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Romantisk luksusvilla med privat basseng og tennisbane nær sjøen

Bildegalleri av Romantisk luksusvilla med privat basseng og tennisbane nær sjøen

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3 soverom2+ badPlass til 8 personer300 m²

Populære fasiliteter

  • Basseng
  • Vaskemaskin
  • Grill
  • Kjøkken
  • Air conditioning
    Air conditioningAir conditioning
  • Peis

Utforsk området

Contrada santa maria, Mazara del vallo
  • Populært stedPiazza della Repubblica6 min kjøring
  • Populært stedDen normanniske porten6 min kjøring
  • Populært stedTonnarella16 min kjøring
  • FlyplassPalermo (PMO-Punta Raisi)76 min kjøring

Rom og senger

3 soverom (plass til 8 personer)


1 kingsize-seng og 1 babyseng


1 kingsize-seng, 1 enkeltseng og 1 babyseng


2 enkeltsenger

2 bad, 1 gjestetoalett




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Om dette overnattingsstedet

Romantisk luksusvilla med privat basseng og tennisbane nær sjøen

Villa Santa Maria er et historisk siciliansk gårdshus fra 1600-tallet med eget privat svømmebasseng og tennisbane. Denne unike castellated bygningen er flankert av sirkulære tårn på hver side. Vi leier ut den vakkert dekorerte første etasje, som er ekstremt romslig og kan sove opptil 8 personer. Gjestene kan slappe av i bassenget for eksklusiv bruk eller nyte den omliggende eksotiske middelhavshagen fra skyggen av et gammelt oliventrær. Bassenget måler 12 x 6 meter, har trinn inn i den grunne enden og er foret med mosaikk. Når temperaturen synker, gir tennisbanen flankert av formelle hager foran villaen moro for hele familien. Tre mål med begrenset område av sypress og middelhavs furu inkluderer også olivenlunder og et vakttårn fra 1500-tallet.
Første etasje er helt privat og har sin egen magiske sicilianske inngjerdede sitrushage.
Innkvarteringen er ekstremt romslig og inkluderer et bibliotek og separat TV-rom

Santa Maria: Du kommer inn i Santa Maria gjennom en vakker innkjørsel foret med dadelpalmer og bougainvillea. En massiv dør fører inn i en pen gårdsplass med portikoer og statuer og en marmorbrønn i sentrum. Hele villaen er en oase av fred og ro, skyggelagt av høye palmer, sypresser og furutrær. Den romslige første etasje, nylig restaurert til en høy standard av luksus, er helt privat. spisestuen med peis vender ut mot en inngjerdet hage med 100 sitrustrær, en sprutende fontene som tiltrekker seg et bredt utvalg av fugler og en asfaltert terrasse hvor gjestene kan spise under appelsin- og sitrontrærne. Det private svømmebassenget ligger i en middelhavshage, som kjærlig er plantet av de nåværende eierne. Bougainvillea, oleander, frangipani, datura, jasmin, hibiskus og lavendel er bare noen av plantene som blomstrer gjennom sommerhalvåret.
Sameierne av eiendommen, (engelsktalende) som bor i toppetasjen i villaen, er tilgjengelige for hjelp og råd. Inngangen til leiligheten deres er fra hovedgården og atskilt fra første etasje.

Hvis du vil finne ut mer om Santa Maria, kan du lese 'Casa Nostra, et hjem på Sicilia' av Caroline Seller Manzo. Publisert i USA av Harper Collins, og kan bestilles online. Send Caroline for mer informasjon.

Mazara del Vallo: Mazara, Italias største fiskehavn, har en sjarmerende promenade foret med palmer og tre piazzas i det historiske sentrum prydet med vakre barokke kirker og samfunnsbygninger - til og med restene av et normandisk slott. Ikke gå glipp av den vakre bronsestatuen av en dansende satyr, et mesterverk av gresk kunst som ligger i et dedikert museum.
Mazara tilbyr et bredt utvalg av butikker og utmerkede restauranter, hvor du kan glede deg over den ferskeste sjømaten og fisken, for ikke å nevne de herlige delene av den sicilianske tradisjonelle maten fra fiskecouscous til de smakfulle delikatessene av cassata og cannoli.
Det er en lang og vakker kystlinje med både sandstrender og steinete bukter der sjøen er usedvanlig slapp. I juli og august tilbyr stranden i Tonnarella fasiliteter for barer med fluktstoler og parasoller å leie.
Det berømte naturreservatet Zingaro er en ekstra attraksjon. Send oss en e-postadresse for mer informasjon og bilder av omgivelsene til villaen.

