Maison entière

Sunrise Villa - Un lieu de rassemblement abordable en bord de mer pour la famille et les amis

Galerie de photos de l’hébergement Sunrise Villa - Un lieu de rassemblement abordable en bord de mer pour la famille et les amis

Terrain de l’hébergement




8 chambres9 salles de bain ou plus26 personnes1021.9 m²

Commodités populaires

  • Vue sur la plage
    Vue sur la plageVue sur la plage
  • Déjeuner disponible
    Déjeuner disponibleDéjeuner disponible
  • Baignoire à remous
    Baignoire à remousBaignoire à remous
  • Laveuse
  • Piscine
  • Barbecue

Explorez la région

Cabrera, MTS
  • Lieu populairePlaya Diamante8 min en voiture
  • Lieu populaireLagon Dudú10 min en voiture
  • Lieu populairePlaya La Entrada14 min en voiture

Chambres et lits

8 chambres (26 personnes)

Chambre 1

1 très grand lit

Chambre 2

1 futon (double) et 1 très grand lit

Chambre 3

1 futon (double) et 1 très grand lit

Chambre 4

1 futon (double) et 1 très grand lit

Chambre 5

1 très grand lit et 1 lit enfant

Chambre 6

1 très grand lit et 1 futon (double)

Chambre 7

1 très grand lit

Chambre 8

1 très grand lit et 1 lit enfant

9 salles de bain, 1 salle avec toilette et lavabo

Salle de bain 1

Baignoire ou douche · Baignoire · Toilettes · Baignoire à jets · Douche en plein air

Salle de bain 2

Toilettes · Douche uniquement · Baignoire à jets

Salle de bain 3

Toilettes · Douche uniquement · Baignoire à jets

Salle de bain 4

Toilettes · Douche uniquement

Salle de bain 5

Baignoire ou douche · Toilettes

Salle de bain 6

Baignoire ou douche · Toilettes

Salle de bain 7

Toilettes · Douche uniquement

Salle de bain 8

Toilettes · Douche uniquement · Baignoire à jets

Salle de bain 9

Salle de bain 10

Baignoire ou douche · Toilettes · Baignoire à jets · Douche en plein air

Espaces supplémentaires

Terrasse en bois ou patio
Véranda ou lanai
Douche en plein air
Coin salle à manger séparé

À propos de cet hébergement

Sunrise Villa - Un lieu de rassemblement abordable en bord de mer pour la famille et les amis

Quartier: Orchid Bay Estates
Par nuit: À partir de 2000 $
Taille de la propriété: 8 chambres / 10 salles de bain
Type de propriété: Beachfront Luxury Villa
Couchages: 16-26
Pertinence: familles, couples, grands groupes
Vue: Plage, Piscine


Sunrise Villa est une location de villa en bord de mer privée qui offre 5 acres de 400 pieds de plage dans le quartier fermé exclusif d'Orchid Bay Estates, Cabrera, République dominicaine. Sunrise Villa a plus de 11 000 pieds carrés avec 8 chambres à coucher, un grand salon avec coin repas et un vaste extérieur avec une grande piscine privée et un bain à remous.

Sunrise Villa est une villa individuelle composée d'une collection de bâtiments, dont 5 contiennent un total de 8 chambres à coucher. Les bâtiments sont situés dans toute la propriété, à quelques pas des installations de la maison principale. Chacun est entouré de jardins botaniques qui inspirent une ambiance apaisante et relaxante. Les suites disposent de tout le confort que vous attendez.

En entrant dans la maison principale de la villa, vous découvrirez le grand hall d'entrée et les salons et salles de jeux à couper le souffle, la cuisine du chef et le bar Manana. La vue sur l'eau bleue scintillante confirmera que vous avez trouvé le paradis!

Inspirée de l'élégance et de l'intimité d'un village moderne de Bali, la Sunrise Villa insuffle du romantisme dans la vie de vos vacances romantiques à la plage. Notre prestigieuse location de villa de luxe en République Dominicaine a été conçue et construite entre 2001-02.

Il est devenu la villa de destination idéale pour une escapade de vacances de luxe adaptée aux réunions de famille, aux fêtes d'anniversaire, aux mariages sur la plage de l'île, aux destinations de golf des Caraïbes ainsi qu'aux escapades romantiques d'un week-end. Nous accueillons les familles et avons même organisé des activités pour les enfants, les adolescents et les jeunes adultes dirigées par un hôte de jeunesse. Avec plus de dix ans d'expérience en location de vacances en République dominicaine, nous pensons que nos clients repartiront avec des souvenirs de vacances pour durer toute une vie.

Vous voulez être aventureux et visiter l'île, mais vous ne savez pas où aller? Notre villa entièrement équipée comprend un concierge, un barman, une masseuse, des femmes de chambre et plus encore pour répondre à tous vos besoins. Une fois installé, profitez de la piscine et du bain à remous, faites une sieste dans le hamac, promenez-vous sur la plage ou prenez un bain de soleil au bord de la piscine!

