
ヴィラズカサローマ - (スイート103):トロピカルヴィラにプールと壮大な景色があります!

Villas Casa Loma - Suite 103: Tropical Villa with Pools and Spectacular Views!

ヴィラズカサローマ - (スイート103):トロピカルヴィラにプールと壮大な景色があります!の写真ギャラリー

リビング エリア
リビング エリア




ベッドルーム 1 室バスルーム 1 室以上定員 5 名


  • バーベキューグリル
  • プール
  • 洗濯機
  • ペット歓迎
  • 屋外スペース
  • キッチン


3:00 PM


10:00 AM


Playa Flamingo
  • 人気の観光スポットプラヤ ポトレロ徒歩 4 分
  • 人気の観光スポットフラミンゴ ビーチ車で 4 分
  • 人気の観光スポットプラヤ ブラシリート車で 7 分
  • 空港リベリア (LIR-ダニエル オドゥベール国際空港)車で 67 分


客室 & ベッド

ベッドルーム 1 室 (定員 5 名)

ベッドルーム 1

シングルベッド 1 台およびキングベッド 1 台

バスルーム 1 室、トイレ / 洗面所 1 室

バスルーム 1

浴槽またはシャワー · トイレ

バスルーム 2





ヴィラズカサローマ - (スイート103):トロピカルヴィラにプールと壮大な景色があります!

広いダイニングエリア - 再び大きな窓があり、 "屋外リビングルーム"テラス、太平洋と緑豊かな環境へと歩いて行くことができます。 ゲスト用に追加の½バスタブもあります。
マスターベッドルームには、ポスターベッド4台、キッチン付きのオープンテラスへのウォークアウト、大きなウォークスルーのドレッシングルーム、天窓付きのフルバスルームが備わります。 このスイートは、壮大な景色、完全な快適さ、絶対的なプライバシーを提供しています!
必要に応じてSuite 103のリビングルームにベッドを追加することができます。

**ここに表示されている価格は、ベッドルームあたり2人の人数に基づいています。 追加ゲスト1名につき1泊につき20ドルの追加料金がかかります。
追加のベッドは管理のために配置することができます。 **


宿泊施設は豊かな熱帯林に覆われた高い天井を特徴とし、地域の芸術と陶器を補完しています。 ガラスの壁やラップアラウンドテラスでは、周囲の海、丘、谷の息を呑むような景色を楽しめます。 ハチドリ、オウム、蝶、イグアナ、サル、地図、さらにはオセロットや他の野生の猫、コチムンディ、アルマジロ、アングリータなど、鳥や動物の多くの品種が、私たちの民間の保護区の周囲の丘と渓谷に生息しています。
あなたのヴィラからわずか数分で、スーパーマーケット、お店、ホテル、ディスコ、4つの世界的なゴルフコース、カジノ、レストランがあり、最も厳しい口座を満たすことができます。 バーベキューグリルにはオンサイトBBQが用意されています。 (キャッチ、ステーキ、エビを家に持ち帰り、友人や家族と共有しましょう!)。
陸上や海上での冒険活動はすべて簡単に行けます。 シュノーケリング、サーフィン、ビーチイン、バードウォッチング、セーリング、釣り(オンショアとオフショア) - 簡単に手配可能です。 土地のアクティビティには、いくつかのエリアのジップライン、乗馬、ATVの冒険、火山へのハイキング、泥、ミネラル温泉、サイクリング、川のラフティング、滝の探索などがあります。 私たちは常にあなたの快適さと利便性のためにここにいます。
静かな生活が魅力的な場合は、オアシスのような42フィートのプールで手のひらの下に座り、美しいトロピカルガーデンをお楽しみください。 それを全部 - あるいは何もしません!
緑の歓迎コスタリカへようこそ - 人工成分はありません!