Sightseeing: Den eldgamle greske byen Selinunte med utsikt over havet ligger en 30 minutters kjøretur unna. Etter å ha utforsket ruinene, gå ned til den nærliggende stranden i Marinella, avkjøl deg i sjøen og fest mat på deilig lokal fisk ved en av "trattoriene" ved sjøen. En halv time i den andre retningen ligger det mystiske templet Segesta høyt oppe på en høyde med utsikt over dalen. I nærheten ligger det gamle greske teateret. I løpet av 20 minutter kan du nå Marsala som er kjent for vin, og ikke gå glipp av Punic Ship på utstillingen på museet. Rett utenfor Marsala ligger lagunen med saltpannene og vindmøllene. Besøk den fascinerende øya Mozia, en gang en fønikisk koloni, og se punic-restene, museet og den vakre greske statuen av en ung gutt. Den middelalderske bakketoppen Erice med det normanniske slottet, stedet for et gammelt tempel i Venus, ligger en times kjøretur fra Mazara. Fra Trapani eller Marsala kan du nå de vakre øyene i Egades. Den eksotiske hovedstaden Palermo og Vale of Temples, Agrigento er enkle dagsturer.

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Air conditioning


Innsjekking etter kl. 16.00
Utsjekking før kl. 10.00


Barn tillatt: fra 0–17 år


Ingen arrangementer tillatt


Ingen kjæledyr tillatt
Owners' permission on booking required for pets


Røyking er ikke tillatt
Smoking allowed in the grounds.

Viktig informasjon

Viktig å vite

Dette overnattingsstedet forvaltes av en privat vert (som ikke har som jobb å tilby overnattingstjenester). EUs forbrukerlovgivning, inkludert retten til å trekke seg fra kjøpet, gjelder derfor ikke for bestillingen din. Det er den private vertens avbestillingsregler som gjelder.
Det kan pålegges avgifter for ekstra personer, og denne avgiften kan variere avhengig av overnattingsstedets egne regler
Legitimasjon med bilde utstedt av offentlig myndighet samt kredittkort, debetkort eller depositum i kontanter kan være påkrevd ved innsjekking, i tilfelle det skulle oppstå uforutsette utgifter
Spesielle forespørsler avhenger av tilgjengelighet ved innsjekking og kan koste ekstra. Spesielle forespørsler kan ikke garanteres oppfylt
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Alle gjester, inklusive barn, må være til stede ved innsjekking og vise frem pass eller myndighetsutstedt ID med bilde
Som følge av nasjonale reguleringer, er det ikke mulig å betale mer enn GBP 5000 i kontanter på dette overnattingsstedet. For å få mer informasjon kan du kontakte overnattingsstedet ved å bruke kontaktopplysningene i bestillingsbekreftelsen
Det er nødvendig med bil for å komme seg til og fra dette overnattingsstedet

Om området

Mazara del Vallo

Denne villaen ligger i landlige omgivelser og ved sjøen i Mazara del Vallo. Hvis du er på utkikk etter aktiviteter, er Marco De Bartoli - Samperi og Cantina Marco De Bartoli verdt et besøk, mens Spiaggia di Città og Tonnarella kan friste med vakre naturomgivelser. Reiser du med barn? Da bør du ikke gå glipp av ASD Reef Puzziteddu og Acquasplash. Brettseiling og fisking er blant de aktivitetene du kan bli med på her. Du kan dessuten oppleve naturen i området gjennom sykling og ridning.
Contrada santa maria, Mazara del vallo

Hva som finnes i nærheten

  • Piazza della Repubblica - 6 min kjøring
  • Den normanniske porten - 6 min kjøring
  • Plebiscito-plassen - 6 min kjøring
  • San Vito a Mare - 6 min kjøring
  • Tonnarella - 16 min kjøring


  • Mazara del Vallo stasjon - 11 min kjøring
  • Trapani (TPS-Vicenzo Florio) - 47 min kjøring


  • ‪La Barbera Giacomo - ‬5 min kjøring
  • ‪Pasticceria Mazara - ‬5 min kjøring
  • ‪Ristorante Pizzeria La Fenice - ‬6 min kjøring
  • ‪Bar Vito - ‬5 min kjøring
  • ‪Fior di Pane - ‬6 min kjøring

Ofte stilte spørsmål

Har Romantisk luksusvilla med privat basseng og tennisbane nær sjøen basseng?

