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Affordable Luxury, Bemandet Private Oceanview Villa 14 sovepladser

Billedgalleri for Affordable Luxury, Bemandet Private Oceanview Villa 14 sovepladser





5 soveværelser6 badeværelserPlads til 14 personer390.2 m2

Populære faciliteter

  • Pool
  • Grillfaciliteter
  • Vaskemaskine
  • Kæledyr tilladt
    Kæledyr tilladtKæledyr tilladt
  • Køkken
  • Aircondition

Udforsk området

Puerto Plata, Puerto Plata
  • Populært stedCofresi Strand6 min. gang
  • Populært stedOcean World Adventure Park9 min. gang
  • Populært stedPuerto Plata Svævebane6 min. kørsel
  • LufthavnSantiago (STI-Cibao Intl.)87 min. kørsel

Mest relevante anmeldelser

Værelser og sovepladser

5 soveværelser (14 sovepladser)

Soveværelse 1

2 dobbeltsenge

Soveværelse 3

1 enkeltseng

Soveværelse 4

1 kingsize-seng

Soveværelse 5

1 kingsize-seng

Soveværelse 6

1 kingsize-seng

6 badeværelser

Badeværelse 1

Badekar eller brusekabine · Toilet

Badeværelse 2


Badeværelse 3

Badekar eller brusekabine · Toilet

Badeværelse 4

Badekar eller brusekabine · Toilet

Badeværelse 5

Badekar eller brusekabine · Toilet

Badeværelse 6

Toilet · Kun brusekabine


Terrasse eller gårdhave
Veranda eller hawaiiansk terrasse

Om overnatningsstedet

Affordable Luxury, Bemandet Private Oceanview Villa 14 sovepladser

Lad vores rummelige nye luksus Villa Simply Paradise forkæle dig i paradis. Vores 4200 kvadratmeter boligareal ligger på en skrå bjergskråning med udsigt over den smukke kilometer lange Cofresi-strand, en af ​​de fineste på den Dominikanske Republiks nordlige bred. Simpelthen Paradise er kun 10 minutters gang fra den spektakulære nye Ocean World økologiske park.

Villa Simply Paradise er designet til par, små grupper eller større familier. Samles med venner og familie på de store verandaer med udsigt over stranden og bjergene. Nyd smukke solopgange, solnedgange og de konstante køling af handelsvindene eller flugt til privatlivets fred for dit airconditionerede soveværelse og egen balkon. Simply Paradise kan sove 10 voksne i private soveværelser med private bade. Villaen har også kapacitet til at sove yderligere 4 gæster på konvertible senge i andre værelser.

Par kan forvente en intim oplevelse med den øvre private terrasse, der lige er lige til romantiske middage og kramme i måneskinnet. Dine diskrete medarbejdere vil give dig alle de personlige oplysninger, du ønsker.

Små grupper og store familier vil sætte pris på de 2 familierum, verandaer og terrasser. Vores spisebord er rutinemæssigt indstillet til 10, men kan udvides til 14. Porchesne kan opstilles til uformel spisning, et yndlingssted til morgenmad eller frokost. Hvis din familie er som vores, og du gerne vil have et lille privatliv fra tid til anden, vil du også sætte pris på det personlige rum og stille tid, der ydes af dit store soveværelse, privat badeværelse og balkon.

Slap af på verandaerne, fange stråler ved poolen, leg og svøm på stranden, eller deltage i en af ​​de mange nordlige shore ture og attraktioner, som kan arrangeres for dig af vores personale. Når du er klar, vil vores husholderske servere dig hendes friske pina coladas og velsmagende snacks ved poolen eller på verandaen, så hun vil forkæle dine gaver med en middag, du har valgt fra sit omfattende kulinariske repertoire. Hvis du beslutter dig for at spise ude, er der en række fremragende restauranter inden for en kort gåtur eller tur fra din villa.

Dine børn vil elske stranden og poolen, men når det er tid til at komme ud af solen, vil de nyde videospil og dvd'er, som vi har leveret.

For vores handicappede gæster blev Simply Paradise designet med dine specielle behov i tankerne. Hele hovedetagen og poolområdet er tilgængeligt for kørestolsbrugere. Dit eget bad er designet til at give adgang for kørestol også. Hvis du har brug for særlig hjælp, kan vores medarbejdere arrangere at få nogen til rådighed efter behov. Og hvis du har brug for lægehjælp, er der en 24 timers overkommelig kvalitet lægehjælp til rådighed.

