
サマーセール!!! カムステイ

OPEN with Solar Panels & Tesla Battery and bug- blowing breeze

サマーセール!!! カムステイの写真ギャラリー

リビング エリア
テラス / パティオ




ベッドルーム 1 室バスルーム 1 室定員 3 名


  • ジム
  • 駐車場利用可
  • 洗濯機
  • バーベキューグリル
  • キッチン
  • 冷房


  • シナモン湾
    車で 8 分
  • バージン諸島国立公園
    車で 9 分
  • マホ ビーチ
    車で 12 分
  • ウエスト エンド (TOV-ウエスト エンド水上空港)
    徒歩 266 分

客室 & ベッド

ベッドルーム 1 室 (定員 3 名)

ベッドルーム 1

クイーンベッド 1 台

ベッドルーム 2

ダブル布団 1 組およびクイーンベッド 1 台

バスルーム 1 室

バスルーム 1

トイレ · シャワーのみ




サマーセール!!! カムステイ

キャッチアンドキープはまさに多くの予算重視の旅行者が見つけることを夢見ているものです。 マンションの価格以下で、あなたは本当の島の家に住んでいることを体験できます。 コテージは快適で、趣味良く装飾されています、そして何よりも本物です。 手頃な価格で、あなたはもっと長く過ごしたり、デイセイルやマッサージに身を任せることができます。 今日の「エコツーリズム」に重点を置くことで、島の文化や建築を理解し、それをユニークな環境を尊重する方法で、「伝統的な」島風の家がその環境にどのように適合するかを体験できます。

風光明媚なコーラルベイにある 'Catch' n 'Keep'は、西インド風の魅力的な家です。 近くの白い砂浜からわずか10〜15分のところにある、コテージは、1エーカーの緑豊かな丘の中腹にあり、Carolina渓谷とその石造りの製糖工場の遺跡を一望できます。 環境に固有の植物や木々が奨励されており、近所では多種多様な在来の鳥たちが家で過ごしています。

キャッチアンドキープは、隣人だけが通り過ぎる二次道路のそばの静かな袋小路に囲まれ、入り口のすぐ隣には日陰の駐車場があります。 本当にリラックスしたい人のための飲食店の選択がそうであるように近くの2つの小さな市場が生活を楽にします! Tradewindsをキャッチするのに適した、コテージは完全にスクリーンされており、Hunterシーリングファンがいます。 6つの大きな二重扉が2つの屋根付きデッキに開いていて、そこでWeberガスグリルでグリルして新鮮な空気の中で食事を楽しむことができます。 ハンモックでくつろいだり、カントリービュー、熱帯のそよ風、そして美しい夕方の空をお楽しみください。

フルキッチンは、彼女の旅で持ち主が集めた民芸品と手塗りの陶器で魅力的に装飾されています。 バスルームにはシャワーを浴びたネイティブの石造りと設備が整っています。 4つの枕と素敵なコットンのシーツが備わる快適なクイーンサイズベッド。

コテージはあなたの快適さのために思慮深く任命されており、ガイドブック、WiFI、ケーブル、DVDとCDコレクション、たくさんの休暇の読書、そしてゲームが含まれています。 ビーチチェア、ビーチタオル、そしてあなたのビーチの日のためのクーラーもあります。 Coral Bay周辺には、様々なレストラン、折衷的なショッピング、カヤック、ハイキング、ライブミュージックがあります。 島のクルーズベイ側ほど開発されていない、あなたはより少ない人里離れた、よりリラックスしたそしてまさにあなたが島に逃げることがどんなものであるべきかについてのあなたの夢を見つけるでしょう!