Ja, dette overnattingsstedet har svømmebasseng.

Er det tillatt med kjæledyr på Romantisk luksusvilla med privat basseng og tennisbane nær sjøen?

Nei, kjæledyr er ikke tillatt på dette overnattingsstedet.

Når kan man sjekke inn på Romantisk luksusvilla med privat basseng og tennisbane nær sjøen?

Innsjekkingen begynner kl. 16.00.

Når må man sjekke ut på Romantisk luksusvilla med privat basseng og tennisbane nær sjøen?

Utsjekkingstidspunktet er kl. 10.00.

Hvor ligger Romantisk luksusvilla med privat basseng og tennisbane nær sjøen?

Denne villaen er familievennlig og ligger ved sjøen i Mazara del Vallo og 5 kilometer unna San Vito a Mare, Den normanniske porten og Spiaggia di Città. Dessuten ligger Saint Nicolò Regale og Cattedrale del Santissimo Salvatore kun 5 kilometer unna.




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Rangering på 10 − Utmerket. 42 av totalt 47 anmeldelser." "
Rangering på 8 − Bra. 5 av totalt 47 anmeldelser." "
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Annonsens korrekthet


10/10 – Utmerket

Morgan R.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
The most perfect holiday!
We absolutely fell in love with this special place. The villa was everything we dreamed it would be and more. The kitchen was very well stocked and we spent several evenings making feasts for our group. Dining in the orange grove was a dream. The grounds surrounding were so private, expansive and stunning. We made great use of the gorgeous pool and tennis court daily. The town of Mazara del Vallo was very nice and had everything we needed as far as restaurants and shops. We took a day to travel to Trapani for a boat tour with Egadi Boating and it was perfection. The villa location made it so easy to tuck ourselves away and pretend we never had to leave, or venture out and explore the sites of Sicily. Caroline and Marcello were incredible hosts and made the experience all the more memorable. We are already planning on a return trip to this magnificent place!
Bodde her 7 netter i juni 2023

10/10 – Utmerket

Venera L.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Beautiful Villa
Wonderful place to stay in Sicily. The highlights included a well furnished with beautiful ornaments and furnishings, a perfect tennis court and lovely gardens. The swimming pool was not opened yet as we visited in March but it was in a lovely setting We were able to pick oranges for breakfast in the morning. Caroline the owner had arranged for an initial food shopping and most importantly tennis lessons with Fulvio - who was excellent. She was always helpful with arranging restaurant bookings and places to visit. A fantastic holiday - a beautiful villa with great food wine and history. Thank you Caroline we hope to visit next year.
Bodde her 7 netter i mars 2023

10/10 – Utmerket

Pankaj M.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Highly recommended
Elegant and spacious rooms, and magnificent gardens. Caroline is a very attentive host. Highly recommended for families and groups of friends who seek a relaxing holiday.
Bodde her 7 netter i august 2022

10/10 – Utmerket

Anne D.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Ein Erlebnis!
Ein traumhaftes Castello mit sehr feinen und besonderen Vermietern, die uns persönlich begrüßten. Caroline versorgte uns mit selbstgemachter Orangenmarmelade und mit Marcello durften wir die Olivenernte vom Baum bis zum frisch gepressten Öl in der Fabrik begleiten. Das Haus ist sehr groß und mit exquisiten Antiquitäten eingerichtet, aber es gibt auch gemütliche Sofaecken und ein Fernsehzimmer. Von der Küche gelangt man direkt auf die Terrasse, auf der wir sehr oft gefrühsückt haben. Ein fast tägliches Tennismatch gehörte zum Urlaubserlebnis. Auch der Poolbereich ist sehr schön. Es sind viele Ausflüge möglich, ein Leihwagen ist unentbehrlich. In Mazara del Vallo ist die Landschaft eher flach, aber in der Nähe befinden sich Berge zB der Erice mit der gleichnamigen sehr alten sehenswerten Stadt .Die Ausgrabungen in Selinunte und die Stadt Palermo sind auch eine Reise wert. Auf den Märkten kann man sich für ganz wenig Geld neu und chic einkleiden. Die Geschichte des Hauses Villa Maria liest man am Besten in Carolines selbstverfasstem Buch nach, welches in der gut ausgestatteten Bibliothek steht. Danke für einen besonderen Urlaub Anne und Familie
Bodde her 10 netter i oktober 2021

