






8 camere2+ bagniPer 19 persone200 m²

Servizi più richiesti

  • Griglia da barbecue
    Griglia da barbecueGriglia da barbecue
  • Vasca idromassaggio
    Vasca idromassaggioVasca idromassaggio
  • Piscina
  • Lavatrice
  • Cucina
  • Asciugatrice

Esplora la zona

Champagny-En-Vanoise, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
  • Località più richiesteStazione Sciistica di La Plagne1 min a piedi
  • Località più richiesteStazione sciistica La Tania15 min in auto
  • Località più richiesteStazione sciistica Paradiski33 min in auto
  • AeroportoLione (LYS-Saint-Exupery)112 min in auto

Recensioni più pertinenti

Camere e letti

8 camere (19 posti letto)

Camera da letto

2 letti singoli

Camera da letto

1 letto matrimoniale

Camera da letto

2 letti singoli

Camera da letto

2 letti singoli

Camera da letto

2 letti singoli

Camera da letto

1 letto matrimoniale

Camera da letto

2 letti singoli

Camera da letto

3 letti singoli

Camera da letto

1 letto matrimoniale

2 bagni, 2 bagni di servizio


Vasca o doccia · WC


WC · Solo doccia


Vasca o doccia · WC


WC · Solo doccia


WC · Solo doccia






Solo doccia


Terrazza o patio
Sala da pranzo separata
Area giochi all'aperto

Informazioni su questa struttura


NB. Il PREZZO PREVENTIVO è calcolato sulla condivisione di 16 persone. Il prezzo può variare leggermente a seconda dei numeri. Modificheremo questo per adattarlo al tuo gruppo esatto. Costo minimo 14 adulti paganti. Gruppi più piccoli considerati integratori. Chalet Marmotte è uno splendido chalet con servizio di catering nella vivace località sciistica di Champagny en Vanoise, Paradiski. Si trova in una posizione privilegiata di fronte al villaggio quindi non ci sono altri chalet a rovinare le vostre opinioni perfette e di essere una località così compatta, tutto il necessario, compresi gli impianti di risalita e piste sono a soli 5 minuti a piedi dallo chalet . I nostri chef e team esperti vi delizieranno ogni giorno con deliziosi piatti cucinati in casa, cibo di alta qualità che riflette la nostra passione per i prodotti regionali freschi e l'entusiasmo per la cucina. Per il relax si ha il lusso della nostra favolosa piscina coperta, vasca idromassaggio e sauna. C'è un sacco di altri intrattenimenti in-house, con TV satellitare, una grande TV a schermo piatto con suono surround e ping pong e piscina nella sala giochi. Se hai voglia di passeggiare dopo cena, i negozi, i caffè e i bar accoglienti del villaggio sono a pochi passi, con i bar principali che spesso hanno band dal vivo e DJ fino alle prime ore del mattino.

Champagny en Vanoise - Village Resort: Champagny è un autentico villaggio di montagna con un carattere che rispecchia ancora le sue antiche origini contadine. Piccoli sentieri collegano vecchie fattorie e chalet in un villaggio dove la vita tradizionale della Savoia e del turismo moderno maglia insieme senza problemi. Il villaggio ha un'atmosfera vivace con negozi, bar e ristoranti raggiungibili a piedi. Di notte, Le Timballo, Les Rochers e le Pichouan sono i principali punti focali per bere e ballare con musica dal vivo e DJ 'S.

Sciare e imbarco a Champagny: A funivia fruste sciatori al comprensorio sciistico Champagny (2000m) in soli 7 minuti, che è dove si trovano i campi scuola. Tre brillanti lunghe piste blu sono grandi per imparare e progredire a mentre gli sciatori esperti possono zip al superbo fuori pista entrambi i lati. Avete una scelta di due piste rosse per tornare al villaggio, alla fine della giornata. Champagny offre accesso diretto a La Plagne, ma è meno affollata, quindi è molto più tranquilla e più piacevole, specialmente durante le settimane di picco.

