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Casa Toucan, Tilbaketrukket Jungle Setting med havutsikt og 40 fots basseng

Bildegalleri av Casa Toucan, Tilbaketrukket Jungle Setting med havutsikt og 40 fots basseng

Utsikt fra overnattingsstedet




2 soverom2 badPlass til 8 personer185.8 m²

Populære fasiliteter

  • Basseng
  • Vaskemaskin
  • Grill
  • Kjøkken
  • Air conditioning
    Air conditioningAir conditioning
  • Tørketrommel

Utforsk området

uvita, puntenares
  • Populært stedUvita-fossefallet5 min kjøring
  • Populært stedMarino Ballena nasjonalpark11 min kjøring
  • Populært stedUvita-stranden15 min kjøring
  • FlyplassBuenos Aires (BAI)97 min kjøring

Mest relevante anmeldelser

Rom og senger

2 soverom (plass til 8 personer)

Soverom 1

1 queensize-seng

Soverom 2

1 futon (dobbel)

Soverom 3

1 queensize-seng og 1 enkeltseng

2 bad

Bad 1

Toalett · Kun dusj

Bad 2

Toalett · Kun dusj

Andre områder

Flatt tak eller terrasse
Veranda eller lanai

Om dette overnattingsstedet

Casa Toucan, Tilbaketrukket Jungle Setting med havutsikt og 40 fots basseng

Denne private 2000 kvadratmeter store villaen ligger praktisk til 1000 meter over landsbyen Uvita, der fjellene går helt ned til kysten, i et tilbaketrukket jungelområde med havutsikt fra huset, terrassen og bassenget. Vår eiendomssjef, Rolando Fallas, vil møte deg ved ankomst til Uvita, orientere deg mot området og eskortere deg opp til huset. Han vil være tilgjengelig for deg under hele oppholdet for spørsmål og problemer som kan oppstå.

Det er havutsikt over hele vestsiden av huset: kjøkken, spisestue, stue og veranda. En av de to soverommene ligger bak verandaen og kan åpne opp på den, noe som åpner for et hav utsikt fra sengen. Du trenger ikke å ta mye klær fordi vi har en dedikert vaskerom og selv gi vaskemiddel. På grunn av den raske veksten i høyde, vil en 4x4 SUV være nødvendig, og vi kan hjelpe deg med å leie en på en svært rimelig pris. Hvis du ønsker å holde kontakten i villmarka, ta med laptop. Villaen har WiFi. Og hvis det regner, vi har en flatskjerm-TV, DVD-spiller og omfattende filmsamlingen. Eller spille en CD fra samlingen vår.

Fottur til høyre fra inngangsdøren ned til en nærliggende elv 10 minutters spasertur unna for en svømmetur i en foss basseng. Eller gjør den 10 minutters kjøring ned til bygda. Uvita er en multi-kultivert samfunn som fungerer som handelssentrum for området. Det finnes restauranter, supermarkeder, et turistkontor, kafeer, butikker og forretninger. Det er en vakker bondens marked hver lørdag morgen hvor mange lokale håndverkere selger sine varer. Uvita kobles til Bahia, inngangen til Marino Ballena National Park, som har the Whale Tail, en nesten 700 meter lang og 250 meter bred sandbanke, den tredje største i verden.

Turoperatører her (vi anbefaler Uvita Information Center) vil bringe deg snorkling rett utenfor kysten ved Ballena Isla eller til den berømte Cano Island for dykking eller snorkling. De tilbyr også turer til Corcovado nasjonalpark over bukten for en dag med vandring i en av de få primal skogene igjen i verden. Eller du kan velge en dag med havfiske eller tur Uvita sin 1000 acre dyreliv bevare. Det er zip linje turer og ATV turer. Gå 5 miles nedover Costanera å kajakk på Terraba River i den største mangrove i hele Mellom-Amerika. Vi har også flere flotte fossefall som du kan gå til eller leie en hest og ri der. The Whale Tail deler endeløse kysten av strendene i to forskjellige typer. På den ene siden, nyte sprek surfe for både bading og surfing. Og på den andre siden, nyte rolig vann ideelt for snorkling.