キーワード:エコツーリズム、環境にやさしい、コテージ、島のスタイル、ロマンチックな、新婚旅行、静かな、微風、本格的、パノラマビュー、手頃な価格、手頃な価格、予算を意識した、地元の味、西インド建築、駐車場、セント ジョンハウスレンタル、コーラルベイバケーションレンタル、駆け込みセール、素晴らしいレビュー、ペット可、子供歓迎、55+、


Judith Kane





WiFi (無料)



チェックイン : 14:00 以降
チェックアウト : 10:00 より前


子供の利用可 : 13 ~ 17 歳




ペットとの宿泊可 : 1 匹あたりの体重が 25 kg 未満の犬 (合計 1 匹まで)


12.5% VI tax not included in nightly rate. It will be added on and collected by VRBO
If wishing to include children or pet, you must check with owner first for details.
The minimum night stay for holiday season bookings can be flexible if you check with owner first.



場合により、チェックイン時に政府発行の写真付き身分証明書と付随費用精算のためのクレジットカード / デビットカードのご提示、または現金でのデポジットのお支払いが必要です




セント ジョン

このコテージは、セント ジョンの海沿いにあり、田園地域に位置しています。美しい自然を堪能できるバージン諸島国立公園やシナモン ベイ ビーチは、幅広い人におすすめできるスポットです。 アクティビティを楽しみたいなら、トルトラ クルーズ シップ ポートはいかがでしょう。サファリウォーク、バードウォッチングなどの現地ツアーに参加して、現地の野生動物を見に行きませんか。


  • シナモン ベイ ビーチ - 車で 8 分
  • シナモン湾 - 車で 8 分
  • バージン諸島国立公園 - 車で 9 分
  • マホ ビーチ - 車で 12 分
  • トランク ベイ - 車で 14 分


  • セント トーマス (SPB-セント トーマス シープレーン ベース) から車で 68 分


  • ‪Skinny Legs - ‬車で 12 分
  • ‪Cruz Bay Landing - ‬車で 12 分
  • ‪Greengo’s - ‬車で 13 分
  • ‪The Windmill Bar - ‬車で 7 分
  • ‪Snorkels Pool Bar & BBQ - ‬車で 13 分


サマーセール!!! カムステイはペットと宿泊できますか ?

はい、この宿泊施設には体重が 1 匹あたり 25 kg までの犬を同伴できます (1 室につき 1 匹まで)。

サマーセール!!! カムステイのチェックインは何時ですか ?

チェックイン開始は 14:00 です。

サマーセール!!! カムステイのチェックアウトは何時ですか ?

チェックアウトは 10:00 です。

サマーセール!!! カムステイはどこにありますか ?

海沿いにあるこのコテージは、リトル ラムズハー湾から 4.6 km、バージン諸島国立公園およびトランク ベイから 10 km 圏内です。シナモン ベイ ビーチおよびシナモン湾も 10 km 圏内です。




評価 10 - 70 件の口コミ中 67 件が非常に良い" "
評価 8 - 70 件の口コミ中 2 件が良い" "
評価 6 - 70 件の口コミ中 1 件が普通" "
評価 4 - 70 件の口コミ中 0 件が不満" "
評価 2 - 70 件の口コミ中 0 件が非常に不満" "












10/10 (非常に良い)

Kristin B.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Adorable, quiet, spotless retreat
My husband and I loved our short stay at this adorable cottage. The property was spotless and adorned with mementos from the owner’s travels. We had everything we needed to enjoy our day trips to the beaches. I was concerned about the lack of AC but we were very comfortable. The road to the property is very rough. We successfully navigated it out and back 3 times, but the road needs work. I can’t fault the owner for the road, but it is a concern.
2024 年 6 月に 3 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Michael H.、Kingsport