Sci & Boarding Spazio Paradiski che comprende sia La Plagne e Les Arcs, i due collegati tra loro dal più grande funivia del mondo, l'enorme 'Vanoise Express Telecabine'. L'intera area sciistica copre una massiccia 425 km di piste preparate finemente in uno dei più grandi comprensori sciistici d'Europa interconnessi. Con più di 180 piste blu e rosse a crociera lungo, la maggior parte degli sciatori e snowboarder possono percorrere grandi distanze intorno ai 16 villaggi. Alcuni molto lunghe piste nere scendono sia il Bellecote Glacier (3250 m) e l'Aiguille Rouge (3225m) dentro e fuori pista. Ci sono anche diversi, nel bel viale alberato piste che scendono in Vallandry, Piano Peissey e Montchavin. Ci sono anche numerosi gobbe nella zona e 2 parchi da tavolo, half pipe e piste boarder trasversali.

Responsabile della struttura

Steve & Emma


Inglese, francese

Paga in modo sicuro: prenota sempre su Vrbo

Se qualcuno ti chiede di prenotare o pagare direttamente su un sito diverso da quello di Vrbo, segnalacelo.


Vasca idromassaggio
Animali ammessi

Regole della casa

Il check-in inizia alle ore 16:00
Età minima per affittare: 18
Il check-out è entro le ore 10:00


Bambini ammessi: 0-17 anni


Eventi consentiti: riunioni di famiglia e feste di compleanno

Animali domestici

Sono ammessi gli animali domestici: massimo 3

Politica fumatori

Non è consentito fumare
No smoking in chalet - ashtrays provided outside

Informazioni importanti

Da ricordare

Questa struttura è gestita da un host professionista, che la affitta in ambito commerciale, imprenditoriale o professionale.
Per eventuali ospiti aggiuntivi possono essere previsti supplementi, variabili in base alla politica della struttura.
All'arrivo, oltre a un documento di identità comprensivo di foto, potrebbero essere richieste una carta di credito/debito o una caparra in contanti per eventuali spese accessorie.
Tutte le richieste speciali sono soggette a disponibilità al momento dell'arrivo e possono comportare spese aggiuntive. Le richieste speciali non sono garantite.
Sono ammessi eventi e feste in loco (come riunioni di famiglia e feste di compleanno); il numero degli invitati non deve essere superiore a 19.
L'host ha indicato la presenza di un rilevatore di monossido di carbonio in struttura.
L'host ha indicato la presenza di un rilevatore di fumo in struttura.
La struttura è dotata di un estintore antincendio.

Dettagli aggiuntivi

In base alla normativa vigente, non si accettano pagamenti in contanti per importi superiori a 1000 GBP. Per maggiori informazioni, contatta direttamente la struttura utilizzando i recapiti indicati nella conferma della prenotazione.
Non è necessaria l'auto per gli spostamenti da e per la struttura.

Informazioni sulla zona

Champagny en Vanoise

Questo chalet si trova a Champagny en Vanoise e vanta una posizione strategica in montagna. Comprensorio Sciistico di Méribel e Seggiovia Villards (Les Arcs 1800) Ski Lift sono due tappe fondamentali per gli amanti delle attività. Viaggi con dei bambini? Che ne dici di fare tappa a Montchavin-les-Coches Ice Rink e Evolution 2? Ammira gli stupefacenti animali della zona con le escursioni alla ricerca di animali selvatici e il birdwatching.
Champagny-En-Vanoise, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Cosa c’è nei dintorni?

  • Stazione Sciistica di La Plagne - 1 min a piedi
  • Stazione sciistica La Tania - 15 min in auto
  • Courchevel 1300 - 17 min in auto
  • Stazione sciistica Paradiski - 33 min in auto
  • Comprensorio Sciistico di Méribel - 50 min in auto

Come spostarsi

  • Moutiers (QMU-Stazione ferroviaria di Moutiers) - 24 min. in auto
  • Grenoble (GNB-Grenoble - Isere) - 121 min. in auto


  • ‪Le Roc des Blanchets - ‬42 min in auto
  • ‪La Table de Marie - ‬17 min in auto
  • ‪La Rotisserie - ‬18 min in auto
  • ‪Le Saint Roch - ‬5 min in auto
  • ‪Les borseliers - ‬15 min in auto

Domande frequenti


Sì, la struttura dispone di una piscina coperta. Le piscine sono riscaldate o di altro tipo.