10/10 – Utmerket

Stefan L.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
An extraordinary and especially beautiful place!
Ein außergewöhnlicher und ganz besonders schöner Ort! Wir konnten mit unserer fünfköpfigen, deutschen Familie zwei wunderschöne Urlaubswochen in der Villa Santa Maria verbringen. Der Landsitz, die Einrichtung, der große Pool und die Gärten gleichen einem Paradies. Alles ist bestens ausgestattet. Hinzu kommt die besondere Liebenswürdigkeit der Gastgeber, wir wurden jeden Tag mit frischen Feigen und Trauben aus dem Garten verwöhnt. Köstlich waren auch die hauseigenen Olivenöle. Sehr hilfreich sind zudem die vielen schriftlichen Empfehlungen zu Restaurants, Stränden, Weinen und Einkauf. Santa Maria ist sicher ideal für einen Kurzurlaub. Um sich besser auf diese Umgebung einzulassen, würden wir aber eine Urlaubsdauer von mindestens ein bis zwei Wochen empfehlen. Liest man dazu noch die hochinteressanten biographischen und landeskundlichen Ausführungen im Buch der Gastgeberin (Casa Nostra von Caroline Seller Manzo), gelingt es neben einem herrlichen Urlaub auch noch ein wenig sizilianisches Lebensgefühl als bleibenden Eindruck mit nach Hause zu nehmen. Tausend Dank für eine wunderbare Zeit! Grazie mille per un tempo meraviglioso! An extraordinary and especially beautiful place! We were able to spend a marvellous fortnight in Villa Santa Maria with our German family of five. The country house, the furnishings, the large pool and the gardens are like a paradise. Everything is well equipped. Added to this is the special kindness of the hosts, we were spoiled every day with fresh figs and grapes from the garden. The in-house olive oils were also delicious. The many written recommendations on restaurants, beaches, wines and shopping are very helpful, too. Santa Maria is sure to be ideal for a short vacation. In order to get more involved in this environment, we would recommend a vacation of at least one to two weeks. If you read the highly interesting biographical and regional history in the hostess's book (Casa Nostra by Caroline Seller Manzo), you can take a wonderful holiday home with a little Sicilian attitude to life as a lasting impression. Thanks a million for a wonderful time! Grazie mille per un tempo meraviglioso!
Bodde her 14 netter i august 2021

10/10 – Utmerket


Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
A week in Mazara
We have just spent a wonderful week in Villa Santa Maria. We were a group of six - 2 teenagers their parents and 2 grannies. The villa was everything that was described on the website - and more. A truly original and beautifully decorated historical gem! Lovely and cool inside as had been promised! This was our first trip to Sicily so we were very grateful for all the suggestions for sightseeing provided by our great hosts - we followed practically all of them in our busy week and were not disappointed with anything ( though the queuing system in Segesta leaves much to be desired!) our teenagers really enjoyed lounging beside the pool and it’s lovely surroundings whilst the rest of us went touring around ancient temples! A highlight of the trip was the lovely food we had every evening - in the restaurants recommended by Caroline and Marcello and also that provided in the villa by Antonella - it was a real treat to laze around in the villa and to have dinner delivered to your door. I would highly recommend this lovely villa and strongly suggest that if you follow the advice in the handbook provided by its gracious hosts you will have a great holiday.
Bodde her 7 netter i august 2019

10/10 – Utmerket

Sibylle G.

Likte: Renhold, innsjekking, kommunikasjon, beliggenheten, annonsens korrekthet
Stay at santa maria.
Very pleasant with beautiful private gardens.
Bodde her 7 netter i juni 2019

10/10 – Utmerket

Marian A.

Make this your base of operations.It's an oasis for tired travelers.
We were six long time friends, all seniors, on an adventure. Day trips from the Villa to wonderful sightseeing to Agrigento and Marsala was delightful thanks to our driver, Francesco. Google Translate (app) and a very patient Francesco made the language barrier a minor challenge and we were able to experience Mazara through his eyes. A sparkling clean pool and the orange grove off the kitchen found us enjoying the beauty of the Villa and it's gardens. The accomodations were quite good (even by American picky standards) although some detail to landscaping would have improved the look of the facility and a simple tire pump would have made the rickety bicycles at least usable. An end of the tourist season and the begining of the hunting season could probably explain it. Alessia was an angel in disguise and was accessible and responsive to our needs.I would recommend a list of local places that would deliver to the villa which is really quite close to town. These places do exist and knowing about them would be a help to travelers staying at the villa without a car (as we were) or for those simply too tired to venture out again after a long sight-seeing trip. In all our trip to Mazara and surrounding areas was quite wonderful and the 14 hour plane trip a distant memory.
Bodde her 7 netter i september 2018

10/10 – Utmerket

Kamaldip R.