- 60日以上の予告で、デポジットの20%の手数料の全額払い戻し.
- 60日未満:上記のように払い戻しは、宿泊施設が同じ期間に満たされる場合にのみ払い戻されます。

**ここに表示されている価格は、ベッドルームあたり2人の人数に基づいています。 追加ゲスト1名につき1泊につき20ドルの追加料金がかかります。
追加のベッドは管理のために配置することができます。 **


...他のユニットも利用可能です。 詳細については、当社の他のホームアウェイリストをご覧ください:4536146; 4568386; 4568387; 4568388; 4568389; 4568390; 4568392; 4568393; 4569394; 4568395; 4568396; 4568397; 4570681


...他のユニットも利用可能です。 詳細については、当社の他のホームアウェイリストをご覧ください:4536136; 4568386; 4568387; 4568388; 4568389; 4568390; 4568392; 4568393; 4569394; 4568395; 4568396; 4568397; 4570681


Dr. Igor Svoboda




WiFi (無料)


チェックイン : 15:00 以降
代表者の最低年齢 : 18 歳
チェックアウト : 10:00 より前


子供の利用可 : 0 ~ 17 歳


No loud music after 9 PM


ペットとの宿泊可 : 1 匹あたりの体重が 23 kg 未満 (合計 2 匹まで)
Returnable damage deposit required...


Use outside showers to remove sand when returning from the beach...
No glass around the pools, please...
Please respect other guests' privacy. Keep noise levels down...



場合により、チェックイン時に政府発行の写真付き身分証明書と付随費用精算のためのクレジットカード / デビットカードのご提示、または現金でのデポジットのお支払いが必要です
敷地内でパーティーおよびイベントの開催が可能です (最大参加人数 : 20 名)
オーナーからの注記事項 : No loud music after 9 PM




カボ ヴェラス

このヴィラは、カボ ヴェラスの海沿いにあり、市内中心部に位置しています。美しい自然を堪能できるプラヤ ポトレロやフラミンゴ ビーチは、幅広い人におすすめできるスポットです。 アクティビティを楽しみたいなら、レセルバ コンチャル ゴルフ コースはいかがでしょう。ハラス デル マー エケストリアン センターとモンキー パークも訪れる価値のあるスポットです。サファリウォーク、バードウォッチングなどの現地ツアーに参加して、現地の野生動物を見に行きませんか。
Playa Flamingo


  • プラヤ ポトレロ - 徒歩 4 分
  • フラミンゴ ビーチ - 車で 4 分
  • プラヤ ブラシリート - 車で 7 分
  • レセルバ コンチャル ゴルフ コース - 車で 11 分
  • コンチャル ビーチ - 車で 49 分


  • タマリンド空港 (TNO) から車で 32 分


  • ‪Las Brisas - ‬車で 5 分
  • ‪The Beach House - ‬徒歩 4 分
  • ‪Coco Loco Bar & Restaurant - ‬車で 5 分
  • ‪Capriccios Pizza Bistro & Café - ‬車で 4 分
  • ‪Deli Cafe - ‬車で 6 分


ヴィラズカサローマ - (スイート103):トロピカルヴィラにプールと壮大な景色があります!にプールはありますか ?


ヴィラズカサローマ - (スイート103):トロピカルヴィラにプールと壮大な景色があります!はペットと宿泊できますか ?

はい、この宿泊施設には体重が 1 匹あたり 23 kg までのペットを同伴できます (1 室につき 2 匹まで)。

ヴィラズカサローマ - (スイート103):トロピカルヴィラにプールと壮大な景色があります!のチェックインは何時ですか ?

チェックイン開始は 15:00 です。

ヴィラズカサローマ - (スイート103):トロピカルヴィラにプールと壮大な景色があります!のチェックアウトは何時ですか ?

チェックアウトは 10:00 です。

ヴィラズカサローマ - (スイート103):トロピカルヴィラにプールと壮大な景色があります!はどこにありますか ?