Med havbris hele dagen og kjølig fjelluft om natten, er det ikke behov for air condition (selv om ett soverom har en i-vegg enhet). De to store soverom har queen size-senger (ett soverom har en ekstra enkeltseng), privat bad, og er atskilt med en romslig stue med spiseplass. Alle skap er avfuktes. Fullt utstyrt kjøkken og hvelvede tak med palmeblad takvifte gi dette hjemmet både komfort og skjønnhet. Utrolig dyreliv og spektakulære solnedganger gjør Casa Toucan uforglemmelig. Våkne opp til samtaler av brøleaper og har solnedgang cocktailer med fastboende tukaner med din 40 fots flott utsikt over havet, svært privat svømmebasseng.

Nøkkelord: Hus

Overnattingsstedets bestyrer

Lynn or Rob Clark

Språk som snakkes

Engelsk, spansk

Beskytt betalingen din – alltid bestill på Vrbo

Hvis noen ber deg om å bestille gjennom dem eller betale dem direkte før du bestiller på Vrbo, ber vi om at du rapporterer det.


Wi-fi inkludert
Air conditioning


Innsjekking etter kl. 16.00
Minimumsalder for å leie: 22
Utsjekking før kl. 10.00


Barn tillatt: fra 0–17 år


Tillatte arrangementer: familietreff, bursdagsfeiringer, bryllup


Ingen kjæledyr tillatt


Røyking er ikke tillatt

Viktig informasjon

Viktig å vite

Dette overnattingsstedet forvaltes av en privat vert (som ikke har som jobb å tilby overnattingstjenester). EUs forbrukerlovgivning, inkludert retten til å trekke seg fra kjøpet, gjelder derfor ikke for bestillingen din. Det er den private vertens avbestillingsregler som gjelder.
Det kan pålegges avgifter for ekstra personer, og denne avgiften kan variere avhengig av overnattingsstedets egne regler
Legitimasjon med bilde utstedt av offentlig myndighet samt kredittkort, debetkort eller depositum i kontanter kan være påkrevd ved innsjekking, i tilfelle det skulle oppstå uforutsette utgifter
Spesielle forespørsler avhenger av tilgjengelighet ved innsjekking og kan koste ekstra. Spesielle forespørsler kan ikke garanteres oppfylt
Fester og arrangementer (inkludert familietreff, bursdagsfeiringer og bryllup) er tillatt på stedet; maks antall deltagere: 30
Verten har oppgitt at det finnes en karbonmonoksidalarm på overnattingsstedet
Verten har oppgitt at det finnes en røykvarsler på overnattingsstedet
Overnattingsstedet har sikkerhetstiltak som brannslukningsapparat, førstehjelpsskrin og reilelås

Verdt å nevne

Det er nødvendig med bil for å komme seg til og fra dette overnattingsstedet

Om området


Denne ferieboligen ligger på fjellet og i nærheten av stranden i Ballena. Både Punta Uvita og Marino Ballena nasjonalpark kan friste med vakre naturomgivelser, mens Sunset Surf Dominical - Day Lessons og Costa Rica Stand Up Paddle Boarding er noen av attraksjonene i området. Parque Reptilandia og Topolandia er også verdt et besøk. Utforsk naturen i området med aktiviteter som en fottur blant dyrelivet og fugletitting.
uvita, puntenares

Hva som finnes i nærheten

  • Uvita-fossefallet - 5 min kjøring
  • Marino Ballena nasjonalpark - 11 min kjøring
  • Uvita-stranden - 15 min kjøring
  • Punta Uvita - 16 min kjøring
  • Playa Hermosa - 19 min kjøring


  • ‪La Choza de Alejo - ‬8 min kjøring
  • ‪Sibu - ‬5 min kjøring
  • ‪Mestizo - ‬7 min kjøring
  • ‪Beehive - ‬6 min kjøring
  • ‪Pizzeria La Fogata - ‬7 min kjøring

Ofte stilte spørsmål

Har Casa Toucan, Tilbaketrukket Jungle Setting med havutsikt og 40 fots basseng basseng?

Ja, dette overnattingsstedet har et utendørsbasseng.

Er det tillatt med kjæledyr på Casa Toucan, Tilbaketrukket Jungle Setting med havutsikt og 40 fots basseng?

Nei, kjæledyr er ikke tillatt på dette overnattingsstedet.

Når kan man sjekke inn på Casa Toucan, Tilbaketrukket Jungle Setting med havutsikt og 40 fots basseng?