It was charming and in an oasis of calm and luxury but with a hint of the wild side!
An absolutely warm and welcoming experience was had at Villa Santa Maria. I would say it was the most authentic place we have stayed and the unspoilt and natural areas of this side of Sicily were a pleasure to behold. Our days were spent enjoying all the villa offered -to lounging poolside with a book, the entrancing orange grove at breakfast and a glass of wine after dark to playing cards in the library - this was one of the favourite spots of our daughters! The surrounding region really is magnificent - the restaurants, service, food and wine were beyond our expectations. The history of this place is fascinating and exploring the temples was mesmerising. For wine lovers - take advantage and visit Gorghi Tondhi - the expression for their wine is like no other. We can not say enough about Alessia who was wonderful during our stay - on hand to help however she could. The Sicilian sun over this historic and breathtaking home was a place to remember and treasure. We had a truly magical holiday and for those looking for luxury in an unspoilt area this is the place for you.
Bodde her 7 netter i august 2018

10/10 – Utmerket

Philipp M.

Amaznig holiday - a true sicilian experience!
It is hard to find a place that is so more authentic and original than Santa Maria! We loved it from the moment we opened the large wooden doors and entered the courtyard. It is better than on the photos! The place is perfect for families. The kids found new things to discover every single day. There are oranges and lemon trees in the backyard which provides for lovely fresh juice in the morning. The large private pool is clean and pleasant. As Mazara del Vallo has a large seaport there is plenty of fresh fish to be found and we had some amazing barbeques. Caroline and Mercello are fantastic hosts! Their story is truly incredible and nicely documented. The process from selecting the property all the way through receiving back the security deposit was smooth and a pleasant experience. There is so much more positive to say here... I really hope we will be back soon!
Denne anmeldelsen ble sendt inn før 2018 og har ikke blitt verifisert.

10/10 – Utmerket

Heavenly, happy, family holiday in unspoilt Sicily
We had such a happy week in this amazing place. The apartment was so spacious and cool (a wonderful escape from the August heat). The gardens were beautiful and well kept. Our favourite thing was to sit outside in the orange grove in the evening, light a barbecue and cook fresh prawns and sip a glass of Sicilian wine, listening to the chittering of the cicadas. Our two girls aged 3 and 6 loved the swimming pool, learning to swim and dive for the first time. We enjoyed trips to the local restaurants and sights including Mazara del Vallo, Erice, Selinunte and Porto Palo. This part of Sicily is breath of fresh air, unspoilt and thankfully not geared towards mass tourism. Nanette who lives upstairs looked after us beautifully, recommending places to visit, beaches to swim, and restaurants to visit . Couldn't recommend it more highly for a week of fun, food and a bit of culture on the side.
Denne anmeldelsen ble sendt inn før 2018 og har ikke blitt verifisert.

10/10 – Utmerket

Paul J.

Stunning Santa Maria
Our experience at Santa Maria was breathtaking. Upon arrival we were in awe of the impressive stone building, we passed through the beautiful courtyard and into the Santa Maria villa itself - which was absolutely stunning in every way possible. Nanette, our host was on hand to welcome us to the villa, she was most helpful throughout our stay. We spent our days in the Italian sunshine lounging by the superb pool, surrounded by the heavenly gardens. We sampled the local delights; eating scrumptious gelato in the town and visited the neighbours (The Gazzerosse Vineyard). Our time at Santa Maria was absolutely perfect - a dream come true.
Bodde her 7 netter i august 2016
Denne anmeldelsen ble sendt inn før 2018 og har ikke blitt verifisert.

10/10 – Utmerket

Louise Sellers

A very special place to rent for a holiday!
We all loved staying in Santa Maria - the accommodation is part of a very special family house - completely private with sole use of a fabulous swimming pool and lovely tennis court (once the sun has gone down!). We saw some of the sites of Western Sicily including Selinunte, Segesta, Sciacca & Marsala, along with the odd very lovely restaurant - but on the whole we so enjoyed the return to Santa Maria and its peaceful surroundings - so beautiful and constantly gave us the feeling of getting away from it all. I hope one day we will return.
Denne anmeldelsen ble sendt inn før 2018 og har ikke blitt verifisert.

