstudio / foss / øy / bemannet?

Nei, kjæledyr er ikke tillatt på dette overnattingsstedet.

Når kan man sjekke inn på BENTLEY VILLA Fantastisk utsikt / uendelig basseng / kino / treningsstudio / foss / øy / bemannet?

Innsjekkingen begynner kl. 15.00.

Når må man sjekke ut på BENTLEY VILLA Fantastisk utsikt / uendelig basseng / kino / treningsstudio / foss / øy / bemannet?

Utsjekkingstidspunktet er kl. 12.00.

Hvor ligger BENTLEY VILLA Fantastisk utsikt / uendelig basseng / kino / treningsstudio / foss / øy / bemannet?

Denne villaen er familievennlig og ligger ved vannkanten i Puerto Plata og 3 kilometer unna Cofresi-stranden og Los Mangos golfbane. Dessuten ligger Playa Costambar og Playa Grande kun 5 kilometer unna.




Anmeldelsene presenteres i kronologisk rekkefølge og har, med mindre noe annet er oppgitt, gjennomgått en modererings- og verifiseringsprosess.
Les merÅpnes i et nytt vindu
Rangering på 10 − Utmerket. 44 av totalt 48 anmeldelser." "
Rangering på 8 − Bra. 3 av totalt 48 anmeldelser." "
Rangering på 6 − Grei. 1 av totalt 48 anmeldelser." "
Rangering på 4 − Dårlig. 0 av totalt 48 anmeldelser." "
Rangering på 2 − Forferdelig. 0 av totalt 48 anmeldelser." "










Annonsens korrekthet


10/10 – Utmerket

Daryle R. og Mansfield, Texas, USA

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
100% recommendation
Beautiful, clean, safe, amazing service. We stayed a week and had from 5-12 family with us each night. It was so spacious, even with 12 it never seemed crowded. The staff was wonderful. Just a walk to the beach and nightlife. Easy to get tours and excursions for the entire crew.
Bodde her 7 netter i mars 2024

8/10 – Bra

Kevin O.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon og annonsens korrekthet
Relaxing and comfortable
Large villa with wonderful view. Owner was responsive and helpful prior to check in. Onsite staff including villa manager, kitchen/house attendants, taxi driver, maintenence man, security….all wonder people…friendly, welcoming, attentive. Interesting walk down the hill to public beach area…and a bit of exercise coming back up. Taxi available anytime at your request to go anywhere….and to return you to villa. Some maintenance issues were handled quickly…many light bulbs needed replacing…hot tub didn’t stay heated, toilets had some flushing issues. Any and all concerns were addressed…some the next day. Some observations…only one TV in villa (living room area) and on the small side. With our crew..bedroom TVs would have been nice. When gathered around dining area table adjacent to living room for cards, games, etc…difficult for those in living area trying to watch TV. “Game room had older foosball table and rather “used” pool table and cues. “Exercise equipment was similarly “used” , and some non functional. Our weather was warm and windy….not sure if hillside location is always windy but most days during our visit it was strong enough to blow towels, cups, glasses, off chairs and tables. The pool is very nice but on the cold side during our visit. It is not heated. The bold in our crew used it anyway every day! To the owner,Glen, to the villa mgr, Santa, and the wonderful staff….thank you!
Bodde her 7 netter i februar 2024

10/10 – Utmerket

Tina G.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
This morning when we left, I was crying on the balcony and my husband had to pry me away from the property! I have been worldwide traveler for over 20 years and this, by far was a place where I wanted to live there, full-time! The staff was absolutely phenomenal! Santa made me feel right at home! And Santiago made our family, feel very safe by being our nightly guard! Several beautiful women washed several loads of laundry for us, so we could go out as a family and snorkel and deep-sea fish! We will absolutely be coming back here! They have a phenomenal view in the mountains at the very top of the peak looking at the beautiful city below with a hot tub and huge infinity pool! Many times pictures look better than the real deal… In this case, the real deal looked 10 times better than the pictures which were already stunning! When you look at other properties to stay at in the same area with all of the extra fees per person per day… This was a no-brainer to stay at this huge mansion in the hills! Thank you James Bond Villa staff for making our vacation vacation one we will remember for a lifetime!
Bodde her 4 netter i desember 2023

10/10 – Utmerket

Charles S.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Great place to relax
A spacious place with a friendly staff making it a worthwhile short vacation. Lovely and caring staff.
Bodde her 3 netter i desember 2023