Nous vous invitons à explorer notre site Web et à découvrir les merveilles de la République dominicaine et la luxueuse villa de vacances des Caraïbes qui vous attend. Voyez par vous-même pourquoi plus de 5 000 invités au cours des dernières années ont adoré et apprécié Sunrise Villa. Veuillez consulter notre visite virtuelle qui vous fournit des informations précises et de véritables vues non filtrées de Sunrise Villa. Pendant la visite, imaginez-vous dans le grand hall d'entrée, assis dans le bain à remous avec des amis, en train de dîner à l'extérieur et en vous faisant masser pour vous détendre. Tout cela peut être à vous, appelez-nous dès aujourd'hui! 1-866-99-VILLA. Notre site Web est très complet, de superbes photos, vidéos et bien plus d'informations.

Sunrise Villa est l'endroit ultime pour des vacances privées en location de villa en République dominicaine!


1. La Suite Diamante
> 1 roi
> Douche 2 personnes
> Salle de bain complète avec deux lavabos
> Situé au 2ème étage de la maison principale
> Balcon privé avec vue imprenable
> Coin salon

2. La suite Presidente
> 1 très grand lit dans la chambre
> 1 grand lit dans le salon
> 1000 pieds carrés
> Jacuzzi 2 personnes
> Bar
> Nommé d'après la lager locale exceptionnelle!
> Vue sur l'océan et la piscine
> Balcon privé
> Douche séparée
> Chambres et espaces de vie séparés

3 & 4. Les suites Royal Palm et Samana
> Salle de bain complète avec jacuzzi
> Véranda privée
> Vue spectaculaire sur l'océan!
> Ces suites toujours populaires sont séparées, mais identiques
> Ils sont chacun situés sur une falaise de 20 pieds qui donne sur l'océan
> Douche d'extérieur unique

5 et 6. La suite Piscina
> 2 chambres / 2 salles de bain
> Séjour communicant
> Chaque chambre a un lit king-size et un lit gigogne parfait pour les enfants
> Le salon dispose également d'un futon en taille réelle, d'une télévision et d'une PlayStation Sony
> Parfait pour des vacances en famille aux Caraïbes
> Vue sur la piscine et l'océan
> Suite au bord de la piscine
> Véranda privée

7 et 8. The Garden Suites
> 2 suites luxueuses avec lit King
> Balcon
> Chaque suite a 875 pieds carrés
> Douche et baignoire jacuzzi
> Salons avec canapés-lits queen
> Très privé
* Toutes les chambres disposent d'un coffre-fort pour verrouiller les objets de valeur, des placards spacieux et des réfrigérateurs de direction. Les suites Royal Palm, Samana, Presidente, Garden et Diamante proposent également un sèche-cheveux et une zone de maquillage spéciale avec des miroirs dans les bains.

Besoin d'espace pour vos amis et votre famille?


> Diamante Ensuite (A l'étage)
> Salle à manger
> Salle de jeux
> Cuisine du chef gastronomique
> Grand hall d'entrée
> Véranda pour bain à remous
> Salon avec télévision par câble gratuite
> Bar Manana complet avec mélangeurs et barman
> Salle d'eau
> Espace personnel


> Salle à manger: salle à manger pour 24 personnes
> Salle de jeux: espace situé dans la grande salle, table de billard, table de jeux, 10 places juste à côté du bar
> Hot Tub: des sièges véranda pour tout votre groupe. Belle vue sur la propriété, café du matin, manis / pedis, endroit calme pour faire une sieste. S'ouvre sur trois côtés vers l'extérieur
> Salon: stratégiquement placé pour profiter du cadre magnifique, tout en pouvant regarder la télévision
> Entrée de la maison principale: coin salon pour l'intimité et le calme à l'intérieur
> Manana Bar: Bar complet à service complet, barman, frigo-bar, pouvant accueillir au moins 20 personnes. S'ouvre sur trois côtés pour un jardin luxuriant entretenu et une piscine chauffée


> Beach Cliff Overlook: Plus loin, 6 places, donnant sur la plage à proximité de plusieurs chambres
> Terrasse et belvédère: notre magnifique espace pour manger en plein air
> Pont avant: mobilier d'extérieur confortable pour se détendre et se divertir
> Échiquier géant: comprend des banquettes en bois faites à la main
> Gazebo de massage: point le plus éloigné de la maison principale. Idéal pour des massages de rêve, des bains de soleil privés,
intimité totale
> Party Hot Tub: peut contenir 16 personnes et peut être apprécié toute l'année
> Piscine privée: avec une extrémité peu profonde pour les enfants, un grand espace pour les bains de soleil
> Wedding Point: une vue sans fin sur l'eau bleue étincelante tout en regardant les voiliers passer au loin

Gestionnaire de l’hébergement


Langues parlées



Baignoire à remous

Règles de l’hébergement

Possibilité d’horaires d’arrivée flexibles (contactez l’hôte avant votre arrivée)
Âge minimum pour la location : 25 ans
Flexible check-out available (contact host to arrange)


Enfants autorisés : de 0 à 17 ans
Kids activities!