Sì, questo chalet ammette gli animali domestici (massimo 3 in totale).

A che ora si deve eseguire il check-in presso CATERED CHALET - PISCINA - VASCHE CALDE - SAUNA - VICINO ASCENSORE?

Orario di inizio del check-in: 16:00.

A che ora si deve eseguire il check-out presso CATERED CHALET - PISCINA - VASCHE CALDE - SAUNA - VICINO ASCENSORE?

Orario del check-out: 10:00.


Con una buona posizione in montagna, questo chalet per famiglie a Champagny en Vanoise si trova a 10 minuti a piedi da luoghi d'interesse come Stazione Sciistica di La Plagne e Funivia di Champagny. Stazione Sciistica Aime 2000 e Stazione sciistica Paradiski si trovano a meno di 10 km di distanza.




Le recensioni vengono mostrate in ordine cronologico, sono soggette a un processo di moderazione e sono verificate, salvo indicazione contraria.
Scopri di piùApertura in un’altra finestra
Valutazione di 10 - Eccellente. 7 su 15 recensioni" "
Valutazione di 8 - Buono. 5 su 15 recensioni" "
Valutazione di 6 - Soddisfacente. 1 su 15 recensioni" "
Valutazione di 4 - Scarso. 2 su 15 recensioni" "
Valutazione di 2 - Terribile. 0 su 15 recensioni" "










Accuratezza dell’annuncio


8/10 Buono

Christophe D., Caen

Mi è piaciuto: Pulizia, check-in, posizione e accuratezza dell’annuncio
Vacances au chalet
Chalet très sympa même si le toit aurait besoin d’une revision
Soggiorno di 7 notti a marzo 2024

6/10 Soddisfacente

eric m.

Mi è piaciuto: Pulizia
Non mi è piaciuto: Check-in e comunicazione
Raining in a room
1/ Pourquoi payer en £ à des anglais et régler des frais bancaires alors que les propriétaires sont français ? 2/ Le topo pour l'accès est un sketch traduit de l'anglais dans un français incompréhensible. C'est pourtant hyper simple puisque le chalet se trouve juste sous les terrains de tennis direction Pralognan. 3/ L'accueil est fait par une jeune femme très gentille mais qui ne connaissait pas plus que cela le lieu. ALORS que les propriétaires (deux frères) vivent dans les chalets voisins !! On marche sur la tête ... 4/ La porte de l'une des 6 chambres utilisées ne fermait pas car les gonds étaient arrachés. Nous l'avons signalé le 1er jour mais le propriétaire n'est venu que le 4eme jour. Un des couples a donc dû dormir la porte ouverte. Merci pour l'intimité ! 5/ 4eme jour : dans cette même chambre, suite à la fonte de la neige sur le toit, ce même couple a trouvé le lit trempé. Décidément pas de chance ! Mais le propriétaire a enfin daigné se déplacer. Un bâche a été posée sur le toit et la porte bricolée le vendredi en fin de journée. Nous partions dimanche matin ... 5/ Il a fallut pleurer pour avoir un WIFI accessible. Sinon à part une toiture en très mauvais état le chalet est pratique. Cusine bien équipée. Salles de bains dans 4 des 6 chambres. Déco et finitions simples. Piscine et jacuzzi (en commun) dans une jolie salle en pierre et en bois mais jacuzzi extérieur totalement inutile à notre avis.
Soggiorno di 7 notti a gennaio 2024

4/10 Scarso

Lennart S.