10/10 – Utmerket

Grace S.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
An Unforgettable Experience Amidst Spectacular View
Our stay was nothing short of magical. The picturesque moonrises viewed from the comfort of the jacuzzi and rooftop terrace were simply mesmerizing; pictures don't do justice to such breathtaking moments. Bioma, the epitome of warmth and talent, delighted us with her exceptional culinary skills, preparing delectable breakfasts and dinners. Her thoughtfulness extended to ensuring my morning coffee was ready, adding a perfect touch to each day. The staff, including Santa and Carlos, contributed to our unforgettable experience. Their kindness and attentiveness truly made us feel at home away from home. This villa was an oasis of relaxation and beauty, where every sunrise felt like a masterpiece. We departed with hearts full of gratitude, relishing the memories of this extraordinary break. Our sincerest thanks to Bioma, Santa, Carlos, and the entire team for creating an experience that surpassed all expectations. We're already yearning for our next visit!"
Bodde her 7 netter i november 2023

10/10 – Utmerket

Wendy P.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
What a great time!
Santa and the team will take care of you from start to end. The house is a little older but has lots of character. The pool is amazing. The food prepared for us was fantastic. If we had any questions or needs the team was there to help us. We enjoyed touring the island but we really felt at home with Santa and the team. Thank you all for a wonderful vacation and great memories.
Bodde her 7 netter i april 2023

10/10 – Utmerket

Sabrina L. og Beaufort USA

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Absolutely amazing!
Let me start off by saying, if I could give this place more than 5 stars on everything...I would! From the moment we arrived, we felt at home. The way the staff took care of us, meals that were prepared, coffee made so we could watch the sunrises with it in our hand. Kept the villa clean throughout our whole stay. All the extra touches they put into it day in and day out. This staff is what truly made this home...made it like it was our home. The location was beautiful, our views was like no other, the home was amazing, the pool and hot tub was clean and perfect. I will never book another home in Puerta Plata besides this one. Now let me talk about Santa....she is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. From helping me plan the meals, arranging taxis for us, helping me get the groceries that were needed for specific meals, making sure I had contact info for her in case i needed anything when she wasnt there. I wanted to bring her home with me. She is the best and what made this stay like a dream for us. The security made us feel safe and secure and was very much appreciated. I was a party of 14, all couples. We came for our yearly "baecation" and they made our experience in the DR unforgettable. Thank you Santa and the whole staff for making this home, our home while we were there.
Bodde her 4 netter i mars 2023

10/10 – Utmerket

jon m.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
The trip of a lifetime
Number one the staff was incredibly helpful the cook and they did an amazing job with the food. They kept their place spotless! I have no words for the view from the pool and the hot tub. The pictures we posted to FB do no justice to the true beauty and grandeur of the house. I will just say this... I will not soon forget this vacation and it is in the record books of my memory as a world class event. Epic!!
Bodde her 5 netter i mars 2023

8/10 – Bra

Rachel Z.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Great stay
The villa was a great stay and it's exactly as pictured! The staff was amazing and it was very comfortable size for our group of 12 (10 adults, 2 kids). Some details: Pros: (1) wifi only worked on the main floor but was strong enough for video work calls for those working, and there was plenty of space to work. (2) rooms are spacious and A/C was strong in the rooms (3) gorgeous pool and hot tub when working (4) staff was amazing and cleaned / cooked every day (5) good shower pressure (6) having a driver for groceries, golfing, excursions etc. was amazing Cons: (1) a bit outdated (e.g. mesh doors to keep mosquitos out were a bit broken, jacuzzi broke for almost half the stay which made it too cold to use, fixtures are a bit dated, etc.) (2) beds were firm
Bodde her 7 netter i desember 2022

10/10 – Utmerket

Sarah M. og MONTROSE

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Bond House of Puerto Plata
We absolutely loved this house, the property and the fantastic staff. The house itself overlooks the Cofresi Bay and the town of Puerto Plata, so makes for a beautiful spot to catch the sunrise and gorgeous look at the city in the evening. We loved how spacious the house was. Every room has it own bathroom which really helps when you have a big group/ family traveling with you, that extra space and privacy is a definite bonus. Santa was a great host, very accommodating and helped us schedule our fun outings, rides to the beach and was even able to get a tattoo artist to come to the house to add some additional ink to the family members that were needing something to remember for life! The rest of the staff was extremely friendly and helpful as well. We a couple of us get sick on different days (maybe rum induced), and they were very thoughtful and considerate in making them comfortable and feeling better. I would like I suggest putting in more plastic cups for the house since everything is tile and would have been very nice out by the pool/hot tub area. We did not have children in our group, but still had a cup our two go down in the house. Overall though, we had an absolute great trip to the DR and really think this house was a huge part in making that happen. It was a different way for our families to travel or are used to traveling.... having staff on hand organizing our outings, cooking us food and making us drinks really made for a relaxing and overall epic time. Thank you for allowing us to stay at this splendid Palace!
Bodde her 10 netter i mars 2022