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Like a comfortable, bright, colorful tree house
We absolutely loved this little cottage, tucked away on the hillside near Coral Bay. Indoors and out, such a great place just to "be". Overlooking the trees and valley, and with the charm of bright colors, screen doors/windows, sounds of roosters, goats and donkey's, it felt like a tree house, but a very comfortable one at that. Judy is a fantastic hostess who takes her role seriously, providing lots of helpful info in advance, and careful not to be intrusive even though she lives in the lower level of the building (completely separate from the cottage level). The ONLY, ONLY drawback for us was the bumpy road up the hillside, about a five minute drive (we drove very slowly to reduce the bumping), hence the 4 star for location/neighborhood. We had a Jeep rental, which works well for clearance and horsepower, but maybe an SUV would provide a smoother ride. Thank you Judy for a beautiful stay at your lovely cottage!!!
2024 年 1 月に 6 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Anne B.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
An interesting trip
This was our 6th visit to St. John. The cottage was just what we needed. This is the first time we stayed on a property where the owner was actually onsite. Judy was a wonderful host! We were so grateful to have her staying in her apartment below us for our visit. Our trip was unusual as my husband had an accident and needed medical care. Judy was a tremendous support and resource for us! She even offered to drive us into the clinic. The porch on the cottage was a lovely spot to relax. And we made good use of it as my husband needed a day or two at homebase because of his injuries. Fergus, her little dog was so sweet! He would come up quietly when we would get back from the beach, greeting us, and welcoming us “home.” Once we said hello he toddled off. He’d just come up to say hello! Judy was there when we needed her but mostly busy with what she had going on, so it wasn’t intrusive at all having her below us. Despite my husband’s accident, we were able to relax and enjoy the rest of our stay. We loved that the home was self sufficient with energy and true to the concept of ecotourism, but still had the modern necessities. We cook in every night and we had everything we needed. I know that the constant fresh air that came through the cottage with those wonderful tropical breezes helped my husbands skin wounds to heal so much faster than if we had come back stateside right after his accident. Thank you, Judy for a restful vacation!
2023 年 2 月に 9 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Julie S.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Great stay!
Lovely quiet cottage. Judy was a wonderful host. We will be back!
2023 年 1 月に 3 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Lyne R.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Tropical Paradise
We so enjoyed our stay at Catch and Keep. The cottage is adorable and immaculate with great attention to detail and comfort. It is completely private and conveniently located in Coral Bay near many beautiful beaches with great snorkeling. Judy was a fantastic hostess. She took great care to provide us with all of the information to make our arrival, departure and stay seemless. We would return in a heartbeat. Thank you Judy and Ferguss!
2022 年 12 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

shannon m.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Judy was wonderful host. It was quite and relaxing just like we were expecting. One of the most peaceful and relaxing vacation that was much need for my husband and I.
2022 年 11 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Debbie T.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Wanted to Stay Forever!
This cottage is exactly as pictured and more. I love to stay in unique places and this little cottage is a gem. You feel at home from the start. The wide covered deck seamlessly connects to the interior through multiple screened doorways. You wake to island breezes gently stirring the light curtains that you certainly don't draw because there is nobody to look in from anywhere and no light pollution. The very high ceiling adds a spaciousness even though it is a fairly small cabin. It feels airy and light and takes your emotions there too. The shower includes hanging plants and shells embedded in the stones. The temperature is always pleasant. The thought of AC is just ridiculous because then you would have to shut yourself in and by the way there is no glass over the screens which was a surprise and my absolutely favorite part. In most places this would be impossible but here, you have arrived in the perfect climate of the Caribbean. That is what you came for! If there were a storm, you could close the shutters but we never needed to. We had zero bugs but if you want birds, just set out a handful of seed or sugar and they come from everywhere. I could sit on that wide deck and watch birds and read books forever. We intentionally came to the quiet side of the island and are very happy we did. We hiked and ran trails to beaches that often had not another person there. Snorkeling was amazing! And then there is Judy. Oh my goodness, we didn't even meet her because she was away, but what a character and so helpful! She gave us tons of excellent advice and very detailed directions on how to get there. You can just tell that she has put a lot of thought and care into this cabin and really wants her guests to have a lovely experience. There are clearly some struggles associated with living on a small remote island. The roads are dreadful (rent a 4x4) and power is unreliable. She has solar power with a Tesla battery for storage. We did not realize that the power was out our first two days. It just switched over to solar power without a single hitch. Her water is filtered multiple times so perfect right out of the tap. Hidden sophistication so you can enjoy your rustic island experience.
2022 年 6 月に 6 泊滞在

8/10 (良い)

John M.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Loved it
All went smoothly
2022 年 3 月に 9 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Daniel R.、Ann Arbor, MI, USA