Événements autorisés : réunions de famille, fêtes d'anniversaire et mariages
No outside guests mandatory meal plan see attached

Animaux de compagnie

Animaux de compagnie non autorisés


Fumeurs autorisés : dans certaines zones déterminées
No smoking in bedrooms

Renseignements importants

À savoir

Des frais pour toute personne supplémentaire peuvent être facturés et dépendent de la politique de l'hébergement
Une pièce d'identité officielle avec photo et un dépôt de garantie en espèces, par carte de crédit ou par carte de débit, peuvent être demandés à l'arrivée pour couvrir tous frais imprévus
Les demandes spéciales, qui ne peuvent pas être garanties, sont soumises à disponibilité à l'arrivée et peuvent entraîner des frais supplémentaires
Les fêtes et événements (y compris les réunions de famille, les fêtes d'anniversaire et les mariages) sur place sont autorisés ; nombre maximum de participants : 26
Note du propriétaire : no outside guests mandatory meal plan see attached
L'hôte n'a pas indiqué si l'hébergement était équipé d'un détecteur de monoxyde de carbone ; pensez à apporter un détecteur portable lors de votre séjour
L'hôte n'a pas indiqué si l'hébergement était équipé d'un détecteur de fumée
Cet hébergement comprend les dispositifs de sécurité suivants : un extincteur et une trousse de secours

À noter

Une voiture n'est pas nécessaire pour accéder à l'hébergement et se déplacer pendant le séjour

À propos du quartier


Cette villa vous donne rendez-vous à Cabrera, plus précisément sur la plage. Vous cherchez une activité ? À vous l'immanquable Parcours de golf de Playa Grande ! En outre, chacun pourra apprécier la beauté naturelle de la région en découvrant les splendides Plage el Bretón et Playa Diamante. Les points d'eau des environs sont le décor idéal pour vous adonner à de nouvelles activités telles que le kayak et la plongée sous-marine tandis que les amoureux d'aventures en plein air pourront plutôt opter pour la randonnée et la randonnée en VTT.
Cabrera, MTS

À proximité

  • Playa Diamante - 8 min en voiture
  • Plage el Bretón - 9 min en voiture
  • Lagon Dudú - 10 min en voiture
  • Playa La Entrada - 14 min en voiture
  • Playa Grande - 29 min en voiture


  • Aéroport international El Catey, Samaná, République dominicaine (AZS) - 83 min en voiture


  • ‪Cappuccino - ‬12 min en voiture
  • ‪Restaurant Pizzeria Mi Jardin Steak House - ‬5 min en voiture
  • ‪Hacienda Flor Café - ‬12 min en voiture
  • ‪D'todo Restaurant & Parador - ‬9 min en voiture
  • ‪Mira Cielo - ‬6 min en voiture

Foire aux questions

L'hébergement Sunrise Villa - Un lieu de rassemblement abordable en bord de mer pour la famille et les amis dispose-t-il d'une piscine ?

Oui, cet hébergement vous propose une piscine extérieure.

Les animaux domestiques sont-ils admis dans l'hébergement Sunrise Villa - Un lieu de rassemblement abordable en bord de mer pour la famille et les amis ?

Non, les animaux de compagnie ne sont pas admis au sein de l'hébergement.

Où se situe l'hébergement Sunrise Villa - Un lieu de rassemblement abordable en bord de mer pour la famille et les amis ?

Dans la zone de Cabrera, cette villa de front de mer se situe à moins de 10 km des sites suivants : Plage el Bretón, Playa Diamante et Lagon Dudú. Playa La Entrada et Plage Balnerio Arroyo Salado sont également à 15 km de distance.




Les avis sont présentés en ordre chronologique, soumis à un processus de modération et vérifiés, à moins d’indication contraire.
En savoir plusS’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre
Note de 10 – Excellent, d’après 46 avis sur 46." "
Note de 8 – Bien, d’après 0 avis sur 46." "
Note de 6 – Acceptable, d’après 0 avis sur 46." "
Note de 4 – Médiocre, d’après 0 avis sur 46." "
Note de 2 – Terrible, d’après 0 avis sur 46." "










Exactitude de l’annonce


10/10 – Excellent

Todd H.

Points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement, exactitude de l’annonce
Best Vacation Rental Ever
My family will never forget this trip. Ramone and Sandy were the best. Treated us like we were family. Now all of my kids and grandkids feel the same way. Do not hesitate. Book your next trip here.
Séjour de 8 nuits en décembre 2021

10/10 – Excellent


Points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement, exactitude de l’annonce

10/10 – Excellent

Bruce D., USA

Amazing from start to finish.
Near Southeast Community Partners is a Washington DC based organization that supports schools and the environment. We decided to hold a retreat at the villa to plan for future growth, team building and more. It was the best decision that we could have made. As a result of the surroundings, we accomplished everything the we set out to do. We have a plan for the future, a new outlook on our mission and are excited for what we can accomplish going forward. We arrived at the villa to a staff waiting to greet us with open arms, ushered us to the Mañana bar for a welcome drink and we had a wonderful dinner overlooking the pool and beach. Each meal was exceptional. We combined work with fun and relaxation. All of our meetings ran over and we found that no one was looking at their watches. Some of our directors went on a scuba diving trip and we all explored the wonders of Cabrera and surrounding area lead by the staff at the villa. If your organization is looking to hold a retreat, why sit in a conference room with a view of 4 walls when you can look at the pool and the ocean? Why not stay in a place that is exclusive to your group? The only downside to going to the villa is leaving when the trip is over. The property, staff and surroundings are amazing and our group is already planning a return trip. Thank you for an experience we will never forget.