カボ ヴェラス中心部に位置するこのヴィラは、ポトレロ湾およびプラヤ ポトレロから徒歩 5 分圏内です。フラミンゴ ビーチおよびペンカ ビーチも 5 km 圏内です。




評価 10 - 50 件の口コミ中 47 件が非常に良い" "
評価 8 - 50 件の口コミ中 1 件が良い" "
評価 6 - 50 件の口コミ中 0 件が普通" "
評価 4 - 50 件の口コミ中 2 件が不満" "
評価 2 - 50 件の口コミ中 0 件が非常に不満" "












10/10 (非常に良い)

Jeff S.

良かった点 : 清潔度、チェックイン、コミュニケーション、ロケーション、掲載情報の正確さ
Igor is a good man, and runs an excellent property
We really enjoyed our stay. The property has I think five structures, all quite unique, with high quality construction, on a mountainside. Located five minutes from the beach, a large marina, and many restaurants. We were there for a month, and tried many of the restaurants, and we were never disappointed, not once. Good food, good service, and always with tables outdoors. The local people are just as nice and friendly as can be. While we were there several previous guests showed up for repeat visits. Great views. Playa Flamingo and Playa Conchal are excellent beaches. I love the laissez - faire attitudes in Costa Rica. The country has no military, and the culture is live and let live. Pura Vida!
2023 年 2 月に 28 泊滞在

4/10 (不満)

Allison N.、Toronto, Canada

良かった点 : コミュニケーション
気になった点 : チェックイン、掲載情報の正確さ
Outdated but great view
We were disappointed when we arrived. The unit was very outdated, smelled and we were told that we would need to pay $150 dollars before we were given the A/C remote controls. The fellow who met us for check in did not speak any English which made the whole check-in process challenging. The unit is very large, has a great view a lovely pool but is in desperate need of an update. Also, the pictures are not all of this unit - there is no infinity pool!
2021 年 5 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

linda b.

Gorgeous location, wonderful hospitality
While everything else in this area seems imposed upon the landscape -- brutalist condo buildings and impersonal hotels -- Tom and Igor's place, built 30 years ago when the area was still undeveloped -- puts local materials and a local sensibility to spectacular ends. It's the best of both worlds, combining magnificent views of mountains and sea with an intimate sense of being in a secret garden. Nowhere else do you see such dense, nurtured, well-loved and well-landscaped tropical plantings, watered every single day by members of Tom and Igor's loyal, consistent staff. This was our fourth visit to the Villas, and we have already reserved our rooms for next year. Two immaculate pools, one completely private and the other surrounded by cascading bougainvillea, are provided for guests who decide to spend their days on the property; but within five, ten or twenty minutes are a selection of heartbreakingly beautiful beaches. The place is convenient to many restaurants (I particularly recommend A lo Nico) and also to surf shops and resorts that can provide all the usual beach adventures and entertainments. Finally, Tom and Igor are the best hosts I have ever known. They are immediately responsive, warm and thoroughly companionable; and they have gone above and beyond the call of duty two or three times to rescue us from problems, including some of our own making. I cannot say enough about the magical place they have created and maintained for all these years.

10/10 (非常に良い)

Elaine H.

Paradise with a View
We spent two months at Casa Loma for nine delightful weeks and were spoiled by the apartment, the view and our hosts Tom and Igor. The apartment was clean and very well appointed. Tom and Igor looked after every detail and were available every day even just to say good morning. We loved the pool, the immaculate grounds, the other guests but most of all the view. Looking out over Flamingo and the Pacific Ocean every day spoiled us for other locations. Thanks Tom and Igor, we will be back. Pura Vida!

10/10 (非常に良い)

Eugene O.

Igor and Tom are just wonderful both were such a pleasure to meet. Can’t wait to go back again.
The property is located on a beautiful hill overlooking Flamingo and Portrero Bay with spectacular views of both mountains and ocean. The owners absolutely take pride in their properties and ensured that I had a pleasant experience throughout my stay. Igor was kind enough to give me a tour of the Properties and what all Villas Casa Loma has to offer (so much!). I cannot wait to come back to enjoy those beautiful sunsets and listening to the waves crash every morning.
2018 年 4 月に 3 泊滞在
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Milan I.