Innsjekkingen begynner kl. 16.00.

Når må man sjekke ut på Casa Toucan, Tilbaketrukket Jungle Setting med havutsikt og 40 fots basseng?

Utsjekkingstidspunktet er kl. 10.00.

Hvor ligger Casa Toucan, Tilbaketrukket Jungle Setting med havutsikt og 40 fots basseng?

Denne ferieboligen ligger på fjellet, 1,2 kilometer unna Secret Lau Pool og 2,3 kilometer unna Uvita-fossefallet. Dessuten ligger Punta Uvita og Uvita-stranden kun 10 kilometer unna.




Anmeldelsene presenteres i kronologisk rekkefølge og har, med mindre noe annet er oppgitt, gjennomgått en modererings- og verifiseringsprosess.
Les merÅpnes i et nytt vindu
Rangering på 10 − Utmerket. 59 av totalt 66 anmeldelser." "
Rangering på 8 − Bra. 6 av totalt 66 anmeldelser." "
Rangering på 6 − Grei. 0 av totalt 66 anmeldelser." "
Rangering på 4 − Dårlig. 1 av totalt 66 anmeldelser." "
Rangering på 2 − Forferdelig. 0 av totalt 66 anmeldelser." "










Annonsens korrekthet


10/10 – Utmerket

Judith R.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Paradis caché!
Notre séjour dans la casa toucan a été la plus belle partie de notre voyage au Costa Rica. Nous avons adoré la nature qui entourait la maison. Nous avons pu observer des toucans, des insectes surdimensionnés, un coatie, entendre les singes hurleurs, etc. La maison était super bien équipée pour se cuisiner de bons repas et profiter de la terrasse et des couchers de soleil. Beaucoup de plaisir la matin, le midi et le soir dans la piscine! Je recommande cette maison à toutes les familles 😉. C’était incroyable!
Bodde her 5 netter i mars 2024

10/10 – Utmerket

Susan T.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Breathtaking, beautiful VRBO- highly recommend
This is the best VRBO we have ever stayed in for a variety of reasons. Lynn and Rob are warm, inviting and generous hosts. They have equipped their VRBO with all of the necessities plus some you could ever need for your trip. Everything from the kitchen to poolside conveniences, it was all there. They were quick to respond to emails and so kind. Their home is well cared for and a beautifully laid out design that works well for a couple(s) or a family to enjoy. It’s spacious, has room to relax privately or to gather together for dinners or games. Rolando, greeted us the day we arrived and was also very attentive, kind and friendly. We knew if we needed anything he was there to help us. However we didn’t, it was all provided for us the minute we arrived. The views and the surroundings were spectacular. We woke to the sounds of the howler monkeys every morning, and a family of toucans singing throughout the day (we could see in the nearby trees.) The sunsets over the breathtaking ocean views became our evening countdowns as it dove into dusk. This VRBO is close to town making the beach, grocery stores and restaurants all there within minutes. We loved every minute we were there and hope to return for many years. Thank you Lynn, Rob and Rolando, we are grateful to you for providing the best vacation we have ever had.
Bodde her 13 netter i desember 2023

10/10 – Utmerket

Kristie B.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
This house was everything and more! The views were spectacular, it was warm, inviting, and felt like home away from home. Thank you so much for allowing us to use your little piece of paradise.
Bodde her 7 netter i mars 2023

10/10 – Utmerket

Becky T.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
The property was even better than anticipated, just a little slice of heaven. Lynn and Rob are so easy to work with and Rolando the property manager is so communicative and welcoming. We will be back!
Bodde her 7 netter i mars 2023

10/10 – Utmerket

Chrissy C.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Wonderful Location
Within the first 15 min of being on property we saw a group of monkeys and toucans right out the porch. The pool was a nice treat after our morning adventures. The first time or 2 up and down the mountain were a little intense but we soon mastered the climb. Check in was super easy and Ro was extra communicative with us- even leading up to our arrival. The place was just what we were hoping for accommodations wise. The little hike to the waterfall was easy and fun. We felt safe, and our belongings secure, when we left for daily activities, etc. Highly recommend Casa Toucan.
Bodde her 7 netter i mars 2023