Simply Paradise deler smukke Cofresi Beach med to verdensklasse resorts og den nye marine øpark, Ocean World. Koralsandet er køligt på fødderne og blødt at røre ved. Der er rigelig skygge af svajende palmer og frodige havdruer til dem, der har haft nok sol men stadig vil nyde atmosfæren. På den ene ende af den kilometer lange strand er klipper og koraller, der inviterer snorklere, når havet er roligt. Der er normalt breakers til body surfing i nogle områder, men så er resten lige til at svømme og vade.

Der er ingen rip tidevand, ingen farlige under tows og ingen gelé fisk på Cofresi. De eneste hajer, du vil se, er i hajhabitatet på Ocean World. Maleriske Dominikanske Souvenir Kiosker er sat langs strandområdet, men du vil ikke blive hassled af hawkers på selve stranden, det er ikke tilladt. Strandstole og vand legetøj er tilgængelige på stande på stranden.

Til spændende natteliv giver kasinoer og karibiske diskoteker i Puerto Plata en elektrisk atmosfære. Slå klubberne til at danse natten væk til salsa og merengue, eller prøv lykken på en af ​​kasinoerne. Det nye kasino og diskotek på Ocean World ligger kun 10 minutters gang væk. Vores foretrukne natteliv er dog at sidde på balkonen og nyd de millioner af stjerner, der er synlige over rullerne på havet.

For vores golfspillere er nogle af Caribiens bedste kurser i Den Dominikanske Republik. En femten minutters kørsel vil sætte dig på de smukke kurser på Playa Dorado, og en times lang kørsel gennem det smukke dominikanske landskab vil sætte dig på Robert Trent Jones kursus på Playa Grande. Der er ingen kamp for tee gange, vores medarbejdere vil gøre alle ordninger for dig.

Snorkelere og dykkere vil finde masser i DR for at underholde dem. Når vinden er i orden, tilbyder snorkling på Cofresi eller den nærliggende Costamba bøg smukke koraller, klipper og tropiske fisk. Der er også mange andre snorkelområder en kort køretur eller kort bådtur væk. North shore dykkerejser til rev og vrag kan også arrangeres af vores medarbejdere.

Selv om Den Dominikanske Republik endnu ikke er kendt som et shoppers paradis, vil du finde masser at tage hjem. Lokalt producerede romer og berømte cigarer er favoritter, ligesom de lyse caribiske malerier. Den Dominikanske Republik er det eneste sted i verden, der er gemt sten larimar er fundet og et af de få steder i verden, der miner gult. Disse juveler er let tilgængelige, ligesom andre fra juvelerer i Puerto Plata.

Den afslappede dominikanske livsstil passer perfekt til en afslappet ferie. Men for dem, der insisterer på at bringe arbejde med dem, har villaen WiFi adgang.

Din kok og husholderske er hjemmehørende i Puerto Plata. Hun er en fremragende kok og vil også rengøre dagligt. For større grupper vil en assistent husholderske blive ydet uden ekstra beregning. En mobiltelefon er til rådighed for villaen, hvilket gør det nemt og overkommeligt at fortælle dem hjem om den fantastiske tid, du har. Kabel TV, VCR / DVD, CD lydsystem, videospil system, fuldt udstyret køkken med redskaber, og alt sengetøj leveres. Vi har også en samling af dvd'er, videospil og paperbacks til din brug, mens du er på Simply Paradise.

(Rygning kun ude, vær venlig)

Nøgleord: Villa

Overnatningsstedets manager

Norman Spencer


Engelsk og spansk

Beskyt din betaling — book altid på Vrbo

Hvis nogen beder dig om at booke eller betale direkte hos dem, inden du booker gennem Vrbo, bedes du anmelde det.