10/10 – Excellent

Michael M., North Chesterfield, VA

Best Vacation of My Life
This trip could not have been any better. I've traveled all over the world during my 20+ year military career and Sunrise Villa ranks at the top of my most enjoyable experiences. First of all, the Dominican Republic is a gorgeous and friendly country. The people are kind and eager to assist at all times. Kevin Potter has created a paradise in the midst of an already beautiful setting. Sunrise Villa is perfectly positioned to capture the true beauty of the island while offering all the amenities you would expect from a top tier resort. It has the feel of home, perfect for both a family with kids or adult getaway. The staff of Sunrise Villa go out of their way to make your stay perfect. Taking a page out of the playbook of Mr. Walt Disney, they are never in the way but always there when you need them. Sunrise Villa offers connections to many other getaway options. I took advantage of a three hour four-wheeler tour into the mountains offered from Everything Under the Sun Tours. Chris and team have a variety of options for all tastes and adventure levels. Our escorted excursions into the town and local beaches gave us even more flavor of the culture of the city, something I cherish as a person who loves to see humanity. I cannot end this without talking about the food. If you like fresh seafood every day, well prepare to be in Heaven. Many mornings I sat in perfect solitude enjoying the view of the namesake enjoying my cup of joe while watching tiny fishing vessels, often 1-2 manned, heading out to fish. When they returned with their catch that afternoon, Sunrise Villa chef (Frank) would select the evenings meal plan. Fresh Mahi-Mahi and some of the biggest Red Snapper I have ever seen were a daily addition to the menu. Juices squeezed from fresh fruits, the purest and tastiest meats and cheeses, you name it. It was just awesome. All in all, it was an amazing trip and I can't wait to return!

10/10 – Excellent

Anne D.

Third Time and Still a Charm!
Just returned from my third trip to Sunrise Villa, and it was as amazing as ever. Great food, accommodations, and people. Of course, massages and pedicures were part of the trip. Loved the half day outing to various local attractions, and the lunch at Playa Preciosa. How do I spell relaxation? Sunrise Villa.

10/10 – Excellent

Kevin B.

Fantastic place to vacation Great food, staff,and accommodations. Very fun off site beach excursions. Highly recommended, this is the place you need to go. Thank you all. Kevin and Kay

10/10 – Excellent

Frank S.

Best vacation ever!!
The wonderful setting, the great and attentive staff, everything was perfect. I especially liked having separate buildings or floors for each couple. That allowed for the ultimate in privacy. The food was simple, but very healthy and delicious. Each breakfast, lunch, and dinner were different, no duplications. The spa and pool were always the perfect temperature too. I was also surprised at the daily laundry service. Next time, I can limit my packing to just a few things. I totally would recommend this place to family and friends.
Cet avis a été soumis avant 2018 et n’a pas été vérifié.

10/10 – Excellent

Darlene V.

Heaven on earth
Our second trip to heaven on earth. We arrived at Sunrise Villa to the same familiar smiling faces and clapping hands. Greeted with hugs and all around love from the incredible staff. Ramon had beautiful cocktails waiting and our bags disappeared to our private villas within seconds. The hospitality never ends. We traveled with a group of six couples as we did the year before and this year we stayed in the Samana Suite. Trust me....all of the private villas are absolutely stunning but this one is almost beyond words. Sits at the peak of the property on a high cliff overlooking the ocean. Private veranda, gardens, outdoor shower and beautiful jacuzzi tub. The property was designed perfectly to accommodate hanging out as a group or retreating to a little private peacefulness. A tropical jungle beach is all of yours to enjoy. It is just steps down the beautiful coral cliffs that the villa sits on. Mr. Chris will take care of having chairs and refreshments brought down for's a perfect spot to enjoy some quiet time or exploring. This is the most beautiful beach I have ever visited by far. You can hear the lunch bell from the beach! When you hear the bell it is time to feast. Chef Frank and his kitchen staff put out a spread every meal that will leave you more than satisfied. Full on breakfast everyday....local seafood and meats ,fresh veggies and fruits, pastas and stews are all plentiful and delicious. He is an amazing cook and will cater to any of your culinary needs with a smile. Many nights spent singing and dancing over a few cocktails at the Manana Bar. Floating in the hot tub was my favorite pastime this year...especially in the evening. We visited a few local restaurants and beaches. This is all coordinated by worries. They were fun but you really do not need to leave the Villa....ever!! Much thanks and love to all the staff....Mr. Chris, Ramon, Chef Frank, Sandy, Rosa (best masseuse ever!), Vivianna and Papito..I know I am forgetting a few. We will see you next year!!! xo
Cet avis a été soumis avant 2018 et n’a pas été vérifié.