10/10 – Utmerket

Dan B.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Mountain Retreat
With its stunning view Casa Toucan packs plenty of WOW factor and delivered a quintessential Costa Rica vibe. Highlights beyond the view was the daily drives up and down the mountain (a 10 minute one-way off-roading adventure), the 15 minute walk from the house through the jungle to a private river oasis, along with access to beach chairs and towels that made our beach trips more comfortable. Also the guest information book was very helpful, providing plenty of info on local activities and restaurant options with accurate reviews. Of note, the Whales and Dolphins mountain side dinning option has change owners and name. Beautiful spot. Rolando (the local property manager) was exceptionally attentive at checkin and throughout our stay. Wifi was fast and we convenient had good cell service consider how remote we were. The only aspects that caught us a bit off guard was that only the 2nd bedroom with a queen and single bed has glass windows and A/C. The remainder of the house is open air with screen. Wonderful to hear the jungle sounds flow in, but can be on the warm side for sleeping in the primary room. And as much as the screens were in good repair, we made use of the can of bug killer left by Rolando a couple of times. In all we were very happy with our stay and would book again in the future. Thank you to the Clark’s and Rolando!
Bodde her 5 netter i mars 2023

10/10 – Utmerket

Wayne W.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Paradise in the jungle
We had a fantastic stay at Casa Toucan for a month. Lynn and Bob's home is as lovely as it is in the pics, even better.! It is beautiful, spacious and comfortable. Lynn and Bob have everything in the home you should need. We liked to have breakfast & dinner in most days and there was everything we needed to do so. There is even a frother for the milk for our morning coffee we so looked forward to having on the terrace after being woken 5:30 /5:40 am from the howlers and the birds. It was a great way to wake up. We normally do not enjoy a swimming pool but did we ever love this wonderful private pool, clean and fresh , we used it every am and pm . After a hot day away ,a swim and glass of wine on the pool terrace watching the sunset was a wonderful experience. The beds are comfortable and the screened in master bedroom will ensure a nice sleep in fresh air. Our adult children and their friends joined us for a few nights and they said it was their favorite place they had stayed in CR on their travels :) Yes, you definitely do need a 4x4 to get up the mountain,. You will get used to this journey up and down after a few trips. Rolando was great in meeting us and showing us the place. He was in touch if we had any needs/concerns. during our stay. If you want the feel of staying local, Uvita is a great town for this adventure . We would not hesitate to book Casa Toucan again. Joanne and Wayne
Bodde her 26 netter i februar 2023

10/10 – Utmerket

Jennifer D.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Wonderful, relaxing time at Casa Toucan!
We had a fantastic time at this lovely home. There were 3 of us in the group. The house is beautiful, clean, and comfortable with stunning views. Rolando the caretaker is very responsive and helpful whenever we had any questions. Uvita is an amazing town, with lots to do and see. The only downside to this property is that it’s up a steep hill so you really can’t walk into town (you need a car), so just be mindful of that. Also the beds in the guest bedroom could use updating (queen and twin). Highly recommend this property for those wanting a getaway in the rainforest!
Bodde her 10 netter i desember 2022

10/10 – Utmerket

Geert (Gerry) M. og Surrey, Canada

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Jungle Haven
We thoroughly enjoyed Casa Toucan. Rolando was great at attending to all our needs promptly. Once we got used to the rough road up the mountain from Uvita it was great. We loved the roominess, open air feel, great terrace and warm pool and the jungle views from everywhere. Howlers woke us every morning at 5AM and we heard more birds singing by 6AM than we could ever I.D. Only saw the howlers twice in a month but lots of toucans, aricaris, guans and many more. Would definitely consider returning here in the future. Thanks so much Lynn for your great place and for accommodating our one year old grandson.
Bodde her 30 netter i mars 2022

10/10 – Utmerket

Tim F.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Peaceful and relaxing location
This is a very relaxing location, there is a small view of the ocean but the jungle valley view is amazing. We were woken up every morning by howler monkeys and birds. The house was well stocked with dishes and kitchen necessities as well as whatever you would need to head to the beach. It is not an "upscale" house but very very comfortable and clean. The property manager was awesome and responsive. We would highly recommend, however, you will need a 4x4 vehicle due to the steepness of the roads getting here. If you have never been to this area and are getting off the main road by the beach, all the roads are dirt/gravel and can be very steep.
Bodde her 13 netter i februar 2022