Indtjekning efter kl. 15.00
Udtjekning inden kl. 11.00


Børn i alderen 0-17 år er tilladt


Tilladte arrangementer: familiesammenkomster, fødselsdagsfester og bryllupper


Kæledyr er tilladt: Kun hunde under 23 kg hver (maks. 2 kæledyr i alt)
With prior approval and damage deposit


Rygning er ikke tilladt
All guests must be registered with the manager No local overnight guests
No loud parties, there is a noise curfew in the neighborhood of 11pm

Vigtige oplysninger

Godt at vide

Dette overnatningssted udlejes af en professionel vært, der udlejer som en virksomhed eller et erhverv.
Gebyrer for ekstra opredninger kan forekomme og varierer afhængigt af overnatningsstedets politik
Gyldigt billed-ID og kreditkort, debetkort eller kontant depositum kan være påkrævet ved indtjekning til dækning af påløbende udgifter
Særlige ønsker afhænger af tilgængelighed ved indtjekning og kan medføre ekstra gebyrer. Særlige ønsker kan ikke garanteres
Fester og events (inkl. familiesammenkomster, fødselsdagsfester og bryllupper) er tilladt på stedet. Maks. antal deltagere: 20
Værten har ikke angivet, om der er en kuliltealarm på overnatningsstedet. Medbring evt. egen alarm.
Værten har ikke angivet, om der er en røgalarm på overnatningsstedet

Vi bør nævne

Det er ikke nødvendigt at have en bil for at komme til og fra dette overnatningssted

Om området

Puerto Plata

Denne villa befinder sig i Puerto Plata i landlige omgivelser og tæt på stranden. Dem, der søger oplevelser, kan kigge forbi Puerto Plata Svævebane, mens naturelskere kan besøge Cofresi Strand og Playa Dorada. Rejser du med børn? Du kan overveje at tage dem med til Independence Park og Lorilar Ranch. Udforsk områdets muligheder for oplevelser på, i og ved vandet såsom jetski og dykning i nærheden, eller nyd godt af den fri natur ved at kaste dig ud i mulighederne hvad angår vandre-/cykelruter og økoture.
Puerto Plata, Puerto Plata

Hvad ligger i nærheden?

  • Cofresi Strand - 6 min. gang
  • Ocean World Adventure Park - 9 min. gang
  • Puerto Plata Svævebane - 6 min. kørsel
  • Puerto Plata Malecón - 7 min. kørsel
  • Den amerikanske ambassade, Den Dominikanske Republik - 8 min. kørsel

Sådan kommer du rundt

  • Puerto Plata (POP-Gregorio Luperon Intl.) - 50 min. kørsel


  • ‪Café El Cibao - ‬7 min. kørsel
  • ‪The Villa Lounge - ‬14 min. gang
  • ‪El pilon - ‬12 min. gang
  • ‪Coco Cana Lounge - ‬8 min. kørsel
  • ‪Sports Bar Senator Puerto Playa - ‬7 min. kørsel

Ofte stillede spørgsmål

Har Affordable Luxury, Bemandet Private Oceanview Villa 14 sovepladser en pool?

Ja, dette overnatningssted har en pool.

Er Affordable Luxury, Bemandet Private Oceanview Villa 14 sovepladser et kæledyrsvenligt overnatningssted?

Ja, dette overnatningssted tillader hunde (maks. 2 i alt) med en maksimumvægt på 23 kg pr. kæledyr.

Hvornår er indtjekning på Affordable Luxury, Bemandet Private Oceanview Villa 14 sovepladser?

Indtjekning starter kl. 15.00.

Hvornår er udtjekning på Affordable Luxury, Bemandet Private Oceanview Villa 14 sovepladser?

Udtjekning er kl. 11.00.

Hvor ligger Affordable Luxury, Bemandet Private Oceanview Villa 14 sovepladser?

Denne villa med familievenlig profil ligger ved vandet i Puerto Plata, kun 3 km fra Cofresi Strand og Los Mangos Golf Course. Derudover ligger Playa Costambar og Playa Grande ca. 5 km derfra.




Anmeldelser vises i kronologisk rækkefølge og har gennemgået en modificerings- og verificeringsproces, medmindre andet er angivet.
Få mere at videÅbner i et nyt vindue
Bedømmelse på 10 − Fremragende. 20 af i alt 24 anmeldelser" "
Bedømmelse på 8 − Udmærket. 4 af i alt 24 anmeldelser" "
Bedømmelse på 6 − Okay. 0 af i alt 24 anmeldelser" "
Bedømmelse på 4 − Dårligt. 0 af i alt 24 anmeldelser" "
Bedømmelse på 2 − Forfærdeligt. 0 af i alt 24 anmeldelser" "










Annoncens rigtighed


10/10 Fremragende

Bethany E.