Incredible views and more......
One of the secret places of Costa Rica! You will not regret choosing Villas Casa Loma for your next vacation. Accommodations are all unique, spacious and comfortable. There is something for everyone. (one of our favorite activities was to settle in with a glass of wine on our spacious covered terrace and toast the sun setting over the ocean each evening.) Consider the fabulous sunsets, the wealth of wildlife, the friendliness of the 'locals' and expats, the fascinating things to see and do! Thank you Tom and Igor for making Villas Casa Loma such a special place to relax in! The pools, views, area activities, the fine restaurants, the friends we met ... All special... We will always remember our stay there with relatives and friends from Europe. From the moment we got off the airplane we did nothing but smile and laugh. What a great vacation! There is so much to see and do in the area of Flamingo Beach. We hardly scratched the surface, but kept very busy during our 2 month visit to Costa Rica. We are all planning to return for the fun and the friendships. The beaches are just the start for a wonderful tropical experience. Foodies will love the huge selection of great restaurants in the area. Active individuals will certainly enjoy - as we did - the many options for activities on both land and in the water. We fished offshore one day and had a fabulous time. The next day we went for a day trip to some fascinating local villages, took a spectacular river cruise, ate delicious local food and bought indigenous souvenirs for friends back home. Other days we either relaxed by one of the pools, visited various beaches of the area and snoozed in the shade of the palms that dot the property. Much to do! We highly recommend this property. Perhaps we will meet you there on our next trip.
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Tessa S.

Enjoyed our stay at Villas Casa Loma.
It was a family vacation of 8, with each group having their own suite within 2 of the beautiful villas. We all shared the same pool and ate our meals on the terrace. The local restaurants were great and there are 3 great beaches in the vicinity, however, a car is recommended to get around. The property is well maintained and very safe as the owners live on-site. They were very pleasant to deal with and extremely helpful. I would recommend this property.
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

maggie s.

First trip to Costa Rica
Igor & Tom ~ thank you so much for your hospitality to me and my family this past December. We made our decision based on finding Villas Casa Loma on Trip Advisor and the reviews that were written by others who stayed there. I could go on and on about our stay…but to simply say “it was everything and more” pretty much covers it. I instantly fell in love with Costa Rica as I had hoped I would and I have no doubt Villas Casa Loma sealed the deal. We enjoyed the many beaches, four wheeling, body surfing, zip lining, soaking up the sun around the pool and happy hour with the beautiful Pacific coast sunset. Now that we are home in Texas we have visions of relocating to Costa Rica dancing in our heads! Pura Vida ~ Maggie
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Amazing Experience
We love staying at Tom and Igor's fabulous villas. This was our 10th year coming down and enjoying their apartments and pool. We have traveled extensively throughout Central America, as well Costa Rica and Tom and Igor's Villas are by the far, the best places to rent. The amenities are fabulous, the staff are friendly and honest. The views and sunsets are spectacular! It is the perfect place to come alone or with the family to just relax and enjoy what Costa Rica has to offer. The Iguanas come by every afternoon for a visit and the Howler Monkey's hang in the tree's greeting everyone with their loud voices. We love it!!
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Villas Casa Loma
You definitely know you are on vacation when you stay at Villas Casa Loma. The atmosphere is very relaxing, quiet, and has great views of the Pacific Ocean. The grounds are well maintained, actually manicured, and the large swimming pool is the cleanest I've ever seen. There is actually another pool that I never used. The architecture is impressive with a lot of attention to detail. The owners live on site and are available anytime and they are very helpful including suggestions and directions for local restaurants, banks, shops, etc. This just might be the best place to stay in Playa Flamingo.
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