Mi è piaciuto: Posizione
Non mi è piaciuto: Pulizia, check-in, comunicazione e accuratezza dell’annuncio
Erwartungen an das Luxus Chalet nicht erfüllt
Einwöchiger Aufenthalt über Sylvester 2023/24 mit 13 Personen. Für das Geld hätten wir mehr erwartet. Viel alter Schmutz und Staub in den Schränken und unter den Betten. Chalet ziemlich heruntergewohnt, Matratzen alt und allesamt durchgelegen. Viele Kleinigkeiten nicht in Ordnung, die in der Summe störend sind, bspw kaputte Glühbirnen oder lose Tür Beschläge die ein Schließen verhindern. Aus unserer Sicht ist das Chalet nicht mit der angegebenen Anzahl Personen gut bewohnbar, bspw Platz für Max 12 Personen am Esstisch. Gemeinsam mit anderen Chalets genutzter Poolbereich auch nicht gut gepflegt, Wasser unappetitlich und Whirlpool tagelang kalt. Manager war schwer zu erreichen die Reaktionszeiten waren lang, bspw im Fall der verstopften Spüle.
Soggiorno di 7 notti a dicembre 2023

4/10 Scarso

Swann L.

Non mi è piaciuto: Pulizia, check-in, comunicazione e accuratezza dell’annuncio
Pas la hauteur...Piscine commune & chalet pour 14 adultes max.
Très déçu de la prestation pour une semaine très chère... ATTENTION : Piscine commune avec les autres chalets et non privative comme le suggère l'annonce. 7 chambres et non 9 comme indiqué sur l'annonce (il y a 2 mezzanines pour les enfants). La déception provient du décalage entre l'annonce et la réalité. La propreté de la cuisine laisse à désirer. Poêles et casseroles usagées. Dommage, car le cadre est l'emplacement sont bien. Ne vaux pas son prix.
Soggiorno di 7 notti a febbraio 2022

8/10 Buono

Christoforos C.

Mi è piaciuto: Check-in, comunicazione, posizione
Non mi è piaciuto: Accuratezza dell’annuncio
Very nice place for a large group, enjoyed the food and the facilities.
We stayed in chalet Marmotte for 4 days, when we visited Champagny for a ski break. Communication with the owner was great, with a lot of information provided in advance as well as a lot of options given (buy our ski passes for us with a small discount per pass as well, food choices, ski lessons, airport transfer). The chalet manager also contacted us separately to provide information and ask if we had any special requirements. The chalet is part of a complex of several other properties it shares some of the facilities (sauna, swimming pool, game room). It is in a quite neighborhood, approximately 400 meters from the gondola that connects Champagny with the rest of La Plagne. Unfortunately it is fairly uphill to get to the gondola but the chalet team ahs made an arrangement with a ski hire location next to the lift for the customers to leave their shoes there. The place has 20 beds in total but it gets very tight if all the beds are occupied. Also the rooms in reality are 7 with 2 of them being family rooms with a mezzanine space above the main room with 4 and 2 extra beds respectively. These are great for kids but if the group has more than 7 couples, sleeping arrangements can be made complicated. The team that hosted us and sorted the breakfast and dinner were really polite, professional and enthusiastic about hosting us. They made every effort to please us and made our stay enjoyable. Breakfast could have more variety and quantity but the team there made extra effort to accommodate us once we pointed that out. Dinner was really good with 3 courses that were different every day and some special arrangements for a toddler in the group. Overall a really nice time, definitely would recommend it for a large group, especially if there are families with kids. If the group is more than 16-18 adults with several couples, it might be worth combining it with one of the other smaller properties in the complex.
Soggiorno di 4 notti a gennaio 2020

8/10 Buono

Scarlett S.

A lovely stay with gorgeous food!
We had a great time in our chalet! The upstairs rooms where perfect for families and the loft rooms where great for our children who enjoyed their “dens”! The food was delicious, each night we where more and more impressed with the food served. The staff where really kind and helpful. One member was even qualified in massages! The pool was gorgeous and relaxing with two options for jacuzzis, one communal (with 2-3 other chalets) and one private, set in our massive garden! Steve was great and very helpful when booking!

8/10 Buono

jacky m.