Synes godt om: Rengøring, indtjekning, kommunikation, beliggenhed, annoncens rigtighed
Great Vacation
We had a great stay here! Unfortunately the rest of our trip cancelled so it ended up being just me and my partner, but the house would be great for bigger groups too. The house is beautiful, it's within walking distance to the beach but if you weren't up for swimming in the ocean the pool was also great. All of the meals were amazing. We loved not having to worry about cooking. Definitely worth the stay, we are hoping to come back soon!
Overnattede 7 nætter i marts 2024

10/10 Fremragende

Andrée-Anne L.

Synes godt om: Rengøring, indtjekning, kommunikation, beliggenhed, annoncens rigtighed
Belle vacance familiale
Nous avons loué la maison pour 1 semaine 2 familles, 5 enfants. Les chambres et la maison était parfaite. Nous avons établis le menu avec Josi selon ce qu'elle désirait nous faire découvrir et nous n'avons pas été décu. La piscine, proximité avec la plage, tout était super.
Overnattede 7 nætter i marts 2024

10/10 Fremragende

Nathan D.

Synes godt om: Rengøring, indtjekning, kommunikation, beliggenhed, annoncens rigtighed
Perfect vacation
This villa had everything you could need oversized rooms plenty of space and amazing views. Staff was amazing jossi cooked incredible dishes the whole family was pleased with. Willie was there every morning cleaning up and very friendly. Gambino answered texts promptly and made sure everything was going great would highly recommend for a relaxing vacation. Staff really made you feel welcomed.
Overnattede 7 nætter i februar 2024

10/10 Fremragende

Joezel A.

Synes godt om: Rengøring, indtjekning, kommunikation, beliggenhed, annoncens rigtighed
Simply Paradise Indeed!
The house is beautiful and the location is perfect. From the house you walk to the beach, the small grocery store, and restaurants. You are also just minutes from the greatest attractions that Puerto Plata offers. The service is exceptional. Jossi cooks delicious and makes sure you are satisfied. The team that maintains the house and security is spectacular. I have no complaints, the only detail we had to deal with was the water pressure when you flush the toilet, or when many people bathe at the same time, but it's not something that can't be handled. Not only do I recommend this beautiful house, but I want to return. Thank you, Norman.
Overnattede 5 nætter i januar 2024

10/10 Fremragende

Calais K., Steamboat Springs, CO

Synes godt om: Rengøring, indtjekning, kommunikation, beliggenhed, annoncens rigtighed
Overall Good Experience
We stayed for a week with friends and loved it - great location and the staff were very helpful and friendly. We then stayed for an additional couple of nights by ourselves (just our immediate family) after our friends went home, and the first night we were alone someone jumped the fence and stole some of the laundry we had out to dry. I heard it happen and they also tried to get into the house. Thankfully we had the doors locked. This is obviously not something in the owner's control, but it is disappointing when there's supposed to be a night watchman on duty. At the time, the front door locks weren't functioning and they weren't able to fix them for our last night there, so instead of enjoying our last day of vacation, we spent it packing and moving because we felt unsafe in a home that couldn't be locked. The owner did refund us for the night we didn't stay there, but not for the night we were robbed. Being robbed and hearing the same person trying to get into the house at 1am is pretty violating. If we could ensure that the front door locks were fixed we would probably have stayed our second night, and we would likely be willing to stay there again. It truly was a nice house and a lovely experience with the staff, but especially while staying with our young children, safety trumped comfort.
Overnattede 2 nætter i januar 2024

10/10 Fremragende

Kristin A.

Synes godt om: Rengøring, indtjekning, kommunikation, beliggenhed, annoncens rigtighed
Big family celebration
Norman was more than accommodating for all our large group needs. He arranged for a roasted pig for my birthday celebration, answered all my many questions promptly and gave me so much helpful information. The villa is an easy walk to the beach. The eastern side near the resorts is a lovely calm beach, and we spent several afternoons there. It was so helpful to have a staff and help arranging excursions. We had a few issues pop up, but they were resolved in a friendly and expeditious manner. They even allowed part of our group to stay when after hours at the airport, our flight got rescheduled to the next morning at 6:00am (our friends were there for a few more days). I would recommend this home.
Overnattede 7 nætter i december 2023

10/10 Fremragende

Cindy F.