WONDERFUL HOLIDAY EXPERIENCE ! Our passion is travel…After extensive tours throughout Europe, Asia, North and South America we decided to visit Costa Rica in Central America. My wife and I were both very curious about this country, as we had heard that it is a country without an army, with the highest standard of living in Central America and known as ‘The Switzerland of Central America’. Our long trip from Slovakia to Hungary, Holland, Florida and finally to Liberia, Costa Rica was well worth the effort! We spent a very satisfying week at Villas Casa Loma in Flamingo Beach. We experienced hot springs, a spa in the jungle, volcano, beautiful beaches, great restaurants, friendly gentle people and incredible flora and fauna! Truly a tropical Paradise! Our hosts, Igor and Tom were always eager to help with bookings and suggestions for places to go. Our accommodations were spacious and the property was everything we could have wanted. The views of the surrounding area from our Suite were gorgeous, the pool and gardens inviting and the staff delightful. We were able to relax completely in the secure environment that is Villas Casa Loma. In summary, this was a truly amazing trip. The time passed too quickly. We certainly recommend this lovely topical Paradise! Thank you for the wonderful experiences - we will be back! Alexander and Yveta – Kosice, Slovakia March 22, 2012
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

We have visited Costa Rica regularly for the past 20+ years and whenever possible try to stay at Villas Casa Loma. Perched on the side of a mountain with stunning sunset views, it never ceases to amaze. There are two pools to relax in and around - one more social; the other, a short walk through the beautiful gardens, a little more quiet. Tom and Igor are always present to answer questions or recommend an outing and the staff accommodating and friendly. If you like a good morning walk or run, ask Tom and Igor about my route - approximately 7kms from the front door of my unit, down the mountain, along Flamingo Beach, around another mountain and back again...no better way to get going! A little pool time with a good book, an excursion into Flamingo or Tamarindo for lunch and home in time for a glass of wine and sunset - that pretty well sums up our days! Thanks Tom and Igor - we shall return!!
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Happy repeat visitor!
What a great place to visit in Guanacaste! This time we have stayed for 10 days in a Villa No 2 with breathtaking views of the ocean and surrounding greenery. There are flowers everywhere and birds and butterflies.This was not our first visit. We loved it before and came back more than once.Photographs on the web site represent this property accurately. The rooms are large with complete kitchen facilities, and everything is well maintained and clean. Owners are very helpful and go beyond the call of duty. Pools are large and very well maintained. We have recommended this property to many friends and many have come for a visit here as well. There are great beaches nearby, great restaurants, nearby volcanos, incredible spas and sanctuaries,zip line attractions,horse back riding....just a perfect vacation...a place to get away from it all. We always enjoy our visit and will come back again.
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Villa Casa Loma Pura Vida!!! Trip was too short!
My wife and I had a fantastic stay at Villa Casa Loma. Igor and Tom are wonderful hosts ! Igor gave us the " Royal " tour of the property when we arrived .He was passionately helpful with our questions and interests during our stay.He even drove us into to town to pick up our car rental and waited patiently to ensure the process went smoothly! The Villas & grounds are gorgeous and meticulously kept .Enjoyed meeting Ernesto ( grounds keeper ) who greeted us every morning and our goodbyes on our final day.We drove around the Guanacaste region extensively and Villa Casa Loma was a great "base camp". The beaches are all within a short drive or a decent walk. Very convenient location in proximity to the local grocery store and restaurants. The people were so pleasant and very friendly in Playa Flamingo , we can hardly wait to book our next vacation there! Far too short of a trip! We met alot of Canadians there as well and made some new friends! Thanks Tom & Igor!
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Our 2 1/2 months at Villas Casa Loma Costa Rica
Villas Casa Loma is like our home away from home and owners Tom and Igor are very special friends. We have visited Villas Casa Loma the last 4 years and we could not imagine to not return in 2013. Our accomadations are very spacious with beautiful large decks overlooking Flamingo beach the Bay the Pacific Ocean and gorgious sunsets. All of our furnitures were redone from last year and we also had new outdoor furniture. We loved it. We would absolutely recommend Villas Casa Loma and our children are all wanting to visit " our place of paradise". We both very much enjoy birding which is all over Costa Rica and of course also right at Villas Casa Loma. We always rent a car as we feel very confident in travelling around the country.Flamingo Beach as well as surrounding communities have wonderful restaurants with lots of fresh seafood but also good meat dishes. Thank you again for a great time Tom and Igor!!!
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Villa 5
My husband & I spent 3 months at Villas Casa Loma & were very pleased with our accommodation in Villa 5. It was very private & I had the pool to myself for much of the time. We met some very interesting people during our stay & found Ernesto & the maids very helpful, willingly solving any little problems. We really enjoyed the trip arranged by our hosts to Las Catalinas on Playa Danta & appreciated Lola's fish & chips. We stayed at Villas Casa Loma 3 years ago in the top floor of villa 2 which we also enjoyed. It's hard to say which accommodation we liked best. Villa 2 has wonderful views. We went to the restaurant Mar Y Sol this time & recommend it for the view & the food. The staff are very welcoming as at the other restaurants we went to. We appreciated Tom & Igor's knowledge of Guanacaste province & they do their very best to ensure the enjoyment of their guests.
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Thank you for a wonderful time!!
This was our 4th year at beautiful Villas Casa Loma with owners Igor and Tom. It has become our home away from home and the beauty of Villas Casa Loma and our accomodations where absolutely wonderful. Our Villa had all the indoor furniture redone and beautiful new outdoor furniture it was truly special and we can't thank our friends Tom and Igor enough for how kind they were toward us.Both Tom and Igor are very helpful to all there guest with information of the area. We have rented a car every year we have been there and would recommend others but you can definitly get around with out by using taxis etc. We loved the pool and we are greatful for meeting new people and long lasting friendships by all.We love birding all over Costa Rica but also find beautiful birds right from our balconies at Villas Casa Loma. We will absolutely recommend Villas Casa Loma and our children and grandchildren are hoping to come to this special place next year us included of course. Flamingo Beach and the surounding villages have wonderful restaurants beautiful beaches and a warm and inviting ocean. It is Paradise. See you next year, Rick and Gisela
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