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Exactly as advertised, and, due to Judy's personality and thoughtful provision of amenities in the kitchen and bath, beach towels, cooler, umbrellas, etc., everything you need to enjoy St. John. Perfect size for a couple. Great veranda. Excellent shower. We stayed three weeks and cooked a lot, and it has everything you need. We loved the location, close as it was to our favorite snorkel spots, and away from Cruz Bay. Her dog, Fergus, is a sweetie, but doesn't bother you, either. All in all, exactly what we had hoped for.
2022 年 2 月に 21 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Jenna M.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Wonderful stay
Judith’s cottage was the perfect place to stay in St. John’s. She was so accommodating and easily accessible when we had questions about the island and her spot. We enjoyed the cottage so much and would absolutely stay again!
2021 年 6 月に 5 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Steve L.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Perfect Place - Can't Say Enough Good
Cottage was super clean and very quaint. Had everything we could ever need. Beautiful interior. Refreshing breeze floated through the screen doors and windows day and night making it very comfortable. Refrigerator cooled drinks super cool. Was so chill just sitting on the deck that it was hard to go away to the beach (we managed). A few small bugs and small lizards could sneak in under the doorways etc from outside but they did not bother at all and were no problem - I assume this is common in most all properties on the island. That said, we had no problems with mosquitos or any other flying or biting insects while in the cottage. Sand flies at the beaches at dusk, but no other bug problems. Renting a jeep was helpful to reach the cottage without worry as this and most other residential roads on the far side of the island are dirt and rocky. We loved the slower, quieter pace of the coral bay side (yes, even slower that cruz bay). We felt absolutely safe the entire time at the cottage and really everywhere. The walks, drive, and decks were all very well lit at night. The screen doors have no locks but the owner lives on bottom level and assured us the neighborhood was safe (she's lived there for 20 years). We considered the lack of locks as a bonus as it made is so much easier to come and go. We had no problem leaving any of our things (money, passports, laptops) at the cottage during the day while we were at the beaches. Many incredible beaches are within easy short driving distance (10-20 minutes) around hwy 107 to the south and also up to the north shore road. We used two markets short distance away with good selection of basics and tons of drinks. Best market we saw was at the midway gas station - and the only gas station we saw - but this is further away closer to cruz bay. Only thing we would have changed is to buy several larger plastic water bottles (like half gallon size) and refilled those with water daily instead of buying cases of the smaller water bottles because the empty small bottles build up quickly and seem to be a problem on the small island with limited landfill. Owner was very helpful and very available through phone but at the same time did not bother. Different sunscreen is recommended by islanders as the traditional ingredients are know to damage the coral and other things in the water there. I'd check that out before travel.
2021 年 5 月に 5 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Alison M.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Relaxing St. John vacation
My husband and I stayed here for a week. The cottage is a guest suite on the second floor of a house nestled into the hillside overlooking the town of Coral Bay. The location was very quiet and peaceful. The cottage was very clean and comfortable, and we could relax in the evening and prepare food in the kitchen. We enjoyed visiting the beaches and hiking trails. A jeep or similar vehicle is required to access the rural roadways to the cottage. Judith, the owner, is very courteous and helpful. I would recommend this rental for those who are looking for a relaxing stay away from the more crowded resorts and hotels in Cruz Bay.
2020 年 3 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Barbara S.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Catch and Keep
We just returned from a two week stay at this cottage. It was wonderful. The owner, Judith, went out of her way to make sure we had everything we needed. The cottage has been decorated with a lot of love and is a happy and comfortable place to spend a vacation. The kitchen had all the essentials and there is a grill on the deck. No AC but breezes that come in the many screened doors and windows are more than adequate for comfortable sleeping. Should the breezes die down there are ceiling fans and table fans that do the job. There are many movies available, as well as Netflix and other types of streaming on the television. The bed has a firm mattress that I found comfortable, even though I usually sleep on a soft mattress. Judith provides a vacuum to be used for cleaning out the sand from your jeep and that is very appreciated. The huge covered deck with comfortable furniture is the best place ever for an outdoor meal or spending some time with a book. Green plants and trees are abundant and lovingly cared for by Judith. The clothesline on the deck is so handy for hanging rinsed bathing suits and wet towels. The driveway up is good, by St John standards, not too steep and rough only in patches. Location is great, conveniently close to a market and Coral Bay restaurants and the beaches. I dont want to forget Margaret, the owners rescued land tortoise. We had the pleasure of feeding her a banana a day when the owner was away. We think she recognized our voices after a few days! Oh and you will love the Bananaquit birds that come each day for the sugar in a feeder on the deck. There is no water view but the views of the green hills and birds and butterflies are special and surround the cottage, a perfect place to completely relax.
2020 年 2 月に 14 泊滞在