10/10 – Excellent

This was our 2nd visit to Sunrise Villa and AGAIN this place exceeded all expectations. Absolutely fantastic!! The staff is simply amazing greeting us as we arrived and actually knowing our names from our visit last year. That is very special. When choosing a destination, I'm the type of person who does MAJOR research before deciding and this place tops all by far. You will not be disappointed. The accommodations are very clean and beautiful...the grounds are spectacular. The food and drink is top notch!...quality, fresh and delicious!! Manana Bar rocks!...Ramon is the best bartender in the world. There is much to see and do outside the villa and the staff will arrange anything and everything...local restaurants, beautiful local beaches, lagoons, horseback riding on the beach, name it. You just give the staff your need and they set it all just enjoy!! This place is a must...look no further. Another awesome vacation...thank you Kevin and Jeanne (sunrise villa owners) and many thanks to the villa staff.
Cet avis a été soumis avant 2018 et n’a pas été vérifié.

10/10 – Excellent

I Repeat, Perfect Every Time!
This was the sixth trip to Sunrise Villa for my wife and I. We went with close friends -- 6 couples in total. As in prior years, Sunrise Villa never fails to please. Relaxation and as much adventure as we wanted, all in one trip! The staff makes you feel at home and the food -- all fresh local dishes by chef Frank --- is fantastic. And plenty of it! Chris, the manager, seems to never be satisfied until everyone is smiling big every day! And Ramone, the bartender, is the definition of service with a smile -- whether at the Manana bar or delivering to us loungers around the pool! The beach is huge and pristine - a great place to gather shells or just lounge. We also traveled to a nearby public beach this trip (Playa Caleton -- beautiful!) to get some crafts from local artists and a beach side lunch as well. The town of Cabrera also has its own treats and entertainment, especially, Manny's -- an ocean front bar/restaurant with a spectacular owner/chef. Despite some heavy partying, we were rested every day, ready for either a do-nothing day or some local touring and shopping. Usually end the days dancing to music around the Manana bar until the wee hours! This place makes you want to stay up all night! But when exhaustion hits, the beds and sheets are the most comfortable I have ever slept in. Kept the windows and doors open every night -- sleeping to the wonderful breeze and sound of the ocean. This place is a piece of heaven. Thank you Kevin for designing such an incredible getaway and tropical paradise that always delivers and keeps us coming back! The glow from our vacations here lasts for weeks!
Cet avis a été soumis avant 2018 et n’a pas été vérifié.

10/10 – Excellent

John H.

A bucket list must! Unbelievable!!!!!!!
If we went on fifty vacations we could never find another Sunrise Villa. Possibly the most beautiful place on the planet. The accommodations were nothing less than totally impressive. The facility, food, and staff where unsurpassed! Ramon the bartender is a pleasure and makes the Villa home for everyone. What a place! I would recommend this to anyone who wants to just relax and enjoy the most peaceful place on earth. We can't wait to visit again. Thanks Kevin and staff it was a dream vacation!
Cet avis a été soumis avant 2018 et n’a pas été vérifié.

10/10 – Excellent

stacey g.

Unsurpassed relaxation and beauty
All I should really say is that this was our 3rd time visiting Sunrise for our annual girls weekend of 18! Just the thought of pulling up in front of the beautiful villa and having Chris, Sandy, and the wonderful Sunrise crew waiting on the porch to welcome us keeps us coming back. But, it certainly doesn't stop there. As soon as you have a hunger pang, delicious fresh food mysteriously appears and Ramon is manning the bar ready to whip up everyone's favorites, even if there are 18 different ones! The rooms are lovely and clean, some with outdoor showers. Rosa's massages are a treat and not to be missed. The entire setting is beautiful and conducive to relaxing. Can't wait to go back in 2018!
Cet avis a été soumis avant 2018 et n’a pas été vérifié.

10/10 – Excellent

Gayle S.

Love Sunrise Villa!
This was the 3rd year for our annual girls getaway at Sunrise Villa. The minute we drove up to the villa we were greeted by the wonderful Sunrise Villa staff. I must say, it is like coming back to visit dear friends, lots of hugs and big smiles -- we instantly fell into vacation mode and Ramon was there to serve up his specialty cocktails, of course with his adorable charm! Ramon, Sandy, Frank, Pepito, Rosa and Chris are all so kind and treat us like family! Kevin, the owner, is extremely helpful and very responsive. The villa is so special -- it really is a retreat in so many ways. The views are just beautiful and the landscape makes you feel like you are worlds away. Relaxing by the pool, a walk on the beach, enjoying the hot tub while looking out towards the ocean, it truly defines relaxation. My favorite part is that it is not in a touristy area, there are no big hotels around. You really get a sense of the area and enjoy the beauty of Cabrera. It is a special place! We look forward to going back again in 2018! Can't wait!
Cet avis a été soumis avant 2018 et n’a pas été vérifié.