A beautiful villa
My wife and I spent a little over a week at Villas Casa Loma and thoroughly enjoyed the grounds, the pools and the flamingo beach area. Igor and Tom were excellent hosts who pointed us in the direction of excellent food, sights and activities. We loved our trip to Costa Rica and would definitely stay at the Villas Casa Loma again. I will certainly be recommending it to friends and family.
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Unique and special!
Once again we have had the pleasurable experience of spending 2 memorable month at Villas Casa Loma.The weather wasabsolutely perfect for the entire time that we were there.We loved watching the birds of our private balcony in the early mornings.Sunny mornings spenton the unique beaches of the area and afternoon whiled away in and around one of the tropical swimming pools,surrounded by gently waving palm trees.Evenings were generally cool with light breezes.Great for sleep! Our hosts Igor and Tom were generous with their time,taking us on shopping excusion when they could find the time and to varios beaches whigh were too far for comfortable walk,but well worth the visit.One of our faourites was Playa Danta and Lola's Restaurant,were we in a group of friends for a mid- day meal on the beach,pure magic! To visit to Casa Loma is to experience a whole new way of relaxing. Thanks to the delightful staff,we were spoiled without ever feeling over-pampered. A safe,clean,truly friendly place to while away the winter month!We recommend Villas Casa Loma highly-and we already booked winter 2013,and we will be back!!!!!!! Magda&Johan
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Escape to Paradise
We have recently returned from a memorable 10 days and 9 nights at the Villas Casa Loma. We stayed in Villa 3 which is situated dramatically on the side of a mountain with spectacular views from every window. In the back there are mountains with tropical vegetation and through all the other windows you can see the ocean.. There is a veranda with breath taking views of the ocean, mountains and a picturesque bay with sailboats. Every night we could watch the sunset in a blaze of color. Igor and Tom built the villa using native materials with soaring wood ceilings and gorgeous stone and woodwork. Every villa is uniquely decorated. Our villa had a long counter with chairs all on one side, cleverly facing the ocean. It was the dry season so the flowering trees and bushes were in full bloom and it was very hot. Igor and Tom had thought of everything for our comfort. We had multiple ceiling fans in every room and even on the veranda. There was air conditioning which we did need during the afternoons. We are swimmers so really appreciated the large pools and found time everyday where the pool was completely empty! Tom and Igor were perfect hosts and offered assistance in so many ways. The sent us to great local restaurants: Angelina's, Marie's, Carlos y Carlos, and Mar y Sol to name a few. The seafood is some of the best we have ever had. Tom, Igor and some of their other friendly guests advised us about beaches and towns to visit nearby. We vacationed with our daughter and her husband who had their own private room and bathroom with it's own entrance down a few steps from our villa. This was the perfect arrangement so they could have privacy, yet share our kitchen and veranda and spend time with us. One thing I must mention is that we had some trouble with our car rental in Liberia and were very worried about returning it at the end of the vacation. Igor offered to go with us to the local office to talk to the manager about the problem we had in Liberia and try to smooth our return. He must have worked magic because we had no problem when returning the car. I would avoid economy rentacar in Liberia. We had a wonderful and memorable trip to Costa Rica and highly recommend the Villas Casa Loma. In fact we have told all our friends are are worried they will all go and there won't be room for us!
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Good value for your money
For the first time in our lives we have taken a 30 day holiday - and now regret that we did not do this sooner! Our stay at Villas Casa Loma was much more than we expected and was made even more memorable by our thoughtful hosts, Tom & Igor, who went out of their way to include us in local activities, shopping trips, beach excursions, etc. Mornings were spent mostly walking the lovely beaches of the area. Afternoons were spent swimming and sunning by one of the 2 beautiful tropical pools. The time just flew by! Many new friends. Many wonderful experiences! Our accommodations were clean, comfortable and the premises were well maintained. Our beds were very comfortable, we received fresh towels every 2nd day and new fresh sheets once a week. Accommodations were just right. The staff was very friendly and helpful, too. Low key and wonderful! One of many highlights was a Sunday excursion to Playa Dante and Lola's Restaurant, where we dined on great fish and chips plus local beer under the trees by the beautiful beach - enchanting! On our last evening Igor and Tom organized a going away dinner which was another happy memory for us. We are very glad that we decided to join with two of our friends for a much-needed winter holiday at this special oasis. We highly recommend this property to anyone who is seeking a peaceful, soul-refreshing break from the routines of everyday life! We'll be back... E&K, Ontario, Canada
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Extraordinarily relaxing!
Villas Casa Loma is an exceptional vacation property....for those guests wanting views, spacious accommodations, atmosphere, and convenience to Guanacaste's northern pacific region. The property was much more than expected and our hosts Igor and Tom were always available to share CR history, give directions, make restaurant reservations, and make sure our needs were met. We recommend Congo Trails for zip lining, river tours, and the Lazy Lizard boat tours in Flamingo Bay.Our favorite restaurants were Marie's, Lola's North and South, Mar Y Sol, Marco Polo, and Carlos and Carlos. We are most certainly recommending this property!
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Alina N.