10/10 – Utmerket

Candis M.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
I cannot recommend this beautiful home enough! The house itself was nothing short of amazing but what really makes this place is the staff!! They were attentive without being intrusive. Santa helped me find a local bakery to surprise my friend with a birthday cake. The chef was DIVINE and sooooo sweet! I would love to stay here again!
Bodde her 4 netter i februar 2022

10/10 – Utmerket

Christina J.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
50th Birthday Celebration
My husband and I invited 7 guests to celebrate with us. There are 9 very large bedrooms each with a large bathroom so everyone had their own space. The villa has a fantastic pool on the lower level and a hot tub on the upper level - both overlooking the town and ocean below. The staff was attentive without being intrusive. The food was outstanding - far better than the restaurants even for picky eaters. We loved having daily massages available at the villa also. We had a driver take us out to the city and exciursions daily. Truly an amazing villa that we can’t wait to return to with family. Absolutely no complaints!
Bodde her 5 netter i november 2021

10/10 – Utmerket

Verifisert reisende

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Great property
The staff is so amazing they made the stay so peaceful. The property is absolutely amazing with outstanding views of the ocean There are so many great excursions to see paradise island was an Amazing time. The trip there is long so be prepared the Casios so close would recommend it anyone who just needs a vacation
Bodde her 6 netter i oktober 2021

10/10 – Utmerket

Moah R.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Phenomenal Experience
This was me and my friends first time visiting the Dominican Republic, we had a great time. Glenda & Santa did a great job with providing us with GREAT Hospitality. The staff was the friendliest staff I have ever dealt with, we barely had to lift a finger, they did a awesome job cleaning, their cooking was great, and they washed all of our clothes everyday. I’m sure this will not be my last stay at the Bentley Villa. I would recommend this stay to anyone, GREAT staff, GREAT views, and overall a GREAT experience! With Love, Noah
Bodde her 4 netter i mars 2021

10/10 – Utmerket

Mark B.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Amazing property and staff
We had a group of 7 stay for the second half of February 2021. The property was exactly as advertised, very spacious comfortable and well taken care of. The best part of the stay was the staff, they were so accommodating, it was such a joy to wake up to breakfast every day and to have a mid-afternoon meal. We all got used to two meals a day which is what they provide. We also gave them free reign on the menu with very little comments and we loved seeing what they came up with. We did two large grocery trips with Santa picking up items in between. With Covid, we barely left the house and no one seemed all that interested in leaving anyway due to all the open space and with tons of things to do. We did a couple movies night in the theater room, played games on the huge dining room table, pool tournaments in the game room or sat in the hot tub till we were all pruned up. Great house, great staff, I highly recommend staying here.
Bodde her 13 netter i februar 2021

10/10 – Utmerket


Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
This place was nothing short of amazing! Our group had an amazing time, there are absolutely no complaints about the house, the staff, the country in general. I will be staying here again for sure.
Bodde her 4 netter i november 2020

10/10 – Utmerket

Richard D.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Owner, Staff and property are all excellent
We had a great experience except for a tropical storm that blew through. The food was great and the staff was attentive but unobtrusive.
Bodde her 4 netter i juli 2020