10/10 – Utmerket

Adam N.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Great stay
Wonderful stay, with great views and helpful host
Bodde her 7 netter i januar 2022

10/10 – Utmerket

Deborah C. og Huntley

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
It was a Christmas trip of a life time!
This home far exceeded our expectations. We felt the home was very private and exceptionally safe. Because of the open air feel of the home it felt that we were always living in the middle of the jungle. Woke up each morning to the sounds of monkeys and birds. The last morning spent enjoying great Costa Rica coffee on the patio and counted nine toucans. We got used to driving up the steep curvy roads to watch the amazing sunsets each evening. The house itself functioned perfectly for our family of five. Mechanically everything worked great, which could not be said for other family members renting nearby. The kitchen was fully equipped to easily prepare meals. The area had plenty to do to keep us all entertained. Several nearby beaches for boogie boarding, snorkeling, ziplined, waterfalls, deep sea fishing and wonderful restaurants and bars close by. My husband just enjoyed staying at the home to watch the birds, monkeys, neighbors friendly dog, swimming in the pool and great WIFI. Hopefully someday we will get to return to CASA TOUCAN!
Bodde her 11 netter i desember 2021

10/10 – Utmerket

Mike G.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
360 Degree Rainforests, Animals, Sunsets, Oh My!!
I would like to give a sincere thank you to Lynn for allowing us to experience her AMAZING piece of Paradise with 360 degrees of jungle and an Ocean view. This house is stocked with everything you need and more, and has screened windows for cool breezes at night, where you become one with the jungle and it's amazing sounds! Early to bed every night, so we could awake at 5:30am with the jungle and the sounds and sights of the Toucans, Coati, Howler and White face Capuchin monkeys, Scarlet Macaws, and so many different Butterflies and birds all from the deck of a 40 foot lap pool I might add!! On most nights come 5:30 till 6pm we would sit out on the deck for some of the most spectacular sunsets , WOW! Down the mountain 10 minutes is Uvita with a couple of grocery stores, bank, restaurants, etc. Activities in the area include Whale's Tail, Nauyaca Waterfalls nearby, Atv, ziplining, Surfing, Nature hikes and so much more. Since coming here for 8 years now, this house in Paradise has by far been the most amazing experience we have had and has checked off everything we love about Costa Rica! So Grateful! Pura Vida, Mike & Tina
Bodde her 29 netter i november 2021

10/10 – Utmerket

Lorrie H. og Belen, Costa Rica

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Peace in the Jungle
Once again we returned to Casa Tucan and it definitely did not disappoint. The house has such a great layout that you are literally sleeping in the jungle. One night in particular we were treated to a symphony of sound compliments of howler monkeys, birds, frogs and so much more. Everything you want and need is at the house - including a fabulous trail to waterfalls. We stayed for a week and literally left twice. Amazing house and property- thank you Lynn for sharing Casa Tucan!
Bodde her 7 netter i april 2020

10/10 – Utmerket

Heather M.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Outrageous Canopy
Casa Toucan is more amazing than can be described in words. It is in the canopy. The nonstop wildlife viewing had me wishing for a camera tripod as I couldn’t stop shaking. So many bird species, butterflies, gigantic geckos and crazy insects. Even while resting inside in the afternoon we saw a gigantic green iguana traversing the canopy top. I heard monkeys but as my leg is broken I couldn’t chase them down. The pool is pure heaven and there’s always a little shade except mid-day. The house was perfectly clean and well stocked in the kitchen and elsewhere. Rolando is amazing. We didn’t have issues with the house but upon checkout had a flat tire. He showed up in minutes with a car jack to help us out. So rental car - Alamo has an office in Uvita and were insistent we take a new car as our tires were bald to get back to San Jose. Best rental experience Ever. 4x4 is a must. So if you really like nature (it’s loud around the clock) and can handle some heat (we struggled just a little but came from sub-zero) then you’ll never find a better Casa!
Bodde her 10 netter i mars 2020

10/10 – Utmerket

Lynne & Martyn H og Bristol, UK

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
A fantastic house surrounded by dense jungle with a distant view to the Pacific.
My wife and I have just had a lovely week in Casa Toucan and the place definitely lives up to its name. We saw a pair of toucans and a multitude of other birds every day, particularly early morning and evening. We heard howlers howling and saw a couple high in the trees on our last morning. The house is extremely well-equipped and the kitchen lacks for nothing. There are ceiling fans everywhere and one of the bedrooms has efficient AC. The property is a at the end of a 3-km gravel track and a good 4WD vehicle is definitely required. We should also mention Rolando, the manager/caretaker. He couldn't do enough for us. What a star! To summarise, we had a great time and will definitely be back.