10/10 – Utmerket

Anna P.

Wonderful week in a glorious Scicilian villa
The villa was perfect for us , a family of seven - 3 young adults and partners and the older parents.The villa was beautiful , spacious airy rooms which kept cool in the heat of the day. We spent our rest days at home ( after very active ones seeing the amazing sights ).Long breakfasts in the garden with refreshing lemon juice made with lemons from the garden . Keeping cool in the pool and sitting under the trees beside it. In the evening when it was cool enough , there were tennis matches. The gardens, villa, pool were all lovingly looked after and very beautiful. The kitchen was very well equipped which meant we could have some amazing food at home. We were very welcomed by the owner's sister in law who lives on the top floor of the castle. She was always on hand to help. We had a fantastic week and this amazing place is highly recommended by all of us.
Denne anmeldelsen ble sendt inn før 2018 og har ikke blitt verifisert.

10/10 – Utmerket

Helen burrows

Wonderful property, great facilities & hospitality
We were a family of 6 adults, mum & dad plus 4 in their twenties. The property is large, secluded and with lots of facilities. It allowed outdoors activity of tennis, swimming and running, as well as lots of opportunity to relax. There was plenty of space to get some independence yet large communal areas for games and dinner. The kitchen and utility areas are large and fully stocked. Wi-fi worked well, and there was TV but also board games and books. Location is outside of town, so make sure you have the full address and directions. There are very helpful owners family members on hand if you need anything. The property is well placed for all main west coast of Sicily attractions. A car is a requirement. Some mosquitos. Overall a great place for a family to relax and explore Sicily.
Denne anmeldelsen ble sendt inn før 2018 og har ikke blitt verifisert.

10/10 – Utmerket

Marcia C.

A gem of a property...beautiful home and grounds
A wonderful stay in Santa Maria... Fabulous villa, pool, tennis court and gardens. While there are family members living above we had complete privacy. The villa was presented as described and very clean and well maintained. Any problems were resolved quickly by the on site managers of the property living above. It is hard to leave the villa but great sightseeing to be had in Western Sicily ... For historical sightseeing Selinunte is a must with well preserved Greek ruins against a coastal backdrop. The north west coastline for breathtaking scenery and fabulous beaches and the national park...Castellamare was our particular favourite ancient coastal town and the nearby picturesque hamlet of Scopello with stunning views and great swimming. We would thoroughly recommend Santa Maria as the perfect relaxing retreat in an ideal spot for sightseeing.
Denne anmeldelsen ble sendt inn før 2018 og har ikke blitt verifisert.

10/10 – Utmerket

Pamela Crawford

Relaxing holiday in beautiful venue
Our stay in Santa Maria was everything that we had hoped for. It was so hot that we didn't venture out much and loved spending lazy days under the olive tree by the pool, with tennis once the temperature eased a little in the evenings. When we did go out, there were many restaurants to choose from in nearby Mazara and we enjoyed day trips to Selinute and Erice. The property is beautifully maintained and it was very reassuring having Nanette and Silvio on site to welcome us and to help if required. We would happily recommend the property.
Denne anmeldelsen ble sendt inn før 2018 og har ikke blitt verifisert.

10/10 – Utmerket

Lisa D. og London

Which superlative hasn't been used?
I'm trying to think how to write a review without saying: "wonderful", "fantastic", "amazing" or "wow"! It's tricky. This place gives you all of these. - the foundation for an unforgettable holiday. It was like staying in a fabulous (oops!) hotel suite with with incredible (again!) grounds but without having any other guests around! Help is on hand should you require it but if you want to be left to please yourself then that is perfectly possible too. I can't imagine finding anything like this magical place again. Believe the reviews and the photos and stop searching. Dunckleys, London
Denne anmeldelsen ble sendt inn før 2018 og har ikke blitt verifisert.

10/10 – Utmerket

shelley H.