6/10 (普通)

Margaret K.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン
Pros: * Cost effective in that it met my budget requirements * On Coral Bay side providing easy access to all * Shower was made of local rocks, shells and coral.....looked cool! * Cottage very cleanoverall and floors very clean * Wifi, netflix, and roku TV provided * Nice wrap around porch with table and chairs for breakfast with nice views of the mountains * Close to great restaurants in Coral Bay: Caribbean Oasis, Skinny Legs, and Rhumb Line, without worry of parking you find in Cruz Bay Cons: * Privacy limited by owner on premises, lives just below unit. Owner not intrusive, but you could hear one another move around * Not a full door on bathroom, like a dressing room door, no privacy for bathroom needs.... * Kitchen stove burners did not all work correctly * My husband had to clean clogged gas openings on propane grill in order for it to work and us to use it * VRBO listing indicates a washer and dryer to use. After booking, contract indicated availability only for stays of 10 nights or more. We made a deal and were able to use it during our 7 day stay. In addition, owner indicated dryer was not available and we would have to hang our laundry to dry. I was OK with this. During our stay it was very humid with moderate rain storm each day (not usual expected small showers), only after several days did the owner mention laundry would not dry in this weather and offer the dryer for us to use. * Binder of instructions for stay indicates instructions to water plants on deck/porch, change water in indoor vases, etc What? We are on vacation * Water pressure in shower was low * Bed was a mattress on top of a plywood frame......hope you like it firm/hard * Sheets on bed were worn out/thread bear and needed to be replaced * Owner asked us to feed her dog and land tortoise while she was gone for a couple of days off island. Owner said she would reimburse us for one night's stay for doing so....but she did not provide the reimbursement. Not a real big deal as we were glad to help out in a time of need, I just like it when people keep their word.
2020 年 1 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Amie S.

Delightful stay at Catch & Keep,
Well maintained, just as seen in the photographs. Clean; well lit, charming decor. Quiet & peaceful location, yet quick drive into Coral Bay.
2019 年 5 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Kaeleen P.

What a gem! Judy is such a wonderful host. I visited with my husband and two toddlers and the house had everything we needed. From the views to the carefully curated decor from Judy’s travels - it was a dream. We hope to come back soon!
2019 年 3 月に 8 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Tim M.

Wonderful location, great host.
Beautiful idilic location. Very romantic. Strongly recommend.
2019 年 1 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Lisa T.

Lovely place!!
The description and pictures of catch and keep are so very true. This was a wonderful place to stay. Everything we needed was at our fingertips. The natural flowing breeze was all we needed to cool off... lack of air conditioning is not an issue and not needed. Will be going back for sure!!!
2018 年 12 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Prashob P.

Excellent host and place!!
Judy was an excellent host and made sure that we were comfortable during our stay at her place. She was waiting for us at an intersection to guide us to the cottage when our flight arrived late after dark. The cottage has all the facilities and is kid-friendly. Well ventilated with amazing porch. It is located at the quite place of the island in safe neighbourhood. Some portions of the road to the highway is dirt road and steep and needs a 4WD high-suspension vehicle such as Jeep Wrangler on these roads. Definitely recommended if planning to stay in Coral Bay area.
2018 年 12 月に 7 泊滞在

8/10 (良い)

Janet G.