10/10 – Utmerket

Tammy R.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon og beliggenheten
Our family of 9 stayed here as our Christmas gift in December 2019. The staff greeted us upon arrival and provided a home tour. I cannot say enough about the staff...Santa, Carlos, Santiago, and other three ladies (I cannot remember their names, but loved them so much) were so accommodating, friendly, and helpful. We were treated as family and hated saying goodbye to them. They prepared amazing breakfasts and dinners for us, prepared popcorn for movies, cleaned house daily, laundered our clothes, and so much more! Carlos maintained the pools, and even went searching for my youngest son when he went off on a rented moped. Santiago was always providing security for us even in the rain, so we provided him dinner nightly. The neighborhood is great as well. We became very familiar with Juan’s and Charro’s by the beach as we visited there daily. It rained a few times throughout our stay, but that never stopped our enjoyment! We even had a masseuse come to the house and provide massages. That was a real treat! I would recommend using the tour providers the house recommends verses seeking your own. We had a real issue with one, and I would urge EVERYONE to STAY AWAY from Camel Tours. They are horrible! We booked with them through Viator prior to arrival. I reviewed them separately. Several times the electricity went out due to construction on a nearby bridge. The owner, Glen, contacted the staff to provide us an apology even though this was no fault of theirs. Again this didn’t cause us any discomfort...we just altered plans some and continued our great vacation. Thank you to all who truly made this vacation extraordinary! I would highly recommend booking here. You will not regret it!
Bodde her 7 netter i desember 2019

10/10 – Utmerket

Donald R.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Great family getaway !
A beautiful home with an amazing view ! Plenty of room for our family of 14 and room to spare. We had a wonderful time in the Dominican Republic. We enjoyed the cable car ( teleferico ) up to Pico Isabel to see Christ the Redeemer Statue! 27 Charcos was a blast ! 1/2 hour away. Cofresi beach was nice ,the kids had fun boogie boarding. The home was very clean, spacious and comfortable. We will always remember coffee on the veranda each morning at sunrise. The kids spent a lot of time in the huge pool, Carlos made sure it was always clean and turned on the waterfall for us whenever we wanted. Dioma cooked us wonderful meals, and Santa and the girls made sure our every need was met. We had a marvelous Thanksgiving (US) dinner,Turkey and all. The staff went out of their way to meet every expectation ! Our time was too short, thank you all for making it special !!!
Bodde her 5 netter i november 2019

10/10 – Utmerket

Roberto H.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Fantastic 2019
The staff was very freindly and accommodating. Anything we needed they assisted us to make sure our stay was a great one.
Bodde her 5 netter i september 2019

10/10 – Utmerket

Eddy T.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Heavenly vacation villa
Let me start by saying thank you for the best vacation ever. My entire family could not stop talking about the great time we spent at your villa. Starting from the pick up at the airport to the great welcoming by all the staff who just brighten our every day we spent there. Santa, Dioma, Kira and Carlos are the most delightful people you can hope to have to take care of you. We were treated with freshly made piña coladas as we received a tour of the villa. Each and every corner of the home is jaw dropping. Every turn you make you find yourself enjoying the amazing views of the ocean from all the rooms as the home is situated in an amazing area of land. Everything about the home exceeded our expectations as the pictures on the site do not do justice. As I mentioned before the staff is constantly catering to your needs, starting with fresh coffee every morning to the wonderful and satisfying breakfasts and other meals that Dioma and Kira set out for us each day. Carlos was always wonderful as he ran all over the area to shop for My family’s needs always with great smile. Santa was great as she arranged massages and hair sessions for the ladies in my family and they loved it as it was so much personal having them in the home. The daily piña coladas by the pool we’re the highlight of my daughter’s day. The amazing relaxing moments we spent by the pool and outside on the balcony having coffee, meals and the occasional domino game reminded all of us of how great it is to enjoy family. We were able to receive the best fireworks show at night as we gazed at the stars from the beach front resort that is viewed from the home which was the best part for my son stay at this villa. We have been to several places through the homeaway group in the past years but this villa has topped our list. Thank you Glen for sharing your home and please thank your staff dearly. We will surely come back again to the Bentley Villa! The Tejeda Family
Bodde her 9 netter i august 2019

10/10 – Utmerket

Leonora B.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
We had a family of 12 to stay in the villa. Our experience was amazing! The staff was friendly and wonderful! We planned a few excursions with their help and got to see some local spots. We felt safe the entire time and look foward to re-booking this again! Awesome vacation! Beautiful house! Lovely staff!
Bodde her 6 netter i juni 2019

10/10 – Utmerket

Michele S.