10/10 – Utmerket

Mike G.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Jungle Paradise
Thank you Lynn and Rob, your home is magical! Privacy in the jungle with a 40 foot pool that also looks out to the ocean. We saw monkeys, Toucans everyday, Blue Morpho butterfly's, and many other bird species! The sounds of the rain forest every morning and night are just so relaxing, especially while floating in the pool! One of the fun parts was the drive up to the Casita, and after a couple times getting to know the road, it was a highlight :) Food is amazing all over Uvita and of course the local people so friendly!! You literally do not want to leave Casa Toucan to go do anything else...lol But if you do there is waterfalls, Whale's Tail, Manuel Antonio National park, and so much more to do and see. All I can say is "Pura Vida" Thanks to Rolando for answering any questions I had, which made us very comfortable knowing he was there to help if needed. Cheers, and would definitely rent again in a heart beat!!!
Bodde her 9 netter i februar 2020

10/10 – Utmerket

Brian S.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Tropical Living
Such a wonderful stay in a tropical location surrounded by many fun and adventurous activities to enjoy.
Bodde her 6 netter i februar 2020

10/10 – Utmerket

David G.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Great house in a jungle setting
Great spacious house in a jungle setting on the mountains overlooking Uvita. Great if you are looking for tranquility. Clean and well equipped. Very nice pool. 2 rooms. One with double bed and the other with a double and a twin bed. 1 room has AC and the rest of the house remain fresh due to breeze coming in. Nice table to eat outside on the patio. Supplied with all linens and paper. Be sure to have a 4X4 as the road from town is well maintained but steep. Rolando was a great help accompanying us to the house and showing us around. Beautiful Uvita beach is just 15 minutes away.
Bodde her 4 netter i desember 2019

10/10 – Utmerket

Suzanne A. og Dillon, Colorado

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Beautiful, comfortable house in an amazing location!
Lynn and Rob were very organized and sent lots of helpful information for our first visit to Costa Rica and to their lovely Casa Toucan. The house is amazing, screens everywhere to let in the jungle sounds and the coolness of the high mountain air. We just loved how it felt like we were living outside but with the luxury of wonderful beds, beautifully decorated rooms and easy to navigate kitchen. We used the pool daily and what a treat it was, just perfect! The walk to the small waterfall was our first introduction to the jungle but the water was cool and a great reward. We also visited the Uvita waterfall just down the road and that was hours of fun, highly recommend. Rolando, the property manager, was very helpful and now we understand why he wanted to lead the way to the house the first time. The road is very steep, I was amazing our little 4 wheel drive could navigate so well. It is very easy to get lost if you don't pay close attention to the twists and turns. By the end of our stay we could arrive back home without getting lost and the town didn't seem so far down the road but that took a few days to feel comfortable with. But once at the house you are just surrounded by lush jungle, so many varieties of birds and their songs. We watched a large family troop of Capuchin monkeys play in the trees daily and will never forget hearing Howler monkeys for the first time. Once they were so close to the house you could hear them snorting before the guttural howl. All in all, this house and surrounding area was amazing and the best part of our Costa Rican vacation, the view down the valley to the ocean will never be forgotten. A huge thank you to Rob and Lynn for sharing their piece of paradise with our family. I hope we can come back again but until then we have the best memories to look back on.