Worth the Detour!
How trite does the word "magical" seem to describe this place? Yet the Villa transported us and there seems to be no other word to describe it. We lived the dream for a week and discovered a corner of the world untouched by tourism, raw, tranquil and animated, all in one. This is a slice of Sicily where history oozes from the stones, yet quietly. The Villa is elegant, comfortable and aesthetically fabulous, with a library to dazzle (and I would need to book a few years to read even an eighth of the collection), a cook's dream kitchen along with all the best cookbooks, to boot. We relaxed indoors as well as out: the gardens are diverse: a citrus grove, tennis and pool grounds, and olive trees as well. We were fortunate to arrive during the olive pressing season and enjoyed the experience immensely. Finally, a word about our hosts: Nanette and Silvio, Caroline and Marcello: what a difference it made having you to book choice restaurants, provide insight on this or that winery, archeological site, or town to visit. Need I say more? Shelley & Sam, Toronto, Canada
Denne anmeldelsen ble sendt inn før 2018 og har ikke blitt verifisert.

10/10 – Utmerket

Dinah B.

Magical old castle set in a stunning garden.
As you enter the castle courtyard the scent of jasmine transports the senses to a world of calm. The house is beautifully decorated and well appointed.The stunning Mediterranean garden and pool area allow for true relaxation. The nearby town of Mazzara full of charm and great restaurants plus the incredible local historical sites make Santa Maria a perfect holiday haven. .
Denne anmeldelsen ble sendt inn før 2018 og har ikke blitt verifisert.

10/10 – Utmerket

Maxine and Gary S.

Magnificent Villa
We had a memorable vacation for a week staying at Villa Santa Maria. The accommodations exceeded our expectations. The Manzo family was extremely warm and helpful. They assisted us with local reservations and recommendations of places to visit in Sicily. The facilities were magnificent and we used the pool and tennis courts. If anyone is planning a trip to Sicily, this Villa in this special town is a must!
Denne anmeldelsen ble sendt inn før 2018 og har ikke blitt verifisert.

10/10 – Utmerket

Ian L.

Calm, Secluded and Magical
After two weeks, Santa Maria had cast a spell on us and we didn't want to leave. If you're looking for peace and quiet this is has it. The villa and gardens are set a long way back from the quiet country road; it was an event if we faintly heard a couple of cars pass during the afternoon. Yet it is also convenient; minutes to the motorway from Palermo (also largely deserted) and even nearer to the supermarket. Santa Maria itself lives up to the description and photographs; it feels more like you've walked in to a film set than a holiday home. The accommodation is beautifully decorated and history seeps out of the walls. It so spacious that walking from one end of the ground floor to the other qualifies as your daily work-out! The kitchen was well equipped and the air conditioning was essential during August (blue skies, 30-35C every day and mid 20's C at night). The wireless Internet also kept up with the demands of the four of us (our kids consider it a human right of course); 7MB ADSL with a WIFI router is better than many places back in the UK. Nanette and Silvio live on the floor above and couldn't have been more kind, helpful and unobtrusive. The grounds are beautifully landscaped and well kept. The pool is large enough to hold a small sailing regatta and surrounded by a luxurious green lawn; a remarkable feat which stood out in contrast to the brown olive groves glimpsed through the trees. Add to that the walled citrus grove, the courtyard and the tennis court and it became a struggle to find a reason to venture beyond the gates. Mazara is well off the tourist trail; whilst the outskirts are slightly unpromising the historic centre has many interesting squares and facades. San Salvatore is everything you could want in a baroque cathedral and well worth a visit. The seafront promenade comes alive in summer evenings after about 8:00pm with plenty of places to eat and drink, but it never felt crowded or overrun with tourists. Also, Granitola is a 15 minute drive down the coast and a lovely place to sit drinking coffee and overlooking a small rocky cove and the azure sea beyond. We took trips out to Selinunte, Erice and Mozia - all fascinating places, again not overrun with tourists and giving us a nice slice through the history of Sicily. We're not early risers, but each is near enough that you can easily get there and back before the afternoon heat really kicks in. I hope we are able to visit Santa Maria again soon.
Denne anmeldelsen ble sendt inn før 2018 og har ikke blitt verifisert.

8/10 – Bra

Tracy Lewis

Wonderful location for a holiday
We loved this fantastic historic house with its very tasteful furnishings and equipment. Delightful and spacious grounds including the best ever swimming pool and a perfectly situated tennis court with shade throughout much of the day. Although clearly old, the house was spotlessly clean and very comfortable. The outside eating area was charming under the orange trees and freshly picked lemons were an exotic treat! Some direct help/ advice in combatting the relentless mosquitoes might have been a useful addition. The owners were immensely helpful and accommodating, especially when the water supply was lost for the best part of half a day (hence only 4*)! The area is fascinating. Selinunte and Cava de Cusa are must see's and Favignana in the Egadie Islands, where we hired scooters and snorkelled, a really fun day out. Mazara is a great place to find terrific and good value food. Cycling the local lanes is a good option and some suggestions on places to go on bikes would have been useful (avoiding the mad Italian driving! Would definitely go there again and recommend it to anyone.
Denne anmeldelsen ble sendt inn før 2018 og har ikke blitt verifisert.