Synes godt om: Rengøring, indtjekning, kommunikation, beliggenhed
Relax and unwind
The villa is beautiful, clean and well kept. The staff efficient, and friendly.
Overnattede 12 nætter i december 2023

10/10 Fremragende

susan k.

Synes godt om: Rengøring, indtjekning, kommunikation, beliggenhed, annoncens rigtighed
Great place to stay!
Enjoyed every day here. Perfect!
Overnattede 6 nætter i september 2023

8/10 Udmærket

Jacqueline J.

Synes godt om: Rengøring, beliggenhed, annoncens rigtighed
Synes ikke om: Indtjekning
Wonderful vacation time
Too many problem to get the address with the GPS location provated by the manneger office. We were 2:30 hours looking por the property. The The employees in the house were excellent. Finally we got the property because I could communicate with MR. Norman. Beautiful property but to hot on the first floor, the ventilation it's only by one side of the house. We had to open the front door. Beside that we enjoy the vacation time 😜😜. Thank you so much 🙏😊
Overnattede 4 nætter i juni 2023

10/10 Fremragende

Johann R.

Synes godt om: Rengøring, indtjekning, kommunikation, beliggenhed, annoncens rigtighed
Amazing all around!!
From the minute we got to the villa we were received and treated like family. Every meal was a hit and Josie is only still there because i couldnt fit her in my suitcase. Erica, Sandi and Willy are awesome as well. The villa is always clean and the grounds nicely kept. We will definitely be back if theyll have us. Thanks for the memories!
Overnattede 6 nætter i juni 2023

10/10 Fremragende

Latasha T.

Synes godt om: Rengøring, indtjekning, kommunikation, beliggenhed, annoncens rigtighed
We had a wonderful time. The property is beautiful the pictures doesn’t do it any justice. Our only complaint was for the 5th bedroom the room with the twin bed doesn’t have any a/c, that should be noted. Our guest their pulled for that room was very unhappy bout the a/c situation, but we quickly rectified by letting her sleep downstairs in the room that’s the living room which actually is the coldest room in the house. Our cook Josie was amazing everything that she cooked was delicious. We tried all her specialities and she did not disappoint. Everything from the beginning to the end was just perfect. If we ever come back I would definitely stay here again. Our manager Gabino responded immediately on any problem we had which was only the a/c and our taxi was late picking us up. Once I called within 10 minutes we had our airport transportation. Sandy kept our pool clean and even made a few grocery store runs for us. Gus came over and set up excursions, we even had massages done at the house. This is beautiful place and I give it a 10. Thanks Norman for allowing us to stay at your beautiful villa.
Overnattede 6 nætter i maj 2023

10/10 Fremragende

Diannery G.

Synes godt om: Rengøring, indtjekning, kommunikation, beliggenhed, annoncens rigtighed
Easter beach vacation
Stay at Simply Paradise for 2 night for Easter weekend. We loved this place. The owner responded to all my question in a timely manner. All the fees were layout at front. They provide a lot information before you get to the villa. The villa was very clean. They give you few options for your meals: food shopping for you before you get there, or you can go to the store with them or you can bring your supply and they will prepare for you. I chose to bring my own food supplies as per it was Semana Santa weekend in DR and most places were closed on Good Friday. I gave them our menu they were on point. I asked for the BBQ grill, they had it ready for us. That was so nice. They take all the details into consideration, a list of restaurants, activities etc. The view was breathtaking. Within few minutes walk to the beach. I highly recommend this place. I would love to stay longer. The staff was so helpful and friendly.
Overnattede 2 nætter i april 2023

8/10 Udmærket

Beth U.