10/10 – Excellent

Wow, I don’t even know where to start. Simply amazing! Best vacation ever. My wife and I visited Sunrise Villa with 7 other couples and were treated like royalty beyond our expectations. Right from the start upon arrival we were greeted by the Sunrise staff and were made to feel comfortable and welcome immediately!! The entire staff continued to impress us with courteous service and hospitality above and beyond…everyday! The food was 5 star quality all week…every meal. I love seafood and I the dishes served was by far the freshest and tastiest I’ve ever had. Breakfast always included fresh squeezed fruit juices…the lunches and dinners were always perfectly cooked and presented (and I tend to be a food snob). It got to the point where you couldn’t wait for the lunch/dinner bell to ring. The design and layout of the villa itself was well thought out. The open concept throughout the main house is comfortable and very inviting allowing for shade if wanted or needed, and cover during a shower. Not to mention this is the location of the Manana Bar (my favorite), which ended up being the most popular meeting and hanging spot in the villa. Kudos to Ramon the bartender, who took care of the group with exotic drinks upon request and always at the ready for pleasant conversation. The guest villas are gorgeous, spacious and meticulously clean. Chris, the on-site manager, catered to our every whim and never once disappointed. From the trip downtown to Cabrera for local shopping; the day trip to Playa Grande Beach (a picturesque beach which also included a white linen lunch on the beach…of lobster and chicken!!); dinner and dancing at a local Cabrera staple called Manny’s and a delicious Italian dinner at Entre Amigos…all arranged by Chris and the Sunrise staff. The staff also provides massage, manicures and pedicures…onsite! I had a beautiful massage on the villa cliff overlooking the ocean…it was amazing. In closing, the best part about Sunrise Villa experience is that you NEVER worry about details. Chris and the staff handle EVERY detail based on your recommendation and desire. You just sit back and enjoy the experience. If you want a touristy, crowded, overpriced location, go somewhere else…if want a relaxing, no hassle, no worry UTOPIA choose Sunrise Villa.
Cet avis a été soumis avant 2018 et n’a pas été vérifié.

10/10 – Excellent

Darlene V.

Tropical Paradise!
We were invited to vacation here with a group of friends and their families. It was the best vacation we have ever had! The location is a tropical heaven, with perfect balance of ocean, beach and jungle. It literally is where the jungle meets the ocean. The beach is surrounded by coral cliffs and lined with palm trees. Perfect spot to relax with family and friends. Each time we ventured down to the ocean the staff eagerly packed up a cooler with snacks and drinks....made sure chairs were set up perfectly for all of us. The property is spectacular....a beautiful home set up for optimal views and total comfort. The villas are scattered throughout the property, each with its own uniqueness and charm. We stayed in the Garden suite and woke up each morning to a view of orchid gardens and jungle...beautiful! The staff will take care of absolutely everything you need. They tend to you on the property and make sure everything is handled for you if you choose to venture off for dinner, drinks at Mannys or one of the many local adventures. Nothing is overlooked. The food.....cooked fresh every meal with all of the local offerings. We had everything and it was all outstanding. I arrived hungry and after our first meal I was never hungry again...they just keep feeding you. Ramon at the bar will become your best friend. The best bartender in Cabrera! Mr. Chris, the concierge, is a local expert on all things and will make sure whatever need or desire is taken care of. He takes care of his guests and can feel the love! Oh....the massages, table set up wherever you want...cliff overlooking ocean. Don't leave without at east one. We're coming back...!
Cet avis a été soumis avant 2018 et n’a pas été vérifié.

10/10 – Excellent

Stuart M.

Beauty to the extreme
My husband and I have been there many times. And we hope to go back many more times. The Villa is itself is totally beautiful, each bedroom is unique in its own way, they each have their own name. Last time we stayed in Diamante. Staff is very friendly and helpful. When we have wanted to go to some of the surrounding beaches they put together a cooler, towels and arrange transportation. Lots of smiles. They will do whatever you need to have done to make your stay pleasant. The food is fresh, delicious, and plentiful. The sun comes up right over the beach and you go to bed with the sound of the waves as background music, so soothing and peaceful. We are actually going back in January to see the whales migrating right off the beach there! You absolutely will never regret taking family and friends there.
Cet avis a été soumis avant 2018 et n’a pas été vérifié.

10/10 – Excellent

Anne T.

You won't want to vacation anywhere else!
Sunrise Villa is amazing! The layout of the Villa is perfect. The rooms and separate little villas are clean, comfortable and beautiful. The staff is superb!! They are kind & accommodating. The food is fresh, healthy, local and amazing. The bar and bartender, Ramon, are perfect! We enjoyed fresh pina coladas and fresh guacamole at 5pm every day! The pool and hot tub are relaxing and clean and there is ample space to sit in the sun or the shade around the pool. The view is breath-taking and the beach is great for walking and finding sea treasures. If you have any need, they will take care of it. Everything is thought of and you are treated like a celebrity! From in-house mani/peids and cliff-side massages (simply a MUST) to beach picnics and bonfires with music and quiet evenings on your private patio... it's your vacation and you can do what you want! Perfect for relaxing and getting away from the hustle and bustle of life. You must experience Sunrise Villa! We had 5 couples in our group and it was perfect. You could easily have many more people; however, 5-7 couples (or less) is what I would recommend. There isn't a lot for young children to do, so I wouldn't necessarily recommend this as a family destination. There is a small town close by (Cabrera) but there isn't much there. There are no big resorts or big tourist attractions anywhere near the Villa. Which makes it really nice (no other tourists anywhere!); however, a little tricky to get to. From Santo Domingo airport - plan on a two or two and a half hour cab ride! The swimming right in front of the Villa isn't very good. There is a lot of coral and sea urchins. Plus, there can be an undertow. However, there are some excursions (horseback riding, snorkeling, kayaking, etc.) that the Villa will arrange for you if you desire. We ventured to Laguna Dudu, which is a freshwater sinkhole near the Villa - definitely worth checking out. We went to La Playa Grande one day. It is a beautiful beach with great swimming and surfing! My husband and I took an hour cab ride (arranged by Villa) to Caberete (an international kite-surfing destination) so he could kite-surf. Definitely something to check out. We enjoyed some Presidentes (Dominican beer) and fresh fish tacos on the beach at the Kite Club. It was a lot of fun to watch over 75 kite surfers zooming across the ocean! Once you visit the Villa - you won't want to vacation anywhere else!
Cet avis a été soumis avant 2018 et n’a pas été vérifié.