Amazing vacation for a group of friends!!!
After this experience You will never want to go back to any other country and especially all inclusive resorts with boundaries on you and your family!!! A week ago me, my bf and 5 of our friends came back from Costa Rica. We stayed in villa 5. We had an idea of what it looked like based on the website pictures BUT its nothing compared to the first time we walked in and saw it in person. It was absolutely beautiful, spacious, stunning and extremely clean! Tom and Igor have amazing taste and idea of how convey home cosines in paradise for families or group of friends. Sparkly clean pool that was bigger than I expected and was perfect for those morning laps facing the rainforest with papaya trees all around. Shower outside of the pool and clean bathroom were extremely comfortable for evening hang outs around the pool, saving walks up the stairs. This was my second time in Costa Rica at flamingo beach and i remembered that white sand and fun waves, but unfortunately we couldn’t find the beach until the last day. The beach is literally 15 min walk from the villa right in front of “Flamingo Resort and Spa” resort and its one of the top 10 best beaches in the world. Grocery store was 10min drive from the villa that had everything we needed. We went to volcano Arenal for 2 days and did a lot of fun stuff but all of us couldn’t wait to get back to our villa, it felt like our home so fast. And of course how can we not mention Ernesto who was such a helpful and attentive man at all times with 0 expectations. Overall best vacation ever, I can’t wait to be able to go again and stay at that same villa. All of us suggest this place and promise you will have no regrets or concerns!!! Its affordable and in a very good location with beautiful views! Thank You Igor and Tom for building such beautiful villas! Pura Vida ;) Alina
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Costa Rica Above the Beach
The property owner Tom was fantastic.... very accommodating. He let us play in the swimming pool until well past midnight. He brought in separate beds into Villa 1 for our little kids. Fans and AC worked great. The views from Villa 1 were excellent! Directions were good..... it's about 45 minutes from Liberia airport. The only minuses were the ants in the kitchen (but they seem to frequent every kitchen in Costa Rica), even at huge gold star resorts. It would have been nice if Visa was accepted too. Overall, I highly recommend it!
この口コミは 2017 年以前に投稿されており、内容は検証されていません。