Synes godt om: Rengøring, indtjekning, kommunikation, annoncens rigtighed
Simply Paradise
Our 2 week stay was a success and we measure that by how relaxed and ready we feel by the end and this vacation did not disappoint. The staff was incredible.....I was in touch with the house manager a few weeks prior with so many questions that he generously and promptly answered. He also was available 24/7 throughout via text and rapid responses. Next, there was Josy and Erica who ran the house. They fed us delicious food and kept the house in spick and span condition. I think we secretly loved what they offered the most. It was incredible. Willy and Sandy both were attentive, super friendly and there in a split second to assist in running to the pharmacy, investigating where our taxi might be, recommendations......they were amazing as well. One thing we all agree on though is that we were surprised at how dirty and seaweed infested Cofresi beach was. We barely swam there as we found Sosua and Dorado beaches and made them our home a handful of times. We always felt safe as we had Juan on the 3rd shift doing his security thing ( we never felt unsafe anywhere really) Thank you Juan. We ate most meals home with Josy but did eat out a handful of times. Most of the times we were dissatisfied with food but our fave was Los Tres Coco which was a couple of miles down the road. The food and atmosphere were the best....highly recommend. I think that's all I've got. Oh and one more big important thing...the people were over the top friendly....all people we encounter.
Overnattede 14 nætter i februar 2023

10/10 Fremragende

Brandon J.

Synes godt om: Rengøring, indtjekning, kommunikation, beliggenhed, annoncens rigtighed
Awesome house and great help around the house!
It was a great stay at simply paradise. Our housekeeper/cook came with us to the store and picked out the items for us after we picked out the meals. Very accommodating!
Overnattede 9 nætter i oktober 2022

10/10 Fremragende

Maria R.

Synes godt om: Rengøring, indtjekning, kommunikation, beliggenhed, annoncens rigtighed
Paradise on earth
Thank you for letting me experience your paradise on earth, it was a beautiful and wonderful stay, and your staff made it even better, I trully felt at home, everything was great, location, the home, the staff...no complaints and definitely will recommend to family and friends, the house is amazing beautiful, but honestly to make it even better, the street have to be fix, I understand if it was up to you it would be fix already, the neighborhood is so beautiful and so are all houses around, so the road have to be update it ASAP...other than that you and your staff are doing a great job, keep it up...and again, Thank You for letting me and my family experienced your SIMPLY PARADISE, THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT IT WAS...AND I DEFINITELY WILL SEE YOU AGAIN. :)
Overnattede 2 nætter i august 2022

10/10 Fremragende

Michelle R.

Synes godt om: Rengøring, indtjekning, kommunikation, beliggenhed, annoncens rigtighed
Great views, amazing staff, well-maintained property...exceeded our expectations!
Everything about this villa exceeded our expectations. The owner was quick to reply and easy to work with, answering all of our questions before we left for the trip, and then once we arrived at the property...wow! We fell in love with the view, the villa, and the staff. Everyone was warm and welcoming from the beginning of our stay all the way to the end, so much so, we caught ourselves calling it home while we were there. Josey is an incredible cook, with many years of experience. We trusted the menu to her for the week, and we were always amazed at both the variety and the quantity of the food-this large family ate very well every day. The villa is spacious with lots of balconies and community areas, sections around the pool for relaxing and sunbathing, and breathtaking views of both the ocean and the mountains. And if you want to head to the beach, it's a short 5 minute walk! We were so impressed, we will be booking this property again in the future, and we hope to become regulars! PS I highly recommend a massage on the balcony, followed by a manicure by the pool.
Overnattede 5 nætter i august 2022

10/10 Fremragende

Valerine P.

Synes godt om: Rengøring, indtjekning, kommunikation, beliggenhed, annoncens rigtighed
Encantadoras vacaciones
Excelente servicio, comodidad y excelente ubicación
Overnattede 2 nætter i juli 2022

10/10 Fremragende

Rodolfo J.

Synes godt om: Rengøring, indtjekning, kommunikation, beliggenhed, annoncens rigtighed
Incredible Easter weekend 2022
Over all it was an incredible time at this beautiful property. The staff was on point with of our request prior to check in and during our stay. Josey the house keeper and cook for the property was over the top with her cooking and cleaning. We would leave her a note prior to going to bed as far as what we wanted for breakfast and lunch and she always went above and beyond. The rooms were spacious, the house was beautiful and the pool area with its views is out of this world. My only issue with the property was with the road to access the house. Not in the greatest condition. If you have a low riding car I would not recommend taking the risk. Over all I will be back to simply Paradise.
Overnattede 3 nætter i april 2022

8/10 Udmærket

Lilliana P.