Coral bay play.
Cottage is clean nicely kept, but not quite as advertised. The info indicates air conditioning and dishwasher. Neither exist. Air conditioning wax not needed, but should be removed from the info. Owner gives excellent service.
2018 年 4 月に 7 泊滞在
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Judith K.

Don't hesitate - grab it!
It was clean, well stocked, cooled by breezes (no A/C needed at all!), lovely location . Lots of birds to watch, beautiful vistas, quiet, peaceful, no traffic or construction nearby. A complete rest and comfortable unwind spot yet handy to everything in Coral Bay, and only 8 miles from Cruz Bay.... but who needed it! This cottage had so many comforts it was hard to leave. It is eco-conscious, delightful in a more simple, old-fashioned way, but cost less than roughing it in an 'eco-campground". Go figure!
2017 年 4 月に 4 泊滞在
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Mary Ellen S.

The perfect place for us!
This was our second time to visit St John USVI. Judith's Catch n Keep cottage was the perfect place for us to enjoy this wonderful island. Beautifully cooled by the trade winds day and night (A/C not needed here), lovely porch for relaxing, kitchen with full size fridge/freezer so we could cook, comfy bed, lots of books to read, info about the island, unique shower and good size bathroom, beach chairs, freezer packs and outside BBQ etc And Judith and her trusty sidekick Ferguson there when you need them and otherwise unobtrusive. Assuming you have rented a jeep (and you pretty well must if you're staying in Coral Bay) then the road shouldn't deter you. Wouldn't advise arriving after sunset if you can avoid it though!
2017 年 4 月に 8 泊滞在
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Bernard A.

Unwind and relax
We had a great time. We did not spend much time in the rental, but we certainly enjoyed relaxing on the patio in the morning hours. We enjoyed the morning bird watching while we had coffee and breakfast. The unit was very clean and had all the amenities we needed. We rented a cheep and that made it so much easier to explore the island. We also rented a dingy boat in Cruz bay and had a blast exploring many of the beaches. Judith provided detailed instructions on how to get to the rental, which was very useful. After the second day we were pros at negotiating the road to her home. It is unpaved in some sections, and with a jeep it was easy to get to her home. I would certainly recommend this rental to anyone wanting to stay on the east end.
2017 年 3 月に 4 泊滞在
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Lori W.

Very charming cottage and hostess!
As always, we loved our visit to St John! This was our first stay at the Catch & Keep Cottage. We found the cottage and the owner, Judy Kane, wonderful! Judy is easy to work with and very thoughtful....her little dog is a sweetie as well! The cottage is very uniquely decorated and we found it very charming. Not sure about in the summer months, but, in February/March, no air conditioning is needed...the mountain breezes are more than enough, especially with the open-air concept offered by the cottage. No hesitation in recommending this cottage...!
2017 年 2 月に 8 泊滞在
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Linda H.

We loved this place.
Relaxed, charming, and comfy. Judy is welcoming but also unobtrusive. This was our first stay in Coral Bay and we loved its relaxed funky atmosphere. Yes, you do need 4 wheel drive (steep driveway, steep bumpy road), but from the looks of most of the side roads on the east end, that would be true for most rentals. We'd rent this again in a heartbeat.
2017 年 1 月に 7 泊滞在


オーナー : Judith Kane

Originally from Massachusetts, retired to St. John after 30 years teaching Northern New Mexico. I travel and have learned from different cultures (at heart, we are more the same than different in what we want for our children, our lives, our world).


The cottage is comfortable and well-stocked for your visit while offering you the chance to experience something different, that is respectful of the local St. Johnian culture. I wanted to live more simply, with less but enough. My guest reviews affirm it succeeds.


The less-developed Coral By side of St. John attracted me due to the "Personality" of the community, a 'mix' of residents, old-time values, new ideas.
the cottage feels private, yet close to all Coral Bay has to offer. This is an opportunity to EXPERIENCE what living in an actual West Indian style 'island house' might be like, rather than a concrete condo-style rental. 'Green' living is highlighted (working with native plants only, adapting to terrain rather forcing it to fit building plans, plus simpler, timeless solutions to daily living. Birds abound and so does peace and quiet.

言語 :

英語, スペイン語