10/10 (非常に良い)

Terry & Steve B.、Georgia

Flamingo Beach Vacation July 2011
Our trip to Villas Casa Loma and Flamingo Beach was wonderful. It was our first time to Costa Rica. We were hesitant to go in the "rainy" season, but after talking with our host Tom, we were optimistic about the weather. Tom was right that Costa Rica is very much like Florida in the summer, where we would have a rain shower in the afternoons, but the rest of the day would be sunny and beautiful. We were very glad that we picked July to come, the country is lush and beautiful, a very tropical setting. We were so glad that we picked Villas Casa Loma, Tom was available to us for everything from perfect driving directions, to excellent recommendations for dining, and activities, such as zip lining, beautiful beaches, etc. He even got us invited to an exclusive dinner at Mar y Sol where we sat with the owner and his wife celebrating the 4th of July!! Our villa was gorgeous, overlooking the Pacific ocean. Spotlessly clean, with every amenity. We really enjoyed our 7 days in Villas Casa Loma, and look forward to visiting again. Highly recommended!!


オーナー : Dr. Igor Svoboda

Dr. Igor Svoboda - retired Veterinarian and Tom Graydon - retired Criminologist & Realtor - have one thing in common: An intense LOVE of nature and all of God's creatures - especially things tropical!
We have always been surrounded by pets and plants, mountains and water, so it was only natural for us to gravitate to this beautiful little corner of Paradise...


After travelling extensively through many countries of the world, we came to Costa Rica for the first time 30 years ago and instantly fell in love with the nature, people, flora and fauna of this gentle country. Almost 30 years ago (1989) we purchased a very large natural preserve nestled above the Pacific ocean in a very sleepy, quiet community of Flamingo Beach in the Pacific North-Western province of Guanacaste. We never looked back - never regretted this decision. In fact, we started by building our first house. Then a guest house, followed by a pool. Before we knew it, we had designed and built a unique complex of beautiful Villas with 2 large pools - all built with the highest regard for their tropical surroundings and natural setting. From every window or terrace, one can appreciate the magic of Nature. It has been very rewarding personally for us to create this unique little corner of Paradise!


Flamingo Beach is often referred to as the Monte Carlo of Costa Rica's 'Gold Coast' !

Balmy tropical breezes and ionized air coming off the Pacific Ocean are wonderfully healing... The health benefits are astounding!

Come relax in this healing cradle and rejuvenate yourself!

Enjoy spectacular vistas that will re-energize your spirits!

Join with other international travellers who have found a true sense of peace in this tranquil, gentle land!


言語 :

英語, ドイツ語, イタリア語, スペイン語, ロシア語, チェコ語, ハンガリー語, ポーランド語