Synes godt om: Rengøring, kommunikation, beliggenhed, annoncens rigtighed
Great house for family reunion
We rented the house to celebrate a family reunion. The rooms and bathrooms are spacious, tastefully decorated and comfortable. The staff is great (great cooks!) and the pool was fun. There’s great views all around. We also had a hard time finding the place. My suggestion is to google map the name of the house “Simply Paradise” and it take you directly, the location has already been pinned online. The instructions to drive there need to be revised with the name of the house (we had to zoom into an image to find it) Also, the instructions say after hotel entrance, take the first left, its more clear to say its the third left. Anyways, we had a lovely time and I highly recommend.
Overnattede 3 nætter i august 2021

10/10 Fremragende

Mark E.

Synes godt om: Rengøring, indtjekning, kommunikation, beliggenhed, annoncens rigtighed
Beautiful villa
Great place to stay and enjoyed the staff. Saved this because i will return thanks for great vacation
Overnattede 12 nætter i juli 2021

10/10 Fremragende

Marie-Claude C., Québec, Canada

Synes godt om: Rengøring, indtjekning, kommunikation, beliggenhed, annoncens rigtighed
Fabuleux !
Magnifique Villa, spacieuse, très propre, vue incroyable. Les employés sont discrets et très sympathiques. Le service est exemplaire. Proximité de la plage et de quelques restaurants. Idéal pour un groupe cherchant une expérience autre qu’un tout inclus avec plus de tranquillité. Nous avons adoré le concept. Merci pour tout !

8/10 Udmærket

Al L., NYC

Synes godt om: Rengøring, indtjekning, kommunikation, annoncens rigtighed
Synes ikke om: Området
Great time at the Villa with some exceptions.
I booked the villa so that my family and I would spend the weekend together. The villa is very spacious, clean and over all we all had a very good impression of the property. The pool was the pool was the main attraction to the villa and it lived up to the expectation. The water was very clean and the temperature was just right. I only had 2 minor issues with are very easily corrected and would not be a deal breaker for most. 1- the location is not so easy to find. We were lost for about 15-20 minutes because the roads are not named. Better directions to the villa would make arrival a lot easier. On the other hand, once you make it, it is very easy to return and move around. 2- The gratuity required by the owner for the staff was not explained in the booking details. It made me uncomfortable to be told how much to tip, prior to my arrival without any consideration for the service that was yet provided. The service was adequate but not great. The staff mostly cooked, being that we cleaned up after ourselves and brought with us everything we needed. The food was good and the staff was courteous. I definitely recommend this place, however the owner should disclose her gratuity policy prior to booking. The owner responds to messages in a timely fashion. Thanks for the nice weekend at your place. My family and I enjoyed our stay.

10/10 Fremragende

Ileni M.

The most amazing experience!!
Thanks for this amazing weekend !! Norman is an excellent host and he does has an incredible team. The villa is that... Simply Paradise !! Very confortable and clean. Near to the town (15 mins. By car), and very close to the beach (5 mins. walking) Staff is 5 start plus :)... Delicious food, and quickly response to any inquery For me, and my family, the best experience
Overnattede 2 nætter i april 2019
Denne anmeldelse er blevet indsendt inden 2018 og er ikke blevet verificeret.

10/10 Fremragende

Simply Paradise is the perfect name
Wow. I just spent a week at this beautiful Villa. The place is beautiful, staff is excellent, location is great. Cofresi is the perfect spot for a quiet getaway. You will not want to leave the villa. The upstairs covered porch is so relaxing with an unbelievable view of the water, as well as the mountains. Josie, the housekeeper/cook is reason enough to rent this Villa. She is a beautiful person, although be prepared to put on a few pounds, she is an EXCELLENT cook. Ramon, the night watchman was also a pleasure, he is a very good man. I could go on and on, but I won't. Rent this place, you will be glad you did!

Om værten

Vært: Norman Spencer

Værtens profilbillede
The Spencer family has been in love with sea, sand and surf all their lives. The beautiful countryside and the wonderful Dominican people were a natural draws to establish a place for the scattered family to gather together.

Derfor valgte værten dette overnatningssted

Beautiful country and wonderful people made us feel like we had come home. It is our little slice of paradise.

Derfor er dette overnatningssted unikt

It takes only a few hours in Simply Paradise for the cares and worries of "stateside" living to melt away. We truly feel like we have come home.


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