10/10 – Utmerket

Helen B.

An oasis with space
Santa Maria is full of character in a beautiful setting. It is well equipped, clean, spacious and very private. Clean, good sized pool and tennis a bonus for us. Lots of great restaurants in Mazara del Vallo and plenty of places of interest to visit in relatively close proximity. Would recommend and will return.
Denne anmeldelsen ble sendt inn før 2018 og har ikke blitt verifisert.

10/10 – Utmerket

Julia Moulton

Idyllic villa
Our family of four spent a week at Villa Santa Maria and came away refreshed and rested. It is a large spacious 17th Century villa with high ceilings and beautifully decorated and furnished rooms. We didn’t use the tennis court as we are not sporty, but the pool was wonderful. We alternated between days out to see ancient Greek and Roman ruins and fascinating Sicilian towns to lazy days in, relaxing, reading and swimming. The villa was so well equipped and my husband prefers to cook so we ate in each evening. It was fun to explore the local supermarkets and although English was not widely spoken everyone was very friendly and willing to help. The information provided by the owners is extremely comprehensive and covers everything you might need to know about the villa itself and the surrounding area, including restaurants and places of interest. The air conditioning in each of the bedrooms was very welcome at night and during the day it was nice to sit in the shady orange grove. You only have to read the guest book to realise that everyone who visits Santa Maria is charmed by it.

Om verten

Vert: Caroline

Vertens profilbilde
Marcello and Caroline are the proud owners of the ground floor of Santa Maria, a seventeenth century castle in western Sicily.
Having met in London at a Halloween party, we have been together for over 40 years. Thanks to Marcello's career in an international pharmaceutical company, we have lived in various countries in South America and the Far East whilst bringing up our two daughters.
While Santa Maria has been in Marcello’s family for over a century, it was at first the base of the family wine business. Then it became his parents’ home, which we and our two daughters would visit every year while we were based abroad.
Twenty years ago Marcello inherited a part of the estate and we decided to convert the ground floor as our own holiday home. Respecting the villa’s three hundred years of history, we carried out a complete restoration, even discovering a seventeenth century archway in the process.
Caroline’s interest in decorating is reflected in the attention to colour evident throughout. The property is now furnished with items inherited from our family and gathered from our travels around the world.
Having completed the interior, we turned our attention to the grounds. We revived the walled orange garden, restored the old tennis court, planted an olive grove and added a beautiful swimming pool set within a Mediterranean garden. Meanwhile Caroline was writing her book about the villa, Casa Nostra, A Home in Sicily, based on her experience of family life in Sicily and the local culture and traditions. The book was published by Harper Collins in 2007.

Santa Maria is so beautiful and so special to us that we now come here several times a year, sometimes with our children and grandchildren, but also for the olive harvest.
Both our daughters chose to celebrate their weddings here.
Since we now spend much of our time in London, we are happy to share our holiday home with other guests.

Hvorfor verten valgte dette overnattingsstedet

Santa Maria has a special place in our lives.
Having lived in different countries about the world, we have always been back to the villa in Sicily, regarding it as a cornerstone in our lives.
Marcello has an extended family based locally and many friends dating back to his childhood. Caroline has got to know the town and its history very well for the purpose of research for her book and is fascinated by many aspects of Sicilian culture. It is an amazing experience to live or stay in a villa so steeped in history. Although records go back as far as the 18th century, the building itself is at least 100 years older. The watchtower in the grounds bears an inscription with the name of the architect and the date:1584.
Most probably the building once belonged to the Church and may have been a commanderie for the Knights of Malta.
Anyone with an interest in history and Mediterranean culture cannot resist the fascination of this Sicilan castle surrounded by lush gardens, olive groves and vineyards, now with its own swimming pool and renovated tennis court.

Hva gjør dette overnattingsstedet unikt?

We love santa Maria for it's romantic castle-like aspect and the beauty of the grounds. It has been a privilege to enhance the interior of the 17th century building and create a Mediterranean garden to complement the existing orange grove, olive trees and cypresses planted by previous generations.


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