Amazing stay
We brought 4 parents and 6 young adults to stay at Bentley Villa for a week long friend reunion. We've traveled a lot but have never done anything like this. The house was amazing with plenty of rooms for all of the couples and singles to have their own room. Having the staff there was the best part. They were friendly and helped us with whatever we needed. Everymorning started with hot coffee on the balcony with the amazing view and an amazing breakfast to follow. Santa arranged everything for us and we came back to a fabulous meal (ask for the Seabass Dominican Style!!) and spotless home. In all, the vacation was flawless from airport pick-up to drop off. So glad we did this and made wonderful memories. Thank you!
Bodde her 7 netter i juni 2019

10/10 – Utmerket

gary g.

awesome stay and great staff
Words cannot to do justice in describing what a fabulous place and stay that we had. There is so much space that one can either be with the group or go off to be by themselves. The wrap-around and covered upper patio is very spacious and offers a cool breeze and fantastic view of the ocean and city below. The wrap around pool is very large and offers a scenic view with many lounge chairs to sun tan or visit. The bedrooms are large with their own bathroom and all are air conditioned. The patio deck was so nice, that we seldom left there and the day sped by just relaxing, enjoying a drink and snack.The best part of our stay was the great staff and chef that they had to make our stay unforgettable, We though we would go out to eat on the economy, but after eating the arrival meal that was prepared for us, we ate breakfast and supper at the villa and there was so much food, we didnt need a third meal. You plan the menu according to your taste. if you needed something from the store they would get it for you and for any activities you wanted to go on, they would arrange the transportation and get you the best price. The room cleaning daily was top notch and if anything was not working,Carlos would be right there to fix it. Santa who directs the staff, comes everyday and makes sure all is running smoothly. I woulds rate the staff as 5+ out of 5. The owner Glenn stopped by and is truly interested in how are stay was going and if there was anything that would make it better or if we had any issues. A true professional who was easy to work with when inquiring about the Villa and the reservation process. He responded quickly whenever contacted by email. The total number that were on this trip was nine and we are truly eager. to come again in the future. We all left refreshed,energized and sad that the week went by so fast. So we have no regrets about this fabulous place and the great staff that worked well together. The staff at the beginning said that they would treat us as family and that this was our home and we truly felt as if we were part of their family when we left. Relax,enjoy and rest assured, this is a great place to stay.

10/10 – Utmerket

Bob V.

Worth every penny!
We left Bentley villa today after 10 days with 18 family members and could not be more pleased. The views alone are hard to believe, but the smiling staff is the icicing on the cake. Santa and her staff ensure that all needs are met. The food from the kitchen was plentiful and delicious. We did not eat out once! The home is thoroughly cleaned every day. To top it off, Carlos empties, cleans and refills the hot tub every day, in addition to running errands for us. Our whole family agreed it was a perfect vacation. We would give it 11 stars if we could!!!
Bodde her 9 netter i mars 2019

Om verten

Vert: Glen Pearce

Vertens profilbilde
James Bond Villa is a family-run business that believes in guest satisfaction as the most important aspect of a villa rental vacation. That is why James Bond Villa provides a fully staffed service so that guests don't need to worry about anything!

Glen Pearce designed the villa in 2008 which took two years to build. He wanted to construct a spacious villa which still retained the charming elements of a Dominican style casita. Thus the use of Spanish style tiles along with the consistent use of the warming colonial white and feature pieces such as the wrought iron staircase and large hanging chandeliers. The result is a private villa with phenomenal views and a spacious interior with plenty of character - not your typical villa rental!

In 2016 he was joined by his daughter Glenda, who assists him with running the bookings alongside working freelance in London. And in 2020 his son Scott also joined the team (who is also London based) and offers his expertise and experience to help the family business grow.

James Bond Villa has a core team who are the heart of the villa. Santa, their bilingual villa manager, has a warm and helpful manner and will ensure that your vacation is flawless. Her second in command is Dioma, who is also a professional chef, will ensure that everything is running ship-shape so you don't have to worry about a thing! The third member is Carlos, the friendly and helpful handyman who will efficiently fix a problem, always with a smile on his face!

Hvorfor verten valgte dette overnattingsstedet

Playa Cofresi in Puerto Plata has everything going for it and still retains the authentic Dominican charm whilst avoiding the tourist frenzy (unlike chaotic the tourist traps such as Sosua and Cabarete.)

We have elevations here which not only gives incredible views but also emits a cool sea breeze, which makes it a perfect climate all year round.

Unlike most of the villas on the beach James Bond Villa is not overlooked by other villas and offers complete privacy. The villa is also conveniently located within walking distance of local amenities.

Hva gjør dette overnattingsstedet unikt?

Private gym area
Home cinema
Billiard table
65000 gallon pool with 2 islands
Waterfall with jetted heated jacuzzi
60000 gallon pool with 2 islands
Fully staffed including chef, maid service, onsite handyman and night watchman


engelsk, spansk


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