10/10 – Utmerket

Shaya D.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Magical Getaway In The Jungle
How can we even begin to summarize this home and property?! It is truly magical!! Located just 10 mins up a steep(ish) hill (that was just redone while we were there) you have the most amazing view of the jungle and ocean, which brings a different sunset every evening, that can take your breath away. It’s beyond worth the drive, which you could even get to with a decent 2-wheel drive now that the road has been newly packed with gravel. Every morning we woke to the sounds of the jungle and all its creatures. Some mornings it would be the toucans greeting us good morning, other times it would be the howler monkeys, or a variety of chatty birds. At night we would listen to the frogs and crickets, and watch the fireflys diving about above the pool. Right, the pool! Perfect temperature to cool down anytime, always kept clean by the amazing pool keepers who you rarely see, and it’s big! Our family enjoyed the pool at least three times a day! The home came with everything we could need. Evvvverything. From beach stuff, a million towels, every kitchen appliance we could ever need, cleaning supplies, tv with cable and so many dvds! Stereo with a ton of cds to enjoy. Washer and dryer. Lots of chairs and areas to sit and relax all over the house and property. You could come here with basically nothing but our personal items and food and need nothing! We can’t express how much we loved this place and would stay definitely recommend it! Rolando the property manager was very helpful, respectful, trustworthy and just all around amazing. We contacted him about 10 times during our month stay and every time he was able to help. (Taxis, suggestions, vehicle mechanics, etc). Thanks Rolando!!! We hope to bring our family back to Casa Toucan soon!!
Bodde her 30 netter i november 2019

10/10 – Utmerket

Marty N.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Amazing Pacific Ocean Sunsets!
Excellent location, a few minutes 4x4 drive above Uvita...40ft swimming pool, lots of toucans, a family of capuchin monkeys in the surrounding jungle, early mornings laying in bed listening to howler monkeys...spacious interior...well stocked with kitchen & dining cookware & utensils, beach towels/chairs, rain ponchos. Professional, attentive Tico caretaker nearby. Best of all were the evening sunset & moonset views over the Pacific Ocean...cameras or words cannot properly articulate their beauty!
Bodde her 6 netter i november 2019

10/10 – Utmerket

Lorrie H. og Belen, Costa Rica

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
There is a reason we came back!
Having been in Costa Rica for a year now and having had the opportunity to explore a good part of the Pacific side .. we once again booked a few nights at Casa Tucan - and it is without doubt the BEST place we have stayed by far. Seamless checkin with Rolando, amazing communication from the host, the house has every amenity you could imagine, Monkeys and Tucans, waterfalls .. oh .. did I mention the spectacular view! From the moment you walk in - you do not feel like you are in a rental .. you feel like you are "home". The house has everything you could want .. and more. Thank you Lynn for sharing your piece of paradise .. we can wait for next time!!
Bodde her 4 netter i august 2019

10/10 – Utmerket

Julie R.

Absolutely perfect house
My husband and I and our two daughters spent a perfect week in this beautiful home. There are so many attributes to this house. The location is exactly what we were looking for. Secluded; beautiful view, quiet. We have rented many homes as we travel and this one may be the most well stocked we have ever stayed in. Every need has been taken into consideration. We drove to Uvita from San Jose and were met promptly by the caretaker, Rolando. The short drive to the house absolutely requires a vehicle with four wheel drive. Initially, the road to the house was slightly intimidating, but after a couple of trips up the hill, it became fun and we enjoyed the ride. Keep in mind that the sun sets early and there are no street lights on the road to the house so we would be back at the house by 5:30/6 each evening. Then we would enjoy the sunset by the pool (which is very large for a rental). This is a comfortable home that will make you feel relaxed and calm.

10/10 – Utmerket

richard d. og Washington state

Nice jungle getaway
Nice, quiet jungle getaway. All the amenities you could ask for. Pool was very inviting and had a nice view of the jungle and distanct ocean. Monkeys and butterfilies were awesome as well as the selection of music and movies. Pura Vida..
Bodde her 4 netter i mars 2019

Om verten

Vert: Lynn or Rob Clark

Vertens profilbilde
We are Rob and Lynn Clark and we built Casa Toucan as our dream vacation home. It was built to feel like a tree house nestled in the jungle on a mountainside overlooking the Pacific ocean but to have all the comfort and luxuries of home.

Hvorfor verten valgte dette overnattingsstedet

Uvita is right in the middle of the Southern Pacific Zone and therefore makes it much easier to see everything that this part of Costa Rica offers. The house is cantilevered over the mountain creating the feeling of a treehouse.

Hva gjør dette overnattingsstedet unikt?

The house is almost entirely open. You will feel right in the jungle with peace and quiet, listening to howler monkeys, toucans and all the jungle sounds. There is plenty of screening to keep the cicadas out but nothing to prevent the lovely ocean breezes and cool mountain air to circulate through the house.


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