10/10 – Excellent

Rachael R., Little Silver, NJ

Amazing place for a getaway with friends!
This was our second year heading to the Sunrise Villa for our annual girls' getaway. 18 of us, 4 nights, 5 days, a lifetime of memories. As expected, the staff at Sunrise Villa did not disappoint! When we arrived we were greeted by Chris and Sandy and we felt like we never left. Ramon was behind the bar waiting accommodate any special request (no ice, some ice, not too much tequila, only tequila). One of our bags never made it and Sandy and Chris bent over backwards to make sure it was delivered the next day. Frank was able to accommodate our food requests and every meal was cooked to perfection. Fresh caught fish, vegetables with every meal. The views are unparalleled! The rooms are clean and comfortable and the decor is welcoming, especially the collection of wooden giraffes. We really didn't feel the need to leave the villa but are glad we made it out to Manny's Bar for a night of dancing, drinks and fun. We are not any easy group to please but we think they have us figured out and we are already planning our third visit!
Cet avis a été soumis avant 2018 et n’a pas été vérifié.

10/10 – Excellent

Donna L.

My husband and I traveled to The Sunrise Villa with ten other friends for the first time, and we could not have been happier with our entire stay. The Villa is BEAUTIFUL both inside and out. There was plenty of personal space for us to be together as a group, or to get away for some quiet time, as well. We enjoyed countless hours at the pool and the hot tub. Plus, beach front is gorgeous, and we enjoyed hours out there watching the waves, sunbathing and hoping for a humpback whale to swim by. When we wanted to go out and see the sights we enjoyed a day at a nearby swimming beach, snorkeling, horseback riding and a trip to the DuDu' with one of the area's excursion companies. Not sure what the DuDu', is check it out online. The staff at Sunrise is first rate! They made the trip absolutely perfect! Everyone did whatever they could to make our stay unforgettable, from our fabulous bartender, the massage therapist, the manicures and pedicures, the groundskeepers, house staff and the chef.The meals were very good, my only complaint is that that we had too much food, my clothes were all a little to snug when we left! .
Cet avis a été soumis avant 2018 et n’a pas été vérifié.

10/10 – Excellent

A wonderful week in paradise
My husband and I along with 10 good friends stayed for a week in this paradise overlooking the Atlantic. The view is spectacular as are the grounds. It was a week of being pampered and indulged. The staff were warm and friendly and constantly making certain we had anything we needed or wanted, from delicious food, beverages, a massage or a mani/pedicure. We hope to make a return trip sometime in the near future.
Cet avis a été soumis avant 2018 et n’a pas été vérifié.

10/10 – Excellent

Best vacation EVER!!!!!!!
I have been traveling quite a lot in the last few years and this place is hands down the most wonderful experience so far. WONDERFUL staff, so beautiful, so many fun and interesting things to do. It is magical. A true vacation. No need for a vacation after your vacation. I am already trying to figure out how and when to take my whole family here. Just the best. Don't miss out and don't look anywhere else!!!!!
Cet avis a été soumis avant 2018 et n’a pas été vérifié.

10/10 – Excellent

What a relaxing week
I spent the week with my husband and 10 other friends at Sunrise Villa. I have had many travel experiences across the world but this was one of the best. There are activities to keep you occupied like horseback riding and one of the most beautiful beaches minutes away. If you want to relax and enjoy the people with you you can swimming, get a message (great) and other personal amenities are available. We also felt the place was ours and could choose to party into the night or go to bed early. The staff are there to help with anything and always pleasant. I hope to return
Cet avis a été soumis avant 2018 et n’a pas été vérifié.

10/10 – Excellent

Deborah M.

Escape to Paradise!
This was our third trip and each time it gets better! The villa itself is beautifully appointed and so comfortable for a large group to gather and party together--or if you prefer peace and quiet to read and just lounge, there's plenty of space for that too. Our first trip was with a group of teenagers and adults and everyone had a blast--riding ATVs, horses, snorkeling, sightseeing and shopping. This trip was all adults but just as much fun--glass bottom boat ride through the mangroves was a highlight. Our private suite, La Samana is incredibly comfortable, you can lay in bed and have the doors open to the breeze and ocean views where we watched the sunrise and had coffee on our private patio. The outdoor shower is not to be missed! The staff are amazing--so caring and helpful. I think everyone in our group had a massage under an outdoor thatched roof area that is perfectly private overlooking the ocean. Others had manicures, pedicures, rides to town for shopping or beaching with a picnic lunch. We will return often--it's paradise!
Cet avis a été soumis avant 2018 et n’a pas été vérifié.