Great chalet as decribed, loved the pool and hot tub and team are keen to please
We stayed here in a group and the chalet team were happy to cater for our weird dietary needs. The hot tub was refilled daily and the views are fantastic. The pool was good for a dip and the sauna was super. The chalet team catered to our every need and we had a comfy stay. You do have a warm up walk to the lift and the bubble is good to avoid the icy runs home. The recommended hire shop was helpful and well stocked too! Great value for facilities offered. Highly recommend a stay here!
Soggiorno di 7 notti a febbraio 2019

10/10 Eccellente

didier s.

an amazing house on an awesome location
we had an unforgettable time with all colleagues and partners together. a super teambuilding that has done well for everyone. to fully relax and enjoy in a fairy-like setting. very nice breakfast and dinner. we can recommend it to everyone

10/10 Eccellente

emma c.

Amazing facilities at this relaxed chalet, attentive staff and great food so a great combination!
Thanks Barrelli for a fantastic week at Chalet Marmotte. Nik’s food was fantastic and there was lots of it. We particularly loved Joe and his dry sense of humour and laid back approach to hosting us! The chalet is run with a friendly, relaxed atmosphere but the staff are always there to help when needed which suited us great. The chalet is located in a lovely quiet spot, with stunning views but still close to the village and skiing. The walk up to the lift is steep but not long so we power walked up in the morning for a good little warm up! You don't have to do in your ski boots as we collected our equipment from the boot warming racks at the ski hire shop near the lift every morning. We especially loved the pool and hot tub in front of the chalet which both had amazing views across the valley. Steve was really helpful during the booking process and seamlessly organised our airport transfers and we pre booked our ski passes through the resort manager Sarah, so they were waiting for us in the resort but we didn't have to pay until we arrived. All in all, it was a great holiday, we will definitely be back next year!
Soggiorno di 7 notti a marzo 2018

10/10 Eccellente

Claire S.

wonderful ski retreat
We had a fabulous week in Champangny staying in Chalet Marmotte. The chalet was warm and inviting with plenty of space for the whole group. We were looked after really well by Sarah the resort manager and the whole team making lift passes and ski hire seamless. The chalet is conveniently located with just a short walk to ski shop and lifts. Champagny is a lovely small resort with a good selection of bars and shops we were there the first week of the season so it was really quiet which suited us fine. The chalet had everything we needed with comfortable beds, plenty of bathrooms and hot water! The communal area worked well and spent most evenings in here by the fire playing silly games. There was plenty of seating for everyone. The chalet staff were amazing and we were very well looked after, cooked breakfast everyday, lovely cake in the afternoon and a delicious evening meal. A real treat. The other facilities were the icing on the cake, having the pool, hot tubs and games room were an added bonus, but as we were so lucky with the snow we spent most of our time on the slopes. We had one non-skier in the group who really enjoyed her daily dip in the pool with a view. Thank you Barelli Ski for a fantastic week and excellent service.
Questa recensione risale a prima del 2018 e non è stata verificata.

10/10 Eccellente

John F.

Fantastic facility for a relaxing holiday
This is the second time I have stayed at Chalet Marmotte and I more than lived up to the reputation I t had gained first time around. Champagy is a small resort - in fact it is more a small Alpine farming village with some skiing facilities - but it is a stunning location and the easy access o the La Plagne ski area gives loads of options for all standards of skier. The chalet it self is well appointed and the facilities are great. It is hard to beat looking down the valley from the hot tub after a hard days skiing. However the staff are the real clinching factor here. They are friendly, make sure the basics (passes, equipment hire, lesson bookings, transfers) are looked after with the minimum of fuss, provide advice and tips about skiing and other local facilities but best of all provide an excellent catering experience. I would happily recommend this chalet to anyone but it would particularly suit a groups of friend or an extended family.
Questa recensione risale a prima del 2018 e non è stata verificata.

10/10 Eccellente

Heather S.

A little piece of heaven
Everything was perfect from the situation of the chalet (little village with stunning views across the valley), bedrooms & general areas (comfortable, stylish and homely), food (varied, plentiful & absolutely delicious), facilities (there is nothing better than soaking your weary muscles in an outdoor hot tub with stunning scenery all around) and the staff (friendly, efficient and so helpful). In fact it was my birthday when we were there & Kiki made me one of the most delicious chocolate birthday cakes I've ever eaten (that washed down with champagne was memorable). It was a fantastic holiday. If you want a piece of heaven - both to stay and ski you needn't look elsewhere.
Questa recensione risale a prima del 2018 e non è stata verificata.