10/10 – Excellent

My 40th Birthday Extravaganza
From my initial contact with Kevin, the owner, to the day I left, my experience was amazing!!! I felt like I was on a reality show or someone was filming me the whole time. My arrival was nerve wracking and exciting at the same time. I only had experience from what others said online and the owner, no references of my own. When I arrived at Sunrise Villa all my doubts and fears disappeared as I was greeted in the driveway by the Sunrise Villa staff. Chris, the house manager, greeted me and a few of my friends with a smile and a warm welcome with Rum Punch Drinks!!!! Thanks Ramon. I can go on and on about how amazing my stay was. MY trip was for my 40th Bday celebration. In my party it was 16 of us and each of us was blown away by the staff and property at Sunrise Villa. We spent 5days and 4 nights here. Oh I forgot to mention how accommodating the staff were to my group…My husband plays Latin percussion and my brother-in-law plays the guitar and asked Chris did they happen to have any instruments around… by day two Chris had two congas and guitar for them to play and serenade us with their version of American/Latin music. We were so shocked that Chris made sure we had no regrets or wants while at the villa!!! Thanks Chris! And if you have an issue just let the staff know they will make it better, they did for us. And I do not like cats – AT ALL. They freak me out, Chris and the staff kept all cats away from me – They don’t know how much this made my Birthday trip the best, because you cannot travel to anywhere on an island and not have cats! I rate this Sunrise Villa and its staff, Emerald Status –Platinum is not enough. I give everything about the Villa 6-stars! The Owner Kevin and his Staff: Chris, Ramon, Sandy, Frank, Rosa, Vivian, and the guys who built the bon fire and the staff who danced with us at the Luau – made our trip amazing! I would recommend this trip to the POTUS and any Americans who wants to have a private, relaxing, party, and see spectacular views of the DR. Outside the villa: horseback riding (awesome), beach lunch(best ever –must do), and Dinner at Italian Restaurant (OK-but nice)
Cet avis a été soumis avant 2018 et n’a pas été vérifié.

10/10 – Excellent

Gretchen H., Northern Virginia/ Washington DC

Been coming for 10 years and it only gets better!!
If you are looking at places to rent for a friend or family get away, BOOK THIS PLACE NOW! Seriously, look no further! The owner and the staff make sure you have a wonderful time and are so incredibly easy to deal ever on VRBO or other rental sites! My husband and our friends have been coming for over 10 years and we always can't wait to come back! We keep saying we need to try somewhere else, but honestly nothing compares. From the moment you step through the open beautiful teak wood doors in this amazing place, til you have to sadly pack, you will be relaxed and your every wish can be catered to or you can be left alone - that's the beauty of Sunrise Villa. I honestly don't know how to explain it to someone who has never been but when you rent this place, you get the ENTIRE place. It's not like renting a room in an "inn" for a few nights, you literally live in this place for the entire time. The staff has been together for over 10 years with very little turnover which in any business is pretty much amazing in itself. The fresh cooked meals that Frank makes are delicious and always something for everyone. Ramon the bartender makes a wonderful host and the most amazing drinks on the island! You want a massage? Don't worry, Rosa will give you the best massage of your life. Trust me, I've paid plenty at high end resorts and none compare to Rosa! Need a mani/pedi, Mariela will do it for you. You can get it all without every leaving Sunrise! I am NEVER as relaxed as when I am vacationing here and I can't wait to book our next trip!

À propos de l’hôte

Hôte : Kevin

Image de profil de l’hôte
We're the Potters, from Northern Virginia. We didn't buy Sunrise Villa, we designed and built it. We're both semi-retired, and actively involved in the running of the property and it is our favorite little corner of paradise. KP does the managment and marketing side, JP does the creative. you'll see her work throughout the villa. Our 3 sons absolutely love Sunrise Villa. Our extended family have all enjoyed time there as well.

We love luxury travel but prefer luxury that is laid back, understated, and relaxing. Sunrise fits that philosophy to a tee.

Voici pourquoi l’hôte a choisi cet hébergement

We love the Dominican Republic. The island is lush and beautiful. The ocean is stunning. We love the food, the cigars, and the rum. The real secret is the Dominicans themselves. They are the nicest folks in the Caribbean.

We donate 100% of any profits locally. Currently 4 staff children receive scholarships to attend private schools. We are also the sole support of the local youth soccer league. 100 kids!

Voici ce qui rend cet hébergement unique

Sunrise Villa is a very unique property. We promise you'll find no place like it on the island, and probably not in the Caribbean.

The villa design is like no other. Check out the video, it's photo #3 in the gallery!

The house is very very upscale, but also extremely laid back, relaxing, and comfortable.

Sunrise is our personal getaway/party palace on the beach. Come visit us and see why we have so many repeat guests.

The key to our success is the wonderful staff at the villa. Come see why so many people call the the our folks the "best villa staff ever"

Sunrise is very popular with multi-generation family groups

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