8/10 Buono

F J.

Great Chalet for family and friends
We had a great time. Staff were really good and looked after us superbly (from booking to leaving) - v. friendly and food was good too. Definitely would recommend.
Questa recensione risale a prima del 2018 e non è stata verificata.

10/10 Eccellente

Hayley D.

Fabulous chalet in great location
Note : arrival date was 18/12/15 - Xmas week. Fabulous chalet with great facilities in beautiful location and grounds. Despite a short steep walk to gondola the access to skiing was easy. Over Xmas the snow was limited but we still managed to ski as la plagne is such a large high ski area. Chalet hosts were excellent with great food, service, childcare and couldn't do enough for us. The hot tub on the terrace was a huge bonus after a day of skiing. All arrangements beforehand were also dealt with efficiently by Steve at barelli ski meaning that the whole booking experience was straightforward for a group of 17! We would definitely return which says it all
Questa recensione risale a prima del 2018 e non è stata verificata.

10/10 Eccellente

Melvin M.

Fantastic Location - Awesome facilities
The village was perfect and very picturesque with the location of the chalet excellent in relation to the bars, restaurants and Gondola Bedrooms were comfortable and the pool was fantastic for the kids along with the steam room and games room. We were made to feel very welcome by Natalie, Alan, Brett and Rachel. They really mixed in with our crowd and worked hard to accommodate our needs A couple of outstanding examples of this were………………. • Some of the meal options were a little too rich for our younger tourers so Alan worked with us to pull together some menu options that suited the whole party • One of our families had a catastrophe at Christmas where they were involved in the floods in Yalding Kent that were on the National news. The guys really helped out with access to scanners and printers. There were others that “popped in and out” through the course of the week but these 4 guys deserve a mention Prior to our holiday, the information flow really helped us with directions, lift passes, ski hire etc. We have been back for 2 months now and I so want to go back ! BOOK NOW - YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT !

Informazioni sull’host

Host: Steve & Emma

Immagine del profilo dell’host
Established in 1992, Barrelli Ski, owned by Steve and Emma have been running this our first fully catered chalet since last century! We now run 2 large chalets and 2 smaller apartments nestled here together in a horseshoe type arrangement. After Chalet Marmotte went so well, we added the 14 person Chalet Sapiniere (#3489) in 2001, a 6-8 person Apt. Flocon in 2003 (#439615) and then finally the 4-6 person Apt. Glacon in 2008, which was the last to complete the set! This gave us autonomy over the whole immediate area! This chalet can be taken on its own or in conjunction with our other chalet and apartments, depending on group numbers and levels of privacy or communality required! An indoor swimming pool and spa were built in 2010 adding another dimension to this already fantastic chalet. Our two boys were born in 2005 and 2007 and learnt to ski in Champagny and Les Houches where we also own a fantastic 15 person chalet - Rocky Mountain (#3081). We have lived in various places in the UK and now love living near sandy surfing beaches in beautiful Cornwall!

Perché ha scelto questa struttura

It is in a beautiful situation in a real French village - a fantastic ski resort in its own right with links to practically unlimited skiing and snowboarding. It has a fast, modern lift system and lots of affordable family and beginner passes and various lesson and ski pass options. In essence, we fell in love with Champagny because it has the best of both worlds! It has a fantastic ski area but also a natural charm and ambience which makes it different to many mass marketed ski resorts.

Cosa rende unica questa struttura

It is in a stunning setting with beautiful views. Everyone loves looking out at the cold snowy mountains from the warm jacuzzi and swimming pool! We are a small family business with nearly 30yrs knowledge and experience, so we really feel we have finely honed our product over many years. Our top priority is providing high quality food and service at very affordable prices. (Not now available due to COVID).

Lingue parlate:

Inglese, Francese
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